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May 08, 1897 - Image 5

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-05-08

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S. W. Burchfield,
~Ladies Tailoring Annex.
To Pent!!!1
The Largest Line of Bicycles, Sun-
dries and Supplies at
Telephone No. S. One door Eot of Ameri-
can Hose.
Time Table (Revised) Feb. 7, 1897.
Hall and En.3 47 N. Y. Specia... 7 30
N. Y Special...4 8 Mal -----_8 43
Eatern En-...10 u5 N. S. Limited.... 0 5
Atlantic E..7 55 Pacic En------ 001
0.NExpress... 5 50 Western E ---i1S5
0. R. Express ._ii 15 Ci. Nt. En.... 0 0
0. W. Runonto, IH. W. AYES,
G. P & T. Agt, Chicago. Act. Ann Arbor
Time Table Jan. 71 187.
*11:5 a. m 1:5 a. m.
4:0 pm 8:5pm.
"'Ron between Ann Arbor and Toledo only
All trains dily except Sunday.
E. S. GILIIOR, Agent
W. H BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo .
Wholesalo Cigrs, Tobaccos and
Cor. MaTin and Liberty Sts.
Caps. Gowns and
_ Abany, N, Y.
44 E. W1illiam St
Bicycle Repairing !
In aii branches neatly and poptly done.
Prices reasonable. Sndries at roc bottom
Win, J, Wenger,
Washington Block,
Ann Arbor.
Bicycle Enameling !'
Plain or Marbelized. Any color or
style. All work guaranteed.
With Tucker & Co., 18 N. Fourth ave

c::nstitutioll. 1808 sow Spain in pen- by tile standard of the battle-field. for-
ury; 1888 saw icr in prosperity. 7.805 getting tleat before a iman eon become
saw her barbarously fanatic; 188 saw a hero, lie musot be sunoiateti by the
iher liberally civilizeti. 1808 sasv her ti-te 'heroic spirit; that spirit whoich iin-
enslaved; 1588sa:w fher free, spires mien ts give nip eve: ything for
Eiiglandi bosts11cr Glaodsne, bell righteoulsness; that spirit whit-h boint
fte great siatesuan couild loot xvest the way to decath, if need be, buit never
Irishs autonomoy from Britain's Pilrlia- to tilionor; that slpirit ti lich trans-
ir.eni. the ni-oterO 10101 of Civil forms the econiton 111an into a greater
Rtights? (ostelar plainted thse seeds of thau a king. 11"hen scr a mian ties


liberty us iheScert of despotis and
nur~sed tieimititsuc~ePssfl frtiltio.
Prance boasts ler Ganbeta. Gerianiy
her Bissarck, butit itinbetta weatiteol
lin counltry i inotring, ondtiBsontrek
bathed all Europe ill blod. Caselr
'hoo given to the wordi te noble ex-
1 ape of revotiltion free fl-omo te
carnage of csr.
A poet. evey speech(0is :011 004. A
scloeslor, ittis oi tutred ot verstilty.
Ali oator, e is the Dmtostenets -f+
fle presentl age. A stlesman, ieO. it: ot
restoreod Spoin to hocirtancient t liv:
aong theg (ltlasiandtlioaieithorost 1rr--
putblic- in foirom. A- ptrio, l les ei-
t-oledl lis tolnts anti his life to is
eontry. A ieo,le 1110s lsrivedtiolnt
sorosoutted -i-isiitig- tefeat. Aoiooi. le
wo-ars tio tiark of avatric, 10oriidolof
critoe.n150staiiiof infasimy, too sigt.
ot sordidmiotttiotn. Rising far ibooe
the level of prjodiee, of self-interest.
of dleeption.le itoers 1110ot.'n lt
ludoo of liberality, of philantophorily
titoleo-ooorocising itruith. .Sicerit,
earneiistooss.maltllies-s oltioge -l-to-s
arctefountodlions oflis thrctr.
Aitolnwlt-lifututre ages shall11gat doowil
te gleries of iiie. and louse hofor--
(t-sitatues of te ilisioosida,
standllgti011 theolvaniof i tt iwtilotli
torcih of liberty,i in h thler te otillse
ot peaceiill ter sicItlescolesstl
S. N. legtlt-y.twhio is Northwrtsteroo's
otor. 'was brin 05Olio Aigs :0,
1867, btolhasi livetd mtsof lis lie
ini lois-t. Atticgradutoinilg it 188i
from otile Nevadta, bl..lhighi sooollit
si-li twIso 3-coltsat SiopotinCollege.
Inianlliolai, a. iti-ciame.cto Northwis-
erni in tilt-fall f 8915 anidislot-lt too
years, but was otipeled to losetwor
yeils because of illlhealt, ettiruitg
i the fall of 1895 to esom1iete is
,-ocose. tis fathe is to Mcliodist
mistser. tHe hias taken hat iitwoo
decclamiatory- contests antd our i ora-
tsry at Nortiser n addsliitionl to
iis years loal cotest. Mir. Fogliy
is a meiiiber of the Delta Taii Dela
fraternoity anti] esloblletthe (-bapo-
Icr noir existing at Norhweseri.
"Keenan's Charge at Chancelrs-
Tloewoutld sorshilion the hero. The
world, 'however, iiiust hear the cisi
of steel, and see the bage of blood
before it'bows in homnage a) tio ilros
shrine. l~en are apt toueasure valor

110 batthe, then fle wor-od does well to
ti him hero, AMen bid tLeonitdas,tn-i
all hlearts ltrill at mntciion oThler-
mopylaie. An Eing-lislo singr hais iimade
imiiiortl the clorge at Balakava,.aal-
before ie -in-lvery of (le Ligt Br-
gadse, the wordi sandsl silent. But
ineu and bard alike forgottt 101jvlolt
greet demcianded thot great sacriic,
1o seat the fTurk 11101 1(0itroe;, they-
fsrget thoothe Slatansir~iit of fier-
oottlylti-s loeros tvouldlcoqnally hatve
led ((ic o thi-ietichlin selili Or-
010sf 05s(1n righotous soar; they forget
tititpaortan soloier aid Engishttoosl-
r oL so-citbreti to soiar, aitdikncos
o'stlslll rgge10r liantito ie ibate.
In theo dark sday.- of AmeicasRebls--
li, boos-es-o, diairingogtsds iefso- neso
fiy mnci untainecdi il war, swhose alo
Shines its gloriuisly s t(t Of t113
waraitor in history. Slohil, (lhattii-
sogaand tilod iienclorsiiis povedl ti
mten need not be borno anti bret to sar,
to tiele (otwsarrior- Hirots. For ((ose
4i0 eharged todetico up1110(3these
bloody fields weretsinple itizcens,
woto.till list roarlof jiliulris t-annloi
heapetd islteu t10irhi lg, hdlevilleer
dreaimed tf o-r. No 10ustt obtlti l-
looly eatld soltheme fromoll iitt
homoses. No oiors,lpurched ty a3
brthlers tblood,.couoldteptO themS itto )
uirigito-utossoii. For theiatiltebatilt--
fieldi haitonlytoeti iditoteio. They
loedtirsh lift-.bot tie lurid mooe-
theiir cotntry and tire (loo; :nd1stlt-l
fou Treaoson sladt-heibolelag; iiii
'lt)-C ly .m-ec s ltilat Diineode--
otllts; shon Shatioc ololNitioal D-
structilonileee-inutlthe faces ofmInc:
then f ilf it-e fairclt tntd oio-came
the e liotiis kigs, swho solemonly, y-t
glaitly, miadec- tcrile o self. thit
h~oe and 1coiunt ry-omight ho- freed fromo
5(11. tni(1o01revercod,
These are the 'hros owhom Anerica'
lovcs 1to lotor Not beciuse thiy
i5I-c waro0r0s00and1in theItlst of cn-
oiuest larrie tre histile band sithi ire
ndlsiworo; not beaius toey uriles
thi-r natiton witsoil010strungfroum
helpiless conqueredi peoplel.-Ny! le
goeatneoss of lieheros 'is that they
serectizss not soldiers; mn, lot
u-alrioes; brothers, not colnquerrs;
sohile fle only pooil witfh sobucs they
stiught fo enrich the laiono soas loe
ands loyally. Thiotughi the dwn-inug cein-
tury teemsg with probleino which
Aumerioauust solve; uprobento freight-
ed witho blocnationsidestiny; thoughi
liii- portnts of ioe time se-isoto
prophesy disaster; though flhe smatter-
i-d :mutterings of dsontent have soell-
ed into a mighty murmur blat is niever

stilleti; thosugh-logoomysoyp~db~ets foe-
tselbi thseewhen oioence shall rnlc:
whien so-ous,.unurighoteed, shall stalln
the earth :again with blood; wsheno
tornos of savagsopassion shosll sweep
over ths land. and angry discord shall
breoise natioal isruuctioo:- yt
confident and serene America anato
te future. b-eebuiltderobuilded swiser
etthnthoey )ianeoo-, earing te soro,
dtstrsustigthe might of armis, augt
by hisory that tse nation, fondd on
sar, by wtar shold be destroyed, tey
digged tdeep, and laid broad he foun-
dations of Americai in bish -lov otndi-
tligenco of hoe citizens. By fhlovhoe
tno se oishasloshall sormus be stilletd,
even as by bloc love and volor of bhe
heroesuiboche ork datys othfle Rebl-
lion, Silows osrebsikeiloshnd tRighteos-
isos exateitd.
Dtark, ceeress dayos, iniee, o-er
these of fleowiuter of 062 and 'S. Te
Armoy of bithootmac,thsing huredo
itrmd-inusvainutagalust te deadly
heights of btleri-lksloutg, hoocwh -
odeasoo to is coupi on tieunorts side
of tse btooopiuhannook. andloas sul-
luny wattehinits toe aicross thos rio-cr.
Defeated,.disorganuied, il but dis-
hocteno-eds it 1-s screly te shadowi
of its foruoer proudlself. Areadyl~ at
bloc Northfit.somte hatd begiu to qustono
so-lo-flor it iw-ecetot boettcr to let fs:.
8011110seode. thanu to -por out rco,-
me ilsd1bloodb in wsosecesd a hope
lisocotest. Hoof blocgutat bosy oi
thoolehwoer 111-001andsitru. Trea-
son toout te pounishedsi inoebsave-ry des-
troyeoi. thooiug-h althblo uttiol s blooo
ho spiled bc-ore t ers soosidfbe
remoed. Yet soenos iottdieredtias they~
spoke of sobotatoidi losooeci. andswo-
strain-e tttesible rs of wet oharwasi
still to r-osos. Everything seeme(Ii- ol
tfavoraobleiitoothocUion ouicits; the Roo-
pahityt of foreigun ssoses, jealouss of
our naotioal greatness.ws-owsitholt
Soutih; tlieloioontiwas nhot yel tthp st-
ed; bloc issiosiopioiwros still unopones;
Lesetindobhsi Souitesoldooiey semeed
unonquerabol-oo~le; thoc PctstsultoCim-
buits hadllfailes;bPopeio1 oibeeuo te
ofeast; on thic soetsof hreoericks-
tbuhg. vt:5ilig- te ysrs odisastir,
15,000i()loyal solbics iad oieoli n vsub
there os-s itoturing inl nortern bmnust
for thsose is0booMeer shooulsi return; 'a
shaiowosl ilet hotof flist- Vlly of
Detathlrted pon 1101te loindol.andoheft
natiou ~ onulay brosbc tO asthooughsstrirk-
iei iwitho a moorta oiitud.
Ini bloeumidest of bths gloom, "ighof-
tg Jot- [loaoher is apoinoted- como-
mandliter, aniudooer lis vigorousois-
cilineObe Au-tay of iliss 5-ooiihi 10s
,'con ready anud eoageri to tak bios field.
In tile WHY1-Sprig Hooker atiipe-~
to seize the heights west of Itedericko-
borg, hut Lee, alert antd oae-tou,
tories 'ohumtbaek ibo the wilderness,
sohere Hlooker, seeng flat he omust
ight, begins to fortify his hposiito,
stationiug the enter of Chrancelos-
vile, anti exteninlg the so-hgs east anti

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