'TWILL REST YOU - l orwokyu id toofr OR
WONDERFULLY yoran-yuintatwelad_4_S______tretS®
'Z clothes cost no mrethanwellomad
M when you ars tored from I shop work - We use only the hest
walking about town. to: material-tse most thoroughly train- PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY
stepan take cue of ouri ed operators-Study each form, and and get the beet service.
hottdrinks Beef tea ffice and Stable, 32 Forest
S coffee, chocolate, malted' Ave. Telephone 106.
milk and a dotzen others, °vf OODSPEED'S, Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmnacy
andi everyone is good. ' _______I5 S. (AIN ST. TEANABRSVNSBN
YTou'll find that the five CptlSek 1,0 ees.saes
or ten cents is well spent.:D ESY U T Meflr~ Resources. $1i1i0,000.
M YO R SM K ?Orgasized underethe fGeneral rasking Laws
x-- jof this State. Receives deposits, bays ad
e ~~~TRY RED STAR OI L--NO SMOKEsll xcageo the principal cities of the
C=LIS -PAMC No Chand Wicks, No Offensive Odor, No Fouling of Chimneys- OFFICERS: Christian Mack Pres.eWn D
_____________________________ A White Li ght-Buriis freely to the last drop of oil ini the lamp Casehier: I. J. Pritr assistant Cashier
B -Clear as spriing water-Ste per galloin-Delivered iiioui' cano, FIRST NATIONAL BAK of Ann Arbor
BeS~epromptly-Sold only by Capital, 8100,000. Surplus and Profits, 840,005
IDEAN & COUMPAN-Y. ''sctsi a generl aning husisess.
Yl 01'r gt 44 South Main Street. letters of credit.Funs
anF oot0~w'ear. UIEST OTS okin the Dental Department. S. W. CLARKOSON,.Casiere. Teeslt ftik ntetaeadvTir r tpeetaot2 n-4wstecs atya l!ci-°
they're prticticed more' thau you think, varsity otudetias itl atcaliat LSeocas at te Deitttl icoartmrttt are J_______
btnit uer. AiinAtoor 1ltgliSchool. crossdad ascii(ill1-itf the wee'k, '"hey nor. Slat tOi uOt ret
This storeciisac5ys ureO Oyou're right Capial O dSSI.hi optitets . Tasc
This storecguarantees youa asafe invest- W. It. Tliori ', St.antdi 0.IB. ('Italy, ire heldtifrttmit1:, 0 p. l.to. So):3(0 p. to., C apia 5,00 pueneral hatking hosiness.
merit of evey dollttr you put into ostoes el"-'t9,tif SDetroti n ~elt<rpr adaot7)ptet ir rae .KhP.Pes .E REE iePe
we sel. tt isoa gosd ShtoeStore, Clt of - F ititSt it' tt nltl ti7 iiais sc Iracl R tnuer. IL'ra . sor , ie Pes
good Shoes at pricsaty down. if Ilst sseek a It io Slea a Vitl titi1 ola . tth-tit uppertarii ts ticto ttt
Good Rubbiers too, if yto want; thet. is ilsciit' t-vli- tSeatiioL w e' hclts
c. . ei a St Bta.Si fit SPihi gi-e' iii innityTihti DeVtaSttil Dtittritiet o alts 55 Hot Luinches.
~~ I Ii Ii ei ghct, ifitte aittidaitce it Whtitmor' stmttlilii-crascla ii atstneortitcihiat
42 S. Main Stroet. L'tlalst Sotrdisy asternoonuanlitSf st actr. a5 s wel kownl thisTUTTLEI'S. 8S.Sat7 t
asvcuing. Sirs. SLottlssrtl assitot' io ,ttt'irtnttt'tlrantks secontiu o itone itn __________________________
COaECIO fEY Sterntilei li'cotmtitteelan iilie Nttaslt- IU.-oittI. Detntal Deatrtmen trc-it -OUR NEW
GNETOEYifrt,ott Birtdalyclebrtiiosonic citcoedtr is-ilcgi' iiSit'e Oltd Cottiry~ FM.PN
.A.bslutely ?iP r ! SltirtoeportS. Oitly trtuitn ititisiits s i-licte-' ritltof o itt iti otl5t-i
wlts iO st'attctetS. Irec Sits ritotty} at iitait t. WM, ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER.
AlwTays Fresh! 'Illt'-econditt i tisiot in iii 5stoiry II stll eo n 'iAnit Alitortftrssort
pi ss-t'altod. 'fit. lift.ss-ltsttlltoitiloil
CON, SVAS+Nu fONJAND FOURTH AVE. 'It satisf'oaitry itaprs in hoitlichefirst class T'luitirolay iso usual. Oo wiltta. ii totids, 5wheerls or oilier
AND 20 SOUTH STATE STREET. nsond casid n ~ltinton hav'ei bie.en.iScTA Sl.N. SrotitRepsily Officltr sd ate,3-
Libeteiy st. Aito Arbor, .Mith. ASS hosi-
' a l r xcitscolfroim the finaol ea itittiioi. L0 4T'Sawonroday, Jan. tO, :-sgolti. urs aotiitiitt. Ii tutrs, 5to itoa. m. tid
'} r$,I 7 ito Rp. '. - Ji t o I. '1V ars. tiectit;"its
OU~ Tajior ! 'ilc itt ('Sicoigo Shtsball il ogatchoiti 'sit sat ott goldti eads atelic~lin second-ilaitO Saotches aid iamtotnds.
Hae ousenIlos ntoyA. L. C. Atkoiiontiarttgotsas is tiownetsslr's ntintti sill Sic found
Suitsgoilwisittl isndturning oitit. se iflashChicagonderiplaoei SuisiMilwaorisliuritg outtotihlt'hit'.g'toilanosclot'.opeitiolcc rttlrnlt t' JustenR-eccieriddtra- LiniuOfINW irgarit
M LY R 0StgS. b icltg ec iae-criss-ard. Ilot and Cld Lunches it alS hoursa Amrnts
]EI''ARD4SttSt Stoslaagaticott te bloil gtt~sii - for iioytrr's atnI Vitiastaod 55 orocra to.'
.sasosutred s-wiith i All-titctg igi gh Sswano ILitnd cop~ies isell in letter i'Ciocoate I'"oItrons.
O 01.'SHAVING PARLOR taid lltth Scttholtti. iress. R. E.JO LAY & CO.
Irteid antidouesic cig~ars. cLadies' ortos-
tic hair dressitig tiud Sbting parrs, up
stairs. J..K Rfioaeowsti 3(ttS. State t.
Il"OI S.ttiR-A talkitig itaciite,
latetst out; louiS enought'to bei' heard ini
aniy hall intownsi. A5 bargtint. B~ishopt,
15G .. Main street. 92
Lost-tLadies' gold wiatch, ortirasad
huxing caise,itidioum size. 11i~ider
pleaise rettirnto 132 Motroc ot. atlld c-
cecive ressard. 87
Everything to please at Prettynsanos.
Good boaird, good seas-ice, kind thie U.
of M. Daily on the table to keep yon
posted en owhat is going on at thie
groat uni'ersily.
"Ruedy Change Lapel Button.-
Holds two nickels, practical and ue-
ful. Everybody will wear one. rest-
pahd for 15 cents. Youlin Novelty Co.,
112 Dearborn st., Chhcago. Ill.
FOR RENT-A very desirable sute
of rooms, lS'/i Forest avenue. Best
.tf table board.
:Swan Linen hai a firm, even finish.
205S. State St. Sager Block.
I Groceries, --Provisions
uo 3 LE 1 aiod all kiisds of Saitariunm
Foods for sale by
St imson & Co.,
"Moore& ettuore, 4 .SAT T
6 South Main Street, - a tate Street, Cor. William. .A.knton rel.fel,
Truns a nihVaitsshRepaied Neatly and
We therefore oifer o01StSoclkof Text Books, 1Fiouot-iii Chieaply. No. a7SSSIMa1n oh
Pens, Blink Books, Stutionery, it FACT OUR EN- F LE
TIRE STOCK at prices lower than lave. ever biefore U LR&HXO
been offered in Ann Arhor. Students swill do well to A Slash io Pricer. Poe ashore
avail themselves of this sale, and procure their Second timts ie wilt
Semester Text Book now. PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS
T- UST o T 22S. State s t.. Over Eosey'o nilliard Room.
GOODi S MU ST mBE SOLD. nnM. MARTTN, FuneraltDirector, Cloth
Coffins. embhalming a Speciaity. No. 17
M&OORE & VE T1MOR E. Subriefor the Daily.