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October 19, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-19

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ghc tI. of


VOL. VII. No. 16.


("' )ILj..ID, MICHIGAN WIN ANOTHER superior training of Micigan began Engineering Society.
- to I..-el and the Lake Fnrest line he- A, liege nnunber of stndents attend-
Le d n alor Lake Forest Fails to S-,ore on the camne badly demoralizeil. The 'Vii dth etn o h ngneln
'Varsity.sity scored abont ,no fast as they could_
alk ntowii the fheld, and titled lip 40
TheIDIL JT R 'tti arsity won easily troiiiLaketoitiii iiiieapy. err, norttierii trill to Carp Lake last spring.
Foi-i-s ret Sntritay biy the score of tiii to Hteiiiinger, Gtordon ii 1111Ayers iiinrle Iltr. (teisier spoke of the line that
mosnit of the gains. aind (arc aiid Ben1-
FULL O HSSUITS gSPECIALTY iric 'l'tivswotnr#o pib t afvrdoiy-aiveiet ntt it idtsairt. cxcellenit work at wasiruntrin omCarp Lake to Lake
_____________gaic otwee oolihtI aIsaiy-Mihiananit Att. Beiitaiiitalked
int erferenice. '
hiiig,, with 1.Michigaifs liiie. i nsie'abutiltthe Nt11gaiie withti tie Indhins.
NO, 2 E, WASHII lION ST,. NEAR MAIN. itneiiy aft'r the 'Varsity uince giot- thtrcsiieiit iititev mditesos.D. H.cti
,"t actksnaoianti (ititain W. F-. tacksonPrsdn ipyadMer.Blnl-
Ara-r-m-- - e 0.1 tii p theii-v ore' at niitas te t h bet orn ird Mu.ioore n-idfGrein alsotold aitnnd
GOO lien1s d" of good stories wihich were nwett re-
0 iii the5'ii-sii:n cuine Na -c-ati-it o ic. y I ir
at a reasonable purice be layeithe sni --ta iigameociite sgdspt h n-sddsoe t civeniit enjoyaedwas a i prfesiewtch A
isn't always easy to get. tkn4fe hc
0 For 25 rents we give yoti gaiha both thiongli the Dhue aniliditiiit0111iiorei wiiii fu inessnmeting wasli-lit.'Thieri-
0 oethat we can warrant to liii- the'harsityi. n liouinci that itlicli-C
bestifctr.Betr ok 1arouniltileclots. t'arntiaiiiat~, -vision u tI ti e coinatitution camne nnder-
be stisfctor. hoterrookgao ris raidilvypertfectings ni- into--'
at 'rio next tune.iiiordilti. reelti andnu f-it i iige r li iii nii11 advisemiint aind will he ntefiiitely'
-- also meniaic iii i aritsfoi-te te d iiponiinitwoin ceka. A niunmber
465 TT S. - itv. aild.tuttii-aniitbyres, firW Greenl~af) Ryder if nen-miiniiis w-c r Ooposedttar iieni-
1y. 7 i liti i r citI-X -iiiiti et 1 iAyres t Camioelli to-rtii. A titirarv -coilliittee a ii
V ila--------- ------- 1.t.-- ------Villa - rewas
aiits, A-holi hut eell lininlg 1;1e 'al- n------- l --_ - ridge Ptinttedt to attenditto i tue tintii g in"of tilt,
ttoiohscter ------ .--------Condit
team and ls a~lyiiig lila usual .-xi-lli- Bene-t.--------r.r __-_-- Canrvr ei icl als in the Einginiic%-slibira-.
TILL SAIIIROMY NI6FIHT i 1(uJcraouitte ni c i 'ews ---- t..__ ___ helgansT
We will give a disconint of ten Genefi--- <.____.3 ako
par cent fi-oiiiotiralready cash to us knee, whicihi will ticoluntuly ki-pcli leur in--- .__--. .Jcisnsaii aiiri-ssthe society am thie ulecitniical
prices oniReliable Footwear hrrli f h ordnii_-- - ---_ __a-n--_ C oinard
hi nl~ee niat60 iiintnttegameicfora e a yci in.ogrg --_ f__-onco treatniiiit of sies. Noticof this Icc-

Shoes at $5.40,$-i Shoes at $4.i0, Wtiu-n I in-harula retucire ium' ilclaf toolk
$4 Shoes at $3.i50,$3 Shoes at hspw
$27"0. $2 Shoes at $1.80,$.i0 t s i aii niii l tmr was lhut iniat
at $.3.liftenut.
JAC BS AL A I, lie iiiwias icri iin t lgniiii111
JACOB & ALMANDsholled the 'i nislim- velI l ii iiiln i-
Vasniung-totn 131k., XWaslhingtoin o s it i rn i t1dam-in st-lar. 'fl, -- r
tutu Iirly- ulblus iithn t 'Wl't n iiiii 11ut
-AT--- LeF ort- sii nt Nvis co i-iiiaintINi tit al
Brown's flruc Store,("i Sitninlri i thunilenluthealit'1inn e
In notsyonunoting.Don iot neglect it. Coriirotinaii-arsit tn-s.ts
Com 1d Tande .,. aEti i 1. ti-h ic d t .iittun-cn i-i
0 a 20i n itt linec. .Tittncr i-nl10
Fowler Combination. Lady Sits iiat ,iihii.g.iet i mi

.Cre nuGlito 0 i. 'hunt-itt linlv-e .2i5
anit15 i inititi. iitin-ltldnni i. F-t
lloniiigr (3). Ayrn-a. IGoals from
tI.ioundtoo. i~iltirt Tnlit. l:1-i..1
.lniik'Siiu. ILake- I-t-i-t. l~lon-aitiEil.
Simmoiniis nindnt (niihntni-ll
SMeeting cc Woman's League.
th fi -( rsInd inieat-nuivi'iit' li t-tl
lilianof h .- yoi liel ntini-kit
the tall. It nias ndcideid inoliaveotic
nnniiing- titeintvlnhic-huall tIeInn- iiniliii

tiot-rinill tieenlisent nint-uilig tn
lniinl hialt tgte-ligliinii i
Excursion to Detroit.
Aii-ll -.n studnentasnt-iri- nirlac-is
nwiin oeni-lc-at Detrilt Sn tnrlav
Intol thin diad'sof thin anti-rninnl
gil-. i-tin -ecu three 1antdlii-e him-
nit--ilstudntts Iotardnen thtilexcnri-oni
traniierie mntdon-tarnatedt into Itivnuu
tutu 3I Iti-ilt- ntis. Thn-goldntstaund-
lint imom andthI lii lhi-ni-fiorncs mn-nre
shJout iequanltinrepresented. hu-thle
ltintn-c an-Inn-tt-irorganizedi. Ianh-n

Behind. For M utM illRdtineufn-lntt ll itthi n nthinict iiiit-i. 111voninn ithi3nI.fsTii
cullurfui : ycpt.ait-u-ohi- ltian- ditnhlugit Ni rioillspcifin-d. thn u-ut L-lit ho hi
TUCKER &W C0, i F-IFITH AVlE. ticentriifglr > y nidsn.hret 11 he nugg r i l-oi ttettiitnVi- titns no litheEetu ait de-tu i n et otf to-heu
UNIVERSITY SCHIOOL Ou DANCING tunitedt h3 yniad. l.ahne 1-occat ure-limein Nni-uii-i. t ae -c S~ ilteitg inns binig hueld. A.be-ting
hill-ill- BUL DN G tu ntd tile kici to hoeii-ci-tru oti'ie iii lii -to Sen 1ofhetil Utiversity- tiltn niaw i n-hlitat
fieldt. TLhen GLDINL till tunuge itihi-c15nidaordsn t he i elae nteafeno n
Special attention sainItotimbeglin1er 101Foir treThinsentativetitnuthennumin- i incus - ii i iihn; niii tl-nttciiu lu
paticularrs call at aoi rtii iit ghit. tiogg 4thricouighli liii4Nercubiar ditaboyt
ni t lii iti -uigiii h--n-~<il-ntlii i-l- lii nofltnt n li- nmlu-
c' h m s n Str'eet. IiumiGordton cichmlu-nhltft fof I0i yard", har ti(mlladhim- tin-hit usin,-
Ilhin. ulnumh- ti-i- iumun- lirtngii lii-hiuii'tinni wthiihini si-utsousd)en-uelden-in
-__A T - 1t c--bih unuuium hn uuh u-u i e t oi nt onllNul-. 4 andth:1. Tfli t niun- -fn iu, i 1thli thcs mtlii -u
tutunitf isss Dthnigi-s was ri-i il- n-i du
AtRhSeO K 51 R lltstohin-ltuitn r-u i lt hctllilinhil.nhis.iwterni--i-- s t ul stsout thetiintfiitiii. film-
arcouutind ih mmitsedfr 20 yarit .N otugg tra iiinturut nutas 1 thi nuii-ug in
We utnvite every studdunt to visut fiehim-'1nt 5 ee ceili. A n1~o t
otur stoics. Wo have a- large supply .sletgu i',luu ic. i uiutn-i. _____ _____-111'cs nt1unlockn.
of second hnd University Text theelt alsmo tide mile 'Varattynn. Sudden Death of a Student.
Books for all thue departments. President Angell at Princeton.
Law unud Medical Books. Gerumautacun ouc -hmmu n.lniit nl ti. itlaum h. Sn-lieu-s a frm-siuuuniuu in
and Frenchm Classics. carryig ;the 1intu oteminni liantuhuer -nu t'uesidiit Anige-ll is tin le nlnvnuy tle-
We sell the best student Note -I ienim tinntuuititm niil n
Books 20 cents earl-. iutuun tn--Vtm tui -riiun uorninug ait his room nil- , uli huisliefn-f.eituisiin
Tue best Linen Puper 20 cents per intl advlnicend in:nintob Lanke tForest al. thus totmerue ninus ;ii lhhuttsiitiiiislil
pound. s- t.iiHisiniui hutlnwasityn'lii i, minim 11111
We boy and exchmaunge second tr~o~.tmg uiclgmlugalul. whemre-is uiiilils mmiretakesn-n-rste.-
hand books. itietuigan conutinuuedlto gasit lbolut as Br uedutan1d11fiftie-ti uhuilniisnry of ths
Agents for thne WateruannFoun- ca onn. Te tte<Si"(astun plenased n slu ulln-n cent dilnaking isiiu-l fnitrnitiiuiiis lnnwlbeinign-cl-tnruin-
taro Pen. i ol~o n n i("g" ntelcrr ies
Mathematucal Instruments anud sxtueiln-u ut icga ntelmatmimns.niniig11011- the leO ui hu>vh>
Drafting Supplies a specialty,. is iif nrug h nttn m lThe '97 engin-e-rsohtutuacumnus Slt- ts thn- ltloni of rnnusinnsmnintatinvns
'Ihe best puices to everybody. utes of this Hlnthue visitors did suanefrmhelaiguvesbi ote
Give us a trial uitay -atternoonfuoIilmii-heniliuigliiinesites o li
I ecelen wok ad t oe tmehel (UnitedntStates. It is tor this lthat
WAHR'S tOKSOR h ie Varsity ons downs on the Lake Iiuau-y itudnt luiliinnhted enuninger for Prnsidlent Asugell is tobtihlt-rn-
Up Town Dows Towsn hForest 3 yartl11hue. 1 thuercanduuidate-far the senior class
-2a S. State st. Oppomsie Court House,
Ass Arbor. Matnsst. In thle second half, the iweight mud I presideucy-. Subscribe for the Daily.

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