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January 23, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-01-23

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(Continued frot F+ir'St Fage.)
Publishedt Daily (Sundtays exceptoed) during ltwo dashes that iiherecors .illthe
the tClla year, at
nest equal or tiot nearly e(iiuJiItito"e
(Signt TiaesSailuting, 79tS., ttbia St. be- 'Witlt50.)entriesoer lucererit itt i y'
tweeea Liberty andt ItilliatmSts. teceeayo i'otei ilrcl
TIIANW GI[ Nt 111DI1011
J. F. Tsouoo, 97. ItetaemtOnettoerotoae
BUSINE, *S INNN1111E1 nothelter thani :1) 2-5 doilextert bit
0. 1ttubaNS, 'I'. little. tf they run, they runtillvaitn.
EITRS a there pnay lx' easel; wtore tllottxel)-
E. L. Getrotri, '94 L.I .. o.LtuMor, 'ti8.
P. M. Lootia, ,t. it. 13. SKILLM.A , T L. tional hnst of ept' orIctie wiltter int
II. 1t. Coi 1iv, '9:1,. which tile rae ito on is so 'Itti vi-j
C. M. GREEN, le9. Attitetic Editor.
W. W. Iloatio, 'to. S. W. Oiiti, on. retiri Itht Ite it ty'beatt otttthilefasted,
F, A. tacit, 'loll. Looietoilrer '0 ettu~illnitt.btlt1iitul t~toittCE''1,11t1o
W. P. ittorritt. '98. littler Lambl, tls.
A. itt. ttitit, '9I. (C' bolt. Jr . 99 01. ;thee' hiu,<l i lt' rt-iN'it
numb~ter of "ilt 'shat t lb.-Iwo ai-l1er'.
Thersabscltiio prieohe an'lily I' el01
for tiie 'aoll(-eye:i, tit a 'ttegir itt'1(10 Iii11 heilltlite tarlte'. 'ittete to bat 1SIt
tionmtta'.bethaIOe'l'6tthIlily -ilirtl~-
p. mo., of the day iocioas io tllt;oni il 111(I
thyaor'ellouet 5o bjr t 1 lit'iI thenme fcilo4ll- 11teNc-
Ottser, iptatr".maySitetlt; '0,-ee ily 'Ilil
filite 1eellill (If t'.'h tiel tiit 4t iii' or ''II lIern It l lt 1111'b1en ion111 1 iii. 1111'
wt linti ots it 1e1' Silli t riel 1 l 1' 111c lllici iir111_-l n ,-
trtat favor 1eyltli, ilt 1. ra t 1 a1t15' iy Itile an ('let hitla el e l"1(
bric yfigt tlureto ai r"atoge A toltbsllt'tir I 1 aiitiI na.i~tg(tl'i:
ext'he11Eit shirtyItitit IeIll'CI' e t ll ,l tl~t 1,.11 l dli I (s t ti 111:15' l('1.11. 11 I l it a -i
Soll-hiethirl be OVliii' t. (If 1 'Cutlt"i-( lel nteeoet itht

t k t r inaslte juytyof astoe hnyers and it's
C' osby a hetavy majority. tFootwrar
shtoutld be toll quality.,'The feet can't
loot, to astolitiet tile shoe taxioittito
isands. You wont1 feel our shoe
-, prices, btt(hay00111 make you feel
' .c . - plieased. There are ito earn grotwert
/ lithe hail hios.Caine to no and get
-- j ! souiti hal'tsyout eani wear youirself,
. .' iuule'.d of the shoe oveacing-our foot.


,C s
I 7fJ

We have cut tite price
on all men's Suits. its
our politcy to clean up
every suit in fanc~y pat-
terns every season. If
you want to save your-
self a little money, now
is the time to do it,
See ur indow.
CG r obi 's tar CIothing Ho so

and fCANSF . T -

bWnus ornizteitsaiersity ofrelt:?- a
eiato bttIim'lIIeti.11u(ed ti Ct i'le
baitnerNotl v:itso (5.i t'iti'.o li ti
esl. ''ue fart1titl(ilta0 lllt-
to plyeerntheC" iltilt I to toe lll--si
remuniiteratoof i' 1.5icrl orililei
cottct. evenfcttuciet ty11',!t i Iti-
autedoftotlictig in s eitsnentPus-
vati etettry"entwoud'etile illet.e
possaiblitsrofuctentiiveriy bin
andtyices l~tap~rt ipi oii
Thaae nofange of thensitisoriiestrae
bit Scaof tteCitey of Mexico11d th-
outteed pertisiotit ofilt erifoentlas
iteen expelled fonett ollege.nfiene
fareaway fromwic odiegesoriabotha
onuth. fte ii r~t a

I(tmmtllutiettoif lthibig a.t.llrtInn titer- ji if
illilit is mutt ticeretwti tiutli faltstinutowto tptrovide 'youmrse'lf ttith a styis'l
this lill'. 11I t iffaerrul .frotm tin'('(ot ibr Calle ttso little exileusr. Csk s
rerd t itt'cotedtlon ~ tcmiiru lettlony acket Iaseleganit in Ilesignitone bailentutght to lpay thte wholesale
tetll-ttf l fit IaIt lmltiitanyiil5' 1111.Itt ume aitd tmteriatl :o this country - ifprice for it, 01111 will boy' it tefor'e
theu ilr.'.:lttn ,htmmtil~ltth', t 'uu111 mtmtlst fiucus I (untwh icultoitat Iuuu.city e it u . I o vmltha od ton
j1111 mul1 il tIi -at rIIst(mvifly totbe bot iettme a-'r otif wshuch are sellmeimng -ut ittuui ltoutae ui
thlgtu 511111 tm a 'thte ple lal uult, toitlt FURNISH YOUR ROOM )OW
ittES Fh tiuuoi f ttut' 11 ii ii iEvery article1in our t'ast stockst go at
ttrctvefatre(Iffild Isport t 1 FUR CA ES big rednctionus until itch, 1. We do alt
i Astm~oetuoat Conuey,'Wool, Seat, Monkey kitad of iunuiture retpairinug and Upl-
offiln" hnehr vntpertothartmn-anudEleetrie Seatl holstecitug ceepe1 tou any other
s~ltut adl11 tlltm ffer botul"an onse in the cotunty,hind the to-orE to
two o tie tie toIcr ututlisahtgto uten O e-Ha f. irunterd to tplease.
aOtt t-m here ti111 lno o-itWo cilutot
do. sonimIthtttmg hu trharkathltets itflhe
omutt c-haoses 111' 11-1mriih totrtohicaimline
is fittmd aitl traiis conscientiously for
ittttu-Zihigatulhas ofifteye ato beau
laetking in imettini the disttne inns, ACKm C & 1
unultuy because there Itatv0 lit been
etmought eandimlatt't otillinto ork tto
keett nit conmetitioni. This yeoar bthro DRY GOODS. 56-5$"60 S. MAIN ST. - FURNITURE.
ts roomiyin every branilc- f the sltort,
so anybsody with any ability whlatever ..
stands, a ohanre of inakdng She train,.,AD Y iE II tbE In T he J...I -iL',iT.-



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