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May 10, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-10

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31f ~ ~ ~ el weekly, no thenrliractice work jus-
- +*+0&41sit e tite it, util the cdita of lihemet
wvith Chicago 3May 2). Thse ow
Pubished D-aily (Sundays excepted dring there and the events in which %oY
the College ear, at will compete arc no follmv: Captailn
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Heald, one-quarter ltule rn; ernor
OrICE: Times building, 7 S. Mate St be-
tween Lierty and William St, hgh and hi-ai ltunps; Ayrs, esrtes;
M5ANAING EDITOR bter hrdles ani tine-quartet1, iil(
. F. TaoMAS, i7. in; iatlernan, one-uartrc imile run;
ASST IOANA(ING EDITOROI Wood, distane cns; Thoma, 1WiOt
F. S. Ssuoa, 'is.
-- 2205 yards tdases; Mugi, one-loirotr
II, .i. SnosiDLAN, 'is L.. end ou-half ite runs; Miean~tt, 7-er-
i3UItNERsO iANAEtt slts and brad jump.
Q't kl~ts, 8. t ai meting of (le Board of tonics-I
EIS ?IORS Ipiast wek it was dlci led u-cit to sIl
F.. nersossl, '8 . 1I . Abarur.. 'ft.
F. A. Fres, '(1 E. A. Caroci., 'itt iy :eiettoive~s to te 'liicieag
+. . HIJuse, 'to. T. R. WOOROW , 's
BUoeneuLACisa.'o. c. . Jssiri ')9ยข sCarnia itito10ue helt inte Cih-
s iiithis week. Th'tic ol-'of liii-
- 9 tell ion lsit' factitilt, wheli.
-not to bt ie lt-ttuiiidir telct-lit l oti'
The suhscrptin price at the Daly iis it50
for the ccle yeiwith a reuar-c Olivcey i l itienienis, astule 2 othiei-C-uo ga
brforenoson eachi day. Ntices. commuica-
tion, asd other matter iteiied oe palica- cc-ii eii~ei oget-int clls ti. tli;a-
ionamusthee(ihaded in at she Daiy office be-
for 8 F- m., or mailed tu the ciditor eoec 3 mnlls- .il ile onference olit-i:,
p.., of the day previous to that o ihici
they are expected Ioapapear. into~eliticmpileitg, ani itihiit
Subciptiona may e ieft at Te aily
Oaice, Meyers r Stutets Newaisd or sO thlisew ony iivliin the ottitid so.
with BusinesiManagr. Sueriers swill co--
fer a faor by recorting prmtlyiv a this Nb-itli this meet ceiietd, tin- lisat
sffct auV faiureeufcarriers tu deuve piper.
- Cisompetition i ith liiiOtitd" Asiiii-
Again is Clil-usgo ilifeatt ii ll4 i lon (lhii Mieiglat Aiiiliiiavewlt] b
gaistiy ai-oe siore. 'Thii' eglail; ihat ithicag s-o aitheri iii, di'v.
of this nl i.irinoc, fori ts ect csiJdle t itr tanthetieam tw1 illgo tis lb
aede-l iioe to pti--i-ckils bll i o .1. ao and c'mieteicin lt'.e .A .
lackof i ailily ,is 1h-coit-s l an l otitlA. imeet aurot _, aiii if te li 1ot"c
Oii. Buit aesi c oviindtt li ~ l y of ('lifornuia t' iir ioie-t i will
igauns stari'n ort' i ehtiintiit I Ilnicdliisiit liensotl aftert-t tist.c ilt
not iii.- (Siteameviphnieiiood (bll. iiisr-olegie emci-.t. r tledii
bit t(hey 1p1aycIdiiijcdeise irtuii f 1o s'of gtlling a1 l'in cute cautdidts
liiie c'mole go'mis i helit' ,.ni eld.'1thece siill lhe no sics .11 1
toil&1 i id-ni support theiea it- ii ~l - 5isioillitay wilielulit (ar 2
thits iwaili till b ified, aliind theiii cisit( of 1 his sill decte-hs-io
- -iwill compitoe'thetii' (11111 i (it. T 'e 15
FIRST PENNY PAR'IY. ii.follow.
IContinned froui First 1Pag.) ,io buy i 1i- 'oai en I-ill d0 weltiioi
lie offer anl itoriniiy foi it to beseL.PCarfrhus frnhd
cattled out. or uinii'irisied. Ote es-ting -lii il
The total receitts for itihe einlo ~c.
css whO$:o i il octiilS 3 1119 p iiT N D M
alts, ~il te (ieextesis i i t ~ j7A. vebry
sisal Thsi .uey itoto be iised I forL4 i
furnishlinig necssais ii social fiini- r j0 IP ent!
tic-s of ihiii kind. It is tinlientioii The [Lrgesine of Bicyce, Sun-
of 'the league to hold at lest 0111' ieice disadSupisa
of teseentetaiment beore :,. M. STABLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM,
ot hes ettecainiieiiobetci' Telephone No. 8. One door Fast of Ame-
y:ia r is out. The Womant' (('7 liO_ casIHose.
Stems ito 'be nmade,:as sootiasis iil'a ii
t iedbte, a seial aiid homielike piait of'l 30 0 2 P
secl eting forite stets 01fte i HER
The Track Team. Bicycle Repairing !
Thc e lf i tt'no k mien thec past u all branches neatly and romtly done.
rce reasoale. Sundries at rock botom
tweek shosyt d a dcs'ided inproemsen pries,
overithat of pirecding week. Te 'Wmn.. e g r
candidaes are training ,lidl anil 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR.
fletlflly tandlave entered itu thle Bicycle Enanmeling!
woskswithlenesthisiusstuithat ogt
tobigaotthe nmost saisfacoy Plain or Marelized. Any color or
to hein a niumbroft-ooe style. All work guaranteed.
results. Psetuseofo-okr
Sch day hias been lurge and ineest A..CA.N'T'LON.
among the studento is seemingly grow- With Tucker & Co., 18 N. Fourth ave
tug. The tsaining able ias starteds .MRIFnra ietr lt
last-wek ad nne 'en avebee .and Metallic Casets and Fle Grade
Coffins. Embalning a Specialty. No. 11 S.
taken o it. Tsvo or thsree will be add- Fourth ae.

;You're Better Off...

. I,
. .
.t - ~
. --

with ono of our
Than to pay $18.00 sontewhero else.
Just $3. 00 saved1 cloar as a
wh listle. This is =mothei' pride point
with us-we'rodotornminod to hase
theo best liiii of $15.00 suits that's
s~ocin in our city-wve'ro caroful of
ss-iat fabrics aoetisoel, careful, very
careful of the nialiteg. It's too lato
in the tiny to raiso tho nrguiment that
you cLiit ee fitted ill ready made.
Ctmte in tad convince yourself.

a eo tcu- L o# aucc fm

The 1197 11MM-iLUs BICYCLES embody more new anid genuine inaprsvemnsi
in coinstruection than any ether bicycles nose before itee public. Never be-tore have
lineni esecllrsut vilues becn odlereil toe the snoy. Our snew line, consistineg of tightj
saiterti siodels cilt6, $75 andl $125 toe single cuaclieis, ndeil$it tfoetandems, 01111
lie vareious optionsofodeed, is inch that the most exacting purchasor can be eeiiireiy
Students and Teachers
c ~n secere pea sant ;n" profbt b10,work int oolning our
Public Libraries .......
ine towns and country and forming Reading Clubs. Jnst
the work for Students, Teachers tend Ministers.
Managers ................
We also want a few energetic fiold managers. State ago
and experience in hook work.
Address Dept. "5S" RAND, McNALLY c& CO., Chicago.
Wenhi seon ceipt
n~of u ts. aae to
anyeaddress. rices:1
nor pun,,40 et.
.4 vqw y J sca-on 5a res1seelon
only h-7d r s

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