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October 19, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-19

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31f f w P iJ+ . . tiou plry. The last hat of the book
Puablished Daily (Siundays excepted) durritn COIgE OR F
the Collen Year, at
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 13th 'Nake !Audents Foughti On-
OFFaCE: Times building, 7t S. Main St. be- Maison. Wis., I(3.--1;.\ serious
tween Liberty and William Stt. ltl iccei leeleoeuteOiil
m WGIN EDIOR. oniore antl fiestitian classes of the
E. R. SUNDEsRLAND, '9y. tate uiniversity at the close of ilass
_iiieeiigii f freshmeni at . ocloi I yes-
EDITORS terdlai. Aosliii'laiterchilsscaiou iit
E. L. GEtrtrco, is L. F. S. SisroNs, 'o. iif the' yiiinisiitiii. whericthlie iteet
B. B. llnroeAtY,'ti. 1H. B. SaIttMAa, 'ii L. wooshslid, theywere Soct 1oiiiiii4ti- the
C. M1. GRENec, ti. Atbletic Editor. siiliiiiiioccaitl a sevee struggle cii-
soci.MSaii" seer, sevely" looll-i
BUSINESS SMANAGOEnR anit'hadii iiiiio iiit cclothiis iiici
ti. H. HANs,'98, fciolt licili
JF. THOiSr, '97,Assistant. Si's- i who hadirusIediifiog) '-00 0

! j

If not give us a call.
Beat's Shoe Store,


WVW. HV. loses, 'is. 0. XW. Smithi, 'i7.
F. II. Loomis. '95. Louise Doder, '991.
W. P. Mlorrilt, '98, CH. H. Corwla, 'tit.
Ait. OSmithi,'97.

j(it e shsits fn hail lii o iiiiieily m.1 MID :
off froc iiilu ivioieis. lteas iItiithm 'Iii Aii WTsr FASHIONABtLE
tirilh- 1i ikic'it, o. ii.its toti c rx(-iir-
iiii'iit, tu eyottilt piii' trott)le. Pres-\

Thesobscriptioo price ofthe Daily is -.01fliii . iTie tiriiieil'tediiitii'nelt al) IJO 1U'IF IRIA... 11n IL 5 t-r
for thecelitete ye, withi a irgoi Osdlivery liii i<t wras iit1u lrlrrf is. it I o
before ioon each day. Notici a, i inim a- AT 1
tions, and othiremoaitte irded liioiir i - sot tie lot'i( i-)oore t, l- DERBY ATW300 Are cist stylisti loisi stylisti and ar made
fioren must, ormoanddit 1 h e riiiaieie iieiileil(Wi',UUfrom the iatest Impiorteit Novelties
p. in., of the dayier Iiuiis to stha u tu iwihichi' coiiiuiuc - - yoat testl ui siiy o -tt
Ssrinaeaectption my e.f tTeDiy laly t lo a1old h Nitai~~ 5.00 fliat, itii onlier cence isa
offic-, leyer's or Stoiftri afNi uasidii.I or .00 ANDf $1 50.C9
ilh Busitiess ioanoer. iuubciber- wi'liicoil- Ii usitiii. lRev. 'J. .k. tliteu ii in. ci'or lii OC
fee us favor bytreptiiiig pionpl tti
office any failure of carrest vrpaeir.li li icitiiiucitiwhoIis s i 'uiii,
_____________________________ ca catt i ini thei'cr'owd n(u 1 g l
rulg ift e iii - I) o i l Io n i s fiii i'i'i teu
at - 'clock l in m .It. is oairuutl y 'i- i n ihclju ii 'iii
entt, as Imoritantiiiuatecs w ill couu'h' csc I chloNotiai
t~~~~~~i~I foNiiliiiwis.i.ci i I I Lr ful in ac uMleociut ii iii)
Gi or ic of ittiin'iior craioldctimeait utcawiiuao cri ptin-O p e nin ' g C lia lle tig e S a le !
The naiilofrlof' studiintmiures. Iu-sc Ul le-welir, all wool, fleece lined, $1.50 anti $1.25,now "75
t heir liuuuos mnd addrcesse-s ss'here'Pec- cents a Suit or 40 cents a Garment. Socks, black and tan, 9
sas iouiugtheii iiiii uiuliucits are niii'i sttri5 ciii suchli cents per pail, were 20 cents. Socks. 7c ,per pair', were 15c.
atiiiiiiinlslifsiif. Bly a 'usuthaison Shirts, Faticy bosomi and white at 39 cents wtorth .5 enits.
rueesiibetcoibtii ii litweith sllthe facts aniitoi''uu't i Shirts in full dress anti fancy colored bosonis at 88 cents,
all atnlunuis, hut especiaoily toii icst ill iiilc ow-ln 'leiiIc,~ were $'1.25 anti $1.5(0. Mtonarch Shirts incltudedi in this sale.
yieatr iiiin siltsaisnil yii fuls-ci' n.. )wiuci epcti dea Neckwear-lhlc and 35c Sti'ings, Four-in-Htantds, Ptuffs, anti
hacusud lion'tuutheirincislici- I is tue i ]ROW Setc. $2.00 Hats at $1.50. $3.00 Hats at $2.25. Sim-
rlrsiiit'ilwih tei tius sicciiiil paupetiricthat peilit such HIattic is tewss. flar l-eductioin on all other Hats. Glov-es, Mackintoshes Stits-
Thteretace threes' iegisiers'iti thiiiciy. Wi' sisoduc if this"oidor of buingi g enders, Handkerchiefs, Ciies, etc., ect.. all incluited in this
att \c-wlecry Hall.fii tikilis' Dramcii's l pervsauded the 'cautupiur ficssverai sale, Two weeks only, beginning Thursday, Oct. 15,
Store, anti at lliow ii's Diu ' :tori. li' and ending Thursday, Oct. 29. Everybody Inviteil.
Evil5yOliilil iiiinthi iv uhersityouhiti
t e'nter' lila imironilall t's'e)if AmnonE the Colleget. D E A R B O R N & C O N
lliriii. Iti 1ooth0is ay canut -Iriauts iHiletn Kelluti. tblini la, t.seutiles. . Gents' Furnishers and Hatters...
lie sur o echliiii, iichis Ifrindsbetii'tutress, has tossed lihi'.Harvardtix-4~4 South -State St., .,AnnrtA rbor..
titli'hotilel iii. t i t s-n' u miniioiswit icilt. tirxiilleiiii Conmnin arid get your Shoes shined free Every Day-!? t
ouatit fat- tile iperson ito registei-c. liii. frag thnIn-.tfeslltn
it iften saves a v-icy greust amoitnt of It was nruored severaul duuys.sago THE ,ANN~U'AL A~NOUN~CEMENTr
that (Osgooud, tin' old C'oreli halflit a,
Itrsl'le toho imtself and to other':. .4+1 ,ili.i., .,. ., a... ..of a..

cen'terr, has writitn a ntuimiter of utrti-
tle's altfoottmll whichi has-u'btacoput
into hook forii by Iairhiec & Bros.
While liii book is designi' im oarily'
for beginner'is ini footbaull aiil es iuelial-
ly far those in theisecontiausy schoiol-s
it containis ur great deaul of intutneioni
ilci will be tisefol to players ail-
ready expteriecd. Mr.Le, wis' huook
is tat adnireable onie abiout football,
for it ho written' by a tian wb-Io hasa
rrrist thtorouighikntowledge o the gatmti
arndu is itt langulage 'any novice niay
urntderstarnd. "A Primer of C'ollege
Football" 'is devoted Benst to the intdi-
vidulnt, ur whrsviihtthle "fllnuatent-
irls," such as tackling, kicking, falling
en the ball, are outlined, and do itosi-

souil yearesa etre siell tcqoalalted,
hadtu tben killed i tulct i-lie" lihe
hlsdthOurrank of 'Majour inithe Cutitan
string.No wort hatlslibein rs-s' isn i
Niss Yuork at thte tCa ttiit'udulilteei
ceilaceetailg his deaethl, "mu4 it is ex-
treerly iunlikte'lvthat Such tilte'v'utt
has ocecurred.
H-ssa'rd, iiin er'foottuallpirac'iti'e, is
tryig a nlvust'hiod of defesse.-, Thu
tiacks itnsteadi of statliung close il tho
tie ball it ploy, strantdsri-real yarste
behidan td thus itase moire chance'to
tintereprt ttie rtunner Olotlil letnvank
ttheroghitile lise and nirec.inmnttli
to cheek lutss lplays.
The 1p1011for te ix-yeas' lite'u'ry
and1t toaw cotrewtrs crowvdle ot't ini
today's isane. It uill be inisertedh 5o-
Subscribe for the Daily.

The Stuens' ecure AsOF- - ds Cure

Leland T.oer--------------
Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra_______________
Charles A. Dana------------- ---------------------
Ex-President Hrio------------
Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicago Alumni Nnlnber)__-____
Imperial Qatt----------------
Oratorical Contest-----------------
Lucius Perry IDills________ ______-_
John Kendrick Bangs---------------
Harirsor NtrnrerT- $1.05)
Ora'orical Contest 0215

-Nov. 30
--Dec. 11
--Jan. 21.
--Feb. 1
Feb. 12
_March 12
_March 19
_ April 2
- - April 13


TICKETS NOW ON SALE-Reserved tickets on sale Tbursday,0Oc1. 8tb, at 'Falmieris
dreg store, Stale street, and WValrs bunk soAlum tlreet.
It JAMES H. PRIIIJTT, Corresponding Secretary.

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