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October 14, 1896 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-14

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Finest Line of Men's Suits and Overcoats
in this city. We arc immensely proud of .
OUR OVERCOATS AT $30.00, $2500, $22.00, $20.00, $1800 AND $1500 AND SUITS AT $20.00, $18.00, $16.00, $15.00 AND $13.50
Every one of these garments is especially made for our Fine Trade in the very best manner, trimmings according to our own
instructions and styles after the designs Of the most fashionable tailors of New York. Just permit us to show you through our
stock. We can and will please you.
MICHIGAN GL NT- Sour Looks, Soiled Fingers, O M.and Opera Ho0use.
Time Table (Revised) Sept. 27, is96. OEWECMECN
MaladE 7N. Y. Special.... . .Spcal_ 4 as Nail ---5---- 43 Idetiy the macsho does yveybody ges
Eastern En --10 17 N. S. Limited....3 5 f21 - eant; use aE v l nM C r o
Atlantic Na_. 733 Pacific Ea.----L 15 7 l5lfhllM I V®~ ~ C 1d~
D. N. Eapres.540 westerana.177 sostensasd acomplete company in Rpetie
e. R. Eapres .11 15(b hi. Nt. En.5 10A
G.RExs.___ 5 551« Because the P.ke has a P- l0C to any part of the house.
0. W. Resso~~ns, 0. W. R~~yns, { cllr shaped Ied known as hneo slNahl ascya
A.P cT. AgE. At. Ann Arbor theCu-r-ed Tblar heed hh ss esrly and as-oid the rush To
m.P hcg./.a i impossible lee ink o night Wema Aant Woman l0e for
otina the ca por overCsc dgaeiced rseard seats 10c-setan leethe
' Ir h;o h . restareseaved eat in te hause
oc te ncalewhe ikepanIsrikes Inr sale at Sien U . .pess offiec
k1 i'ifl - ., in ilha pocket. A pn that will wilhot ants-s chae.
lr~ ~ R B ettn chyohenwtdw orth Groceries, Provisions
RAILROAD. Don't You Think SoP and nll kinds of Sanitarium
Time Table, Sep. , ,IS34. The Way is Easy Foods for saeb
soran6 41. J C. FREUD, '99, 47 S. UnIV, St imrsoin &~ Co.,
7:3 a.m. :04 a.m. j:4S TT T
0:05r a. m t11:30 a. m. 2-1lie Sos.7to STATE_______________ST._____
_1:4p. m. 85:3pm.
ip. m. 715 p. mPAROI H OLMES' LIVLERY
iuldcyonly ;between Toledo sd 1am- PARNZIlD-
ohirrly sleaparn between Toledo and o k t nie and - cissors! and get the best service.
-Daily except fSndayOfceadSbl,3 Fost
. . IL75iO~i. Agent We he is t received it new aSsrimalt of Pocket Knives add Ofc n tbe 2Frs
W,_______________G__P._A___To __do __. Sissors whicharesi selliang at thfe popular price of 2 cantseaclh. Ave. Telephone 106.
Biasac-h Office at Plmers Parmacy-
ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. MIr-oeys ~u~S o e 7 . Wsigons.
_____ ~ y D a S or , C or41e. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK
Time Tabie, May 17, 1896e I Capitl iStock .0,000 Supus, w)0,000.
Leave Ypsilanti from tCongess st.,6:30,8:0011 1. ica 10t' ear,:,cemsseslsc I 2:iii m 2,I. Isalsisla i:iiishor, Mlso-. SI Reo ce,, 1,100,000
end 1:00 a. m.; 1:45, :00, 3:30, 5:00, 6:45, 8:30 1dll Roomcasaacasc"ci.- 1Oganied4tnderthe GenealbaningnLaws
and 10:15ssp. m. f this Sate. Rceves deposts, bys and
Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:00,8::30 and Literarva Dopartment, 117i~hll(0: isA11 sl it!;) .5illtoiSells escansgron the pinpal atis of the
11:30 a. i. 1:15, 2:30, :00, 5:31 7:1, 9:00 and cell;11 tten~ 'rl-Uied Stae. Drats cashed upon proper
10:45 . m. I.it -: l ei<llls s:sl - t:s- -a -il" W s il lccl llantil :iil s-llfctde n ran risse So e ldpoack hosPestorent.
SUNDAY TIME. lisg twart i .1. ofeI'll. 1B. sas: I- ::1iss al Is-ds-o 1- :.ls,:s Oreaes /esia isk Pa. V D.
t1 :1~n NNill be wei b 1.)". N..on areimans, Yie-rs.l Cats . .; W .coD.
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress t., 1:30, :30, ~ie t "Csir -l:. "'lzAssatCsir
5 00,06:3 and l00 p. m. s- Isa Ile.s hs-stin s-a :11 hes- n:111 aln-l e s::rsis:-;, Oct,-i. ,3a. JI 5ake :5 1 SlsAsias Csir
Leave Ann Arhor Junction,200400530 -s-ork -s-as-sl 113y' t -n1is veoiti ee I -: Inti- i 7LuotI1. 1S 3 ipA 1U ALp N~ f1n
7:00 and 9:3p. m. Fl NATONAL os
Oars runon city time Pare: single trip 5 sllleillsl in la liisl prose ist -11115 itll 1 . 1-11i'/P() 1 -: 0:rgan-ized55 A1:1:sil
cents; round trip tickets 25 cents. l - dl, \'li 113r' apstlai. 11,i) upn ad1rets 18
WIl. . PAEn, Spt 1: ltsilcl tl s iss--IM11. Met:-rslr- to do grauatel wovklls.55s-il t lulli. li T ranacs t SenrplasbassinPgebtsinss.0
Roamos 20, soshlisn0 atg. 4p. 1 111 -s-ris cs-edtoIts 11:-s I 111 Pro1 el::f s: r seigel xcrahane-ouglta dold Parnish
THlE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL rrachls3or. 131..b: itlos will itbesy-l I:Is lassis 1illII :aitre:sl i.t. . . IINsNS, Pen.IIARISOCN SOULE,
'o izs-d1 sesignlesito i ll -:-::o r thels s: lo- ofi- sscmsiiolh1osf G(alass- t.v eA VO , s ie r s
1. Sisscialstudentcllss wokinsg l1ssstsrsl OLI I(At. E(ONO\t1. PrultSu-1s
MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL. A. B. ssr-1'i. B. -.dbmtllaeisis y bs rase idlil soiss), '3. GsaLNteSt te-stiod TanilrIncast~nd
PROPERTY, 2. Studin t isis sln entaists (-:11:11 Tapps~a 70al, cv-s-,s llafternoon siat eessy thnsg in ease lise.l, ataistg, resng
Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos and hbii1N~l ss -Isloi~s~. olc.e seeto sle ase.n.0S.caselstree t.deied
his- studeCntpease. 0 5.g Courseeet..Oin
Cigarettes. I ldsiloisrusn sarsS Ili Il-(Ut2RSlON0) ANTON. s aall
Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. n7-hl.esnll:ss- lsrs-le toamitl01is-thn lVorllhasisbesa is i d -sSfrontss 31. I.owney'5 Chocolates.
Just Received a Large and Nlegat pusingsllthIllsN-aos-IdOf Illses-ia,:-w illlI.lcg eii ig ofilue a (sailsiHthLece
Line of New Pipes® 5111. SSI4it h b11 be e51511f1o53t151111C 1 1 1 el ,,
Sot and Cold Lunscess at li alliorss Agnts its tl tsyet be u I I 11 heTUT LES,48s.StteSt
for luyirs and Wi illiam s and s~cesCo's ORLEK: Pedsf Craig is obligedl t sso Iseiris blsIIIs 11 1 U1_____________8__ S.______at_____t._
choolte onBop.ostoslne worlei113thewSbessics aunilIthis was-kOct. 11111, 111his osc.illr- 1-ENTSCHLER
R. Bi.JOL/LY &L 00. Oct. 29. Students wishinug 10 elsc any
N0 S. State St., Sager Bleak. : lsecies oilpeis aisi s Isa rlsls IC:bas rfre a
S1th Season. Now Ojans. hoomlil23T. H1I..a tt Im.su ts ay. IANNUJAL CONVE-NTION BRIOTHEPI _ AHNN ARBOR. MICH.
lughGroaudndfoor.N. aAad5T b nRoo IT,, froms-stsr73sapl ill tD 01 ., OT . ANDRE 9, SI-r-rsTHELPHOTOGRAPHER
MA 3 n.Ganardst.fofD e in RoNos32,PrIofessori 3 tO1 P.wil.H 13DOGSPA.,REOCT. 14-11 - ANARH
_________________________each day to mset suldents wshinig to Agete of Ohio Ceetral Liles will I Washington Block,
U.OF M. SHAING PARLOR and Bath- elect wok. sell tietes at 0110 fare for olludI trip AnAbr
rooms. All appointments first cass. GRA h ls nCus 3 cobr1,1cn 1 odrtrrn
Imported and domestic agar. Ladies aris- nR3A:Tecasi oro1,OtbrP 3ad1,00 eusii
tic halr dressingl and bathing parlors, up German Ronauici. Iii meets \lolldtyasunil Ocobler 2. 1
stairs. J. R. Traaanawski, 30 S. State t. t Wednesdays at 4 1p 10, 7300111 G.
. t.MARTIN, Funeral Director, CloMhSI~rC: Courssill be give-Is as i~he~lc lttOr lbnllss
ConebalingCa seci al.Nor17d5.fo~ars:Oourse I, Teesday a11111 fri- (i0 S. Sain street, is opens say andA
Cofis.Emamig Secaty N. 7 ,night. uhere you can get Aythhigal in p / (
Fourth ave. ay, , Room C. Couse la, Tuhsdlay seon
tnd Tursday, , Room C. (curse , _season._t______
TO RENT--One parlor suite, very londlay and Hhursdrsy, 2, 5400111C". Ls nFrd igh11t n camplus, iii A
large furnace heat, light and bath, Course Ila, Monday, 3, Roona C. IOl es-ehl ilvrwsgh, e-se.1
at $3.50. 20 S. Ingalls St. Coulrse thi, Wednesday and Friday, N. Tayer of. rss

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