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February 02, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-02-02

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Published Daily (Sudayexecepted) duin
the Colgoer, at
-Grifec: Times building, 79 S. Mats St. be-
tweee Liberty ad William Sts.
J. F. TOms, 9.
0,1t1. HAN, '9.
E. L. GEsneR, '95 L. F. S. . I)ses, '9.
F. M. Looms, '95. . 13. SKetC i, '9L.
H. H. Costs, '99. UmrI AS, 't.
C. Al. GaEsN, 99, Athletic Editor.
W W.llughes, '98. S. W. Sith, '.M
F. A. Fai,'98E. I A Cmpell'a
W. P. Mulrril, '98. G. D. uut, 'V).
A. A. Smith, '9. 5C. Lull, jr., 99 M.
The suiscripin price of the IDaily s CW2.50
fr the collge yearwith a, eg uat deliey
befresoneasch day. Ntices, enmuss ia-
tions, and other mttre utestird oe publica-
tios most be hadd is at thr ]ily othee e-
fiee t sp. marormiledi to tie editor bfre';
p. i., at the day preevios to that as whbch
theyvae epested tosappere
Subsiptoss may hr left at The Daily
OfIle, Mteys's us Stolliet's Neasisd, or
with BusinssAlanager. hateilersswill c-
fee a aoseby pr usa poptly at this
ofi;touy failure at soteers to dersver paper
In all pyrobatbiliy IletUni'ersity will
have all11 sopportllity to wtsstshie
prlatclliwsorkings of tie miucr dis-
cussed honors ysicii of coldieting
examnatioins. 'Theoreically bohr
sides of te quelstiotn cttsbe sel stir
ported. What se eed is a trial of
the Iplant sunde the conrttiots existig
here atnd this trialth le 'W.17I class
will tdoubtless furnish
'The slpeial article os lbs recett
consditionl ofratleics hlistaktes (11w
viewy that t hasDaily' adopte'dtsw'het hei
Chicago rtles sere raiiy ii~-
ganl. The ruets are lbsesinly oiestht
assure alraaetrislii ttnd lty work 119
htardshtip for tlte competig ltt ltt-
ions are ptt ot thr sasir bcsis. The
lrtile ittquesiotn shiowss 't'ry'clearly
what shoul be te .tiittde of evey'
The S. C A. Offers a Solution.
Eiditor of U. f NM. Daily:
Dear Sit,-Your edioial i l hris-
ste of January' 28th ill regad t) a
metsing 1115' for stedetsilas ('1-1
boldesed ne 10oue the colsuts cf
y0or pap's to rdiscts te saesustbjct.
We are hieatily agreed as to tie fact
thttsvhere tiers Ire 110 oruitories
tad the credit systentswitlt arIge
nutlber of electives tpreails, tat ctlu-
sive bbtoserful force caltled "college
spirit" is aost tnkonswn. Ani itlias
cetainly beets proved tha't the fore rf
a, healthy college spirit is s god, a
stlendithlig, of ten follsing ttt'n
far intto later life tarid wieding t
strotng influence fr swhat is hotest
andtirue an ttlfraig'ltforeart. More
of it at Mfihigan wouldi be good for
botStudentssattdtuniversity. Yottgo
on 'to oiy that, "It is a fact tat disc
members of the literary dpartment
never met ecst other to any extent.
Perhaps a large reading room vehere

all students could tieet aod ostudy Land
discnss college affairs informsally is
svhat Nve need."
Nosw the teculiar tintg abouet tis is
that stch a readsinreoum, andtlmornC
for the excittsis'ese of the stbdettcls
is alrerady tiers, and butt fesstudetnts
seem to stetstaud it. Thte good peo-
ple of the stats has's givenlarlgely by
lrivate suscriplltis, tnearl'y t4t),00t)
to blild ,in edifice for the ues of iso
s1td'nts. 'I'is bttildig is -Neswberry'
h9tl. It was15obtarinth roerghr mie ef-
fuels of tile Studlent}' t_'llislldfl Ass)-
('ltiotl, los there is Itsorasotwhss'ttyh119
bstitlirrg -holdt n1o1trbe tsedl ty e very'
goodrnn inred1'c(bstet till colle,''.Il

s I N -, 43
It :, ._z
I. . .
tom ="- ..., , ,, , i

A O D C SBwin the jury of shoe buyers ahd it's
ours by a heavy majority. Footwear
should be top quality. Thte feet can't
stand anything else. Prices should he
losv, so ao to keep the use tax within
botuds. You wont feel our oboe
prices, but they will matke you feel
pleased. There are no cor'n growers
like had shtos. Cotte to us and get
sotmethiug that you can svear yourself,
instead of Ga e Shoe wearing your fool.
L. GRUNER, nNftn S eAror.



flct, Sir:'associationtrvery touch ic-
t1w Itsi'Searltos'at -Ne s'tcl'y' ttalt LADIES' JACKETS YOUR TASTE WILL
fcoe ry lr'gitirmartr'cotlege SaffairScor fCr
tir' lr'isutre lhors. Tireitbuilitg is and CAPES FIT YOUR POCKET BOOK,
t here Srr tbe tsed. t.ls reading troom rt Half.If you furnish "urrooms dur-
aud prlors -'tefree nti ats-vptr t rIGou Grctc'veyoury ae
son1 whos w~ishess to ttsetrhem. '1'hc ornly never a time mors opportune than igtr' GetIvntrySse
thin;l swhiichr stands irn Ilic ssty rrfitr'etrosw to pros-ide yourself wyitha a stylish Redluctions mtade to force trade
freest use sf ii 'trt'e shoic strrent Goat or Cape at so little expense. in every department.
brordy, i h fre t it. costs ,a Good Oi Antique Chamber Suits,
is lire ~ cI trod We hrave uosv in our Cloak Room~ large mirror, good~ $16.00 value,
(1eal 1o0ee I1)esurtt rclr a yildtirg ral tumanry Jracktslsas elegant in design, now $12. 50.
ther associtiono, unifo'irrtnty ond 11b1 oaks and nmaterial -as this country af- A Solid Oak Roll Top Desk,
rasonlty, is a cstmrarrtis'cty erall fords-than whrich no large city sate cheap at $15.00-Sale price $10.00.
tart of lire studenlt body. Tihreis a boast better -all of which asre selling Chinelle Portieres redluced from
wsay, hossever, by siirhialrl studeCntrs $2.25 to $1.50 a pair.
of ordina~rily good chractcer eae p irr1hr in Prj Japaneese Rugs, 6X0 feet, a,$6.50
supprtort irthetbildtinrg S atn feeCfee Iovalue, now 4.500.
use its triseleges;that a i by r Japanese Rugs, i' X10 > feet, an
Srsoc~re rrrii LA IS C P $8 50 value, nosy 6. 50.
comngin sscit errcnl pyrArDI( FUR C prA
itag the anuic~t~ ee of one1)11dollar.akGI idowSeats, Cush-
rany cosidra'ble tnumbrbcof s e to atrachan, Coney, Wool, Seal, Monkey ions and all kinds of Fturniture to
Nvhro dot tot care to annurer the-sad Ilectric Seal Furniture Repairing out' spec-
sels'cs as C'Iristians,.wsud c:thi N llity.
fstt'p, thre rrssrclati~r otti 1 b Hbelf Work anod pices that please.

oper'n ltedoors of its buitlrding (auIlhs
crrlae public irr getrerl tsr free trse.
Atd thlisOfree tusC' Crc assroch ir' i
wo'S)ld1be rrreoirerha tgld to -rant if
tire expeist's of ligirt anrrea rrrt sser"e
t be shiotuldere'r by thre sttrclrts. As
it is, swe ihav'e dirhicuthy' itr pay-inge'ur
r'oal 111dtigirttills h.n,'rrditioinvt10outt
manr~y' othier heavy'9'exprenses,anrd fetl
rtihgedt to char te foerr'es of ouer
roromrstry' rit'er orrnilatiotrs thaniott"
Wes tiik s'swrec'irss'wn ouer'cor-
leg:'esicit by'{offrinrg t scirhlcrshitpill
sriology'. wchiwe 'htope swillihe erf
scrs'etortthre rrivrsity. 1Atrot lot


MACK & cDoil
56-58-60 S. MAIN ST. - FURNITURE.

i~ e ttat' ecur R-O iaioF___rs

«e' ca'e abtlr to offer 1to yorthlilttlsr of Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicago -Alumlni Numbf

St $40t,000 huitinrtg, rsadinag rom, 1551-
'trrs, eoutrthee trooms1, held aturitor'-
il.r. toame ire andruerws'hat tire pes-
the of tire stateh a rve giv-en y'otuott
conrditionth lat yore taecar(' of it. For'
fturthrer hrticula~r'srcalSt thre oltece
irn Nessberry Halt.
Icr's. Students' Chrristian Associatloet.

Imperial Quartet--
Oratorical Contest------------_ _ __
7Ex-Presidlent Harrison-
Lucius Perry llls
john Kendrick Bangs

er)--_------Feb. 12
------March 12
------March 19
------March 22
----- -April 2

N TICKETS :$9.00


Delta Chi Annual Convention. SINGLE ADMISSION .50
'thre anua~l convention of .the Delta EXCEPT
Ci fraternity was 'held under thee tis- Oeatorieal Content .2a
pices of the Corenell chapter at Ithica,
N. Y., -the latter hpart of last siveek TICKETS NOsy ON SALE-eseeved tickets en sate ret Pahmer's drug shore, St
'I'. A. Berible and V. It. Blackburn etreent, and Wahr's bonok store, Main street.
the T'epresentatiues of the Michigan JAMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary.
schapter, retureled to college yesterday _____________________________________
torening. The former wvas elected as- , A T
sosiate judge of the Grand Chapter. .A.D VE [ RI 1E in ine D IL

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