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March 06, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-06

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LSUMMER LAW SCHOOL. de :. 1hous, Jly 2 to Agut 1T COMES TONIGHT.
Mir. Itadhe.
Full Announcement of Courses Corporalino.-Leerureo. 1; looirv, Comedy Club Will Make Its
Received a full line of r,,ovel-adFcly July 11) to nlI ro. ~ TidAparneaSces
ties, for Spring Suits and _Faculty. Tawiolds lange i, tl10'b Fihiesi'tii_____
anil Trouserings the lonner 'tool Of Laii v _'-ith!rt yre* it c ourse e0l 'oillor011000 o'tine 'oniii iat iii Gra nlopra Ilioi'
V1101,1 41)7 will opei July S and e on( onol ii iltoin lyLa-. Tb-i o re tii- I'1)iesi I'Comeidiy ( '111 wl 10'-
18 9iinsee ighti weks. Tin'workliwill coli il Elocution tiiiior(triiiy. wiiii-iProf. set Willia at ( llefttil o it'Private
: 1stora ioi'ouglireview f the eatd- I iiellooit offered i i n(al tSitn'iii e Si'ie y' Jol ng~ne DaOs' '' lie
ing'f01)00s f the 1low, ieti l epi0 Siioi 1 of 1111h liiVi' li ('iidisiiutioined. loe 211 ibri'''foi the P etit of tie'
NO. 2 E WASHINGTON ST EAR MAIN. nily-for tho rerinrlg to take -i- Tio)e 10o idesire lirthier inoaili lii t tiei oolto i h ri n
a minition- fr iidiisiton otiii lil(,.ba, ay aidres A sisoaitt Prfessor L. I' Jlter tht~on Tot. onihi'o ent tota,
iii io iithose liiwh oih iito eure aivlwo(2ioei ltiolloc t i'r' or 4 iiith i~eii'' iieii(1311 i- l il ii niial tin-fom-
S om etim es >iiini. ii1) l he I1iiesiy oi otheiiPoi ly o of 7Ji) . Ia e OfI lii('i'lii l teti'lu lsi
v on have a little 1headoel 1 school iai oljrtt 0ill iloii Thesis To Be Printed. liii i'oiiai,,the oi'gliziiiOtiiiiwill toet ii
wve put up a little tablet iIb iat n lBueli a wlyasi0ioiake ' fi.Alirry f (uorlistam the fu t Ia aiiloidint ronioi.
bepaackageo that will isu- 0 li'tliuriiie'riis . i .Jer. if le-h.100
oly rliv t B te ry V iilor I n owldge oif iy llu 11' bi(i loel i'ilitdtlooiii li- 1irligi1i
a Jine next timie. IP ltclSi l 1.oito If o ottofa tra d ctil"I rEiM.inao11r hl 11t
PA ME ' P AR A Y.0 l iiifa( nliy of liii'nilwi l i-libe thellnlitiwuu of a1t(isioupon 'Agi-
46 S. STATE ST. I p ui'a liptt' tat y oliiiibhund ful of jiii t.lnty-ii
ovit JtoU I M btinh i r 0 ndimu e 11liluouoi fl u tarku'ilth ou t ta n o
inue f tolad nti- on.ii-1 tf.e wo bt-i' w'i ilubb ";(,Ii tits- ioll t IIcstilisniibot i lir ed
C l s i LLO t1i obI i.'iilaioe tIhe Ii ( Iiend n-ilpaor 21i-lessay, Mr lihhit-ll ay.ofd-"lii
iPohaI' tg-0 h01-tll h Wti(1n1by stentt iil b.i i ii0toiOtii n1 '~-ti
Iitti ' l e t o i Jwh uiieihoit-lds l r oo 1i' ii
P RICES CUT DEEPER THAN iii i Ibv a l iitoii o('s buoij lii0)1'iitii'tli-Si't our isaoii0-' tto'ii 1)tle, ,- l
In 'i- III lvestZ tiet-lizs
u~ut tris I out:I, part u BooksIir ini-operf, nuasu,;trt the o if ie - agi
J~~~cr ojljyjlj 0- 'rot.by irotbti iisi-ittCill
I Ohors, Jly 21 ' -tIyou Ii-, -nit - I' ta l -t' 7ooIo-i ie ol -l
. .AHI eG O a S e foTrmlft-.i anaii i uJ-Iuuuiriio it I - ii u1t 1 I t ro.J hnolir t ii L- in t r'iiii ii oneitia rt reilyl'
he idtit oruihreennuue io p l'i Pit i I
fip liti'-. Juy StoO lt . K uo I.ii-wI I. 'llo iii ee eeI i lnl(11 rvio idlyf Ii' 0)y°
he0 '. - u 1.t I n l . n s nub- 811 >l .I l'iitlinttlllii lie'1tb-luioouu Ieilito i
rWAHIt Gr N ST E T I. to. 1t211eo)iot ii 111. fiii'i f '' fi' b111n 11 l 0 ''r1 pp''inc 101' to Oil) rh oi.lla~ in't ill oil- (btr
rA m (1flit- lie- i H P 0ti d S~
.sA a®11 ii lsamo 1( urc u,uo .'tila1000 011 -llii11'o ~''o~ 00IlllI 1 0l
®aAnmmmay 11111'1 alit. 18 bo. hiel-it o o iif' 11111 ''liii i rc f lii
e-i-cy 11111 "gl' it it t Ii t it,
j i'i 27 2u1.'. ,tto"-. - LI. A. Revives. li0111 . i Xliood.v liii'of illy-lit 0t
It h hn aoii ~ 1- i-111i-. S b. P l n 1 1111.Ill i 1111 011-i tll wil hs
® lob e n (0100 h iiite o 211'. 1)21 1. 1111111 \f oilllCfi ii ' i ho as -'t11c_ 10 t itI i' itll'hiug'ao
1y 11n 01111 Isetobyliltllii u ti 1uuo a i-tc:llO .511 11 1 1 f
0 o lL ~ it)' Iidluug,.Ti 211_'G ti lrI. . t Wi--I Ii'to -t a. il
d O V A e l C m rsaL Kll thHA M Ge y ear- ot- I uf un 0 A eui. I t"l ii i ',uy i'tu>e n nihgteui i 1 1 - ' 1 l1' . i i ll i i d I
u l i. -Ju12' it 1 igltI .hooutt n p * iii'i'it 1 ' Ol ot i iTho Ii iti1e./llit iiie1bt i lOI'
r"ot l iii liia'oftilo' 1sIdIt o tib 0'I011. 'lte 1r sl' o i--v ot-i
-rto e hs sa T -n, laterbe-i-oit, l . silu 0lu o > P -)fli'iii-n .her 1 d dc aig i 'l't-l il tl'ti a t11 ieli cI ,,
a II h 11 hght 11 ii 2. 21.h olou1n cto ia-ri 'huh fox ncuuLi01101 ii h-'11 ii 'b nti l 111
A R S 00 T RE nIs ito.-l~i',uu'' 1 11 olitiro. -l 1ottliawiigiso n l illn, ( ruibei loti
m g1)0t11111oSeoi d-an T1)p n of nowttbuyitli. i illilfa ttie.i ll-l
1111(0miuil ht-lationisr.i15ulioilri-u lii jiihi Iillleg illoconiileh- til h
o a ta d gs toc o 1wnh o s ti-t.at."uir iliol111 Po 111 S.1 . A . A.ilRevivIofes. i t- llat'ii ll« l'ilh.lt il i i th eacoia
0 Their, whn vacationtomiii0of ts-hulal ti-ill litlllitesehaPer'on
siof alt Pa'uf'soou' lliiiaO li i--nt-ate Ii- wi- i-u-c til at lir tiT i- E-- thke. 1 rgit ,illl
fou' ll bcl asss. ork lo d rolperoua-r15 ihur -i. -Ar-uu-n'mra 9I il(liatIi-ruoalo a tllin110' e l~ysl- hf dtist. e;
and ext-banged. the S.iC. A. . hoard.t u- ar gaoi - 0 1 )-. H riil
hoursk; Julyt2Cto 23. fProf.e %i-111.lDwyer 'lii11 stor-roaii :f r-l-uli i huiridietu t f-iI t- l lhui ii (fllhe , uh r o
WAHR'S BOOK SOREaEquity Pladig. - topusns--u-b'a toltaPe0gne-thailt' lihldted
a a in .io n -hillsde ies ia - "S-iret Serir1'Ield li- tas
-- x- -i ('a;;,eiin. 12hurAniote outIla ll [dni lthean up-b-sl tllac etain whny" adr o t u h ,setahsiooby
e5S hl s ipsl fulhue n2' r t--r fglt furnlyEtlaliag goudsr by Itresl Ah1. vil11 oelteucl lit'lae ul I i no-
Ano Ab - ol I. Im 'vieeeleyodsThoy fJ alrTn e r ly haiautlaaveuiirssl.

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