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May 08, 1897 - Image 6

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-08

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west along a narrow road. Mean- starts to join the flight. Swift speeds itemortalize this sacrifice in strains of
while, Lee sends Jackson with 30,000tiaut aide, and( at thie tern ioian tae tihtest music, that shall trl l
torn arounld the Union Armty to attack battery once rtore w-heel gallantly firi heat., to patriotic love; til tendetly
its rigtht wing. Thinking Jacksons to position. Tie mintiites, each oet iuiniphitt cone tite victors, and
noveniet ia Confederate retreat, north a year, hive now been lost. ktteling ithie solmnsiljetce of tee
Booker orders Pleasanton and Sckles The sattterd guns of other batteries heroes' tottb, together with te sr-
to pursue t once. Althongh lb'D Union tie litrriedtinto inlue. The men work it wful. repentant, van lnishet, swear
right at-hg is thus reduced to the with desperate enegy. yet all Ioo n ew allegiance to teir flag.theier
Bdleventit Coirps it takes ino Irecat- slowly. Aleaty through the darken- ctnry, atd teiriGOi.
tiotts to guard agaiist srprise. lug foest cats le eardtite rash oif
Ia the forest twilight li ii Ittsoldui- the ocominiig viioriots host. Tn WLIMLEWSIGO
iers are cit-rily preparig stpiper, titints taint"'wontidiiake str iho 'Ti fohlvinii stetstOf AN"li at',.Le
-when suddenly the tickeis thuglt etatte of safely, tt itt less ta ,It i ui Watigito, of tOberint is ta~et frnti
itttassatle sarmtt tititfoes, and iilIthat timie te foe awil teuon tutul. the IOberlitiReviet:a': ilati Lee
att instanti, like tigers ltppiig oi their Itdesair I'leasaution ltiiils arotudil Wi oliitoit. whit will repIre attt ttt -
rety, lihi rebel host is tititticttt. he Athits left.gtitnertd siteay atiid te ieiiita it itautal canttest of the Nrtrh-
itilonsline, tnsted andtutittprilaret.. strmi, siaiids his cavary- tioopitb hu'erilii toil l 4tgt" ', storntttio1
wavers, tr, ks utnddisaarsilt'. Bei- gtiotindituSevaitetuii Pennsylaiia. htittli iptrentage iin e~aatto,1..
fort' the' sitvage tush' oftptrstters sendtit-i hf of thenth"' till nedl tahindas il)Utiy it0, 1872. Ils fattr habeei
purstued the secotndilint' gots stiggit'- gtis; whtictaetitthe histaftil that ri- t'mpltoyet as ta balet'Cor tliii'u iui
ittg ack ini frighteneti rout. lhec tiJis io agitst thit'fiii? Di[ii . Ms iiitarIstitten teautitoi ice
thitrtt liii' yet rettaitis, but thue hitrte ishonttly etatee. Iliepoits ti libettfori' the war. Makin thist. ciis
of taine-sricken fugitive's. rutshing euiuy sitrapily aptrocthinig. antid home ant iingiio']its chiltlreiir t
through the ratks. spreadttisttordier' sy oaMjr Kfetat of the iEighth: l~l to it s ipubtlic sctools it. Wen 12
oti d ismatiy. iBettote the le atnt 'I imust haveit'entttitittites. Mjot "' ya'sroltiti w asonecesary fot' W'illioi
agaitirtfornm, it. is atiackt'd. Still te 'leei'solier innder, tauis; theli e httt i't'eltest Of Itle cilren to lets-e
tien sitidfirm, ut allii]n vati. T's dstat 0setriielbtislltcontur itiii twi otitda~ist 'hnsftter, ii
egager gray-clad soldietslitre tasteti b: redee''iii'd. Witt t smiile itenti t,,r.t.At littiehe at alth t rioln'
blot, attd thet rage of ictoritis batte Itit itt hittiit'i. the hghs dig tie ilt studies, gradutlin Itg frmt'h iii
ltroertied iuiti.Onettit'ssrgt ie ligi', lustnd eltily. t, if o r ugot triiialihiihrtlitoiiftCSti't''Co'llety. lt -
thete dish of batyonet artl rflEibttr 1'lPlit teintlititletroop of:11111'her(,I' 'r'slt'rry. W.VaSi. liie flhi'ig
antttitalitw tild surge the' le oi tgay tis ittlf alst tie tiitaze tn fal hi et'e'irttedlt' jitosr idleltl'
staeelts oitritl itaitit.lea a-tg Ietinthousandi ittiviiitoy-madttdenetd oes. 'Not o ObeliritadeAlattids' siti o t it
it toting bitu t'tctt i ea. Itless that . ill Iii.itthu teoittianil but knotwsitttietmiir of th' (-hss o' 'lil. ti. IWit-
an hosrth'ehMetenttiiC'orpts hils Ie Itatt helits rititg to htsinigtttiexietsat stup 'eetiait co-
tttihilats'u. Mire thati 'hol its tttni death, yel; on they gi, t hit'lgi' cotse with oti'ses'si the Oattr
ie deed, stdthe reititindet' ar iIlls" avei't[ti'r thley' knwtthe ti e foiiri' sitn Si-tintof tltttiiry ndiit se
ftightenedi sheet. AlreasdyJacksonitbItiti. -Not a shount or chie'r is hiearditititiir shiotl. Ile ttil hin'te
fels the thriltof avictry. A feta' its 'Clei'bges' -blart'.the rigttof bridle- t' iisiii'itry ie'lf of ilteole
:'ttaty Lee ta-it taitt20,000 ulfreshit i'iiiittthe listvy iitinet' f it'e Wile ttbu ht' oyiithe'public eekst
trotopsathittigfor the bttle. lBest 'hoii'ss' loot, makelihtipthi"only titios i hilometu'.At. Wts'i'oigtou 'iti
unite is thierc for tionhet'? taught I'' itioig tloits thetttfortes lii. 'Thit'o'tta; tand wthiti' a ti liic', 1illy
twe'uet clu-eeusSfoes.lutes tt'iiuii armty glaitu ge'siirotlhl, andiiirio ~t aii ttk hrt liu fiat' ottutur"satet=, uwi-
ttutst becomeseitelrcthespoil et cii- their hbrightntestu-rimusnedui ly te Cfioe i hrihlie t itrtuuoeut
ttir, ott'thurshoill ofdiith. An housur tiais's tblotod. 'Thet'Rebtel titluict'.hlicer itheti'thi. Situ'. en ilugt ot
liter untid Xtashigtonttaill be i fight sta rledh andtidismayed''t, nlls Itakil- tbernhe ii'hils wtatri thu's itt at
The exutationsof Jackltsossouth1titi9n otered'lh uuthe 'scindtinhe. Agaunie itteir-sttt' totiest, hedul itt '5"tliud
in hkis commnesd, "Forw ard!ti" 'T'eCrash. sttubayone utid sttrmeeth.ilit ihie'fllf 155, four or fiv' tet~
rtutless Southertisoldtie'y'sat-tilt tiFattth Utionfroletewucas hutri~lf i~ un iuueehlhhetI hguut
befote themiu, and thle fathlroututrolls itrlitsti itathwayiu. 'lii' utigulttees'i' utu'ehnattaiou eontest uttnulin tsluthius
tiackstowaordutaetueciter, tlliithe nest- titanis ututuhi ihliti It hitndred''t-fol. ,AittltOtberlin, 151,4adtifitnisIt hut
erut spes of tihtutu~tlorsaile tuhpeuse Flaet'.eun, ifuteen ulmatte tet hnlt A~oeaion tunh Sophuulunuue'au'iteast.
At thinedge of ihe clearing. cenosing thet'fCie ati tlty. .l11thlt ittu eant lit.justhel. 'This giaes1lit'a.,iutgout
the hll,istanold sotie tah, the lki' Ihlst' umet hiae sdie. Btulle;isnthe lenv'iabile reout of 12 cooest
to ue tUnio hue. bite Last swifi t t1011ithem iks' husi;atounidu theu'tuaithi only twtussecosutuprizte. Mr.
chturge taill give this height to .Tck- frotanus autall of gritut shrp-oine wlushintgha so a style heeulii?
son, seth. the domlsof the u'nionuhot, seel; awith ote trt'itilt'utut mtutsesadaishtei to hus ature-stimple autuutn
autitseatI thin soutihuerut se-stiterthus' hebelline. tuiltittbi et'ih'tleat. ssuiuuuug.hi' apuers tefore husous-
tiitubutinl theur ntutry's ipittl, il. taee over ilium. oust iie soerilec 5ten'tili
Thurfts'of thet'natuiinurs bl;uru'uhhus te "ucomtlet. Bt tleasntttuo . i'i'usdi . .ri ent ttolmigseltfi-it. huiehi
baluntee. Butfronutathe south comutes ttor uieealy urI'tt'htseth iutttut'ttnd itthclrias wt-litItthe ueuling thatuthilai
the noise of hositeme. Pleastantionir'--litthu fturinus hot ols euleputguptnio light purpse.Hilsaoiec is fllstd
called by thu attfuil newas, at thhet head thu hill, It score of scoatling cann nuello, cipabe of ituttht lige in it-
of scarc'e 600f troopiers, sweeps uont rar t twrarrior's avuiome to hris foes. letiou. There re no sued ge-
thuefield. tHe compsreeudssthus sitta- Befort'thttafuslfiet he Reles m~e~sltrs, tutu eves'y tinettentlis nauuhrl
Liett at a glatce. U'pon that old stone liken itist, anttd only at fea, lie splash-an eiuals. hut "Frederik Dogla"'h
wall detetuds the armuy's at. Auth e-tip shruy beat agaitst thr walhl. the orator hus festut situjet tr his
the -panic ni le rut he sets oulyTh''he rmuyitstsved Savediby thit best effort.'
one hope. Yondser o the right of liii' noblest scrifle thuat tustutcotsumake- ____
vtall, a battery Is stationued, its msen jte gift of his life. Trte heroes a ec -"_"rederck Dougass."
calnm and comptased amsid thin icurble these tooers; nt madehereoic by tin htu the State of -Mrylatd, itt a dis-
etufusiot. Withu thuat the Rebels tuty duathi they died, bitbth ~e spit trint ihabied by a tpoputlation of Cle
hs checked long enought for hitu to watichutrought tetm to suet deathini
rally the fleeing Union sonbiets. But loyal anstwer o their euntryns rightlutvest outet,Its the tidt of wreteh-
even its he oks that bttey too eons call. Well naght sue potsul edness, _Ignirane, and spe siiot,

F+redlerick Douglass, a tnero boy trot
boioua, sliae. Hit life was ntuntutu-
ed by a pedigeec roning bak to Cle
Mayflower; busIis genealogy trot a-
moust after thin nder of Itehhinetek-
aiuhounibegnnng,for' Mtt'.Dougas
curer kneaw thur sate of ilt birth; ii-
null futher,atithonutmthe,sae thet
rt'iteiutbi'uuee of a fear hast isits
madtte byht'er onofoot ii the tight fe'
uher sdaily asktivtrotove.
tis iei s thlmost a-tluunut parnallel
is st'historyt'of this centuty 'o ilay
coutr. Thu r lra'tive nf Jeshut it
i's tututralnttothos oust ehqus'ecfu r-
nisherue tuMost sriking usrutl he
thus'life of this re-t mtan. Bit cot-u
tli' io f thrCfa'niiCssut Of Iatis
faittl to atisfy thecendsiitiosfortuna
juticiuittSnu. Jossuphiwassbora.t
bondmanstin ia, ueri' linel. At hs5
111thleuslitre, tJosph s t'1 15thit
uprinciples ftutht situ ighteotsneo.
Doigats hatd nt It.usothe ta eruetoh
n.' nutuue lit; hus knheausrte tts
tress tasaeen'suuforbiddent'ountest-t
hut. Whit-ufatigued. Jsehli ottil
rettaotihusoft suit hioaiy 1pili o, ands
he feastuid on the falings of hus flum-i
e, tt'iii hatedu1tutu1nmoe thantalof
hus other hildren. Dnugosshaut nott
arhiees'to lay h'stidtrait dtuthe ofiet
disputed taithi tutu"'ep." the slg. oet
tile erlnuswtills-ut fell roci his tus-
t's tablls. tis lt ftirnuotuy otrsi
himisnoii,hu utdiontduul itus.Johisphu's
mate, h'tiuotsll, tusse him oi is rs'r
itt-n ll that his'h1ud, tunhd t'iau'.unt
mtaste tiiu niti ' ulr oatsr tlt Eght.
Deuglsa' mtastr stimulto in oteru-
lirto te broens'ul ike i ttild ioiug
.il to hahegallitg itike ofit tbite'
cick irDoutigassshad s sfar to climtb to
riluchtthest t wuhaslure ctporstwhta-uls
touy'is bornuat uhu~atwhue tiy hiss o
climbhito be prsinu'tof ttthis'nationuiaous
tshts'rstuwitiht itgs auth juugis of
thei earuttht.,"
W'husu Mirs..'Auld, u-nlltg. taut te,
hu istuauusof thin rapis trtnggress ofleu'
pupiltFreergick, -dhr. Aulhsdunfolded'ito
tehus philosopthytotheitutcslit-c systemt
tilling hie,=first. tht itIvaas uttttualui
ho teachit uegr. "Kinowtedhge lgLit
a. chisd to hI' t suitehe should kuso 'a
isnlothing butt ihe taill of his mateshrstd
learn to obey it. Gite tutu n ineh
inst hutllike a tutle. "This son aieih
tphlosphty sunksdeetiiniot thus'harutt
of Donug'hlass. Be askeish imuelt iwhy?
he waus aslatv'e. Het'etueu-'iaed le ti-
jus,uutuuml, andutu uumetss tatu-
oftrisnof :elivery. tHe esuuuretuuuude~uC
lie fact tha~t itt blck teptiher e unst
orauclitbya'Codnto be saeandullt
at-tle tetle tbe utaser. Rebe'llioun
strling tin ititert.This, is hus
bohiuuit-uthe awas iuspotirit atdtut huihuse
a -fugitia'e from slsaery.
thttckhig thin feuthers fronns out
cuig-h'saitgs tmuy kbeps ilsuody oul
te grousiud, bits is heart till still fly
towardu thi nst. Though sritptet of
hismnuhuo, brutisly beaten, crushed
!in body, sol, and spirit, haunted nd

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