© (I) I L1D , p AT NEWBERRY HALL. l tligeipasz the itolortncee AN ALUMNUS HONORED.
Leading Tailra rsiet ynell and Faculty Ad- f ltstry. W. W. Wedemeer, '95 L, Ap
dress the Freshman Class. hoif. tht elit'(wasedpolt eto re-li pointed to Office.
AND IMP RTE ~ (lli i li tvtilieliisuhl tnt e theit
A rii.~iJI~~flLLI. ~ reetn ' f the I iestniin ct,'ss of nof ziio'iti V m >'. t i erlorc, will
th ini 14~iy tt. hldyeserda hisin Tisi il-sad 9 ,of AnAbr illb
FUlL DHiSS SUITS A SPECIALTY, afteoiooii in Newlorry hIll posstible'lin Ititn ~ti e Ho' tlex-ll so ohrtfis ioomn
ocloc. It prii~aryobjec wasto il ii ni oil llii'e stdents toi n:fheItoie elt i boa omisak
totes 't li titheifreshmeniintChristiiiwork shp y (Govenor iti. 'gree. The psi-
tIO, 2 E. WASHINGTON ST NEAR MAIN it lnoIin iene fb ldly 'hitti ittlilit orfisof goo,. thetiiwoliiliel utid'ntn-
Ifolossi is of (;mist.y
.I -1litt t#.so tog I tilirlor. for te of itst - epti-i.. Wctlei'er woo a.1stach
Q, 0 C ('Il t 7'lust' wre tiro lti'iiii'itthe Prof. Craig's Address. stiiliii't f liii itotenor oalldtiriig
0 SO A P In"IN 0litistlito ld i'ti ii,iii5 iili. X'-i'ttdy otototoy ii n t'swberr lt'ei-:iti, otid.as thrtosit of
wevegot a fine assortment of $ tre'isili'it Ag'll was l ii'lst Itll Prof. ('sig oilessisi:togooilt'e W'isitelctot w roit' cotoltI!ttes,
# fume ini them. just soap anid all ,i' liieco h 'il nIea.dduxl i nb uu bu u'
soittifor tOsecakeI for. te.T ry !of Itutu' 0 tutuA t'ilgiit.litt tlitioei(tinto -Lsaritlu i.i itls: Ii''s. HeIt'asel o oitiew rd'-tiu ud
to. ke test timeweis ol s aite titlli't'iatl ltiliosi'. ooty i idt'i'emidedliiibc tutilertit ttif ['iteliicotitiisiittiarsliiptwoo, lst
PLE PHARMACY. yt lt rtl'stioesfuitmitustetiety expeetAll toe tits iii Asy- t tit sts i'iws.but ' noli s, resttre
1 46 S.!STATE ST. )si, st it-o :i fe u u 1tC1' t h ob i adh itlysc
'itotti iicIthesi-ifeslittititholtto d~ilisililiuit'tt. 'liii posiitiof ai yislts D'sflilisit VFree'Prss Says
D EEP CUT I N GENTS' SHOES ti leii nmimi t x o. 1110 iniid ssviol i Sntt.,is ftelli11ijoilbOU sil lititis li's
$6. 00 Etnatmel Bl - - $438 I itlitti tpititits. 'ltri' fu'. Ilof. C rig sid.tl. riturn iolbceoltitr s sill Ii'' tukei
$5.50 Box(Calt - - 4.00 T liatose s tit tiihid ltuiitly lptlt'tI le s titlil irioilbly ttr switi swilds t'meiof liii'e iililistittto(otaod
$5.00 French Calf - - 4.00liie' ('iistititi faithiiPresiubtnt Atgil iliil isumiitu' iitllt. riiitain-' io tuu'tssisilb f
$4.50 Calf, Cork Solo - 3.25 -3tno w ilb f
$4.00 Calf Bals - - - 3.00 retirlto. utulli'r if'iasii'aud'' iltce woul not1 'lii i titossttsllalte-tci
We can shioswyoualaltStyles ad sies iiie ittfoitt ttil tittst tillsiri titi' i Itieitti I tunditltstil his it5sI r. asonly23 ya sltotitigatedltiti'fitn
at the above prices; to tcOtisrtothelirs n hilt l t a flow:tili itIUnivestsily Itis leistiiitioly
WASHENGrON' STREET. liis s oti liinyother tpi. Silltt oflesitri it'Iii t uuteieitrlpiitttli'le
____________________________ii sibtt Atiell's hie t r'cotllctottsis 1hit iiliii'ets Ass eorilT-wiltutucodingtIt"seu' 'TI l'yhs5'aftit' hei'gud-
I[old -ods li'e- t esitt'of Ialises' iinut V S -e1d~y Se ue ity htlii'.l i ea'.- i a it iii ii lit'stlipelutito the oicei'of
-AT- spotkt' t iuieum'aittg rte'liio.t i '.l-t t sben t's'y sipet io it, seiof liii 1 coutysilotl coiiutssiottofR iatsl-
3rvv s z'ua Store. v istuge botstl ifIttiotiftittil iii hitss. -spitl Idea ilsisfit ble -htuanu-t- ttttto haw ioittt5. tiisitg i'itti' lehs
FULL STOCK. LOW PRICES t uttfosttsotssotit ithen iflr ottli-a itt-ilbtlitingutt ll'.01 my 'ItIqItaigu-ti ottXIl toielo'etedbfoheo''lt
Cotrser of Alain and Huronsts. lit'tl liii'advastagoti uf C'hrisianitt i-itt to tilitiit.no tra ,,[til-ioft-f ii' hti' -i i s il ttitof the l'Itiii't'ist- 'i.
ito Its-ise two es. liInt ' I 'titiit- te eri-t-iti's-li.itts-i eito lttiiltt'i uitmul. lit'
Babylon Coat Is THF BEST. city tf tll oter lilt Ei' e ' i Toitili-tut i'Fs-is gri-at ot.t 't'e wa si ih ito olitit's bfoete ixs outitof
Al rdso adand softOCoat. sli'oig't, attiii'ts t-i'- it-ili'ts'tdt,
Camel Coltand Ctub en i t-t t'e tt intittitioti iii'l his 'tt'siititieoot'in ti theTiies'isuy
3M.STA.EBLEP~, -peuristnatl tits ttilt aeit fol t'oo Iiti.tli' oisets--i-8uttt s-tx-its oitOiadthtis. tiilit i-sof a iutinisils' srti
rslephomie No 0. One door East of Asert thrins 'tiy itolithi' f famtily ri-litbtns. ii. eltlit siii t'itii tte itt11l ittw1s4it1tit ,Ittiet ii' ois hes lit stooli av hil u
eats os tt tls li'r-s t ii'gx t ttt'iii h gey i-iiitti ti-it-u' in 1ti l,_ t i he t ht Ihs iitide im tutu istte
UNIVERSITY SCHOOLJ uto luo ioglul t idtoi iiua t t spedsli-u-s differetmx.fr tout is. llitteit' touis. IRs tulimlts 'Otl twtdore.iiu
OF D ANCING fl St itti speth tuonianyiti5 i(iis Iltt it timet sr wsnoeilt' it'.1itt at iiott-itStul -liietisentttoii lii'tgo tupioi
Oppo~to Low hisilisor 'tw00a semeter for Wti tb'iioiitttt ionutusteolit yrifs utilal, titte.nllsby ts orttituoitinf Irs 51 frthuAngl'minut
27 Thompson. Street. till s: C.antutu oil f its utuffidutol lii itho' m1111 it-t' uointlu br t w 'hi-u-e no I ' ue o'(lim, it.dtuitft'm'ss-uunu leh' lb-
-AT- imelitf iii ihoit' toAlt' is'''t li no n i tuttl eope '.t,(ro tutlsit'mtruss tuultssli' titTut'hit' oh-r
saintoittGodt"he'lIttlstgt this h's. vbut hutia l, to iutnet iuuuuu i his' tOt*0*ttt undtllitie ls- gt liie
'WAH B'S BODVK STUIL 1O E suit 1 1)Do e lit'seit uptour p lt S hl5tn ve'tnni lt.tir t lt o .lIi tt t' Ie suigt-thei.
____________________ Let is-' itll you noti toitrylitodthea; tut, it-tso-oti ittscholars 'uuitiisiithattlil.e't'blttheni
hutt-ly tutssi-so'r os-Iolus ttusu' ou-i h.: ttt us sit inIlt' su t' suoumut it-
:!'Al11 thteNew IfoidayBooks, Fine 0thuutmindmohidy ad oul t-hut'he Itouiadto study thets-Bile, Ittuugli Iti triittro'i s deputy ntilrusatuul (Om-
Art Books antd all thne latest Tuition. Beli ltof ftot Llift' is too hattu dI rel sligionitof te sotuites Thu ser-m issioumr. 'hituismiautuhis ii-ulu~tiut
Daity small (ift Books in Prose tiii'tdiisonetio ibhe lpasedth ltisugli t tos of lHoebrtw'lift-,ideed, are io t 'ahtx-srsllluittof Wi'sitetiti s
amnd Poetry. Fine Art Calenders. sithiott the gentlte mod stutng litlit f Ieulcll a aiiu ft
1000 Robce Classics, 25c each. JeoisusChrist tltitl5'iiuttt. 1t urytuuook it thu ldi, lt'lttttiluttie ndt'hitts ti thu-s
All tune Standard Sets at 25 per lnrof. BalrkWosti's' t lspoke.of Csn s tturt tis iaulistedtt'o silttugts - pikig il rsiewt
cent discount. thifuuity as to guittest farte t toi'of Bablylotn. tdroos-o l1tuilfelt te il- st t oittk't.s ihoustintt littmti
'Take home a copy of thou '99 teiswhole spiit of somiety te whlole- liottisof Dabolis'uum uemt uuilus ef4Itsili ta bte ctumpuaug'immg' last falt.
ORACLE, only 25c.tinor of mtsoolru iitluto s etous '1lmosite see ht hthifo of thelt te- tlioigh tiektlooandu t i ths suk
Every one invited to visit ourtwo boling tni ulstltue t ('ltriiti. Fonmt iito-uuiis'lstenh'twht
stores. his lartilloilrtt le urgumoulthatt boh t iuisitIa.
individutally qutmd Socilly tie slmmule-romt stdyitale i l'lllolu of Babtly - __________
froldcoimeoto somte iudrtntdlig 1flu ('le Ciao UhOIuierityhItslet LIl
EAi i i hut1usgmeatI fact, tie Clrist'iaa e ITis is usasily ilutttl lt theut - bua taiit ost tothe wst Sit' Y.
Up Town Down Tows hgion estdy of tie 23trdlPsalmimtttms oht'num B. CA. ttemSttrily by ilscot-tof
20 8. Sotte st Opposite Cosrt [ouse
Ann Arbor AMain t IFoi nrru. obyi Continued on seondl Page.)Prf 21 to 17.