TilE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ~t ~f . TRACK ATHLE"TICS. (Continued frot F+ir'St Fage.) Publishedt Daily (Sundtays exceptoed) during ltwo dashes that iiherecors .illthe the tClla year, at nest equal or tiot nearly e(iiuJiItito"e THE UNIVERSITY OF MIGHIGAN. in tie east. (Signt TiaesSailuting, 79tS., ttbia St. be- 'Witlt50.)entriesoer lucererit itt i y' tweeea Liberty andt ItilliatmSts. teceeayo i'otei ilrcl TIIANW GI[ Nt 111DI1011 J. F. Tsouoo, 97. ItetaemtOnettoerotoae BUSINE, *S INNN1111E1 nothelter thani :1) 2-5 doilextert bit 0. 1ttubaNS, 'I'. little. tf they run, they runtillvaitn. EITRS a there pnay lx' easel; wtore tllottxel)- E. L. Getrotri, '94 L.I .. o.LtuMor, 'ti8. P. M. Lootia, ,t. it. 13. SKILLM.A , T L. tional hnst of ept' orIctie wiltter int II. 1t. Coi 1iv, '9:1,. which tile rae ito on is so 'Itti vi-j C. M. GREEN, le9. Attitetic Editor. W. W. Iloatio, 'to. S. W. Oiiti, on. retiri Itht Ite it ty'beatt otttthilefasted, F, A. tacit, 'loll. Looietoilrer '0 ettu~illnitt.btlt1iitul t~toittCE''1,11t1o W. P. ittorritt. '98. littler Lambl, tls. A. itt. ttitit, '9I. (C' bolt. Jr . 99 01. ;thee' hiu,