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October 13, 1896 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-13

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s i We were uncertain what you wantedi in the
M o f9 niAusical line so bought accordingly. Cf rA rI lf~I
A God Mandolin fr 3.75.
0 AGood Banjo " 3.65. AT THit
e A Good Hermnia " .10.
BgTrihBath Tow;Wiathoutsgiving yno he. earth, STUD'ENTS' BOOKSTORE, STATE STREET.
Bl10 ks ht oecnw o
els, Sponges, Soap Rub ANN ARBOR MPUSIC CO.,
ber Caps, Flesh Brushes, el2 .WSHNTNS.- N RO We hve a lrgestck of New
g Etc.V 'iY1e<odsorept a d I,.Secondhand LwNT icIa, r
Et. ay dd-,nO, ar.A ~It res neeri ,Greek il1(1Latin
40,pulooksa0 ill
ro 5 ied:toiwee Text oo sw lnh we wll sell to
t Street, NewYok, stodunLts at lowe .rtric l anever.
CALKINS -PHARMACY. e OnlG.y1 ao i[gotis Pa
klytl I hundla, 20uS aid 5c.
Pecn. anadFn r'sosse'ep'sa . . o'.n es'siaiy.
--GIVE HxIM A GALL. Our $1.00 Gentleman's RKi lovei ~aliinS dl fo'uu~dfn Pn
PHOTOGRAPHIS x (C vryone 11 srrsxsted sO noiey
--Fpcia rts o eiost B EA STHEXVORLD 1 ,ref ud<1el. Irain gJt ri
". 6 E. Huron Street. I________14____
funks vlises ore55S Sit Lases :UNIVERITY NOTES. 110 .-55.5 5 'Ss 11115 PO PIP'Tzo.OR
'd nk s iv, I 515 Naty n,8(1111 :; s rZvlll- lljSTATE STREET. lNtHR
T is isl S I o I 55 5 's ly .ss S. i llain .O s' S'I'.'.sld- I 'It wi l l t tut i s' ri15'1 5or s s ell -
STATE STREET TALOR, v8 15''.lssis io sxs'!,l s. 8. x eS-isl " 'S. uy sll you rosn afford for
A. full line of--' in AssnsArblos. -- -preseit an~d futuireouse .at or
Scotch and English Sutings ('1110-s-W vi liSns;li. .15i . Sp15"II'is'.i.8 IL. ti s'I'i'55175[ ii'i
and Trouseringon ill Chic(gSoS siisMi.'Ifs 51i5 di rotn.tlusi of III 51r Lowes' serass
I Iai: 5'lsl' 0 Ik, u -J.is 0 5155lil i f from 55 I'55151555'ISS 5555 11' -c aIt oleS 50 WVe sall hbe er for a few
schoo111 is1'eu , 81' ici. onIsis I l'SI oixi' S'. o n the1' 15 ii ' .siisxx'iss says esly . . . . . . . .
i uli . A Ts 155 ''. 1,s, So.xLaa'css' oil s 0 lI'. h '55i S 0a8.1)0 hoc 555''
0ihtis tiilsstoSsr t' y L Wss'so (illt "4.8s,5 ss' 50 $I Sho .$08 sissss''ost Call aghan & Co.,
c 411. 42.7108 "ei t sI n II 1.81. 015soe'x 15
fi Iri os' SI. lis'l'mamssosssg dito 's " Ir Oi CBSA(s11s I II\AS 15 t LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO.
ssi V\1 'luls'last f 7'1'i i l te I ra}s' So \ is lull 15io lislh_I 'soissssu In . At Schleede's, OSouth tate st.
FOOTBALL SUP71PLIES ity I'sis" 'ItisTIPNG OS' (I AND o IontI.,. &A5RM4.CK
Everytingss' Sissthe ils 51 -Jasiet, 5.5All f~l o r' tss'his 1:1 .1 o A. I (I \ A IRMIO.
hlots, O Stockigs . y '.e Si Guard, d . lsissislin hsi l wxxSill 's'555111minSd PH-01'M s 8.0 ' (oo ustii I
etc. Sp'.SSdss'.'x sliis'S'iS isti'rooS i'i ltesxC O ER 2 -2
FoistI all oiflly slipill iy ue ntotr 118' iS . s. I tsSlssi8) in ii0 (his '.tirsl i2.x51 , l _ ~ x o d rnes tht e
c elaie so , ai stionse fi'ssie tss ("ia-t's (' i il s fors'x h isO si~ hli ' ii I !'
Iw alo a sS'std Iitsr Sports ire. '"TheteSietso( (be r 1) and 205 stslrno rs'$1 00 $1 0
Nasi thi t~i'itsiere "Ss'sss ~'i~ 555555iii is sssi'sssss for rustd Sstar rustsiall it; i f150
A. G. SPALDING & BROS, I) -Ss orinss'lsyIsst'sis ssS1 eok go eunn ni coe _ ANLLAIGJWLR
NeereYork. Cheg, OPhlaelrphi.'t) IiSagonounj~iIII' iti S i ittdStStri rte-ltosiss2, W ,AR O EDIG JW LR
Ironed are rob s's i n ii'ss sesli tis. ri'S'sold vs'tibuldl tra~ins from Di toioit .D I~ x~ J.S H II
oceries, Grois,--Provisionls tll tr othii555511le t"1a505 (isoo'li. tis'Tsled.so o Cisressssi, xwistotFEEIK .SH
an llIiidaf aiarup1a1151KIiss(iissla r 'is Sivea luaige.1'< UNIVERSITY BOOK BINDERY.
Foods for sale by Sssss'rsi ift ssss isss i a f'.NIsosss'siso ' able ______board Oed Oetnitmthe.xat axsieto
" tI'''ryrlf Ais t i SllS' sl r iis slslosr iii 'ol ithSe sesSIS~ olid Fssuain s fo r $S,'00,soansi
S 7tiI1S .YI1. &.i C iio ., tis'e x''-st'r u b sisuiss tSo s. ''the Sit Si~ sl (siire, eonly 3:00.pct) 5ss'r ll'ss S itu n ies Paper oe 55 etit.
2s. STATE ST. sllasUuss'iS xx'iSS isllsi a. stis 5< t n- Re'ulalr nasial ,28ges.O. (1555d10' 50 S. STATE ST.
nssss'sass':t 11 n. Il. Sto5 5111aus i llSfor ga idInisgt.
GRANt) IONIMANDESSY KN( I' hTSli t e. To liEN'S Avry dsssrsbl suite rof MUIC l S TUD~Li.IO.
TI'88tt5LAlt, DAYTON, 0110)., 1.A. Wlis stsgoos, 'l(s T . So s'sa'i- SLISSS. Sitoroury bow'Ixli ii]sttsaid PIANO AND COMPOSITION.
OtTODRERi111. Sgi in i ooll il lfsi i t i I~ici'i u 'soll xxassr. 2Sltt 'oe t iu issu e s
Agents of Ohio Ce tra itles will l lha~ t'siAisdsiSy' atrl ais'isbt' keJli'o' bi. Enqiire at 47 S. Div 'soil 5ZR.. 'Y\,'. v ..-'-
,sel tirlkes October 13 a il 14 at one Shis yesr. tvs' it I Hil'a sn5ofsoss Stuttt t o sratyyuGrsmatt
tare for round trip. good ruirinig AlleSblock from0 Campus. 0Furnace'22 . DIVISION ST.
Until Otober 17. Te Ohio CGentral all tIssii irs' req nst'xls.to mootai c sl rss sssiu. to'sr.
I'ins r rtisog soid I tsi i SO toehiii, I Wi sluoxis 10 .1 14r;.:1 1 sat, iiantel5 gas. $.0 . i90 IN THE EUPMENT OF A
Ilink ar runing olidtr~tns ioanWashitigtoni st.
Detroit and Toledo to Day too al ('i-m hrcpainSitfoiisihe51111o1t in i~SSSTUDENT'S ROOM,
seinatt without rhainge. 12 eou xills t1 1h+x o Slotb orIs ll.Iisisserlly casreded that a stiasd i-
D wy Oftecourse offered, two sIrs tet is oiisost a absoute e essuy. Cr
_____________ W" '~' T~(~'~.That have perfect combustion and do not scrure tre i etr~stymettIrte
p1Wrsee eStebest yeur ill n5 tlird.
ANNUAL CONTENTION Ul2OTE1ER fj, r smoke or smenl:xpelinsdwcs Isiireth"y
-~ State'issutrmet thonounSs the world
HOOD 01F ST. ANDRE IT T1S1 5As ecllet istrlnent is. the
BURG, PA., OCT 14 1.0 The New Rochester, The Yale, The New Royal, The Perfe-. BAY STATE $10.00
Agents of Ohio Central Lines will tion Student, The Princess Student, The Empress Student, all r'. BANJO.
sell tickets at one fare for round trip nickel plated, with latest improvements. We sell what we ad- we have Is stock cheaper basjos than this,
bt fSees substatial serviahle istrenet,
October 12, 13 and 14, good returning vertise and guarantee quality of goods and are never undersoldsata w pice, ns oter istrumetsmanufac
=iatil October 20. 16 tu e s ore ithalritd't. ige
DEAN & COMPANY. JOIN fc.ilustatedSS &gCO..
Subscribe for the Daily. 44 South Main Street. 433-403 Wahilctnace5r, I3,Btes,


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