1 nst Line o Aeli's ils vrc
. o1 this city. Yc are Itnico-~lely r1oini of
OUR OVERCOATS AT $30-00, $25.00, $22.00, $20.00, $18.00 AND $1500 AND SUITS AT $20.00, $18.00, $16.00, $15.00 AND $13.50
E'very one of ti e. sarizncots is cspecia" ly incc for or Fine Trade in tic cey ery ct manner, trimmiiinis acocring to Or ow n,
ifAstotmons silA styles aifter the deton s of the miost fas ijonahtc tailors of NXew York. Just perm~iit us to show- you thrigh or
stock. We can and will please you.
1'r 37 SOUTH
_. 9 ,MAIN STRDfT/,
a-'TIAN nice, tO'titL' 1&
I.Ti abIEt(eisedaO) Ci(pt.,i8961.
LA 5 '5 A.M iih t'a'o.S. Il dEC iA ou-,i i i l .C1ii i 1)ttiet 01~(0 t penil itttice onjG)o?' c a
Mail andE - 3iNYiSril---73 n kllet a.tl y j et1cii l Asle s tlsIvc00,00 ciive sonlt.li. h efte t c arls
Esn. ----S 1iNi. imtd.i-925pe ol helps to sell tOtlcis.1Peopli wlioius tlieiii ii onitlieidtiel. .~
Escs5'Thie Tinloin yinletters lion ~seniticit ecu N llnowll tioosonlte
0 N..xres -34 -Ws tenE --- t : tiiti rin their re: pec iN'ep ofess onls are to tt e iiit: ( anttat it et e o p-yi e ei
G. R..Es_---is- ! ify 1'aV I Foultttn e'e i- ipy uerfeet. -LV r uim everl 1C to any lpartof the lhow e.
G. P, &T. Agt., C'i tios. A, .Ass Arbor i y ' C li ny e ls f ni1st oe tts ery td iii Aid i t.t;sn-1t~
i I mdspill the ilnkdao'e: sly 'ovs rayfrt,;e VI.caryit;Contaitt 1 m hss -i 'tbofCaiY tta.
ever seen.Ifot's-\""tlion1thec tiren tis eti ese-AFoit11 ) er 11 ______Tc_______Ifors ftheI Exr
_. J ti:T.I I). n , ,Troy, N. . roceries v i ' i0ii
~j ie'intn i eiarand ailltt ii lii Oifill exclinsei
RAILROAD. uniil youtr liattil is exactly siuiteil. atti illhit Isoit sialtetiit
9 l a apt . a, mi .
'12'3 pt. 1 a 15p. l
tnda nyet'nTledondmas-Po ck e t I-Ini es - and - ss rs! SVISAN
'itttily 'sepets eistss; t Tsledo adeoresttts .5ttttt t)}tu
Sand-ty nave Jutiroo e e (d <ti ne st isrrtitl(iet Cr5 Ptcket I titeecs tittit Orgtttizetd; t stetee LttitgL .
*Daiy exeptSun ent cls_-o5 whch re at tit)f ti fat. eteiv'esdpit't isy datti
E.Sn aSS. Gstirs sytiteltgtire sellltic- itathtel, pop lar tiltoe of 2 r cttilis each. sellisstttttttrreot th ee-steli t ctfs ofte
W. H. aENNETe.PA. ToledtoO. l'sittd State tittfacs ee tat,s :
3 .. a 17 0. Wsshtagton. Otbtittl.: t t1jstt i actieit reye.; W. It
ANN ARBOR & PSILANTI ST, BY Mu1 rimerys Drug Store, Cot, 4th Ass. HnteeCashier.it~
Tame Table, May 17, 119 "lCltyAlntlt t 11tSClirsC1 . Potiticati ews. FoRT AAnnNL BA C ttt _
and tiSit 0a. m.; i2:i5, 2ass, .3.3, tais, ti:45, Slit3 Litora- (sortstt, 1$1I 00 a )11 l.iitt , a' s
Leeetass rbr Annio, :A),o:,0 ndtteetislat, ro\;1 il 11tlo lr524 and 1()\°e (I uiit.e( ex=i.tl,; ) 1nit ndsod.it-is
(15a n;it, 2:04:00,5 :3u 7:15t, 59:00 and tI t1 1 lt(>. 1
SU DA1Tttiti tastttim. t- 1:15 iti npt£t' - ijt(t Aisredt ,it . ts tt- aati
Least YpsilatOisotattounges at.. 1(3, 3:30, ii t it t 55,'sortt1 i 't (l ot's ittlt l t 4 t .ti t*tt(t t ttit -it S W ' OA itKS(tiN s tsitttst
5 U0 U:30 and .600 I). 5tt jul v l1 tlttittt t-
Least Attn Arbosr .tunctiotn,2:00, 4:00 5:3t, ,i- tti r i I :,n- ls.tt.tttt'titt(It.1lit;'.111l.t
a i;r undi ctyptuonisarte:tsinglett 2 trtip 15tt I 5 _, lt !\iIttit .- I t itt :It i-t .l i ti~°:y't ''ery' i n< tt(tt ali ' le ~ r:. lf
Wa.iI . PaAKERl, Sept 106.It' (iTt a 2 u-t '(t it i'. nt i-u lit() et111t t ~r . (ti d4 li l tlt at tt t 1)i del; rettA
- \1 c (, toplE;s - 'ut l,. tttt s tu nt it,u
THE IODERGAR DEN Bp ! LLIAH1D HALL r tt rttuen oit uit t e Ii' t ti. Net ii . t ,E"vi sa t) t t -.l t~
MONEY TG O A02N O O 10 AL 4 it. I..lt il t' itiali' ? 'ti),11i t he fe-)t' lel.al e Il" f lii ,,l "
W holesale (gtgars, tltobaccos ad ii11i1iti'tu t o l it ti1'gf is .l.i!Ett' 'ses', tr;;te mutn,11t a endl vl.b)'11E 1" ao- TTJT i _ 48 s. Statet'
Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. otltl t() tetDrt. .oil.mttiti 'rttsdlra1yla i i s' ii iePa .S
Just Rived a L t~arge anduileat,It . it e11-o t.,ttt 'tlil . ' e h t t;ile l 'ttt mra _ a l- i 1ANN RBOS. fMSCH.
POfTI'~~Ppe aiC.irxL 11,(_;'Stxtt1Ati't lain ssihet is oti . ii ' znstmldoirt
lus ia e osute i ~o 2-1, mitt w i i t; i1 to t'is aty Wsiigs h
los Hulert's aed W5illiaems ad Wees-st co.'s 'luptiutuo Hail, tes'tryr afit'ot ii t Isssiz t 111ilaIjr~iyi o I% W sigo Bok
Choeolae B oeniBons. itilmae l- tilt- silat ~is~ati. Aini Arbor.
I'2. 1B;.30 L.r..,Y'& CO, °tlchIte{:_________
lO ti tSat lth t(' 1181; 51titdeints desiriu o It S 'iu~ttiitt Ial, otilCut' lit laittli ut
tanr'sa S chtsool of Danc- ii,5, , , Sols-tltutry kiliiutl'f, of 'ti0st<iltt' t't'
A IN ills Grootnd floor. No., iel.
Slacnad Si. nt EBiREW, ASS YRbIA-N, A~A31 u'tt(ititltt'i'. 'ilie tittutitalt tsrsttttlt''1t p I
GRoIEEK:;Prour. Craitg ts obligedi to O~tti~
U F ill SHAVING PARLOR and Bth- postpoeouswaork to these subjects untiittiteltiitlitndasiiutle Olwo-vs g5tentii i
impoted ted doet 5th etamate.Ladisaes- Oct. V29. Students w'a'shimlg So elecet illy
tpc SaIr deesaing a and altg paros, S R tI : PoesrT1,1 ltthmt l1oul .1lt ,l e1_
ntiars. J. R.Ceeloatloasi309. State si, AiltN aX rfsim uu til tttite lllttlttliei oill'tti .e.
bt in aRoom22, JI? H., frot 2 to 3p n l iecltlsoffl oa /~es11 jT
M. itt. ,FuealDietoCloth tachltdayt etsuenswsigto a I l ilt' i t tit al u chilall uraioe-
0st end Mtetallic Casets end Flnee tradn ' 11x14asn<t en~sayhre utLo u o h 1hana ho
Coffins. Embalming a Specialty. No. i7 S. elcit work,.~tli t iuyt'Ietstyltr.,ltiLo u o h 0hantlOi
Fourth eve, it is oril i tit'tivsolvoes coiulliulli- excursion s'ia Ann Arbor R. It.thamt
Fineist taable btoard intoe ieety at the c-ate at otnc' with leits hoime couity week tfl Ottober. Titan of tramns,
TO aENT-One paloir suite, very Portland Cafe, only $3.21) ier week. Commtit tieassthie transportatisit will round trip eaten, limit of tickets- ad
large furnace 'heat, light and bath, iRegular meltalsa 25 tents. Otlen daty illchlicasteSte controlled fronm that points to which they will' bo nold Will -.
at $3.50. 211 S. Ingallosst. ciad night, said of the line. bo announeed noon. 1v