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March 06, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-06

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~a i~f ~ I Song and Praise Service.
..df o 4 1f p " " xlt. ndrx v's vested tihoir xwill ren-
der the tolloxwing pr')gra-i Suxndaxy
ixhlibed Dally (Sundays excepted) during eeig Airl ,a :0p l.
tihe College year, eeig.arlt7 t780p i.
NH UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. PrIo('e siollll-we Mri.W oe
_!rF't'imes building, 79 S. Mini St. be- toVioc. . xob
twoen Liberty and Wiliam Sts. (liori........ ,. Goss
.14 .G(INGi EDITOR 'xifieih0. . . . Moiley
.. F. THOMSxa, 97. N n ii ibittis. . .Gounod
BUS[NES SANAGEU ISolo and iii 'lOeis-Itx 'haixll ('xixe
0. Ii. HAn S, '9S. Sloii like Rxin...A.°llen
EI~TORS II lnnn--( wiotheii Daxy ondl ihe
E. L. GExIMERx, '98 1L. F. S. SIMxONS,'G 'i8.iiiryimut Six. Anientxi plain son;.
F. M1. Loomis, '98. xi. B. SxctIAo i98L.SoLlo anti I('xbs "JxIniixiiiiiiltxx.
H. H. CORWIN, '99. BUsora LAMBS 10S
C.9. GCaNs, 99, Atixietic Editor, ifromix" -aS !<too Jx ...ex'. Rossini
ASSOCIATE EDITORS xixtr-Ar',"flxixxgi"fxx
Wv. iW. 1Gghes, '98. 5. W. Smith, '97. "Ilj11711.. MlIiicfl'isoolix
F. A. Fsei:, '9OE. I. A. Campbell,(S'Mr.Ili. lPease,
xv. P. Mxrrill, '05. C. ID. Hmdxx '0" Iecsinl -I(Jlve yxoxpurex11
A. M. Snxltix,'97. C. Lxii, jr., t99lt . . SviM.xii
ISoloists lbs lter Ge(lx'rxiiii \-I1xw.
i'tlie tlxiily. So0e.-Mr. W. 'l.xyixr
The tubscriptioxx pricecof ibe Gaily 'uiM isieis'$2.50 Kixp, i
foe the college yeaxx,xithx a regouxar delixerxy 'xi ist xliici liiix'iixiox'.
before xioxx eah daxy. Notices, commuxixta-I ________
tionx, and other matteixtexnded for publxca-
tionamuxtbelxaxxded in at the Daily officbe- The Chess Tournament.
foieS8 p. m., or mxxlied to tbe editor befoxe 3
p. in., of thxe dxxy preiooo to ttxat oxxnlxex 'ie'iwhichiitx' cxiixxl xxli
they are expected to arpearixe.l~isfr h oramn oh
Subscriptionsmxxylbe left it Tile Gaily
Office, iMeye's lir Stoftlet's ixcxstxixd, or li''tttliy th11e.T_' . 111A("hrs'tI')tih uinsxMige.Sueibrwl'cn
fee a favsor by rxpoting proxmptly at this oxi i till 'il'sdbxx'. Maichi11, ii.iilx
office anv failure if carriers to deliver papxieAliianS('Olilieil. ill Mxxuisimn xl.Thr
'Phi' Alixixti' Axsoiiiiiixii iw xibe \-il be tIxciiils'e i f i'ltiesxxiii th
ilxast .$X100 rie x. xaxiiithx 'r1111 111x(ii eei rorltieIxxfirstI classo xiii xei50' cni sll0
i-,0e'lo'er M isi willxxiii xvi- .715 )1 xxis seiclixi lis-a 25 '11110. _Ally 01 llili'lxl
blxxe'ecaixe fte ixx i iieffotcs oiiitheiof' Vi1 ' l i'lt i i11xi'
('oxiiexiy x'ili. xtriea tirraiseis tt li i pa11117 ii'llileri or 1111till lsse i' li 111'Y-
clxix lx'oriits disilil 'lx'shidxixss.'111 li ct ' Entrance feel. T'is'ame11xi
lxxii xxii cheiil il1110 iii li- txii. I i't1 i'lb iply i1 ii Itic' cedilxxic ole
IlCS noxoel 11 ixxiel I lx-Il i I. thie'oldi iiiiixeei'l hgliiliiiig. I 'iii
n:il ii ll'1 'Exi i l' 11. O xllll 1i11 11 xii xizii ^cxi' "x l--
xxrill tiotlleox oxixcrtii l'liiy xi' More lrmprovements.
lii iih-i 1'i'elixxx.'xl ll f ippilieti iho 'xi sty

@@@'P HE O@@@
Private Secretary

One huondred seats in the first
two rows of thxc balony have
been reserved for the perfor-
nmance of "Private Secretary"
Saturday night. These are ex-
cellent seats and are going fast.
They are 30 ceixt seals, and a
few teals at that price also

reixalin downx slates. Aix early
reservation, however, is v'ery
desirable, as the x"stanldilxg
roomo only" signx will tuxndout-
edly be pot out before the cur-
tain goes np Saturday xigixt.
The chxarts for the dress circle
and balcony seats at Shecehai's.

The cxrtaino will be raised for "The Laceniaker" at 8:15,
sharp and no one will be admitted during its
perforxxancc, as Sloe stage will be darkened.
Prices, 35c, 5co, 75c and S$1.e0

entexc'i'pxxiiii newx ixaix o f iilif' undixerx' xl-xoxtx x1 v11ix'''ch l l.ug'aixisi I 1ra1'e
the'xxx li ixboari if xoffici'rs-. WVx' lx' or i went-'xI. ''ilx' 9111'lnli'x il xiiti xxere'i'- F0
xit cuh issto bli ee' li ase'andi lii''eitlub i'i'x'iixxsly xIi'i'xxxig'i'ini iii xxlphxlica
is t laxike 'hliii ' rc itishoui'ld xwill xixc i'ar iixx l- i" gl".1-llup'ed i f<il- 1
deendexuipxnliihe inti tthixxllx'e iitth-i- 118. Niileos 10 ioxilrxxiiiiailliis-
herxs taike'inllihi' t:xc 'lx. ii.seasoni is. lIirate i'the xii Ii Oli iii'O'loiiliiil
it is truie. so lx'l l xxixdvaxiei'i. but ii ii' e .ril i'i.x lua xyi'.i. '1"hi sp ci
71r cr'txiill rcilii i ld iiii' ixiili xxi 1iut linillo iti J..(). S'xc'le'lxkciii- Imperial Quartet------------------Mrh12
theixorgaizin'in shlx ap1e10'icor 'rs- llii 'idxxirigliii ci'esieniei'aiir'idothxcI'Oratorical Contest---------------- aca19
sixxi xi xic li i'li iih'llxli'i liiii , Ex-President Harrison------------- ac 22
All caxidaxhte'x foxrthe rila-.oi n to~x
Pe:aeto Work. 0-to '(iiaoon Aril1,''ad 'le Lucius Perry Hills-------------------Arl2
,'T'iex(rioiidGiox xxnlll 'lxxbtx yes1-51 nooxris xixi l lix ne',xand roirt oil John Kendrick _rg-----------------Apfil l13
te'xdxay afternxonixxand xidplx' i iii':i nigorcka i. Cynnsi
relokntoaro;aiaiiofteMonudxay, Wi'eddi'axy axdiiitaiiy, at , xIENERAL ADMISSION 'TICKETS (I-GO
tieslokxi lx irxorxiicxtixx f li i''lixek. ii. '1. iIJlAT.D,
xx'xxxxxxcixgxai.Iesiic'rxxi'k Colitix. RESERVED SEA'T TICKETS 1.15
tihe remaxixntder oi' ii' lull..vixre x 'ii t- SINxGLi, ADMI7SSION.3
xci xis tfxiluio's: l'recxlidlilt, . F .ll.J
Ilyxie; xice e xrx' iiixt. A'' K. I'lixik-
burn;xi; i'c'l'xlxlx'. .. ixLath( 's';Ibria-rtrical Conest far.
xx1'xr, Fredx'ti it''lxiia. II ~' iiE 'xx
.'lldA I.I~~ti~ret10e1 nel SUPPLIES 8i 1.00 $1. 00 $1.00 81.00 $100
hetrs f xii'he extive x' l xllu I l ___________________from_______________
t~he iterry an 1a~ dc~pl~tle~ltsIre-Spading Leaguxe iBall, Mis, iasxs, eti'.I .® I_"o
liii' llcxy xxxiii ixixo 10.)ici- lanixcers shoixld sexnd fIrxaxmples and .0 A Tremendous Slash!I
1p''i''~. .b tgixx' Iis xdiiii special ranes. Every ru isite fox' 'enxnis,
Golf, Crickxet, Trckxla nd Field, Gymna- yy0
migxg xnimxxx'l iduxxs ',) cill':;, plx-xi sux EFquipnmenxtx andl oxtfit Complete 118.The U. of M5. Daily at your room evexy
xxhlxStlii' iigixiillZ iixii' ii11.0C'a'xxxlogue of Sprixxgixnd Summer Sportx day fox the xest of the colxege yeaxx (througix
ab'I atthebelnllli;; o th <"llc'P' free. "Tule Name tie Guxrantee."
year.'flit' annul le tiloxi vii-ie held1" A . G. SPALDING & BROS., .$100coimxxcmnxt wiet) foxONE DOLLAR. $1.00
xxi 'the first llidlxy illMly. Nie Yorkx, Chicago. Phiisxirfixia.
'fx ''''ii.l iliitViiiii ETCLE 1.00 0. IH. HANS, Musiness Maxager. 81.00
'ii'xllil's Li'egai xii 11 'iiw i i'lc1x 0Ci A n R
olilg ed if anxyofits axssoc'tioniixl1(x1x1- $1.00 $1 00 10 0 $1.00 $1.00
hers whollNisholl txiertxin 25 of thex ANN ARBOR. MICH.
x'Ie'ge ginls, xwilsiend ltir tixxllies S)tT OF M. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath-WH DO ' Y U
- . rooms. All %ppointmentsnfirst ciass.
Miss Sarxx.5. Broiwxxe,' 45 i. SUnix'ersity Imported and domestic cigars. Ladies' artin-
tif hair dreessing and batii 1arors p A
t~. tus.T. . rojnowki 0 S Satest. A S 'TR TI SE in1 r The - I1 D Aq .IY . w


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