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October 13, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-13

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Pubbisahed Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the Clle b year. att
OIFFICE: Tinies tailding, '9 ?.,Alain St. be-
tween Liberty and William Sts.

New Irnlander Tomorrow.
'oirst Iml illti ii.iof'then(t,\vxeliiiiic
if 'The 1 ha iiilee isoutiof tile liliteen'
lit int-. anti will bI n to ..l' i.rliiii.
clxii_' 'ovrins i1ri-Il di I i-ok, sho'(w-
I'' < iii utuof liehel c.t fJudge
I' iii' yd . iahuh ti rms iiitli by tiicyii.
dI- i1 . x iiene l iii '1"1r,1'ff I is ip-

, "
i ti, 3
. , : ,
r ' a
__ l vd
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'cin it.litheijury f xlioibuyers andilt'n
0111 hi t heavymajity.lFoot0weari
should b bellpquatity.il' liiietcianiit
stnanyting else. biricecs sholdi be
low, no ax to keep bile shiiictax withiin
bouoids. Ynouwent feel our shoee
pr ices, hut they will snlake you feel
pleaned. There atetncernt growers
like had shoes, tolle In us anod get
Iometinthai t ytt to wvear youtrself,
ilsteaidiof lilt shoeuwetringyoyutr foot.
Lg... GRU ERilia.I. 'linjr.,

i'Y(i ils.' ti iiiii' ftill 1tie. (i c
E. L. Oniniten.'!)S L. F'.5. OituNx, 'li8.
0. 0. Mn-ttnEAxN . lii. ;ci. ti.otieet, 'us L. fCue 'ilt "etlinxiitiii" illeliii ' heelsof
C.IM. GnEEx, ill. Atletic Editor. 1,"mierlo n dii huC arlle.,imodeled bladir.

0. II. ioAns. 'liS.
Ji F. TtOiot, '97, Asitt.i
W. xx. titglthex. it. S. Wx. Onlih''97
F' . Loomnis. '9S1. Louise Dode,'9)
W. P. Merrill.'li. .ICobrwlin, '99.
lrubit.celiic c nsoi'99 A.i it.tS iih'
bforte mClleg t yetty.witlIen. indlier
tiatix and ther nittle hitsi 'iid (r tilt t-

FIii Al frobBolsiin, i'oe ayoug"
rCt C rlilt i'f i'tnu a t'tttliixII iii ittv'
andii " tilA t JImeI ii ll lani '.ttt'i C'
lyi i I -11"I( ies ro
lW HitiiiI q e xii-. iiiia t Mu s"it li
Very 5 lengVt it aeiiniii\t-i i iten 1)y I
It . ''1 lxi".. 1 f Ii te '' llii

S1550, 1800SIBOD 20,O
r_ - u'Yw Cut Stylish, made with all

fare S p inl.,otr ettlid iiithue ediiorboe 3 b tet' I ltlix is ltiiil'is-i. A it
. toof the da l lin o intothtin wih;tt I 'liei' tit lire pete lthe care of a Tailor Made Coat,
titertire expected tin leaii
nalixcripttiinn itty Ic ee t Tile Dil t'Cis''"'1ueP8(ti-li t t. l1 iii lii.
0fi111 ly e i r I Si t ,e \.. -t-- ndil or
with Buiniessxtilunui se Sit iitsi n I triIiiliw'iCo e I iiiolul l i.Igo ' 1
fer ai fateneby j~~tcpiueiiot ptiC t tie is l 'an i ii ltd l''l ttlti ii'' I a.1. Sxl1 ofca.yfiue fhrie, oc~,i r alt
Wi ltxe bet''tl'l ex 'iiiMi.ii m . it i(I),Itnin]tim 'il ed. iitor; li t-i' s
I1. i ii Ii. liisiut us ntiiid''t- 4 tol -u
co ett t i i ll uc titin l tuyti nlist o is I it ti-ii b xi
h- g titiu. i is iii nil i I,; a . lel its1. . lt I ii la an I. ' r
banittil tiliclitiy adithr ions ani \.1>«Thilr.l'higfalCoaoh. h o es l~v
aitil ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r I lo le inli'i i ii 1111 i fis 'yiir l0isit's oill 1'i)C. 1. i iiii
i-lilt lidit s zucssil l'iill'd . txxauss'olre Bxotindacytiltlanwaranednottofnd
cur. Hong ever, it i('5 -npoourng edicliii ii oiierd toteSlirl
a ld t o e 1 .11Fithalib t ex'uis f-lu id i' ti '1' T e - t .< s Ci y '~ a e ot )~ o ae 'j 9 C S h r a e
oursubci b s i ne enar. Mo ak ih' i's ii'i t 1' rlii' a.chuu tlut of thiii
dii'lt ieD tiy sx iite'uiulu tt. lith e lcit I ie s tlc rte . ci
Itbleu.i -uti'giliiui telin 'thi-htl I i n'.t itlCoA.o.rediiBosoGms' F n ishers P aindHaratdters fde
xi-tbs iiter otdiee'iili'l tn ltnie u- d'utl' !$1.25iuin. lIl t. .1. I . 1 ilihin ll ti'ii 5 t r r
.(tietI huto g-sIn en tigtuh r h i e iii I Iluemsxur C' 'if.h.1. ex. Sigl isiolit o thS . A . .r b
hit'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~fn flinof'eicofx'Oti'Whitxelii andWiliuuiIFancyiul.Iti.Bos'om. hiujuShirtsnn il ntagtlol SoeLSiucnFreriey eay d
dozgd1eli'itn o ~l. dun'x'' nut i de. Tileatty. luIite wasu- ai''
ar e r stvix ce.nCgordespoieu-n' R exducItion Il-hinerSiW hite Shi'r'ts. il Nii "andihSiaT HEgA NsA L AiteOdUaNidIW E IN '
lue b-lytiiy I si tur'hih'lls Iuuuituri. Ii ti n. dccl )II . ni-lilt I 'lbm
Ilowexer, ncotnt'e1 11 oclnlig illizitcFootbaltPractice
cl yi t h e D ai l y u o x 0 n1 t h ( f le m a i n - l . - X ' e e'd t d i s u ul h i ' i- u n o l l u n l u k . . D = A m BR N&I e o g d t , y u g ; n l e n i h N w h h l , H n y S i t , A A l u l. . . G e t ' F r i h s a n H t e s . . .
wasuth reani d ei- llti fu'u'l III tisighted- "I' qniu' axD. f I3.is ii tneil ts;iucxLea dTP we ------------------ v3
if liethex en the rnel,ttl's bun V.b I xi u. ertPruf. J.lIyelSgulinllt4BStoudis'Sttph n ronyOceta--------e.
reiui te ilus nohlniutli~ls. i'ili' Vt 1ni'. llllullanE.1'~tI Il aitfil char e in.. ana------------------------Evryj------J. 2
oilheh'faallyliof 'u.lu)UIIltilEx-resdet Hrrson------------------Fe.-
ar l wask. An ith In-ehave lined die l-'tx'ttuisetlilAN.gCof l th elsluJakeulL c sFer His- ------------- Apl2
deosedlnell toxe toilye bo, ndio ld or inhtPlaynf.isI ballsJonnK ndrck.B ngs--- - ---------- A rl1
belvryotiini-ctohtiteestnoeite ns ald d I tasdT ckedRESE VEDhEATiTCKET
rae ue oIlittheneatup'esenytoneyo Atentioas ndia aginIlle toIeli'-SN L AD SI N c
ensiltyw ae o stin tpal o ohltall Prc~iceml, dolacr
trsi, ad wll ot eelat ll li 'htt liontlile teasonlaty s ansevraldtylLeandr.eP werl-tl-ic-te-ea- i-n-l -lt- - - pe -r -N - -her -$1.O.03
iftet ioxt o Sic rDaily o (loo re ferst eek10 leatlayienif urtnBonLd ie' Symp rnyaOrchstrlasec..00
(cits th luoit c~ntrbutins. Lt i Ow arsiy. Ian~aan NOvi'a' n ti fal Chalese. Ja.ax
F.IIoel,'11,i n11 iie- nce toVgorhityte d ttelpayd TatExP i e t O NSL-iseedlceu ntlFhro.Ot h tPe rn
snhy ef Edonineo etol offr u5c o mea ld. SIlld s, wan e-A Sleitand Call at 2'If rgaae taesrehadWarnbnetee ll et
newg for 11ubldegreeof soh sDioliherls y 1St.1JAME, R.ral1TTCorespondingSecretary



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