TimieTablel(Revised)l Spt. 27,1896. : BOTH SIDES. OF FINE
MlalildExs-3 47 N. Y. Special-- 7 Mi * SEE THAT IT IS
Easern Es--loll 1 N. S. Limited.--l 82 * lMRKED
A.M. P.M. *
Atlantic Ex . 1__ 712 Pacific Es --- 12 15 *
G. N.Expresa. --548 Weater a Es__ il55
1. R. Express ._11 5 II 52 NIt Es .---9 1ll0
0. W. RIcasLeS, H. W. HAYES,
G. P. & T. Aft., Cbicao.s Agt. Ass Arbor0
Tine Tablie, OS-t. 27, 181896
7:30 a . U
4:,i11 p. m. 8:'52 p. iM. ®~i4cg . ®®®9
*Riun betwceen Ass Arbor sod Toledo only.
All trains daily except Sonda. Thie LUCKY ClIOIVE of ie GEO .GLOI:Aet :bu di st t~ . .S
W. 1H. BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo (1.-
RAILROAD TIKE BRKES 1ibarai:::: e loWfheBcyle.
Wholesale Cigars, Tohaccos and Homeo'ps to I~- Left Alone,
Cigarettes. l'1i f :111 otte1 lt
Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. ,li 11:7 :1 11111:I(1.1of thlNii:- tt
n1 1111 ..11. 0 :il l t 11
-.i -5 ,, l: 1 rl10:1112l~ie tI l 10.P 7.11
' '71 I il:11511, I
I that aInew18971:trite
J ("C1~1( 1111 1112he l11::1151 1.111117 11',:'e 1l
Si~L1UiliBanjo orZither. 1111 it.1111 aRy, o:11:1 lr lb'11: 111117'
Wi1t1hout::: ll 111new)11 11197111 Model--:
Pra $i.seUpe'i~d, :51 1 11117 e > 12 1 11 17' >s::irrtin tl'i-
Guitar, Mandolin, inte: t1:yllltltr(".m. theehollleollo1114, do
Tia i:e i 15:y :1c S:-.ell c-.I ciy tal wy o call:g 11
loos alhel::wne :Washburn:::of :l:thvery f:::eelOOden ic ll ,L 1 17 o c17 1 11 livel -11 I111-
A XX'asbb r n spross wlh sagerailde m taes 1: Il:o i~ l 1171l~f
fill timaeI eres es mmIt iste nas te hyears 17111i 2 t 111 5 11 0tt('n , 1:1,to1i111
lightest0117 lillhnlads. thlei and itstote Ipprsn117-
barns uf soldlat fixed:1n7111',rmifr11:s7byl:ill firl,
cl ats nntic dalersever-ovhee. (11'1 i(l li!lollllt; :) th fasrahi 117orde
/®S <Ofiill 1 5 5 f1>.
" PThi glfi rle Eeemsp a "r Be twea_.
O GThe Only 7177eing G a isehewesy o-
~ s~ll actsedo dTolmoso.01 5
05 - The OlySlfeping5orlDraing oom armi
"SLiloye t eo Toledo Colbsileis
eee6®eeee~eeeI te0 TecOnly Drining Roarnel etcvi
- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oeo CRU ,'9 7S nvriyAe H NY117obu toand Co-l eston
W.eesT:l Va. tisli~o W
T- --- TH~E THEONLY LINE wthLONEt cines waylemn
a ble 4 Ac4 op - ' bT wenloe doUIA and111 ~~a
A teri~t in ntiwatrat < byI h Pal~e TEsiONLYc, 1LI1NE withee5 trai s h tray a
be OULnToNed0o, 0.ing1reeA.
. R 7 I? '199, 47 ±]H ivrr- 1 y ve.'' THE OLYdIN1Owihe rasecwadl yi S.
C. hill'- w'' will1--notllIIl-Flll inAtormaPi ones, 35c tora0, tne7c
MOUTO 1OU1, 0.iP. A
(1nor 1:1:1 l1:s 0-as111 o l.1011 1\ iil l- - sr irl n ts n
11lleto llc 11117dol ~lar r Hioil. Se-
( ciidds o nor 71s.117,of7camapu lOlaf
ftul. Its cl-7-h:111Avill Wear o011. Pest-
pal:d for 15 cenls, Poulini Nosely Co.,
112 Dearhorn st., Chicago, I11.
X1721a111lll at111 liil-l517'.TO 1lI"-N5 .clsirallic su~ie of
11) 1m1(1t c::rdilly anioieatlsiastlly
li~supp-ar thedoliie"lcftl olgea t
You~rs fia~i1Oill1 1n1d1for liomeop1l-Il-
100111511b51a:ed1wi1h1lot waler, siilioi-
ary howls 1Nvi1h1 :ot and:ld:11 nterf.
Halth 701111 on1samaefhoor. lIiqlire it
47 4. Dis isici l'eet.
This Space is Reseved
for the
Pop nM IDll .Co.
thy, 11111111A sinl~all sccrhbraelet, i- UI I I I N I L 1~
0. 1R. Isiog, I. D., 111111:. 1scied e:with11ivords115of eoiirioio'ot.
J. C. Nottlieghool, AI. 1D., Proave1propelrty- at Steward's offic-e. 721I
1. C. Olin, 1I. 1).,IDetroit. I nev L ate
J. N. tReynol:s11i. D.I)!
G~ra~nd Ii av1n. 1On Wtchi-,o [iso and-, XXhelsSorother 4 [ H L
S. G. Xlcl'e, 1I. Ls., PersoailroertFly. Wathes asd Jow-
Geaini-11111110 Lilberty st, Ass Araore Mich. All lausi- 5ycnietil oas o ta mad S PPL E
TaLieflot Yetiluio iii:I 13 fleas, 7 oehlp. lim. os i - t II , argins
Detroit. in Second-flond IWotches and Diamonsis.
Spaldieg Leaoguie Bal, M1ils, M.rasie, etic..
Fionees S. I~illyei,'Al3. D.. Mlanagers shouild sendi foe samiples aaa.
IT OF Al. SHAVINiG PARLOR and~ Bath- special rates. Eveey requsitee tar'Temnla r,.
Grilldaid1:Is. 'e rooms. All 5 ilplintmlOnts first clasas. Golf, Crickect, Trait and Field, Gymmna--
Imported and domestic cigars. Ladiis' artin- sism Equipmoents and outfit . tlamplele.
t1NIG ic holeildeesidli and bathing parloms, up Catalogue of Sperit;anSineer Sports-
IADIWtS' (iIOASS IN )kNJ,. stairs. J.R. Teojanowshi 308S. State st. free. "The Name the Guarantee"
Graingcr's As-iloemyl7t1is in dncngA SA7107& BRQ
floe liicieg SulukxIcy as'flcreara,4.;s3 RENTSCHEER, A .SA DIG & B O ..
t ottaclck. iMelelisrhifip o-ird 211- New -York, Chieago, Plume WNWnritn o an l tsfri~maidr fI 0 0C " $
seIson $3. ANN ARBOR. MICH. Sbcieforth i ,