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May 10, 1897 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-10

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This Space is Reserved

The Graduate Club,.
The regular mecting of the (I adoi-te
Cit) tooks place Fridaly eotag -fat the
1)0110o (f Prof.ilo tdai". Pi-v-papter
ras preseited by Prof. F. . Scott,
n-o 1"trtat_11Disordicrs 1t1 Stolcoeto'
1-isi ~'..i1'cogo,-icri as-1Ie i- rshis to
tilii( r torisof tiote'olo"I'it tim-
t otted result:,of at. Ibert tattoo Car-
rdoil by till'witier for a long tertii
Ilidtrstt tof iiigcto he ptitti i t tit
Do(! eeoltt-r. Ttiose ft'itt iir t-i0t1ePrf.
Scoltl's mit tltt- t tal i ol", tiolto itil
titso t hatf lt- toild 11:1 i is i o-i tt'
<il tor-' -sitI ll ofot oct tatlete -it
1t' tiltti t i- ,11 f wtr-its si ctoirtter'-





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bfi' o te tI12;re oiatij et o ut ip o


]E LL ~ This spat
icititrliete.Evey reqtititto o itttis, + ouse.
s-lutn ettipimetnts a t itii lt t - t C 'o lte
11,0 e"The iS tltioOGit ottc.

lis reserved
Gand Opera

T(tPI Vliit(ttiiitia'itiia Now York Chis-ago, PliTAotlepltt. ______________________________
l1'lL Uhil il teitItgiorii- lit i s t)i i:ttt) tjIl't- I T R OLLI LT- I TLGANG;NT AL
Sri t f I Caps Gowns and- S 50
-N.-Y.ds.Spti i aP -l it P58 Mal ---__-t--I 1814
HURON S., OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. t '- 0 o epT'X ostotlt- ti-l tifle - COTELL _CO. ARD, yia te x----_0 5 NS.Miii © - 5
'____________. tlvit itt-s fii 1101. ttlit e.tlil - d- AlbanyN1 Y. tlette Fx- 0-75 Poetfic Es- It-12P.
I. tic~litt1.L, CMtntager. ON.xpess-__5 5? Western E 1-5.5
C Ladies Tailoring Annex. IYil. tilt i-i' eth rilet'iititsiotti l lit1, t11i~ t - . Expesies -- 1t 0fC1. t.' Es--tt1
ii ti t(1ftiio-y It it-Ithe iieli-i. SUMMER LAW LECTURES S CV « REpsot 0E, 1. «. itoYso,
1i it i t' tiltii.s'i st t ltli:i~ I~NA G. P. .T. Aol., fihicao.sAgt. Ass Arliar
o of te h'itt i ilt:1, 'n tit ittot-t hto: U IVE51I Y oO IRooCotsoIIt. bg
it.Mlty t-t'(t-c foe -ot'1 t titioiti ktoss' st_____________ ofU__.__ upremeCor.7 ForP
it ttti-ooe. ftitstili' ttiti C~taiii tiit 'a' oaddes R L.hMItORet i le IRALaA.
faroet R al o plt tiiit-i tt tt' i t-- '" tt le i- oilis tst( u cittoiit
lorlttltsat a new 1591xModel 7,10.a.1,1.
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t o Hom ti5Rt lly tomplte e 0)-c1 iloolict il- ut- 1 iOt l1'i e(fI telt ~ l~ - ~ ~ ~ tt ~tti ~E NER AREN ILLARDH ALL
Guitar, tomdnlio leoto I., 4t')p.lsti tc::35io-s.i.
Ss,,o i-l t~t i too so situ~oe plS~s -c st I o f atl ttoil - t tit l o ittuleitthl i itui' 1-o bl - ti t- -_____
Proicestbaveo ee c a l edc-,downisuta rsu-d t t itilt it' itt e oatit lar1,' totetl etti- t du, '.in tti-aIl ti ato t"di l iit ll Alran da yex ptSn a .
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cs)Tihe-ie so s tbn ii lu''so CI til'<ltt1 ' )CIltei 1o~ SI1- f
,t :i0 iic tladloilit" s r icl depat ure {p ttt tt itlto ao t-t ae silt I otiutie o rt Pocl C g ret.E A
Afromfo estylest s toeatsditetad . .;.~ TEKNERATNwiIIR ilts adlniaill, ego so k-tpahs isto".Cor.it Mainoveofthuand8121 fLibertyto Sots. i ~tf =
ver nt o that c a ss to ldabCrsetmo a oin a l- y.ltt fld thteoy s ei
buris aldat - ixed and.uyiform i ct.b alfis-- O"It'li t t itEit YOltalICE lIF N P'T CS T
b-tn AgenaLiTH pHoatsoGvRlAPHrt10 out MailSteet Tlephne 166.rl t heleso11
*(cIf ! n Wratin rcsiengtosmntslocvl e , muaChoolteCrent. errrn n
se~t conreeit f ppi Anin. f Aorba ae or. Soda WatlltllCt er, PI( ThCaphata and ernoraingofer A. o. Huron StreetaleC

Thte Michigauensiean
--0f0 SALE--
Wednesday, May 12.

300 Pages

Blue and Gold Cover, profusely
Illustrated with Organizations,
Cuts of Buildings, Etc.

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