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February 08, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-02-08

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Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the Colllegse year, at
OFFrICE: Times building, 79 S. Minol St. be-
tween Liberty and William Sts.
J. F'. THsOMAS, 97. 1
0. IH. HANO, '98.
E. L. GnEsMERa '98 L. F.aS.IMuONS, '98.
F. MI. Loomis, '08. ii. B. SKssLsMAN, '98 L.
Id, B. Conwee, '9(1. Brasses LAns, '0.
C. M. GCaNn,ill. Athletic Editor.
. W. Hughes, '9S. S. WP. Smith, '917.
F'. A. Fupls, '98SE. I A. Campbell, '0S
WI. P. Morril, '98. IG. D. liadnutt, 'to.
A. Al. Smith, '97. C. Lall, jr., 9 I.

disi, the Mediterranean, Suiez casial
anti the Retd Seas. The remiaiing
niitibers will be givei onisFebruanry *fl
Chicago Again, Lose to Iowa.
The Uiiiveroities of Chicago and LADIES' JACKETS WVh eni
towa llet illniitanndual bue F rldniy , n
night anod discusseid munliicipal 001101'- and GAPES O cca s io
shiii "Indl ojirratliiiiiof sdtreet ralwa ys. __ IT ..

Chicag;o ideats'd is (lie afir-iativt'
aniills OOa reseoird by Messl's. F. C.
flack, 1.. S. Mtead aod 1-. A. tieve-
hliii. lena's rere'se'ntatiivs -weres'..
It. Frailsy. 1E. (G. Moonoii d It. XW.,
I iilloni. 'lihe debaiie was hi'el inKenit
theateri, indier (lip alollicvs of tale 01hia-
lorical Assoiatioin of (lie nis'rrsilry

al H af.
Never a time LIOTS opportune than
now to provide yourself with a stylish
Coat or Caps at so little expenoe.
We hiave now in or Cloak Room
msany Jackets as elegant in design,
moke :and material as (lila country at'-
fords-than which no large city can

R equires
,more furniture than you have
inl yotu' 100111. When you
would like to replare the olid
furniture for newy, for the day
or evenling. When you think
that a pair of rurtains, drop-

UT - - as te pesiing ffier ad Jdgeboast better-all of which are selling eriesi a rug or two would
T uuscsaliiptiioiin rbrrrii'fdgbriglhten up your apar'tients.
Th po riit sice of tihe((silo is foi4I2-5)0','toni86.A 1ii0s2 3Prjoes
Inr the eollege year, wih a iregular delivery A. J..1tilsi odheiatid as jiud'ige 'The
beforesioon psi-u day. Notices, communica-
tiand otherme initensdial for publica- idibate Was strlrsiu'i conltested, lihiustbeianTheinatReitDaltofictbeer
feie 8 p.ci., or em'aildto thie eiitor (eon' 3side sE ionisic iiisyoo le FU ~**~ Ruin CAPES., 'W
p. ni. of the doy pevious to that 00 wcei~ ~ h I~h eCraeat all kinds of fesriii-
thareripedtooapa.ayguebe. left' itdecslThe 'teDaily ur, rug, draperies, china,
Office, lileye's or Stoffipt's Neostosmd, or 'was ill favior of Iowsa. Two of (swans Astrachian, Cooey, wool, Seal, Monkey etc., etc , at satisfactory
ler a favor by reporting prossptly as this dlebflol r( rcel'sed ltat insi1tiOls andEetrpSa les
Sofice any failare o1 carrier's so delive'r paper.Elcrc eapr es
lu_______________________ mst yi'. tii' whey liiwrs .lsoii 5-lFurnituie repairiug antI upho~lster-
lust pre'mdiiig sant duirisig etnliii- hers. One-Half. itig our specialty.
'oiion weekt thie'elre alwas.5 iliil'r- Chicago's Indoor Meet.
0iso aonossio'i'imseots of 'hagies ini --
lliors, siucilinsinatiow, i-t'. 'file I Aet'lmta~yinor./le
Duily tiubliss i's 7s iiinoies if this cotsttt' t i nip lersitly iof 'iit'ago
its~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t seleititisyoiiitestly.tll o-oIbgo 1C ., M CK & C01
cliarailts's'fri's.Zmd invites frt'i'inn o of l'i'Ct'lllsMlCsls10 gCagois
Nioltr sstii''ss ltat-iurtday, IiliiilM CK&Is oun ytefaut.Alio
tires tdroppitheiilii Daily boa at thie lowiii r' WiDRiY: GOODS. 56-58-60 S. MAIN ST. - FURNITURE.
7.tf.,E a,, ~ f ,,,, -- +~, ,,.,,, 1 11 :3i yard" s h.stst rsros, HineImi42.

will receive rompitt tetion.
'Too littls' atteisliosiis pidi to p re-
sc; r .illg 'tiilei's,'-or'issof o(l:i' ai1tseii'ceon-
tests, Ak iasei lthatwill ililstratstihis
pollst tias just liiee is lsi'ieri'i. I11itIs
list osf "['nipesh y of lirliigall
Rec-oils, (10 officiall~y 'oremtidsulsp to
idate,'' (le '106iPsalladimssgives tG. II.
Chsioialthelieltcord'ilfos' thei'220 raid
.lash. This reiori wis umaude in 'El,
hot isy referriig to iteisitlinstiosassof
iprevious years, it will li'bes htM..
1E. Dufity-madle lie susism' i''i'irdin 185 .
'This case isitotily illstrat'sitheii exist-
higcoalitisss of affasirs. Is thei',ol
e11 nsilsves'ties ll5ronlinlltilsisii is

40 ytirms hi il( iillillis, Stemg'iocy r
Si00 yiaridsrun, Ihsrloii, timet 2:1i52-5.
ill0 yarts rui, (G. IL. Whi'e, lismc 1
winu. 3-5 sicondi.


Sil0 yanils 1.112, (Calloiis, htie 2:1)t. 1 _J~ ?.L..i'
609111s yadsit, L.2ss'~l~:4 i, ha.ne ' tt aiWtUUII L U UWWm SmUDWW4i
ltillhiill 1 -1 Isiph 21 (bl . at.h'lilhiai,
Ihightsi ft-. 4 in. Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicago Aliiini Nluier)_
1 siiisi osdIissi Sig ue' ir. Imperial Quartet-_
21.l.isilog 16 1polled(Shot, tts'rechht'l'--Oratorical Contest
51 0 -10Ii.Ex-President Harrison
Michigan Alumni Writingns LcuPry il
i Lucius f(leAlmmiis siv oh edryick ars---------------------
llniehsr-tli liheiask of -collectnsg it

ni': Crio I
-------------- ------Feb. 12
___- -March 12
-----------------------------------------------March 22
------------------------------------------------- ----April 2
_ _ - April 13

,ahltfiec icles are' roelrliliedlatd is 1111iibraryt'hel'wri-tinso iftic alotfishu
phassed laossg fios-re1a515frollsclaIssho oftliclilasi. 'fTh' idea of stuchi atcsl-
elass. itt'e'btthe 11Bti asid risorils leili (1 on ls irst, suggested «whirl irs.
are foi'g^ottenisnif hso or 'irc' ear(1. iO. I'. Iimt-litsgamsu, of Jolit, tlliiis,
Gloatibeisittfor atletics s ri -rieds'It a soundsoisl mltttof stori('s, poes
froml keitnlg Iihtohs-vwith1 lillii-adhs~lt5ay's wrlithtn119'hiert-utg'hter,
-who Ween fiolsiilstin t(issbranchlsofI'ittluim a-ilhi llsrligaie, '86 L, ais(i
esllege fife dusrisg thi'ol' -dege csars. t'lltilth 'Life Pmags.''
Btnth(Iis clotact cannstot tinIsuhil ileiss 'flu' Altuisius e'ditohrs post'e t o e'i-
ltctils rel'cor'dssirt kep nit sil re~iss- 11h-Ilttiandoi'srl'itliy preserv'e ,ohIconi-
Pett tons 51re'hesl)t'l'pii. At iil i t'issiotis stsd dutrinig'(.011111iils eniseit
I'(k-I-wL iIII h 1 nnlit 'xhilhi( itsemihis 1ht Aloumnli

Oratoriral Contest 25c.
JAMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary.
ACOIIN (an tse secured with Rand, MfcNally a Co, that with brimi good retains to
studenits for thsis cart dur g vacations. We wish Rtepresentatives on oar
Atlases, Olsips and other publicatiotss.
ALL ABOUT THE BABY , , , , , t
By Robert N. Tooter, Mt 0), of Chicago OMedical College just issped, isfthe
biooh feerIMedical Students. Cstalogue and ciriculssrs seed on application.
We want a few special 'epresentativs in the College. For thsis position
experienced boot men solnd write us at once, statite pust, experience.
RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago

ieo.oo oa e' oa 110'I
Lecture on India.
Rts's. J. TI. Sslisdcl'lmsilsl lsi ldt1
first of isis series sf Soaxday siveio1g
lectures on u"arom Ais 1Arbor tm In-
duo'a,";,t liiie 'isi'(rian church Lissl
ntigfst. Tue lectuire was ilfotstrsulitf by
stereopticonI view's and iinftlude -lviws
of Niagara, the I~t~dsoa,New York,
London, Berlins, Viennai, Venice, Brim--

Rom. W'hs'i thse collectioni assuimes
goodilyo' ilmlltiolis it wvili betdeposiltd
intihei g'neh'l'slfihbrmary.
iheetliC(ih'mistry,: Thse nmher of
Co~ursh' 4 ini.them-semond semeihster fills
binnihanstgemdlthinC('urse -) inithe i-
lhoulucemlint. P. C. tFREER.
(Have you ever seen hirei?
ie wiflI be received by tfie Athletic'


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