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May 08, 1897 - Image 7

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-08

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goadedtioi madntess by the soul-de- hood, and demanding thie ceissph'te
vouring thought "I ala a slave--at slave emnancipaition of his drospisid, outraged
far life," yet, with an abiding faith in and enslaved race. And he acc'i-i
Goil, believing that 'He with one is atilislhed hs amissiont with the giraciftul
mrajority," the bleeding heart of Mr. power of -a gentlenan and a h1fio
D~oglass tle'w still to the sun-rays of Mlobs hissed, threatened, and iasiotif-
liberty. edt-liiioi lit, like Phillipo, who had a
having imnpairtedslto hisa fella v-bandl- geniuts of bieing sore of tils own wtill,
ititn his secretly acquired kniledge, Soil, 'I will speak. I will 'te iteard.
ettiwei tii then the injustice of slav- lHe cringed before no foi'.Ile ditd nit
cry, and id atured thiemi with the love invite attack; hot, if v iol lce isa.> iij~i-
itt liberty; whetn Gailhail suffered lint avoitlatili', lhe'trovdci elacif t tavi'


tio bei ularittiglilyasttoolei'iniithat iiii-
qultitons intilttition lorsititory t" gre'at
evials which wire to fallow, Diligplass
btade farewell to Slavery. 1Pairicks
I tiry.to t itotettitig .entate siiih',was
liiotgltt unoder te magical diiiiti
af his elaiiici'. andtl'reatdiy toi,!titd
bty himiitt'litsilbolidistflight, couldt say,
d ive i libty or gisv' ine- ieath.'
Aind this sayinig sias a stiblimeicalit,
cevei for a frei'i'nnt;tout ifs-coitlitrtill
not'e'stublimits' i-tieit wsianpraeticaIlly
assirteid by a btitututln ci-utoaitoii
Whteni i thetoui~ii tassiirted hlIiit.
'tic, it isais in lh ietof ti crisis ini
ths ietiily of tlilsiiatt ,Dturin - lila
mouist eventiftulpiiriod-d.ii t i mosi
ctiv' pat if lila life, _M.. t -Ixnlas
was titrnisheititliwitihti'eif itte'-mtlld-
'atst teites ti' :li ottlil in-ag' its i
dlit tsoul piervtaded s-tt wtit pssiontfor
j,'stiti'. 1leiir wilt si-teilicti ciislitat
lirit of ibiolition. liei'wso-talhatt
rock-led wvitih agliiail. Melt giroied
titotit seeking tilt light. Sitme' askitI,
"Wht iIive ii'wsesti-lo it slaver;)
a violintatitti5-tne'ss of thiieidegrtadeid
saitiniltial systei'tohut iiti-ei itt its
11 lt; wsitihaitilfilltilte i-tin hlioif
oppres'sion in ii iswvtnsoul; si-he htai
erattiated fiotit ittitec-itiir ilititu-
tin with lila dittlomiatin tile btakt; si-It
ktewiw ipti itV, li tlibe Compteldto
letave- hoiti', mtheri.ttanail i tlioct
i3t-li a ititnesse iistitsl Xlit-'?tt
IBY faittftil ol toil nd indusitry lie
gridaliaity rose, atnd lk 'sSatil. t'iit'-Ot't
attove all lils brettis"'ii. 'liii' tatN;--
plici't'is il as-vl; the Btostntittiti
lot', lils primeir; te lycetii,lila Salt-
bli itschool;CGarrihsn, Piliipsa.'inl
Mlottie, Is fellow ttoile'rs at Ii'
whatr'. -'i'tth ill ever-present fiat thiii
hi' wotildt le 'atured'tlandtlatken tat-k
is shivery, iltic teeth 'oi Asieris-an
pirejutdie oant netrly evi-ry Isiniloa
tance to hotels, decent ctars.lyceitmis,
and even the house of taod, hmilethe
wamtth of hliiataaffection attini
have .been strongest, Mr. Douglo ss ott-
.lered ntpon the danlgerous utissioni si
speaisng toaottctest topitltce. Sub'
bty side vtth Pttilltis, rttrrtsoii, 'Mutt-
roe, ansd White, the isend forth fruit
towna to towv,, ft-ot state to stale, a
tiotnitiig iaibinger of pieace, crossed
oceans, gained admission to palates,
lifting np Iliad groat cluarion voice in
exposing wickedness, denouncing op-
pression, pretoeling hunt brother-

antdttssictttl matni.1
suit alit-. otItmlletBownit oiti tfilt'
'it ptitiiihotatDtttssssfor oinilt-
it -dlltt' iliisittittit of lil attce'.
'lucyi-iilet littin tilt1 'tli' untrv -sir.
('1ttttttdter obsuig. itieinsylvstia, to, isa-
citsliitie ltstls '- Peslti t-itroastt
is ein ftavor of 't ittakig tI ti-c's
P-'rm,'Doulatss wsiniifaiortoft i-s-i
ttlligit i-trioorktoritetundtergrtilltd
ro'ttild ittil lie stay wts dectrer
"Cli wi ti ii i'.ith liie, tilelass, t'till
buhtrstitig is-it syitijsilif orthe i,'lvi-
As Dtougltass thtdt Iurncished itticsi
sati-tti ".'1114ilit ii'l iii'o ithe vil I tot
liiis tilt,, "Riasst's lietheicsnalvtill
(tiile itefriensoit tftisitt si 'cry -
Itctiteftttiltivti«ita, hnt stilt',"l
No-tiltit-stSouth iseti'"-00ul tilt ill
trn'. T'li' shillofat Sitlo siltsiii thtie
Opetl'sery htorstsed iy atrile i-itt ii
110 sstiigit ii'taf tter st I sin t'over-
and i(ttittii11it11ttiis, II ,'titithii i'l-
nitig i-itPtoil Aiii- eti, i.s-t tl i-tir-
sie-i-ii' rngioftiewIth fnit',tilts grout
uti-tier.tIese t Cielt otituistitt itie-
wtbali itat isllthegatirs'ti smii
lt-'sto vr ts-tiensttith -il Aat ililt'
lwthug tttt slt iv10rs-lit h u itt
ilitloirette stv ;I, lii'hegl iseieIis
wer'tr'lousngctcisttl eris',hiset
klesterite'erls tr]itstheouiatit't, tnis-t
Ie loseltantith seittoe t-re is i
Licoltnt t'e1enlbstgofthe etre solti
silt,"ugh thesi-llt Stisnoer a O
1 and ottuemes have b tegti ner o Nn o
Ot!i'eton-aet' ttl'dthts-e snact',cloti
lis t thlesl-mbiteoedhsestare 111011-
Nvlf."lhus,-,th uhe, suit con-
au- thes, em e gamuond erks, ple-
otgthe s fdeslss yroacsise,7
siut100teroeis, olrtotos, and cont-
em's; stat until tie beheld thetm engaged
is all moaniner of eniterprisetecomnio

Io sotter melt, captturing iettle 11 i ROBERT WILD
tie Pticlihle, bteeding i-alt-tutti sill-i ep 551t,
ont tile htillattle, utivitug,autinug, tli ea-it Rhobiert Wildl, Wisconisin'srelic-scala-
111g, li-lng it famuii's s te uistit-is, i lustein the coattest, wsi-to ira inn-1M
swis-es, andslchitlren, ast abtose callsll- tikee, Nov. i2, 1875. tHe aihindcsi_
rseinig andi wiorsiinglthtl . C t tie ths publis schiosofaththcity and
lia's ilduitdlsoking hiopt~uttl or gratutatesd trou thIte high s-hausilha
li'~tnotll life beyondsithie give itS104.in the fall of ithat year =ii ens-
utititliehultislthiat fttet tto ttter-edtthe U'iiveriety of NWlseitisit,, tak-
i-'lftuuts-iicel dilta its-she classicail sourse. lie sill grud-
titli ug -'-lcfluly iii Iutueish-i cte front the institution in Toni',av-
uithil ssiit; iye hu moh Is' -- itt" completedl tiecosurse ini three
froim hits htandsatnilthas trliti ) ii e fl lehot tt testd
us~~~ ~ oafc tutis ilOst-i- -a1''n is-liwhcch ticeisill muake fhis pio-
fsslton.Mr. AWild time for maney{ sa
t'tih'cIi- o Dsuttlttite ls ti li,,lL1
iii'Ilcihliit a tiettut', i bstu n isn lmteIreastidin oratou- anstI tmid-
gte tle lift',I tof tihtuitscmustsluiceiii hit I ii;
red tuetsi- athd tuce it the 111n4-
usive, Ifslhiitttiie. i- htlu
hit tteuiceous itusi'tillit ts- techi ixittti;inyeagrlefparticsipbytedy ahe
orttmrscalgon. iWhis isogeneral-
Lts' utis ght i- icette wtystli
voic. I ortoryconist cifth p ler crnlitcrcslthuer115p1accarntheu sa
i-i-hbtin thin hotefeeatetsduis-yishistict
toisireil tandiitt'meIsscttusutby t-spe ',tIo i nlutlaae o a
lycdtncstictised the I'moust cuat',
iiint li -titndtlytgagce, ust-tall, elec'y
'Sthe ,inaericatn lingo.,"

hit1-1t evgeti--ry os' ittu tlsitst biett-h
hiss shilence. W'tiththetilt itilitof l'gi,,
paths t 11,111u0tt1-,anuta1 ntive s-Mili, hse
couldt11t i ist i' to ttialts o itlughsCr
;llotat ilay stIl.t.\ls-ggti is 1
not lift lniito teItlitt f -Il - Doutugs;.
Wei dsolist tfirget, hit suuttist's us-ia
i-shttutitlt' ni thusi~(t-Ihait h 5li m'
ii'dloi his-is dsi iivossitss; thtst-It illps
issptolishet neel1st''gat; t hau t \s'
Iftig-luand's grett orator, Dali W elt-
ti-c, si-its learneduianlimit hutuiisi'tiuiO -
utueit. IL'et uestohtforget,talsot, thati,
they wei-iri' mantinug in the uatliy sit
firo astirt fshle, "in iliii treumtiuutfst ht
solce'oit sie tlt asu tffered,,(utttutu'
iuos vuet'yt) itotitliti esigiihttlt it
tilst woritstie" But sihut-ti t-'rtmich
tDoulugtus stoat', thiei-ros-m tutud stp-
Ire of usiose imstut.utisod ,-its soicti
awaviy, then'mt hem uittt i ts reaiedhi.
Ilit ussmit muttri'-lylgtetuhetu'st
iluatluence, Isi-tuenstyll . ulrustipitI
msenot r mt-Irii-; It slisnomth iluucilot
it I's e t' uftestedlanttstlstotslttssmmiv
eloqtuences'uof thet'hlt-tit. Ie open'ed-i
huh 'hetartatue l'spurinug buttedlithirstt.
Ileto a isuis gu itt'ss tutu forg1iiig itts
to ta tahltI What si-i-tiee-ut s in-
itroucedt istsltme hotoat utan, stase,
perhaps~t,.Joseh's forgivuniss to Itile
tut'etmr'u, muss's'toutsohug uintil ttmstit
ui Ihls isjil toIslila lalitusudyinig
mateir? Setsthue foriller's'avethes
11sitest Stautso Ltutsttl. at dlihi edsise
of lils ageiutister, 'holdinug Ihis troul-
blisughleduhandstesmgtugeul itsfrienidly,
convierstiton. "Wasuerevers-'matn es-
hpeiente h irepahtu'ic? Xus the're'
ever uuis'S'see suitoe genuerots?'l
"Ifere is thy 'greatesdt s, imy)'Maiiry-
Itimmull" I ity years agbo thuou gtsiesl
tutun Ithe birth of ahionmasn. B-ad
thaou aset lost titus. 'The snatiuons!i
s-lamuest'tutui e lulls enidedIlilt caruct
wvitshue revesence of diva nations, of
tree nations, of all naios, 24t Its
say;' for lie vwas a noon of lsuusai'ly.

Itr,,i~t hllving htall,], ite s-ti,ell ser
attu iunmuusmsetuisti, iwithitalleys anii
1)1:u1'steemsuitng ti-ith fti'i y, ':aud
It utuittilos tht arnir-lis-ty t'pttloiit
at' itisiiltt tai titetrtul sss'tmh.,'il -
Issiacu'ltti tct, strts-d'iig sacross '.
cotinenut, fuurrowsetd by' tmightly rcuro,_
umul tI 'ucul mill s iLmitlsit.' hsa adhi-
tuthum orutue uuuiugusi 'iit tau litio
cu tusiesl aiy othuirurace,. it-re ti tn
tius, Nature his is-cu-edi l 1hus 'Ness
Worhld ftomth~e Old by ths'-stea-si f
Atlaus,must so Asmeu'us't, in hit isoltionas,
is nuideistress of lieurass-mufuttus,
atscreign at herself,
Lask ad the pass- of ths'(,5.1
Worlid. Bts-itof tiem i is ht= ai 1l
mstttisug i's-i-y oilier,.5'onliieii1 r .L-
tutesis aildambsithiutosn sma actsoustn
eci em' inruosimug anxietiues. A-tootoI
ths te'eth, thueyhpi'he expensse 2sou11has
u11,012ltax, to msuultitply- their in;Ati-
hmena of uetruion.us, Andyt, in
spte atfttmu'tu' taristiugarinutamentu,
thi-Itsleuep Is evser troublledlby idream%
ofl intersohts heaten~ed,of lhostile ilsuil-
hilistions fosrmmeud, of Itstotce brokert,,oant
sf 'i'ttsic selugglee uesulting in rens-
its-' andilrusin.
AndsthIten, 0 Amseicauns, look at dals
Replublic! Stutro'e'thatn tummy utiotv
inhits op uu' in time nmusmber, in-lligen-s,.
vis -oir and1patiotism its peoplie, as b--
stuhtiahly uassailauble hut its greaut 10an-
tinet-sal stirosngblt, s-iwit o diugsroum
nteig;hutare Is thretents iits tuarbors, tsemcis
sit ouitlyingagnumd exposoedl possessions
to iuake it osnxious, it is te only.
gus-at power in the ivorullustht hsno
steal of rana~Iurmanuents sum itnd. or
seto th maintains its Iteae or lproteut; its
integrity: Anmeriea is thue tuttuter of
lust assn destinises, tadlull h(-ctrpuhitimi.
itaditions hpoint to a policy of peace=
alnd good will aunong uaen.
l'hioll a natural reason, thmen, has -
been re'ared the struetureoT ofuas'ftr-
sign policy. "Peasce, columserce, tua-e

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