(U I.1D, THE ARCH OF TRAJAN. of tRoman sclpture under bettr conl- TRACK ATHLETICS.
- ~~ditions than heretofore. _____
Tedn aio 1he '96 Class Memorial Expected Aflogb ar 115tlha01 Some Timely Advice to 'Track
petted Ihl; elpsesiioier'the work was
A.1I~1IPORT R. Wleii fhe rss of h>llecidd po t111. Thedeuay i fmoe than 11cnu A prouinent oesterna traner hassL
a c ~f of tie Achl of 1'raijan. which bit ofladvie to amitious young t-
SP sAT.ttanidsOn )1ilbsodAppin Wl3 aiIeu- tes wicb crmeo iuwell t tis time.
FULL OHESS SUITS A SEILT,1101il osrsbydontle oiocrkLwtie n lt otunteraseto iipor
e til o in. soits ienirial e vcr3 oe a ti o1111 hittetozi rct
expselted ttat ui great contibfuti1on11to somehingnore than tte short
'lPr fessi' IFrol oliligl a si s oitan i-
NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN, lath to ie illirltiolial 0and1 rtiso i - fIi cho i n ilsrints. Neary all (f the yoing Col-
It1, . 1 ~~eour)sof(50if tletie vrsily ihaiiiieii lice atlets who si drilto 'ry'for
$ bMade. And. as ituiiis outi. li 11aib - obably i n i'iiAilniAiribio lr i lig lhe hak r ilstitriite loe bt
SO P 4 !ct expeclatiii iri si-rr rirs.w kinFbuary anditi (he111113' y etei hoeta
tSOAP!! tirsi wrik iii theyiiuitboy b bcome the limpiiiu siint-
N S g t e assotment of ained bid lfair to le ralized ii le lteii'les ftecln o 9 er. Ini onseiiiic teiit -bi' e i tiionin
toltn10.fOpr ear future. No ('nas,,;has Bensoil nsure "il('1 bcms h rets
fame inthem, just soasps ad alllio "a liief 1Iibis deia ifisuruthbecomes ur greates
soap for i0a a akie, 3 for 25c. Tiy firiat i i eule iftmsl ri te t rt e hie ofiet elii 0111 th1hacs orgttn hnrsi
itck ettm.filte leArch of 'irajailis ieamlddby sf saso o is oiiliiur oslthiiier isrtuiiiets all11 ithe leter for
7 M R' H RM C . 11.1111v' 10 liii'finest tixarlllof01 th11 oltI the far-seel u 011011 filegos at
PA .SPAMAY liof0iiicui' iili ii t-Judge ou ts areiieoliigiical iiimprtance-i. o-utuigis
116ansTA E S iiii'. i uelto the highest 1irfeci'iiii estrSnit anut Il all the owesteriyu inhiverifies wiulib
h~d i ir s -ro li'liahiiiii ave'ygniil ioiiaio ll f ilhllO e foriiinduoor
DEEPCUT I ENTS' SHOES I 't fTh1eiiofbitoicsterislie.Sociity-olithtielillwi wr.frde-fi'lii rc
II LL~ UUI IN ULI~tO arches.ies ul aft in sght itt li ra'in ihif.t: i'tl it s Thiii erem i'iis111 itewerelileisil o
Q dn00010li iiiti Io lia- o t ~ 505 ~ li'ini 1t-aoio rlihrei'wooeik t the latst.
$4.00 SHOE3S 111en1 liiiof ft he, ualis 101111 so areof'bo 0 i tslt te iilblsand a ftit irlist tbo or ir 11wiks' o'uf
StlmnSaefriolie 00111e 10111n 111e3- soiliiben'ii tOlifi- p- relimiinary ' lrlcice a oanu 1ast0se
Stl n aefo il t rilt l 01,01 bs (I f tie oliti;, iiii le oeif fi-w kli ie sgin
1t113' 0011113'works of artn.tit( vnt-o N-0l i on
)it thI ir11sf olf lsul y h no t 113 alii iiii'3 al 1 Ahlri ht. p rioetil i of thei oi- il'bgiiioesloo lei
03 ieuis0- il3'. luai-a osnalr 10 l 'dedin iithis 113-ia trainsei, wvv h k oiss
I'd o Ialy ill accrdace wth hefolowig tast- tir- .. pnldte o: rri'13' osei owhat le an do. ht il
tiells of the agr-ement 113y oo'i-i liiei' r 1) ld to tir-IDanil V\W-lf-i.othiel-i noeprine It-e
JACOBS & ALLMAND, O01 s o enehi eore i-fgsfe,- -v-l eJiirxi'ii'1-. llril
WASHINGTON STREET 1 'P Tso-oressionpofl'iill Advoca1111'B.-ii-liiii sig- si the t the11 idih
Th- s ee o -~~ vr otI h" u ilte'hasist10deide himiiself.
and pisacked n i-sis for solliliileli Iie Laiihio ). 1. M iiis. e umo o pilnal' '-i-lt 10alw as is
HiIolida~y G3oods Cosisdrable ditiicilrf3-hasibeinii epi'i- WTire terSo ty. C3. I,F. 'Iheobol I. t10)i'litYari dashi.Tlhe' 211rani sdash
-AT - 11111 cii i tn spo11110ring 1-11010frontuu Au fliIln Aareiii' I N',sL tO . 'h~x osntcm i eid lcc,
73rowir's Drug Store. f113tibbs(ilih- i 11 hoil -uie heclh'fllfeiis. Iur n
I ho-Ltduci- n u. Miss 1It 'inr lto i-so-caiuu io'ifis-f ell-krack liiliI. whoIs.
PfULL STOClK. LOW PRtCES siiciniditionbsealsiof te toiig-hin-s o-tf Oer('iownib1 v[ . 0 Oisrs. f it 1111av 'the !eash amounit f slpeed
ornr at Main aldHuron os. y-P 11
hI'l ei'' i ilir h ior it lls Ilhh'uI1~. 1 1. Hounlu ll. doinlilt Ihlk they'3- r111'ihhhliildto t
i-hi. ii-ea s of theirireeiin-ig 11113'injuriu I l Dig-iity3-oft(ue l fi'sili . . I 11 ll' obos i iits 'he siliig-world.
the diis iirecto, b oi' had-iii11h11 iii 1.1 l ' i I15iin R anI 'he nuisisi- of 'nteis i th e'o t' i'i4
K Babylon Coat s aTHE B ST'Jih ll' '''iiiiis oifOall .0Afbe i-c tiiiii
All giades of hard ansoftUCual. e('11l ,' hoi~ ig'h.if lestth a tho iii ' 1 iit vr lcri spccly lag l
Caine, Coa and oke. (', '. Oiddhesoo-aui'tat e ''' ll't sisii- hi ~ig li
Osior01)0 sad tohue hiixts Ihaldmis omieii-roilt 11111iial beI Cub(a111 iiibre . fDoiig.l t \e orus.- sbiho ul tiie 11 5'~nnii toiho s h ait 111
M. STAEBLER, fire shippling themtoii iAiei iit. rthir- H ot1110-Big is flu- lear, if. .. Wi-iser. bhavi' lit i'spei'ial ihulii.-lliiiis fori
Telephone No. . One door East of Ame- fo ohi' been' m a i ii-11 lgfo ii- i 'iine'ITto1,ri-hiiiii'i. 1. 1-. illsu e sriuiue
can House pilil;
Ilhu'ui-a wou is i) supeinteniidii this I e Jun-iiiio. 10. 1 hiias. I Ihii' lullhui ofii'u' i I s itnfs clihlhll-
U NIi1 ST~Y lc ttus iiklg b uhh si'OOL 'ii'Si-hloI. O. sI). -
partiof the 'iithi' to riach Atonnil wtso silOh ereenis ioil out
OF Da111n i aken sue-tatbhieu lii-ossek uvselss-iIiios ss y15'- lis iof ihporitoi. Six. ig-bt . aol "0veli
opposite tamBuliding. 1.09-a semester for idonei. T'iihi es oi-tsiiiied so dl ayii10-13 >I'of I.. U . . 8Sutib. teaii Iiuinoo-3- iiiats are51' n t~lI 20i l
two lesons a weeli cus ; i tebun, hirs be--u 'i'h .1 ft h. aing. o'''isi o 1113sus'h ii -i
27 Thompson Street. Oweed'i iuloaht calst1113li' 'xli''i I'lii ls-hubic itatassrii'.1' 0 t1--iluii
- A -l-l i ruiAi ris i'lt a Ler n( ivens. i ii'ebig iieet-. 'Ihe'ii liheie' are
-im .leliitot'hF-o AIn.a.rborhbyi'ke'latter seciiusond nt. nilsiu-finuls hifoiie
.At. nS BOnnKv Tnnr hrt oh Fierryor earl- il1.uuuul. I __________"1_.________ - .Iiieowineir isfinllyh' ii-ii'u.nr
W~lI U t~If M. Walter- Dennisoun, filloiwsofiithliii' Baseball Men to Meet. 'lhesi' eveilts 1ire' ioudl o h o
Ailerlfean.School t Ithuo i siteid leetrn-y mu -t . edspru.t
Now is the bst time to buy in Augustf anduireporsted-thatho his ath I' 11i-isoeball Mleeing osichlis o hbe ,hi' 5131111sohiagodOilh
01.111 00ee Iu0(eof teflue e tlii hs c- -sis. lie i-hileiShfrtuu hI ohnce1runinerigithcli- -
S X ' I BadII'i S thiat fleysoeo -es-be 11010 e I get uces
uti y -l lean hom J aer f u ing. Ifiafr sie-eu-uil oieeks f
,Xe have the best quality andi 11 oi Aa Ohr hs ui- i ShssAiw in Capl1 to- in.di-11 oiiagi hi - inls-nhvi-fuhafiui1hh sii
theruject, if sems thiat-it1103'fair - - cud ohes. te- ll'xosd it'idoiis 1n ho mp uist ts'
at tbe lowest price.Kiileuuistlii. 'b'1511i-s
surpass thfle rxpeotustious 1111 h 'f' 111 lteiire.li-hiiliui'giut nit-esilsts, but kiip on. Thues-u'isa
Sporting Goods anid Gynina- ttipbaonoditleitiiabluedios-orfiof iiiakiiug
topau-yiiuurtauti-.,hso-illo hroilioiof mi'il -ku i p intill theitin euam, ird t-
siunm Supplies a Specialty. tie u-as elibrMde111111. bo-reiscufoei allu-rst h-
01hss,1111' il po.:lvr ne'so e veyi' inshug ii(isieIuiiuuiuts I hes th t cnibe expt ed y ti301 ny lith -
hi s ltsosihttses betn-il ixamini-fi - ell ri-'is u1 soinds. Kuowislg this iii'
sW ApI.S O KST R inu itely as nows.Thurmnds wresoo b ~ered xitts. ci -Il Itotinus-, sofisPit run uuusetont.
W sci sofuSltoOflu STORsEht1 1di Alli W51 'thist'Cand-pitihon, laoodwall hublu-i-
I ofl nals e" n hsetptto o eehmbe 1 'Up Towsnfown Tows " l dents uuirrtet iniibaseball 511501'55 ibeneital il(ii e.11w001y. If is la thsi
il0l. State st Oppoir Cortnloaen rcet passsion of tles, caste
stHuenn arbr Main t. I woil enobire as to Study Certafiinuty3pes should bei i atte'uuiuue. (Continued n Second Page.)