s'ubliihed Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the College, year, at
OFFICE: Times building, 79 S. Main St. be-
tsseen Liberty and William Sts.
E. R. SUNDERLANsDs, '97.
E. L. GeissiEn, '98 L. F. S. Scuox'S, '98t.
B. B. MEtEANs', '0W. H. B. SuttottIat, '98 L.
C. Mi. GaREEN, 99. Athletic Editor.
0. 11. HAwu, '9s.
itF. THOMtS, '97, Atsistant.
W. W. Huaghes, '98. S. W. Smiths, '97.
F. M9. Loomsis. 'O8. Loaise Dadge, '99.
WV. P. Morrill, '98. H. Corwin, '90.
A. it. Smtiths, '97.
The subscription price of the Daily ist.5.0
for the college year, with a rergular deisery
before coon eachs day. Notices, communica-
lions, and other mattcr intesded lee poutlica-
lion must be handed in at r i Dily office be-
foep. ., ormasiled toth'eeditor beforer3
p. i., of the day provioto to that an which
they ace epected to aotocar.
An Amateur Deined.
('ttspar 'Whtutey tiustdescribes ott
tiitelri iiiarprer's AWeekly:
"What tosottnsaitteiii '7 hat istohle : z
itetciotveritibie tiisltitl'illti lbetweeni
710 bitatetir alit a itrofrossi'otill-swhitre-
esvercivilizetd otishas his aodote?
O~bviously that itne plays for sptort
andt the other plays for goit. There
tire 110 teg're'esIn tiiotelsti'iut, i
matkt's 1119difflerence iOine t-hissihrct-
If riot give us a call.
Beal 's Shoe Store,
tittoss'ther a trout plys fortone tdol-
lie or foe otie huntd'eid, swhirther ite 1be
the 0011 of t niiilnire' (f the 50on of
titeeliatie. II t. ist.' spiriltftha t'-
stab his iree otltis. 17Itcatleroinott
ssehebr iihte t sh t5 iteo, sailsa
yacht,,etins t.fottrtte,titles t horsi'
race1, 1)10y0 footballgolf, tittis. irat-
qutetts,bhascttali. 11010, or eters tiii
pugtlisioic ring: if iie'art'ti" l t ooney as
a i'ss'Lrd of his wiiiiu ,lito is a io-
feosiotial,1. It is te charter of iii
prize tandinot lie ehareeri'Tt he
";Viet 11 irt etitmint's sthi s ~li.
$15.00, S18.00 AND $20.00.
III ______ Cut Stylish, made with all
the care of a Tailor Made Coat,
OivMeyer'st.fie, or S t-l'tsNes.e.r., ""iinin~
with Business Itanuoe Sabers tees wusltoca. m1 pay ttt' O i I if anil nollft.'- eD~~
fee a favor tby repiorting promptly17at this
oftice any failure tif carriers to dcts'er pisper. lRIhi. lli,,; emter ltlt'tus tticaus'if lit
~ t"]us5 let'tabk's ii in is ow551 Wiine',isa
Etditor of today',slicer:
H. B. S Irid. 5 i l u stt.sutert'ftigt'. if hl it' s ls 1e
Whyity 'tuth(le iiest'.yraelok iugh'ed 11.andtrt tis s oiley rewssaid lf't
ait night ? We are'growtisi,'a': litl i st' lay. (Or Ift sptcst se o pt lit
tired of iiteitionitso (lil t.t rlit 5011 ould tisinleete li'u'tl ishi thifo t eii
hope tie lime is not distlist ssiii'ii itio loses ihe' ell<llilit.an015 lallter 1 tt'' Ott
muchns ieedd refttmeiils t'b e osighs t ' l t.lilpt iislof tetillf1111. if
aoti. Iplay,' fts'honetliitylit' it. titt'e50siltlili Sl'es Shi",ed V'R E hTo A ll
We arec ini seceipit of a coli <tiltltilcO- anill'l hett't.he011i01 or llS'rtllt'e lii' stills t8e
Lin.wic wsset ousv itot it.39c "Sl-tesirtnt Salee ! 98c.ti el
iny' intitiatlion of tleiii' ityof (lie "l lis'n~lt i'fteysilOne Week Only, October 5th to 11th, Inclusive.
ttry.te.,Westeruilsistillt'itliyitianltli'Colored Bosoms Fancy and Plain, warranted not to fade,
to print i, sitliostg'lssseshiouild Ibe s'ery -
gltdtodosoifIlc telir .~ ~s~dielissiiiosi ttie'malking 7itsI gotf., the'casis X1.25 $1. 50 anti $1.7{5 SHIRTS----__ _--------------------98G__._ _
tUS tse gt.aaleeo il.pttre0 it. e ian01iltttl"'siil?lIt i'i 'l'lti A flne line of While antd Fancy r Bosom Shirts all Laundrietd
yto firislielii 11 iiil t acht erseig, 11119 liii'trap tshoitieswerte 75c, this 'seek - - - - - - - - J
rei ilitgtince11Wbi't'iigiselilovetoi 11aeCorepetdtgIediliinotrWooShts
proof of goodi faith, Ita twe inrs-b oeo RucinnotrWheSits
(ably retqu~ire tilt' state of (lie t- il. . tika:'
If loeoii iss slitllig' lt. otosmtiitiea- '(9o'tA-NT__)_
lt.stwill kindly remerii' tis mile hiteFiay. (t. l(tih lieAn~ti Arbor Get.Frihr n atr
Itailritad osill 0sat at he a 1 t 10 :1Gns'Frihesad0atr
will os-aganoyancec ont both siiie:. it. m., fillrlt'eblleit ofthiooss'wishiing4 aS uth.StateS. A n .A.rb r
Thte Ade, itubliishtlwey~dedl tsee Mao~leWiii. Mi~lihAityistl C otne in and get your Shtoes Shined Free EveryjDy-! !!I
l'niverity of Msinnsesotai, annnt cse
in Its 'cirrent lise that ot'esnext isisis-
her still he a "Wtomansi's Edition,'"oind
addsIthat this will b hi' istolWo-
msans Edition ever issued at lt'e 'ni-
versiity. We congratuslate (lie Aelell
on its enterptrise. 'To be sre theit'deas~
to net at-vey nisw oilethiltit (aotso
Ithe to get accuistomted to stratn e
thin~gs. If the wtomn-t.itMinniesota
pest-c as capatble journalisftsas t thoe
at Micigan, west- haIll expect 1rone
Women'ns Eitiions. in the future.
Meeting of '98 Lawn.
At am necting of te 'lbSlw la-vets
yesterday a coissmittee consisting of
Messrs. Bya'im, Dittenheefer ,and Ma-
son, was appotuted to look after class
eniblems and canes. lt was also de-j
eled to put a class football teai in
the field Phits year and a tax was levied
to cever the expenses.
Subscribe for the Daily.
UCinton at 7:30oip. Ill., Oti. 1(6,retulrn-
isi leastestet' at 1::70 it. mi., 0(ict.
17, aritiing;at Ails Arbor at 10:00 p).
tm. saute 1day. liare'fore i'rontriipil
is only 2,50. I~et (lie '.of M. 711105
out it giodlotl'egatl'btn,
17. S. t1ht.Sst)tRE, Agent.
-Ittenlioui is sagin calledl to the hits'
e.sslty of t'oi'ihia isig wstisy0111
hsciie county ceutteal cohhsI~sliwt ths
refeeh o hsa1smportation if you she-
sire to go htone to votc.
that.P. Steinhbatr, heacier of hanio,
isussulolin anti gsitrs, issiolager of thei
Waldo, 1tindolin Tilo, is opten foe en-
gssgcesslto at receptions, wetdiiiigt,
hops, stasg afflairs, dinners, ec.c Ad-
dress Xi Psi Phli 'house, or resitdente,
20 F., Jefferson St. is
U. ef M'1 Dining Holl, 62 1E. Liberty
nt. We wino to please; if not, please
hell unsvwhy; if we do, please tell your
friends, $2.50 per week. 25
Wanted-A Steward. Call at 29) '.
Liberty St.
Leland T. Powers-------------------------------- Nov. 30
Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra---------Dec. 11
Charles A. Dana---------- ------------------------ Jan. 21
Ex-President Hrio-------------Feb. 1
Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicago Alumni NumI~er)--------- _ _Feb. 12
Imperial Quartet-------------------------------- March12
Oratorical cnet--------------March 19
Lucus err Hils---------------------April 2
John Kendrick Bangs---------------------------- April 13
Depesw Number $0.00
Harrison Number 1.00
Oran'urical Contezst .25
TICKETS NOW ON SALE-Reerved tichet-, eneahe Thursdany, Oct. Sth. at -Palmrr's
drug store, Slate tree, and Waen'shook stoe, Main street.
JAMES H. PRUT.ITT, Corresponding Secretary.