aoamaaaamaaaiaaaa LCasaa i i BCHAINT - AILORZNC !_GANDOPENING
IIF CITY WATER $2.0au f, ~50
DOESN'T AGREE $500St r$5.0O
wWITH YOU, ! Style, Quality and Ft Guaranteed. ;C0I LE1 I[T T BOKS
whave Just what you need, iD, A. TINKER &SQN
s - - 0 ATpe
Crs atr sa ur isile Hatters, Fine Furnishers and Tailors. Sole Agents, Royal Tailo1°*;
s water, It is pat up in half gallon ; Youinanrs Hats, Rulop Hats and Waterhouse Neckwear. ;STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE;, STATE STR&T.
huttles ad we deliver it to year No. 9 South Main Street, - - An ro,M i
roem at 85 entsuadozn rur0icents -nnAror Mih.
. a halt dozen bottlea. tt is not oniy .. -a- eIeue.e~p
* pure but palatable ad it agrees iafa* llena nuprecetj
with everybody. eny ae adP40ces:
0 ® 8UR ISt r & Ynli.t
CWehae a large steck of N'
and Secondhand Low, Medic
Fiench, German, Greek and Latins
Text Books, which we will sell to,
students lower price-than ever.
R*t Hook:and Leclure Papr
by the posnd 1 5c, 20c and 25c.
1ierans Ideal Fountain,Pens.
Everyoiie-warranted or- money
i'efnnded. Drawing Instru-
ments anal Drasvinig Boards.
'26 South State Street and
Cor. Fourth and Washington Sts.
Refinemaent ini clothes-making-rims up the-cost of ps*
dntion- -- -Clothes* can he gatten anywh ere at less.
price- -- -If yon tire.sastisfiedi to, waive the elegance
of niake which preset-ye it's elegance thro' hoed handlincg
---Younmight nas xx II hive th _loweiriii rd- - -
If isot-- -get ours---tlie 'ste cheaspest.
Telephone Both Stom
,Anrton Te
HEDURTR runks alises, Dress
Trunks and Vetises tepaae.
Cheaply. No 57 S. 1M1
A full line of--
Scotch anad Engli
and Trouseriaga..
0QA L Cest Crad
Soft Coal
K and Coke. Order of
Office 11 Wv Washington st.
Yard at M C h.I,1
Everyting for the playe
Shoes, Stokings, Jerseys,
etc. Spaldings official Is
Fool Cull, officially adopted
collegiate Assocation. Cot
logue Fall and sinter Sport;
Nanse the Guarantee."
New York, Chicago, Y
Agents oc Ohio Ceontra
aell tickets October 13 ai
fare f or rounud trip. goi
xintil October 17. The
Lines ace running solid
Detroit and Toledo to Da;
ciunati without change.
Dewey. Of the course
Agents of Ohio Central7
tickets October 10 and 2(
for round trip from all pi
good returning until Grct
The Ohio Central Line,
solid vestibuled trains
and Toledo to Cincinir
OeR1 >SOUc:TH DA1N s-rR< EM S eehan ®"
Suit Cases UNIVfERSITY NOTES.- rrisc-d ?iccrtle'popl ciccc'eta Ifrisha1ltanti PROPRIETORS;.
DES.I lcat-d uls
o x Nectly aod (' «. Icoek , l, ,is tdc rs STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.
iitil ~It is inctored tlli ac the sotii ri-s
II ins Itt '4ti lI,, i.tsciciti d:ticsiarelst citisfiecicsjt ro rL itt ~ B O K
I OR citqi-,ro dltiti15igh 0l tit 'i li t ta i lixtry I AV
C. IF. St rintaitir. '9t. is.rtV1-toc thtaen itiatns stwithliv tie' orct ii tic-' Btuy'all you can affordfoi
iah Stiaisoo. ictanctoh'iiuail gnitc~r. ciofi19it:t present ad uture use at our
A..Fok:. Weniter. IC1,.is taaer Ti[se he~ss ('luiitc ciiihalt 'its In L we tPrce
ofolir adcthe its ioitai tch W<^e i-las i t°'i-'rctt0itcicisibot t ttic fc01No c cit i
itessaaioftiHthrrretaiiOs W e shall' ehere for a few
1Canset Coal ecteut.wee - 'st rfee ,Jl v a lays only a o
W. D. l'Tc-Rrei, ort. ccrly Itt-Pmitelync- c-Oiutttiicc Incr t arItuitpon-
3ILER, camptnlion cof',theilt- Tots-it, lekts re' ship ct0 syearl. Callia itat.& pC.,
PhoneNo. Icc tut it-cit sateittigxv.D. hrit-k. M..ic r.thcgs 0- cii LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO.
Phocc' icThe ccnl lily itrilttia*thel11c'rt'cx-c 1 ititcciiftrl ttftt'itttttii ciccicigt rmti~y At Schi %,50 Senth.State-,at,
cHence pubhlic iitlibray ftor'aIic-ct ir ii- focr licetr>.tes cI ii i ctil tiy ecx-___________________________
ttcina a __ocirefert-ice ti4 tatotiti-,cts- 4. it lithe tnlem=tits t-cot ttir- _.AAM COK
cl csttcriictei. ao LAM COK
r, AllGood cues thahare
iccThec c itcc-rs act last ctic"rs ''r"tfot- i tctlittiiiii.warranted.
hull resin crc- recicestocl to to-t tin o h ic imnp~s iio $ 1.0 $ OO
P PLIES tac ccci 'I t 4at.-l ccc. toccay. xs-tcit cc -otticrlci toticIttrcffi551c c shrt-c
er -acettautfrrdtisycwars ccciii sillI I- tle ccect; or Sttiilv- W. Saitu it'skitc Wll Ms RNOLD, EDN JWLR
clercolieciate c-cl, ccit c) oyitcticctt. of Mit f- ncci I l 'icc -
by te later-
mplete Cata- It is. raeetsed ticA tis-11o ostica ve a:elrics cafIic-sile letters-frociti roito FR~DR ?2CK J>SCHLBBEE
s free. " The
not1 illic~it cciilais-t ticiti~l cccic-'ics duicng -heticisiceer. - SNIVERSiTY B0K SINOERY.
Cinds Books from 2tcats upwards.
&BROidhS., blcians d alit co cts' ciitt thie kitest talte IcrdicnieWlt iy at tie. Selthstis.od Gld Footainteas for $Oifflc5OT
chsdth a, 0 ic e Daily btcx icc he lcaceictPcftarici f4, only t pZiier wc >k. thsefbinntIaperxttctt r eacts.
I KIiIGhTSitc5hal. Reciticir meal1s, 25 cecAs.Otient dy 50 5. STAT E STI..
J Gttc Iiciecrtrtude S)cciec Ithi end.tis i hi.
ii. scit-tt titcsttiyi lttc -.TcO RENT.-A very 4ccii ibti scite of- MU SI SUD31O
iiLicce u -cii- suhictisic- ii i cri - - i ;roicicls. Sitlcttir)- ycsbow l l ictlot aId "iy u lAl ildrIrleiti .PIANO AMO COMPOSITIOR.
cci 14 at one Tofs tte (Oit-ld a'. lt -sscter icheaith uL-se
od returintg It. UCadyfociccerly of Miitligcc it l oafclbath. Enqucire cct 47 S.Disrtit . FR. 1-i. K Sivir Z
Ohio Ccntrai versity. For Itft- itt lodsone suide cif liens5romuttgat Conservator-y, Germany,
trains fronm Fifty-fourttr icusonildolt-irs wsa oeblack ritem Caceptia. tlticioce 22 S, DIVISION ST.
-tnadC-sell tat ltle itlyctar f'or, ucantli, go S. Il 9c0 -iNTEEQ..NTO
12 A'stfgonSt NTEEUPETO
offered, two $1070 of Itus etottnt tbeing sach coril- bttchSngDENTst. nnna
- cdb1y cindergiradtuates. Tic test was Sc ubiscribe for the Dallyx. SUENSnum
LOGEF.&tt is geccerallty conceded thst a alit cged in-
[ODO~t ~strcmntiis cancost in abccluteanecessity. Ta
'IO.>IIO Tht hve erfctsecure the greatest enjoymentfmthlele
I, 0110, y~f -~ , Tht hae pefectcombustion and do netI puechase get the beat your monery witlaffordi.
22 111JsV T ' moko or emell: a~tprri jsdmcent proeccaces the CBay
Ltines -wil SellStatinsruenstheSiet inthe steria
The ew ochster Th Yae, Te Nw RyalThePerec-An excellent icstrument is ike
o at one fareThNeRohseTe alTeNwRylTePrfc BAY STATE $10.00
stunts in Ohio, tion Student, The Princess Student, The Empress Student, all e~r - -T BANJO.
sher 23. nickel plated, with latest improvements. We sell wholat we ad- We hcave in stock ceaper banjos thao thcie,
:s ar runnng ot for a substanial, servicabte instrumtent,
are rnningvertise and guarantee quality of goods and are never undersold, at a low price, no other iustrument manufac-
from Detroit tred can compare with it.
Send frttaectdctlgue,
nati, without DEAN & 0COM PANY. ( JOHN (1. istaYeSd O
17 44 South Main Street.l'1k. 4343WsigoSteBstn
453403 Washiegeen t atn