J? j + Society Meetings. t Lc THERE'S NOTHING LIKE LEATHER,
ie cosalieatoiaie ite - JASA ki'TR f, WHEN WELL PUT TOGETHER.
Pishedh0Da'ily (Sundays excepted) during AiieNcsccenig ieigSlrfeiWW
the tColleb year, at lay night arid an exeelleii't icogr'cccii14 "J
THE UNIVERSITY OF MAICHIGAN. Nvue given. Every (ncinillcr oftheii lit- =
to e ies ulig 5S anS.b-o'c' 01to h rgac a elec Liberty asd William Ste. rece'iveil, the vocal solos by ttrcatl -k ORiN [R SO S
MZANAAiING EIDITORt Brow-u, tih e ri'a''l~l'oii f aon riinl Russia, .Enamel, Box and Amen.-
7. F. TiiNAS, 07.issi yt.lttiiiaciuiiacg jo can Calf are World Beaters.
ROIH N '9cI8. B f roiom ivnt b lie a lO ccs lie- BE LS HO ST RE
icy wortby of spiecial oneiciou. AfterBE S SH E TO E
E. L. flEISeica.'9S L. F. S. SIMON's, '5. lice literary prn rcii to'yiesice ,o~.. ,'~ 6 N. MAIN,, OPP. COURT HOUSE,
F. M. Losens, '5. ci. B. ScsnmiAo, '05 L. piecnestoa v. ed AI,
H. 1H. CORWIN, -99. 110e-ivraiio ci ili ls
C. M. GREE, 99. Athletic Editor. Bell 111is 001nliihe Icclies' flush cc ice. O D
ASSOCIATE EDITORIS acllII. U fPolclot' yellcierlitus firset.
W. A. Huacit, '98.E . Lou eSmith~, '7.
W. 11. Mrrill, 'O. Blaer Lamob, 1900. SilIiciiloeb'oflisie'.
A. 01l. Smith, '07. 0C. Lull, jr., 009lM. teliii o;'tin oo of lthe .lo'llrracio-11:11 Sc+-I T
ait,:S reicils-reci .5,i'lc-lcy e'liloyE T E
' blitfercl soiiecioccfat froc liohat: publislh.
The subs'ription ericeofolthe Bully is 0'.50 (c(AiniithieDoily. rhr s ayagodtigi
fer the college year, with a rrcular deliveryThr ismn agodtng n
before coon echeliday. Notices, coemiuiiica- " le gormconio sisedoof c'alec'lcoooo
tions, and otlier matter inenided for poublica- Setrepcal in Ann Arbor.
10cep os'm ie oteillrccoeiont must ice (6 i anded in at thie holly micdoolhe hio be - co3ltic i.'n,"M Iy l'ilc'"biy F.t~ ol iotico
p. in., of the day irevouos to clot oil which tliske ilinlte 1 c' slc''-lcsicic' Iciaay We have a good thing in the way
thee arerexpct'cd to aofecr. To ol 01 oiio-iyy.Mjoci, u rice on whatsweaters we hav
Subscriptions may be lcft atTh01 il of" wloiolvs ac maty 01141L)
Offer, Meyer'sof0,0 Sict Ncw'tand, o
with Buoioess 1lanocier. sobrbrwllcco n i c- I.. Docioceicc ' 11 iifIice aliaiiivof le ft.
lee a bavor by rcportincf trciciilOaot this
office cny failure cf carriers soo lciveecpipe occlioccin lg Oihlc i i ntoclcia)wl 111c
- s1cleiliciciii leeolicl'. i11 oollcololcici l' icco cii loc- < EVERY SWEATER REDUCED
ici0-lflu' ioccclcgis'iait icdcilop iliac 0)01 ioiiiolilloiliriciolcrcocllec'goIs' fully 25 per cent to close.
focolbocilcs-cok willcic'cDec11tcstbcco cccO11cn
hard oit ciiic' il'c-c'ssl"Ire'lseii-cllicc io ccil.(.I 'llicio ciic "SEE OUR SOUTH WINDOW&
'alog ime lby lt'e fcci'cl-ic. l ei'it ' ic it"scicci11c ccio icl
rciiielcii' ic v cwc cc prtofalI h cc'icsid"i'n1sh cc'cld'lite11cc' Nobl's Sta ~Iathing
cciloollsicciccr. ti'lithe iquesiolI ololisiil l clztte a ,aH u e
Ec-c'i'y' licliw'Ol lclcivercci'iilytd l l tlioin cliiytem" wstive'iby'lct' -35 SOUTH MAIN STREET.
is ivio'g't o' 0colil outcrind Icy foci' pp1a1otcc'h scettoMt s's
i boil 11"s bocomcit'of tilt' (ooci ov- clcc lcicl lu~i. Kloo ci
e'i'iiiii iC li'i Toicd iig friom ein' .('cossolccii ccioilIthe o' i e ica
tereoc iccciccifesli'claicst yeulr, iitoc-siexcx Prof, Craig's Address. __________ _____________________________
iloct.'10l Iiccithei' clccu w oldci cci lclii ii (Conitiiiedclfrocro First tP ice.)
soucotliicy ihis yc'ccr. Bcit oie ls'eooci'1rendcr'oingiy-Ics been'ccfoci iloct ~ri ILADIES' JACKETS W'v e
lily hacs benci hclol'nd c obo lcoliloy l o' 111(1an clot to) Dice'ithei'sc'-ilicit'i t he11c
done ct thcat. 'l'lie is (c- il readcericc. If ccorcds intis s n hc n A E lnyo okwti h cp foet etOlo intells t0.scire tnlicdalit
5thc'liil ryoi lizonoilhcbe conle hir Ot-i-c.005 iii icnl 11Aossyrianciic ctyccyc, at HIalf.
As thei'ltly 'sccgcshc'cl SiO 1111ciiitocio ll 1tcl cliy havce bhen It1 '- -R T o1
agic aL ncost fruifuil ielolfool lice x I crcl wo-cly. Inciot11er wccsci7 '1,cii- fecer ci tingllore opcor' ill~tuneit iii i Iooi
l)nitu'lilc''of 11cc' clubh's i1'l'li'O eci olitol cc 0 lircoccyic .tsoriocgic'.ol icl y Thiltinow oo v idoi u ~ocrselfcciihci stylishi e k
be 'thact of coilc'yc' politios. 11cc it(ood olccshoiclstakes iiicc'he rccncliiiico Coaii Cp't attl xpne e ik
Govc ren'iiiut Clubs if sli'' 1 000tl 'i i- h i liii'.l e lI' ci~e'ow i occi' ilcocicitlOcil ciiOcl ticrshc el. fyo c-ot
rie's 11 ' l'espec'iallyo'activ t is val.Syiilccyy. by thoc'aiol l i c-co)li llici c ke.c lcts as cleictt ill designi u d lsil 5ia'teo-ilel
i'foi'us acr'ecci cinso-csocl ''i-cci11 s-.c-riz.n istclor, prcoesliii'falsity ialcle addiniateriaol is tis countiry af- irice fori'ti,<and ccill bly it before
siittt'sl; lcimi'it11 1 ccrl v ~ebo cini- of Soulci l ictc'clnis ini liii'Bili. Ini foldo thi i icdcc lh cn00 1aryec ity' ral F c
cit. 1,wewoullike I to ocbusiaess
v cdos tddresslthl'5le stlclilts 0011p100011'eiii'i-obolOf I1icliel tfot' cflc,cib ostot oihs li otfcchichiarei Selly ithng c.Sceci otsllii rn
ticl toplic's,.a ido l s o f ct hit' iciloi- ci'lloclig cchoer 11111-'sit is statdi hac hotsoi oa ,$5lp
cilulln ta ocli'irolhc'c;irc' cciccyl ;-I'lsii~Ojl' ecc, is lihelst I of act t " slid2ct1,riceshic
iccaile ' Tics Soucld hoc'thic' is lst ilBrtl'loicliii d hatcccbil llolws i -kc'hFURNISH YOUR ROOM NO
lc'logcin amel ifthis' precse'nt oliser°s icy Sie'ge. .A ssyrici uhistory hproves I £fi i ni m ruin fl A0nr Q Every partirle in our cvast stocks NoWa
i'e anailile tic lbi'001111li,41 cihyhhicicy
they shouldlciv f-c-' od to tlioso' cchs
Only Carr Formally Debarred.
Alcn cioiieiim t is icccc' h chc'Boocici
of ('ou~trol thiat tO'c'nlyct intl tichlimg-
ec ilamve -lot becen -formially clc'lireil
from p)laying nest year. Both Ilscln
.saidi noisee time hetioite the reles cverc
discussed and 'adopted icy the board
th-at they wouldl not ro'hicn so Olii,
i'liversilty 'iext year, anid so thie only
cise considered was chat of Carr. It
is (expected that both Z'ecbert ,acud
Henninger will tbe bore a pat of the
feoltmll season to coach,
hlit tBelhlactuior ccis clot iing ,,it al
011d1that.ilBciblcvh id inlot fallcby
picyr. Thierefore,llth ok of Dacuiii'
wilIbid becr ilicesti.,yahoo.
'liars ho tteuly- its'rloet thic tibli
crc' must sdrcoip iurc rejultiic's, our
ic-loicihliucySiistiunc-s aucilosunrpre'posi-
sei'5 a". Av, e mustecacipioaochi it
thiscughithle studiy oforicmtal loun-
gulciges. If we thou discover thcat the
Bibile dogs not suppihort -otur theories,
wvr iiust chauige5our viewOs.
Bc'oryihing to please at Icuvtynians.
Glood board, good service, a-nd the U.
of 12t. lDaily 0o11thfe tble to Ikeepivo'i
pioste~d on what is going one at thte
giwcat University.
LAUer.b run Urn,
Astrb tau hiCl onieyVWool, Sealoh onk's
cnd IElecticcSech
MACK & C0ll
big reductions until Feb. 1. We do all
hind of tFunituire repairing aodUchp-
holsterig cheaper thuianaiy othier
huouse i the couinty, and the wvork is
guicratedito Iplease.
MACK & C01l
56-58-60 S. MAIN ST. - FURNITURE,
Advertise in The Daily.