,e . cif
VOL. VII. No. 101.
(I I ,@ FALL INTO LINE. I Mote fthan in any other hnsiness dogs In Musical Circles.
-_@________ I 9 the supply ceate the demand and rot "-
Leadingr Tailor ChicagoAthletic Board Adopts sliii' df importanreatetthe shiphily.
Q te Cnfeenc Rues. At the close of the address the spea'k- b -vetoaffer vestiers next sestr
ccNoDtslIerMlyaORlTdeR, eaoi It wvilt coo-er the history of chinrcel
A i~u I PORTER Plie niversity of 'Ctitago Athletic vrseiois-neodateSndyInonsic front the tinie of Palestrina to
Bordhed t rguarmotlymet-iotiiotiaddresses. i1
Boardheldtsreular______plyieet-the present (lay. Eachtirecital owill
FULL OWIES SUITS A SPECIALTY, tog Saturday and delih)era(ted upon lh(-e The Literary Societies, represent a chronological periodilli
.1___________ d optioni of the roles iroilitlgated .lit. li i itcot t hiutdtrcti ililc.and ait ar as possile
the -coniferenice i(iCiozgro host vN iici-- tt iscn ilh ae is h
NO, 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN, (111tienettertainmetnt Salturday es-eningtheig rn NilAetae rm h
bO .WSIGO T ERMI.ter.The tboarit was assistedt hy Tret--tir-atiwltititwertlrtoftt-thittiateeisoiksoser. Organ
i ) > _0if2thethsauteoc iin4
d ~^ " o vw ent 'taiper sanditwas ill sessionaltlirecitail-iosilltie Oe atrvestier ocr-
4 xce , tith-tiiliiof tlii'twosdibetets, to Loll(g- - glcttf
( lay. The tieetiogNwas miost stormnixat sVices as]erto ore itti+anii tteris-
fi-Itoso. he extempotranteottodeittile ter-foe
#SOAP!! tinies, tlnt no agreemtieas0tietti i 1 thedet Psle h ti vlisap for exatnitatiotsoweek,ttntil
woe'vegot a in e assrtment of till late ill the 'afternooni. itistic exercises tteottlrsttie coetiecita-s
gosd pare toilet soaps, so per- The focr in o essoniiAtvas devoted t tor, ws g'eoiyS.C.Ttk iiiIOhtheIhistliry itt chiurichti itlicwill tie
fume iniihem just soap sadal ott«a age byL .T~tko
-oap for 1tc a cake, a tortsc.T iytie disicitssion of It10 fiiur y lars' th firmtiv he andtIt h. TDac- iiithe Iiru . i- eie ilicue1 e
clssxtnecliiise.professor Stag-itiforiEti liii c -it iltalt aniiltieliroigramus ittthe entire
oar tht le hd areai- ose rt Thereglardebte n te (wstr).4,series will tbe irited antit-gsetiottat
PALMER'iththSt PHARMACY.f lilh : the first recitalt. Stloits will astist
46 S. STATE ST. i ttitwthtettv-riyo esolv-ed That thenesoldibte tlto
0 l-.11 ota iseries of ive liasebllt iiit iietig it' te nix tu iorfestor Sltiley-at each recitat.
to b plyodundr te nw rile- yers, «'s dcide 1b 1)l~u~hrvot ie fitll series is at follient:
f < I~ha~ ws te nly«uytl~tt lanuer1. 'Ci-eget-iti itiants, IPatestritta,
ClsinglOV ut Sale oitf o h tt ~iYhtOtitS iite hiotse ill favor lit tli4ei- Ftie cldi't'ieta
Have you seen those hobby
Suits Milward is turning, out.
MILWARD 40 State St.
K Babylos Cool io TilE BEST.
All grades o1fiiard uaid sefl Coat.
Camiet Co ai tatCle
Telepiiose No. 0.Otis doir East of Ameri-
OppoitesLawsBitalding. t5.00a semester for
two lessoss a seekt.
27 Thompson Street.
[Nosw is the best tinme to buy
gamiies, saidIt'rofesto'tr Sit 'llFtthuli le ( rit te 11'1itliithe afirti e isi- ttI .
woihiout disagreettictit. t"iheIwar i l-tiegat io-.
lieu took itt) thii- tirlitiioti of cx-
itoliilii'th itles t lt iAlli-- tnalwhe- li'TheAdettiti Soiiity hi-lditsli 1
lit .athlletics. It wsaherei- that tie 11111i1.1t hosini-s iili-ciial- Sal 111,itt
fit stilt-ot-ectsy acOti- ittit1atits (closi e i'oi hei - ii-foltosoilg-i tes sri-i
tint Pieabodsy os-el-i-formally idisbitri-id. bitt. . Ti-yon;siei-titatry. bLle
an uttseerl uitte illvaiti-iii-ts iiieslice iieiiiti'i- uof iiiafrioalt tboaird. t.S.
4. Htaitn.
.. M1ozart.
Gi. Beentuov-eni, Sctiubert.
e. Stolur, Votu OWeber, ik-ltanri.
5i. Meidi-ssolun.
1tt. Ea-ty-tEntglishi conipsets: Or-
it1 'MOodlern Etiglishi coiluposers.
12. Amterc-atncotmitisers.
lug os-ill btie it untdsredtthi citocert in
the- seiits iand ii sllP-it. O i .nv,
Prof Dickeys Address. iis;iilltt. sowill -tbiiisieider-id,- lt'- - - --- --,i- iii.
lv fi-siti iJ.- os-inus of hot iti 'elPti
ti-si. Sainut hthit~y. of Attiot t 'it-1B. ashitisiutiioniithe iiiaitio-i, 1!1,t C. lfo leNorso oetS'u
tee, fortue-rlv iiitntifiltshliiNitin- 0.tinir t-<tdP. T). i a-nltoil r i litliaul. Atterto Tones, Gat-doer S.
utttlltttti-of stuni-tito ii toisy ciy I l(e Ittill tiesittyct ,'.tat he!it- I 7 tz. h ost Siect-ind Frt~edteric I..
11a1 veterd1 llori~lE up~l te "ib-vorsy frtllshold e reuce lIt-h st-'illtt titti' - - The fultl hprg'aii
jint, "'"het- hiristia'ti ail iii- Sit. +' i" llti--' ottin so--ittllb )Ii' ishieit i 'fhurnsday'soDaiil.
Proif. Dicket'yhatsitit-ilt- ri'putautinisit y For the Woman's Gym.-
<td guli itiniitli p-i' lit'i. 1 u-s-tg - Ahatn Ni Se I it-hay nigt n I - tt'siii llitlit'oni- utntlttiititi
tise of a siter i ntli-rsilt-. Ill-e l--is u-tisptokvepi--i i lii 1 li-gsit t ttesi- Il;t li
"heit htitite if tI C'l it 51iti ltlw lt -- tnfo iet --'ui-tu- h-Itdin t itos-hulich so-ittltyoto thi'osAoitntuto g-to1-
OWloon atl0ii 11(io 11t ithai Ohficeentless I -tle follotsiug worie'it-liite: Pros. 1 ,IittltifhulS. Allitlig theit' trutiiti
Ithostilito-. Ihs-u-no-Atitiu-atu itiot-ti sri Q.Ad~viiii:s-ii- hpreiteitt, C('IhUntult' isill tie thit'f oolig:
ha~s ntsetw tell hits p r-at i f !t- 1it-- 1istStiutr etir- i Ii-t t[n-s heieiti~i-tstgr
cttitettthiitt initrotrest itingist thie
saloots is mtorally- re!,ootitttt-fortirie-
isti's whlicth iale-s it n d liout, 0 it,
We have the best quality and tiuiic"tsMiUtitirhosito
at the lowvest price, concerns: 1. it ecreates totovweaitii: ini
Sporting Goods and Gymna- commnon 0wit-hi the gambihler, the pik-
sium Supplies a Speeialty. Pocket ,and the thief it tatkes fromits i
- vi'ctimus mitS gives tothing in retot.
' AH 'nB O SO E2. }Does 'no good l iMie broadest setosc
B ° of the tertit. 3. Chief feature of thte
U~p Town Dowti Town lqo rfi sta tcno prt
20 S. Statesta"l Opposite Court noose, lqortafcs(hticaoitoeat
Ann Arbtoo Matn st. I without degrading its divohes. 4.
F-. Patul; edohit itolr. II. 1Pt1l; nutanj ot DetIroit; Ahexander't-tGt'ty. of EBlui-
The '99-1900 Indoor Meet. tioti;s, :i'i dantucs, swithi twg uile
- ~~ai-coiitttuimnttbyo'exple-its fromtiDt--
Thie.fr'istiiiittt taidlsopthomoretractik ti ot antii('attutiu. Prof. Staniley' toill
tuttius soill hiolid at dutl metiii'tlttheiroiher seoverali-ohs-lu melodies osithei
ttottius'iuttitSiottir-. Ftel. 27. OTie grandul organt attdiProf. o'cnty to-itl
followsinig o-entsosill bh otiesteit: 411--c:s'm u shout addtressapplrohtriate- to
yariddtashi; 40-yaurdthuridles'shliniluh'thte occasioin. Otlier features osil lie
wai~lk, high jiump,) 101Pole valt sot-pututdded.ti
-asnd elaycti.rare. This mieet wso-itt oiit I ho. uttettiuueuu-t sill be otue of its
less be s-try itteresttigis Ith esh - ftesao ndtefatta
mienotuixe some vero- hraiisuasuuu5 ianmiils fte esnuudh atta
ittco, while the '99 Seutui oviltliltr ottd flu te poroceeds wsilttte giv-en to 1the
10 retrieve its defiat of the lreceulto ovounaut 5 g-mnaosoituuofundtuit 5-ldlit 11-
year. otue a ttrge ottendtatce.