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February 02, 1897 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-02-02

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Tme Table (Revised) Sept. 27, 1896.
M and. x__ 34 .Y. Special ------.- 4- 879 4
MalNd. - 6 NY Special-- 4 58 fli584
Pastern Ex--10 17 N. S. Limited._ 9 25
Atlantic Ex--7 A. Pacific Es----1 15 I"6y
0.N.Express---- 5 40 Nestern Na--- 1 55
G5. R. Eapress --11 15 Chi. Nb. Ea--- 9 10
13, . P. & T. Ags.. Chicago. Agt. Ass Arbor
Time Tabhle. Jan. 31, 1897. ~
730a.m. 7:30 a. m 1
*il 5 ia. m. 11 :2 a. m.1
4:30p.m 8:35 p. ___. __
i*Ran betweein Anti Arboe and Toledo oitly a~m $aacw ~ ~ v gsv~vl.. v o vaae. <e.ai -
All traisdaily except Sanday. Wewiileedeeeescipt
E. S. GILMlIRlS, Agest an acddress. rCeos:5
W. H BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. ) 1 I
Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccss andI
Cigarettes. A POSITIONt L.
Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. Can he setcedl w:ith Rood, McNally & Co that1: will breim; gcood returestlo
students foe Ills wor, duri g vacatios, Wle wsh Rlepitsenaives on sue
Atlases, flaps, and othee publications.
bosh foe Mledical Studens. (>.tlalo,ste and ciet-slars seed son application.
~ ~ -RAND, McN.ALLY & CO., Chicago.
0' _ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___

al 2PEt1
ganspoa. .no.~ o
IsFae ; r 0D1uoO 5'3 ITiT!
Ter uo 1O3's~sra
The Onla &Sleepiag Car Lice Ibetween Ta-.
ledo and Columbus.
Tihe Onlg Sleepinig or Drawngeeom Car
Lire between Toledo, Columbas and
The Onig Drawing Rooem Car Line between
Toledo, Columibes end Chleston,
W. Va.
kPullman Sleepers between Columbius and
aTHE ONLY LINE with 4 traieenseci way daily
between Toledo ad Columsbss.
THE ONLY LINEwith 3 tesis each wayeon
Sundiyi between Toledo and Colstohui.
THE 0NLY LINEalwith 5Srais acsheway daly
betwseea Toledo, Bowling Greenansd
THE ONLY LINEl with 2 iraitseaeeh sesy daily
betswees Toledo ssd Charleiso, W. Ya,
and Stse Virgisici
THE POPULAR 1INE901 twees Toledo,Fsto.
ria,lBucyrus,l Geanville and Neark,
Pall information relatietoisest imesof
trais, oe., will be cheefslly farnished by ny
Agent efihe Ohio Ceidesl Lins.
This space is reserved.

Is risolcet es l cms SephosCKYendFiUisisob te G'0O.S. PR ERFountain Idrte Gan
.lts-lrogiy" gt 1aAara" SplolFee St 10 A4 S AKR ~ me is Really Complete for teGadOpera
Without a new 18975 Model I
Guitar, Mandolin, House.
Banjo or Zither. WittOBall Hetiiosare to te icycle. A perfectI Peitand sarranted by te Parker
Ptin Company,211ntsv ilelWts.
: laebenocle ow a o rslt of the J. C. FREUD, '99, 47 S. University ,Ave.
ocy: mneW sbr o h ey lest desisn
Frem i.en Upward, AfIOTHLIEIC PROSPEC I'S. Among the Colleges.
fie a ea l-tAe,, S1.,t'Mandlin is aeradicalde ti t e
a' Ie 1 01 m girale itis t h ot aol oitliuos lt: junior ol s i . of thilis 111N SC L lt
rar th aiatof:: fitte old Creonat oin:1:. 55asthotttd Fil-bO O'tgc ,
irsrsltI faxtiedl:and unifotmprices by all fitst- (ti-il-ed-fo illitt- t 1age.
Ll ,a de aleseeryertlce. tost 'w111 l)1Olt 1: beIt'the ,ld i il ti ' wu.- or ~
,:r hmos te acknowtledged sdared of1the d tche-ltr hill tdevteltptol 110 a10 othenw111111 +l
z Te r sdexsiveloly y ldti the Icaii 090lli ngtSil ri lt itI- 011 a t Cpiltol.
glaeswettad 1at yeartlts. Olestett'5t::ol:
rt: cttl e itiand Gltee C ls.tOturlonew il. 110 (llli t tll1111I 'iQlslrlilt-ittt iiOtbti ANN ARBOR. M ICHi.
aIifmteionpies, entdorsemtents, etc., ril Ie ero lii!14 Dnll o h ~11t11.At
s t ie n.rcep o apictin I oulo~l eae iIl: 1,11.1-0lti '15 e m tged as.1 hyst cal H10,1 Q/'9 LL THE PHO O R P E
-vti of-teoxatintationt,diectlfrothe fct ortdty.
A ahurnlemproes with age and makes a 11:m1otstof t' 011olthpstiolls. Alt I ! itll:-lttl- iitielt 'huvety1 11of to -WashingtonIBlock,
f:.1i-t t cea ueu in value as the years ga by. 'ttilsill Ann Arbor.
Iti elly wrthninny timea its cost. I -Botherte ot'tultto Oi 901ery ttbriht.
t.1'ON Sc HBAI.Y, , l~1sgaer 5,tkinsontll11:110 Itl~ JuralofthllleiettIhiu
CO. WABASHI AVE. &cADAMS ST., ClIiCAGO s;1 )inlg I i1 beto etfhi lowed 0y1a lipto i t ea-IlSoaciety cotinedl inttI i nelit itst fl ( r
11 (l1° ilt-b ag elol til.ls tri -twogaeswith l lllllbco0 115001' i 1rani1 19E W fl\L
mmmi emt
/th11i1-3d :111tOll t' th ii Wiot-olisil. ho thtlle lr-.tllU PPIiE111S itti
p lie in3111110 itllt-the otu1911h e i lT'. nnalSonestin oraor i
ILoiloitI I'ir-l5-1 om0blrid It paltit gLetotte Batil ttits, 'dlt Itoetct
An0 .1.1111 ,\ltt'at sillt11also lt'e101111. if i: 11 Siy U~5~ug L. anabesshouold seddfto amples' and
1 fotheiltSwa111 prices. 51' hld lo ilill specil tes-e r ooy reost for5 Tti is
.® lo-lc l i e1 e 1 11 101 Ci ' 1'I bseo 1 or os lf itt 111tittl tand t ie tymna
dov l ilit. (301°e I . svoilo lmoitstipelit 1110an d otit .oplte
A: r ltle. 7 o te sontactNA195 1!I1 tlttioue b'lndt uIll . 0:1t
Fiioili, lo, - w redfrs -1t 1 firee."Te Nasme the (ttGuara te"
-~ I ist'xoreslysiiilcrloo andtl I3 . (3. Carpeter0secontild. A. G. SPALDING & BROS.,
113reedti IlI 111001h gie lame 0111111 lt' Tht illtlellt- 'glal t ltl tlllol NewYork, Chicaga, Phinadetplaa
11-1- nelri t e ulelits formlaiiit'tl tbyIto be heldl it New- oil: 99ill 1t1110 ilace ' ,0 MCA N AR
rtaht "'ths arthe ioier-ottlegiait't~e nsetion i'l t'l'itl iietlll e ' 11111n1u 1:1ua l pobaly~S 'ili' iobo~iy7 eirstli i
inCiaoNov-. 27, 1S9)." I 1u Mlarelt, 10 ls thatis th6l ttly l~til t i t3Ob 1,Unvrir 1h
11010i5'l iltilg Be'leoith Annlaptolis ('an1sendual leal
11130 11n1a1 equalfooting".ehe O~rs~r, Coluimtbia nelt O~S -Luthler Laflin Mills in S. L. A..
Nowol ,et everyr' manil remietrerttt.h110course, Chicago Ablullmlnin ber-.
I' N 1lt vry ll iitlsillt'' it w9ill lproiably be cnlered trtoimiTale,
991' ,ir(e not in a hopieles onoiditioni ith- Corl-lantlt West Point1. ENGINEERING DEPARUSIENT'
+ letleally, but thalt on 'the contrr'y we Course A, Heginners course, Sect.
sllotnl fpoig Boartd ot Prettyinan's, oHN.Ui- Mna, ensa,Thrdy
1have a goldenversiyrave.Yoy Wil pird111ngDILFriaydt, WRoomsd, Univertsdall,
tt the otlier colleges that iMiichigan tereito geetYouwiaohfidy th all riayat9,Rom7,UnvrNGitSah
AETtoand that 'le can 970winsvi evrtehatevterlee esu.MoSt all lawlyers use Swvan Linen,
21 S. MAIN ST. we1 choose to try our hanid. 'Subscribe for the Daily. paper.

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