If You Are Thinking of 23uyii g a
110 not neglect looking over our immense large lin of the choicest girments made in this country. We know that there isn't a better
and more complete line of
in this city sod vwe 'laims that most of the merchant tailors cannot give you nar as good a ft although they wvill chlarge you doule the price
SOurSn~iis ic fionm ,15 to X20 are sioply elegaiit, notnig io the readv-umade line to match them. Hammersiough Bros.' Overcoats
21e the sweliest made and only handled hjy us. You/will want one of these.
For Lowrs of aTII11TIC SPLIBIS Sour Looks, Soiled Fingers, MHIGANCGiT L
ime Table (Rvised) Sept. 27, 185.
%Idenify theimwanehoisosat N7. Y. Specia_-54518 Mail _--58 4
liv 11. 11. 5WI S. llliisl seldCsf ii'ontnts aten Ex- in is sN. .Limited.5925
5a Ilnsi tosi lfhittgitiiilie siiiil - S i flK f NTAI Il PEN A Ri Lntic En -- 7 M. Pacific En --5 15
t i-liiPIigamsll. 5iiso, Ptairi. 7 -, D-- . . Epess ,. 40 1 wCeiternEn----1555
/! l G iiiii 5 . .Epres.. 0 Wstr n 11
ct rusIf ( lescthe aker ha ili- 1 GR E- 552
c -, iline shaped ieed Luotneai 0. w RanoueSr, BHI. NHAE,
\M. 5-i, an tl l iars ml foitilall liii Crvedllnbninrbecdielicl . P.& T At., Chiag. Agt. Ann Ariser
c r inis.h lisn 111lintto Es(hr ii u th(sn m . akes it impsssiblesiisrninkmtS
tlvlt e-ut iik~--n. in th Se -salsorioner the edge
iii at uset ma tmol o Tle is ]inlinrke Stetol ,peiisGroeri es Pro siuns
ti-nt-I t-il fis (till. a- win-i (lit it- 7fu tt-- poikis . AI psieis sthat illi
foinotusoenn s .I i-s i ti seol r o t511,lad fendtte, ii tri hue inkper- id all kiids ofSa i rum
sisn sia tis-n if' isis-lxtll s s- n- es-ly si-ina- titled is orth Feds forsle by
banis 1Ite s l ties t ts il ii ti-h- i-Iitingacieinitei i t so C .
li e nio tllanail iitt iclise listisDon't You Think 80o? St 24 s. STATE T C.,
lii nidinti stt S di-The Way in Easy-
tillit.ft.itisilli-il >,-J.C REUDi, 947 s. UNIV. PARNIZErntHOLMES' LIVRYI
sinl ltilt-nn i tillni ie - - ioficec kotas: 7tall p. m aidget the best service.
pin.,silt-li; s in an ickigril- Ofice and Stable,32 Forest.
anf tullnnii oft lst d Tn IRA DE TOOTH BRUSHES! Ave. Telephone 106.
liteitokoSi llede nlBrans 011cc at Psners' Pharmacy
ptlyra sunIn-ac, The se ntiit patll Tht is whiat ee will dot, if you bity one of is that do:
iesvsea iy ot iiirove atinfucttry,'we swill give you a new oefiCt. H N RORSVNSBN
fi 1t . l Capital 5noc i. $nitio0. Srpns, *Binie.
71m titat SiN Iurnle s ~ u. S or ]7 E. Wahigton. Reouresrnii0,(i.
NeVdto f X u r e ys-r gS o e Co, 4th Ave. Organied nderteGeneral aningLaws
CAMP'S AMERI[CAN IFOOTBALL .ai'lthnis e Stae. SReees depnsis, byn and
selsecag nSeprincipal eitienf te
133y VAI L I; (Xii. Nttt saiti I-hi- Unied Sates. oterafts caned pn peper
1 t':;edIliio. Rmo.Clth, {1._i. Officials ior Purdue Game. THE KINDERGARDEN BILIARD HALL I OFCR, deniicaineChrstaeynitboesSn WeeD.
li-t i flir1s-iiafir if iitl sisi:'I u--- 5 en ri an, Vice-ire .s Cas E. iscck
infiei-s lunrers iSlt itthe itSoffotbSall RAILROAD TICKET TBROKERSCatierIiiJ. Friz Asitans Caniso -
gratilif intlilt as n it iiirititosln-1k . Gousld, isf Ansisi s wthottMNEY TO LOAN ON -PSONAL IQTN TIONAL BlfAN Abr
a 1tit-i y 1- t--iit-- 1Sdls. itsi iiftct-li$10y0,00i051. Su sit tr T ~sattn. Srplis and Prefis, U0,000f
iriiupirl lelii- timliis-alcitn sf al e t- ill sits s inf sic slt r! biit Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos 5ad Tansac-ts -a general anking b siness
saet-Ili of thel S C hicI a s Athleticaeigs. ehanget-ougtiandsld. Frninh,
Imrgiti -dtiolin of Shis itootk. Shusllt liia litSr Cigarettes eters nt creis,
any ft fil- lt- siietiilialirein ioi-s nastilial tRill umireli. 1 Cor. Main and Liberty Sts.E. 1. li1R s, P es. IIAIIRICIN SOLE,
_____________________________Vie Pre.
lsints5 -iinduceto ht- further huh MER[+LTING OF (IlANl ODtlR 1F.& f S. i. CLAlISON Csher.-
l riy tf iite glime, filesoilfthifle A. 3.,CIN NN It tto usthRiri-ed iLage eanl Resint P.1OmntieSarirtTla Li-
ws-ite ivillbitainuerd. Auhines Sre OCTOBERS2-22 Line ofNe aprT tyirlie-i tgodinide irs. we do
eery ilintg in tsur . Cainsg, psrsig
fame Agenhs of Ohio Cenrat Liies will Sell Bot adCd nid tat r all heats Agenaniletiriii .* t temstpriesr nisentniuh
tator i~lesm athWililamsand Ii tns Ce.'s 5m Ipork.Gootcalme fr iidsdelivi-ered
By the Same Astisnes ticts Otober 170)smut 20 at oeiefare Cocolate nBanlne. eseek toSn Iseise. 20 S. Sall street. Give-
FOOTAiL FACTS AND tIGRES. PstSi-, for round trip frmiiasll pints in Olhia .E;JO .L' Q nt
Paper 75 cent. R iJ L Y CC1.uaxl
A SPOETING PILGEIMAGE godretrning unitil Ocober 23. 2n . Stae S., Sager leet. LOwnfey's Chocolates.
Rliflinig to sltd5 uuf, 1owngm Tie Ohio Central Lines arcriitihig iiisrns. Nw Open.
5ouuball. lib andiitnnuh-rsifuy Al-solid vestibtled tifrom fiei Delinihrange s'schetoflaOne- Hot Lunches.
amd Toledo to Ciiinnati, withiut NJ in.rounatd floor. No. sI is tde l ihbot anr t
mirt niS Present Coiuosly tluna- change, 17 I1____________________TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St.
elated S vi, linus,1,1.51). O. HURRAH'. Anniii M t lii-set ha kfne ,OP M. OHA'INGPARLOiRad Btt-
Theosiorb isncriaminly lie Restarant and Lns Cnsiter . rnoms. Al ppinetments first clasN~G~LR
+ Cafe ~~~~~~Icmiporte n esccig ad . adiigparorn 3 T C A Z j
incesit valuaisble 'oilrmbmtioin oho --The P r , . tcimp rsin d thiga uitsisP O
letie- literasture thst has bteni mnpubliha- 3 .Tejntet,555tt t ANN ARBOR. MICH.
- ibS Main Stret. Anything n setten
ed for miinmy m isty, Chiucaugooit ais time neS t Br'ard inciity Ite, MMARTIN Funeral Oirectr GCet NALTEP0ORP
AN)NIGT P S.__Dont fr e Aspe- Cllis.Embamin a Speialy. No
CompsiiledSby ir Rsditor of "Intr-mlait fSunday Dinneri,1230 to 2 ue 5MCFeurthm ave. Fl Washington Block,
sc-holastie Spo~rt" in IlrpersiRoummiliAnAbr
TaleIltstatdPrm ntata-O'Keefe High Grade Fountain Pen.
eon PlnlorahoIso Coih~nus-ItcannoS obtain at gor Bose Store, to UNLIKE ALL OTHERS 1N
mental, $125, 1mm"IIarlirs inrduce Pen in y-rRcmel e eeite
Table Libray" cast witrder, we wil sead by regiser Construction and I
A good book o put imto lieians mail oee Pee at SO per cent. discent p
of lie athlilhuly inciliud. Iti is cap- Cussoe five at 25 pr ent, diceunt Combination of Parts T '
illy illnstraitedi wihll ntneusCubs of en at :30 per cent disceunt
phtographs, ani is fusll of extert amd No2 No, S Nod Every Part New and Novel, J'TJ
sound advice and instrution-Oiat- Price- ---$2.50, $3.00, $3.50 Complete and Practical. cOLARR
look, N. Y. Call t office of yor College paper and see ilstration of Pen, and __________R
-Nwopinions relative to same. Address Wanled-A Steward. Cll at 20I&.
HARPER & BROTHERS, Pv bshers Yok WILLIAM H. O'KEEFE, 60 Main St., Lockport, N. Y. Liberty f.