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May 10, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-10

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VOL. VII. No. 165.



Received a full line of Novel-
ties for Spring Suits
and Trouserings
$ Lowney's and Plows' Cho-
colates either in bulk or
pound and half pound
S Packages, strictly fresh, 60
0 Cents a pound.
.0- -x -
Light .Weights!
are the lighter weights - the
kinds you will want to wear
through the summer months-
and we have provided them in
Black and in all the newest Cho-
colate shades and Green Colors
-sizes and widths to fit any foot
normally and naturally-prices
to fit any purse.

Chicago Wins the First Game by
a Close Score.
Chicago won the first gamie of tlc
series wvithlMichigau Saturday. The
score cvs 5 to 3.
Tihe immsediate cause of Michigan's
(efeat w-as anl inability to hit Clarke,
Chicago's crack twirler, attInmrs ivhe
a ittueant a. ruu or two. 'Twice'.licit-
igau mci nets 00 third andseceouni
lbsses, trot the man at bat was on-
edtIsthe occasion, andi te issendiedi
cwhere thtey cc-cc. Only three hits
were miade oft' Clarke's delivery. Bat
white Clarke was throwviog lils siesri-
live balls over tier ptate, Milter, for
Micitigasts also wvas tiaviug soles thir.-g
to say a bout the art, attd itctierda
';atee that cvouilthave been a wviner
hatd sosseeue else thau Clarke besen oi-
ptosedito itiut. Iltrctk otts tee
slecallowetd oetsniits esnly tuit s~
tt permeit a itats to Itke free ;pass to
tirot setsballs.
ttsieagto scored tiwe intsh~e fict in-
esiet4 ou titslby Clstrike atie:Adktitsesin,
sands twvo error tby Wolff. Trwo state-
wvere addodelitnIte sixit Itt a two-b.!g-


ass-Chsicago O; Mielsicans, 4. tFirst tease oss
balts-Ott Clssrkce, CossosHserd. Miller.
Struets ot--Clasrke, tBotler, Lodlowr, 12), Sa-
s'ee, Stiller, (2); sryStiller, Sawyer, Brosws,
Mcerrifield. Thsree-bssa sle it-osseossTers-
baese iisAdisons(2).tsstenstioesal sacrifice
i-Absells. Stolenebasres --Abells. Woltf,
Heard. Deobeeflasy-Hotter eo Hearstoe
Cesondo. Isis pitce-Abells. tClarke. Wld
pitches--Melter. 2. Pasedall--Ma tegee. tUm-
pire Tiesilt. Time-1:48.
Thte Michigais tecists left Soatiretay
slight for Msadison, whsere \Vsconsisi
Utniversity Nviiiltee playedi tosday. They
u-ill ceturn to Cleteago Tuseday and
tellS- Chsicago rise secosnd giste of ste
series Wednsdasy.
'The Datilv will receive tee scosre of
erset gamsse itisesiatety after flee til:
isle. A telegraiphic retort wviii be gevesei
ste the say fohiscc leg each gaie.
S. L. A. Election.
Thee etectocial college of the S. L. A.
tet cit S o'clock Satutrday sesossesug its
tie-sits (i. Presideilliititsslots caslled the
15 s etiseg to ocrder sliesthieefollowingo
s-icetors ccetceisereent: Cleiiit lb, '98-
E; l tssi, '98; F. C. Hocst, '98; J. S.
Lathes, '9; A. 1f ex '0i9; Ailan
Campbteell, '99; tt. I. A'einstein, t'lS; L.
Hititt~sott, '97T L; C. C. Mlietde-cwart,
94) tL; C. D. Hfarris, lilt L; J. D. Wef-
lessee, PP9tL; fI..S.Iisansdy,.'4)S.; t. F.
Kelly. '98 Lt AA. S. Tocwner, '98 L; H.
t. Hrrts. ti9lti; W. A. l'lattsbectass.
"98 D; 63. E. Douglas. 19S P.
A psroxy' wa5 spreseneted fsc Hesard,
991AT vtccIiei steeraseetslisfter tituch
elesete. Tie balltot ,wetsthe ttstees eel
letesientt, rersuitinegsolowss: Sads-
is-c t1, tBloitckurn7, Fleesst of lOw
Sadler tice-isItestasits-test. Visce tess-
iset, W., A!. Chtamerlain, '158 D; treas-
uee, ..I-. Ttetnits. '957; corredspondsing
secretsary, H. It. Costs, 97;' ce--cetriteg
sceretrsey. A. A-, Wrelsber, 't8ie 1-tg.;
s-lee-yeait' sircstoes, . 01]-. Hoegls.
'118 tittr.. assetF. 61. Haerris. 'hI8Steel,
- Freshmen vs High School.
Vishe Alil-Fresetts- ven-sitsloicesire d',-
fe-st feefore fts-'Attn Atheec ttir'te School
Seeiturday5, rise score beineg 12 10 7.
Donnetelt's itcinsg foe- lie- Higli
Schtool'scvas steady. Grsanger',rcacht-
tng for fle tretin cc--eszioor saies

The Social Affair at the Gym a
Great Stuccess.
Never -before its the history sfet fe
IUnivesity teas flece been sorts au cci-
fecraineeefas ccas heist intshte Wo-
eseano 5.and Watete..ste Gvsts1.3aiiS
lates Stusrsdy ecieniesg.andstelis sesece=s
cras in just licolorlion to its neocelty.
tieaiscially -aid sociall- asrcess, it
fossis fle first of meany -steel eu -slein-
eseesets tht w cill cottie intshfetvture-.
Ilotseturose ccas to offer teesOtetortile-.
ity- for use young pr'opse of tisfni-
crsity- Is seet ott omneou groundtlaned
becoe-eteacquainted u-ills ouranother,
and, incientally, fo start a feundfor
flee furnshing of flee social lirt of rise
Weomeans's Gymnaisiuo. Beteveen 120)
and 1,3110 cvere prscent. Tie rtanerr
cc s set tie rocthedris oftir basenent.
Then, ipassing eelstoairs heto the Ilasge
recepstion rooll of tie Gyme., earle guet
cvas to droti as inany tenesis as he_ or
nile Nv-is yceire old ineto a boa.in. the
ofiie cindtowc.
Tier recepitiont resect uts Iprettily-rice-
ocrs trite natiousal anti eolleg'e eel'-
eo, wvhile edirectly opplosite the edoor of
sentrance fle cc'rdsi"Stirtigan' itlack
itters shiocvedt up on as ell cose-back-
ground. Here tDc. Mostler, arcisted by
a represettivefromt each srenior class
anee Ms~s Snyerc assistant fini the W'o-
twlciis Gym., recei-esd.
'Tieoilier large tosse of tile V's -
m'titit G ysts, ccssalso fthrocwn stel
tasse serceed as alace ancwhicih to
preonenade.Iteelis coons, beics-eeetie
Ilarge foledinigdooresccisieteosliesitos
Wafermen ttynesiuus, stood a boosts
dreocoteed citlh the yellowc- snd bhe,
cishes-clemsonaste cc-s sercveelbyca b--s-v
of youneg ledies.
At aboiut 11o'clock tse dclas ito rise
meft's gylsesesous er-ee thrcoswnteopen
tenpd soon after teeU. of MI. hood plaey-
eel tse first teco-step. Almost ,usoo001
Sas the 'band ceased pslayingsthe Asses

wAI A PRIL "'0 leg Asikiissti, ci scitriiitche, ,sellr
W J. A P IL ... iesgi tby tBrowni. Tieit last c-e1'1 is
13 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. cotein te seoevcetteon sisotIleecevildi
i tshsteelatbrace of sinegles. After flee
v0 lt i n inips ststo tie ssits, y1lt-5"
oo 0or Bic cleticheg cccss greet aessi otsll'ouit-iso
0 0
0is comiplete 0 ci istigseiegot oti-e ite'fe-1 idl t
00 thrtee-bagger' by isondosn, leatet's
W ithou~t a 0bte on ilbill-s, asteel toin's slessi of
0 V 1A~ MI throweatterd oust .at seeond. Tte'il-e x
0 We have Cameras that are 0 other reins cvweesaessin tieele eighth
specially adopted for bicyc- o ae nbl n ros
lers at $5 00 to $25.00. $8.00 0 WhVile Sticeigan lost, Csoe-te Xi rsatkis
0 cill get a good otis. Ask is wceli satisfied c-ills the shoinosc se sts
0 0 epcst i h eis 01(o'
e for Catalogue. 0s'l'tctccifle cis.Csien
0 ~0 btesthug ecas geodiasteeleard'ss e tstlS'itl
0~~ tl seecondelis sail to haee'iee-tifitHie-st
0 AUIVS :' P sMA 'xt-yeititioti gicen on Stersteai laleheli
tieseic ps iiIt If 1' A F
. AT tt I.i'lsirle,p - --........1 0 0 40
Hereelebe rger. ce-.....--.... 0 1 4 0
T erdir,etc ].,.,,t 0 10 1 0
WAHR'S BOOK STOREAdisoei,hiu.............1 24 1 0
Just receivedI another lot of Btrowne, 1 f............010 0 0
that fine U. of M. Monogram Merfed ss........110 1 a
Paper, the popular shados Totalt ................ t727o
Blue and White; also a iNewv Micig'iians. tR 116' A E
Weeef,s. s - --...... is... t.0 1 2 a
Stock of the Various High feones., lb- --.......1 2 It 1 1
Grade Correspondence Paper. Buttr, rf ........- - -..05 31
Visiting, Cards Engraved, and Ludlw, I ................0a01a0e
lSeehean, e f- - -5...... 5..0 0 1 1 5
PMteritnglSter, p- --..........1 5 1 2105
Totalt...... -.... -....... a3 H sa3 a
WAHR'S BOOK STORE toinse.........12 34 5 67089
Up Tows news Town OMichiegan........00 15010550520--
S. Saeset.. Opposite.Court HuseEased romeo -- Michilgans. Flert base by
Ana Arbor Mailest. i errors-Chita oso. Is;Mirlhiganms, a. Left one

Iis slowosss semed to disherartcen ith Arbior orcehestra ou the other sidie of
l'athaishlec of the tstedtltshe ining trck, tplayed the next
tligh School ... .2 1 3i 2 0 2 0 i 0-12 tnmber. Alternatiing inlti ssay thee
Ai-t't'eshn n..0 0i1 i0 038)511 1- emsi nd eciaScringccfeealmeost rote-
Btattei'ies--saitteelly- attel aSteriss:
Gra-aa ndge sse Citotti, liho--tIghs titteotee. Tie floor ccas everb-croc-detd.
School, 4; All-tFresiiseii . 7,Umptire- Dtiring part Of thee cc-riing Shlsadowv
Slecitige'. lpictuiraeswr1triced aout iu theo reeeiv-
Yale- Princetoe. tgyn oons.
- ~~Tihe ndd mlorch-estra.s both doitat-
It the anutaldebehate'hetwveen Yal"
Seel theirosetcess,,si fle music ctey-
sanes Pritteetoit trisl-cy night teeree- furishedl c-asexcellent: for edauting.
scuatsives of the latter institution
A very good proguram uas preparedt
wcere victorioums. Thee question debtit- by tite Sschool of Msmic, bint the crowde
edi esas "Rtesolved, 'Tlat rte power ofwasolreta iwa mpsbe
tihe speaker of thse ttoluse of tRepre-
seitlatives is detrmnental to thte public to keep thee guests quiet loug enughe
interest" -I~xnceton lhad tue negative. (Continued en Becend Pae.)


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