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March 06, 1897 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-06

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Prf Ie 1. ic:twhoras ijntrd (11T h,
Time Table (Revised) Fcb. 7189'
F P . M s i )!lst 11111 l Ireeover1e1. c- 1:
Mall and Ex-2 47 N. Y. Special-i 2; 0 jlc 91li~Yrcr(ld
N. Y. Special.... 4 58I Mail------ 8 43
Eastern En----10 uci N. S. Lieited-- 9 5 21t1bigoiniveri ciyc las(ell aI1111 -
Atlantic En - 7 A.M.Pacific En__- P P 215 daes ire cliciilig Il) well ;11(1 a:1oli-c4i
D N.Expeess....- 5 50 Western En ---1 51
G:. R. Express ---11 i0 Chi. Nt. Ex ----910 1(lu l .1of last yea' sssured lc .i
0. W. RuOnLee, H. W. HAYSee, ih tlest f{1i oh:l
G. P. & T. Act., Chicago. Age. Ann Arbor i 11Eiii-iuo i-:lte latb111;111io lti
G /res"b Prof. Zii«et.
R.AI1LRO.AD. Stuirday-. 1liselil .of, I1. 111111
lime Table. Jlan. 11,18P97. id$2riili iii1 TiceC-sonic e lcrxtIa.
NORTH. eOUTe. :itithei 11111op1ralhouse
7:30 a.i. " 730 a~.
111 a t. 11.1C, :5p. M. li Il ieicTiic.
*lien bctoeeii AiiiiArlcor and Toleiolocily,
All trainsc ci ily except Sanday.,i 'tI'-I a .9 . ( 'III2A '--.1 Ni. 2' 2 j1
E. 9.GILMORIE. Agent l1' s 91111111t 11inCo olI t i huht:t. 91(1:1
W. 13 BENNE ITG. P. A.Tolede 0. Ill, Dily.
THE KINDERGARDEN BWLLIARD HALL IlOi NI)-_k sorolrsis 11:1at 11;111
- 9 7 cilel ii' rhe 11iei w ' IIlo
RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS lc tol hip 111 line :-.liil . t
Wholesale (igars, To bacccs and
Cigarettes.. Evrthn o p lecase ati'retlyniaces.
Cor. Main and. Liberty Sts. Goiod board, goodl cervce, and thie U.
of i.11.Daily sii the ila:illctiskeep y702
iY'Cand Opera house. Ibosted cc whatits19g~oig occat.7tbe
__________irem,1', uerse-aly.
fl flAV ~ f1.(), ;T -lIdieilve91191' tch:1111 lilill
Mu Nijiii~ lIltj 8H. i 11119 li 12 lae1 i. 1,: 'li-
Peesenting a Spectacular V'crsion Ii l-lslW iei 111r- l Il1
liotflAu 1obei-~ei oliver:,hac ol j 0
Goethi's Sublime Poemc 1~11I- li l 1 .2
c<: 21111 1 9 et r 1. i 1>, tll li9 l'1i9'hl.
9very i c~i e frocti te11f11 1::: icI:'t
The American Tragedian icilier.Ihist of tab11.leitoisii.
MR, JOHN G RIFFITH, Tc Itenit--9'~hsciligli-roslic 111-22
The (Greatest Liviiig illeihisli:. 111d1heatl li-lisedi. 211 5. i is st.i
Prices: 35c, 50c, 75c and $1. -'lii~l'I 1
-OC0e~i11d o1 s 1 11 ii 'sycliii:1og-. li i
7,, 9 i. the (1-1:19 9will li l i il Rooim 21, 1. if.

Tile 1897 BEN-H]IVE BICYCLES embody mocc new ansiigcoiiie improvemenits
it cnctruction than anly oilier bicyrcencw before thle pulblic. Nievec befocec lave'
sch excellent valuielbeenofcferell fir ilth~eoe. (Oir ni-rne. cosiing cf eight
supieb iiodelo at $610, '75 aod $12.5 for singlc iluaciulies. .911:1_id)for tanidemi ith rli
thie various1 optlions oufferedis19such thitithiicemoist rexacting pilelscnbe ii 111 l

' s ! oaird111 at rettyicancs,
v ersify ave. You will lit
t. . hore to gicet i-oil each di
O (AM nR d7 the laitect colli-egewsIIV.
-On~y clrelCeac .9. A. & eYI'1l. 51T. 11.9.
1V l o l ayc :11" seic ihchael."
Nto HSe Is Really Celmplete TM'TBI
Witheut a new 1891 PMndel TS~ AIi
Leave. Conigre-ss street,
Guitar, Mandolin, 7:00. 8:201, 0:40, and 11 :00
W a sji urn Banjo or Zither. 1 i2:40, 2:211, 3:40, 5:100,6:3(
Pri c,;havebeeniscraledi lown-scacresu:l of11 -lc ad 10:20 p). ii.
91117a9genuine W 99ashbnoftvrlaticisitcci desiign71111 Leav-es eoiurt liotiiseatA
Iie191 From isca Upward. 174,900, 10:2(1 andi11:11h evWsbr lnolnsardcldprue
from formllleistyls.It -is te nentlest, das c1 an: 1:0 11:0, 4:20, 2:41), 7:1(
v~ei11 ery lc 11t1t 1it0f a ineole onaVo .1tah ad110d) n
burns 1911 od'tIixed and unllliom rces byca 1 SUDAYTil
Was01111 ,1 "7911 cknoegedstana rd of1: e I eaves Ypiilaniiiat 9:21
1A1t1st111, 1911r and Gle.Clubs. O1r1n19« 111i ci i.,ad 122:21(]15:0, 1:
bun itu attI 1 l m p itsofveilf 1 00Aris.
:± ._ : e i :,f pictei1e.rIf ou cl d9 1.119 7 :10, 8.30 aiid l):20 ii. In.
unt V-,)I v il9sndW"shunsC.11: D Lao Acn arborI-at 10:1
A 9929a-,1117; --perswill aneilmakeste3 I a. m. ccan 12:50, 2:30, ::(
rl 01f11,1o- - , hivaluesas i e year ,-oby ;1:0 910 acun 11910_ 0 i.n
b, SSL 'el-n iIa:yV thmitc c osrst. 1
N 22 l'U~l.YSibseriise fur tbe Daily.

-, on N. TiI1e-
:d thie Dailyf
'iyi'.l 711all
Ypsilacti, il
i), 7:20. 9:10

of Icf: 2. 3I c5a n.-
® ay aicpet L'.lr "

0, 8:0 :(-, A POSITION
(':nib se111d w1h an1. 2leN\iy & GoIi,.that wsill 1 011191ood1111 ciist l
20 mid 210:411!ALL ABOUT THE BABYI
10, 4.10, 22,,
IIBy Rob~ert Ni 1. ooker .' 11 ('1111-ago iiidieal i'iliel- Ijust9issued,19i th
191xpe ienedboten: -rle lt rie u I al, on c tli", ps xeine
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