Finest Lie of en's Zits and vercoats
inl this city. We are immensely proud of.
OUR OVERCOATS AT $3000, $25,00, $22,00, $20.00, $1800 AND $1500 AND SUITS AT $2000, $18.00, $1600, $5.00 AND $13.50
Every one of these grarments is especially made for our ine Trade in the very best manuer, trimmtins according to our own
instructions rind styles after te deign' of the mot fashionlale tailors of Nw Yorl. Justrmit us to. sholc you throug-h our
stock. We can and will please you.
IGHI-IGAN GENT A_ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _
]loseITiabl( isedset a , s155 __-_(______
IAT P.M WET A.MMail and Fe ---- 4.. N.Y. Spcili_.71;
N. Y. Specil--_4 is Mail - -- 5-_,_ .14
Easern Es----10 i7 N. S Limitied.-._ 0 22
A.ati x 5.Pcfc.F 1_-P.]' ii eeis nlbi,,molt iipoi tin ti " ls-upplies thian : o od Fountain PenIThe tco SPar-
0 . N Epress -- 3 47 este s Es-f it hr ouin(1111ain ]Iotois htpifri ti o iii wioi insti iient :.They ie 53rriute(l Icyte Park1 r uilo l enCo.,
G, 1. IFexpte;s--.1(, 07h. N. IEs )19 . au~viul n( w instruct Inc :aiAii oeiit:s o -'onte tleiu to (ive efect cti-,futio r
0.i~ W.lroot, uicg.n. nUrose, r efulnil lioscy. Don't icig a Plluntil you secthe new Parker, both tpper' nd oer fed. We sca
0. . &T.Aol, kiegi.Ag. A::Asbstit your luml and pocket book as well.I
OFFICE HOURS: 7 TO 9 . . DP.,47 -U M.~t A e
ocket - n' i v es -and -cissors ' \~Opr
RA.ILIIOA1D. W~tie have jest rece(iver]( a ncer assoriiecnt of ocet I1-toms sod ~ o T O t 2
Timse Tale, Sept. u6,898 Scissors which are slinig at the lpopular prc o 2.3 cnisiech.Evrboygos
-704ery's -r Store,17 r. Wahngton
-oI:<7 sI ts(,r to Aet
M '1:5,:Y- -
a m2in I. - r,_______________p___________________and___________a_______ 01:: oni il 0 coppany iini letir
SdO:4l oss. 5s0.:p sole o ndtln fIttlltlltln. i UNIVERSITY NOTES. l0c to any part of the house.
55souioy oiy ,btistte eitlis uS Iiui ______
berg Joe tio. Cing( of: B0in1Nioiiiy. Seieecyu
05ioiy sepes leusen Toiudo asilllt0-I:I I - (ll1: -ii r- ( t .sal y c d s v0oi:d tie isrn , To-
Frankfort. n i, lO.(oslseAesisyi~ui leter
laoiy escept SunS 01.31)Literacy DOcurminot, iv 1s' i Ida critui. at t 7._, an:11 i goi te-ce::: S t Ic , (Mi'li ts he:u
p. S 0 l ilE.Aeiti t-ies t-c((}s i nithe,!i iss(.
W, n .ENNETT G.FP.A Teo 0 cii I lION: -Au out -His si-- Gid l u !)o_ t( - lie :11::- slt i - .el l ii T;hus firs:sir IncI7i iiiU.5. ejie s l ite
ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RYV, .h( iU p i-snie: aoili t(, 1 .(r,' :uoo:11 (neiu li llmaes AN RBRSVCSAK
Tan Table, May 17. 189601o-ulic ,iiiin i-iitipow( lpi :sll , ,ii - i o ufo fiindiui 1i 11 1 Cp ii~'ttsiiii ,00 Sis, is (to
Leave.Ypsii o m 0sn ongi-csi iii s-so 80) i0 - i-i:,- .7iit)Iis Aoll3. 31:lci ii i lIt :1sito5 d ieill for tli- p ro~oir: Og niedsndesii.'eneraBaning Ls
and 11:00a, i.; 12:4, 2:0, 3:3,0,65, i5 .o10 m 2,ner wn o, iii -l1). u.pto d :i .Z141i'~iis sIil i~ i~icsics~sby n
aand11511 (ii t olitleun al yIle ls cci ne ec ile l iiilii:cialii ciis of ie
Leave Ann Arbor Juition, 70),8:50 iand - t s yt, . . _ ("li:::s; twi :::- solllt S it' l l i : ioff e ;tl ita:o)! i testteii iis 15irifscsied 10006 proper
1130 a. m.; 11, 04:0, 5:35ir1 5, :H oadu ietd esgn -o 1(.aino(lI;Idntiiic ai~n i icy id( psii hoesto00ren.
10:41 p- in. -oo:Iioo ili1 : 1. i ciroO I.,~: ii n- - i Iti a i HkIo c e rs. v. 1..
SUNaAY.TISE. ii tas Chatiio . lstek,
Leove Ypsilanti frsm Congress Si..1:30 320 1 i-il si ilitlil 0 1 isli7 I [. i((m~ iiio._ a. (" ( olcy. _si tatli'a - (shiaitt l11 suFitz Asisioni (asokc.
5.00, e :30 and 9:00 p ,u.L. sc 5I. Ith. sI1uiltiii:1"s t:1 ii-r raIlly at thise -
Loose Ann Arbor Janctilon, 21,00,:0, R1NA1NLBAKJf eu st
Io(1 and 9:30 pi. S iiis(iri ii i. is ul s:''tu::si: -soia o ii i.A i or 54
tars ran 00 city timne Fre: single rip 5 l1ons Ili i ll i 111 sill:: is;IeOi11i, M1. (iii tliis 5.t;r(i ieit o f ictie :'al:o 0 pilsi 1 01 '.0 Orpis and rtots80,00
TEKINDERG± ARDEN BULLARD HALL osit t l eeiiii o 1(.lit of :1 no: 4L, lity i1wi-lu: sill b tie to ; 0 fi-oil . ).II.NsO lies. IIAIP i5CN SOircgo
AlILBRDAD TI C KET BRBOKERS (110in ingi55 rk ofithe loll:: 11111dicki eItio:liiieilie hhip i liii:7 5of ii-I G-Y AiIIOON, tn-ser.
IIp (fit iCii seilr.ic. LIh Sihite Oltr el r:ilor. ats
MONEY TO LOAN ON OERSONAL IIE11,REW1 ASSYORIASN lt S.Ii I l s'ht iersio- s[lidile is:::f'om n BC -tliiled. B:1:-is ideiBes.,rsing
FROPERTY, 001170: Prof.C(zlaig isub~ c i o ine lo I iSt. I iayos- r-ii;':nluc e;iiW ou o clt ia pies tc stsein l3ss ill
iioo sosk i[uuos C itsS os :nu delisered.
Whtolesale CigrsTobaccos and iPostoni~le ii oritin ttu eS bjtitiiio uiiformedic l :1 -.oi-iii i: to iprulut A( si-i-si: s :1-s. )o nu nyosoro
Oc.2.Stdnswgarst eetay soilrlain m I ulote ynro:: e.cyk,ci. tGiiscsacol. o S.sat~ie
Cigarettes. O .I) iilllimsie ii -ciil :SI: i::lus 111 1:i: 1:1.ii tret
Cor. M~ain and Liberty(Sts. I iiiei:iiorses u (lit ll --se replorti 11 iiorst eiof it:. inis-ci-y atI I i ii L w ey s h co at s
y____________________________ . 1.'.) i. i. I iicdt 'teoo- h) -r-- of i:i-l(,n ilt on tbai o n y h cl t s
Jut Reeived a Large and Elegautl \ASTIONOi(: Profiesor alsill 1,111. 1-to:: sio!Wt ii f 1 11e ot Lunches.
Line of New rPipes YT bib ioolli22.I7. I.. frioni 2 to 1 . Il. Alu:;::. I 99 , cu-u-:1 , n.lo us (I-
list snd Cold Lnches at all hour. Agenitoslicui4osii islllsieinsiigis 011.1s5 co:oi1
IiT'TTES45 S. State ft.
for Hulyersmuud illiams aed Worners Cos elctlok. r r-ta:r Ydet
Coate o Sons. T111~~ u -lioii '~rt 1 -tCCU SItON 10 (SN P1ON.
R. lE. OLiL'.Y& 00. Ce1malnoiailiucets 3Iroiciuyo hWordolSii-e tei ritoin dfouit li Me
_____________________________ at_____ieiinduihys ill-it. ii., iRolim0.. J. 11iiilio f flicuge:.thaiuill, H T C~P E
iSthQessn. Non Open. (oligor Mil's E i ilieigtois(ltn(hi ANN ARBOR. MICH.
AI GGae'~hofl ae ' I1I i(t1 lt(enpspoe 1t Id ANDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER
I!ing, GruiiduSs.Bo r. o. 8 0 (,willlgie ..: Sc tn o 11-
Maynad St. i: iil5i' 111c55 u 5 lu-c LrS iuiiiot t y hi I iiiii (ii 'I ' ll( ahn tr iok
tRiriotfroiilrr(itylo'css- h-iiipri-e IOiaIieiieu'ui tihibiled ifr- lWiPyWashigto lok
u .ORM~sHAVING 0 LO and ~ 1)1 o -hltlfool sseu on 511 iii:fiioving I is eeksil, Ot. 1ith. ht, iio CoUiuirAnni Arbolr.
roos. ll ppontmntsfirst tiass. oods:$(i soos als i.40, $13)Shoes tiirl ihteoea~o+rfer o
Impred and domesi igars. Ladies at- :is-il:50iii4 slit- at is-.-$11111oisiailtoo
t hair dressing and ibainsg prlsr,nup $-il $'lii i 1c, 7( eioes i
tars. J.R5.Trs~ansnski,15. Sate 5. $.0, $2 shoes ill$1. 0 $ 0, 13) ilieS lt U. or l. Dininglig lliv?2EU lietsintS
A$1,Fnea ieisCsS.5. ,JA('O38 & A...AND s. We ci to pes.; i not, pet: p
an ealc akein and Fine rade de ua~siialg-fsiblock, WusililigoiliS. tell us whly; if (no do, please 0:l y0ur1
Coffins. Embalming a Specialty. Es, 17 S. fricnds. $2.0 nor week. 23 'RP v
Fiourth ave. Mot 'ltl ligt On ampusonal
oioen fat-id iilver, iesurd 10 iiememlibr that tic Pott :1:1a(se NEW
TO RENT'-One parlor suile, very IN. Tii-aysrt.0 (ICS. Main Street, is open day and/lagfunchetfitadbtngtweeyocngtayhngn
at $350. 20 S. Ingalls St. Subscribe for tile Daily. season. tC L R