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October 10, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-10

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I oinn 5 l-ear )_,.sc ini lnl t ei(
Published IDaily (Sundays excepteid) dating ti 11 Zlit tit tni'tlli 1titii. I ;
the Collect vt-ar, it
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN,. t,, i Vi ttli t-sI C t i- 5 i itin
OFitCE: Times building-, it) S. Maiibi.t.tt-
tixeneiLibertyand Wiii<mtiisn i t' t ti. Iit titt Z .', 11e cmlt ",I

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bi,n i ibthjyoholei litti tc; wit'in
Iib biy,'iai elty mtril iinlFointftelr
Iishul.beto lni tin eit n't
ht- hinnthcint--s. riceIn shout ldbe
lw G a tUNepeR shoo axn'ithi

E. L. GO l-tEtn, t L. . V. SIiiuncc, 'tt.
B. B. MEh-toe ns, 'tit I. .it. Iintit i, S- L.
0. ii. inA 3,ts Is.I
It F tunic ,', Si. A -tlt
W.au.nt- lc '. 5H. 1vil'9
Blr ii tLmb.iiiii- li .Wico
tioer"iatiDily etc Itti w W o -'<'0i.t
Thii tubii i e tionIi i o t.)u i . 5
forte it tutun til "it Iit x -i a eivr
tti itial oter ltnii illt it'd .iii ii l !'i -
.lien i >ntiill l~ lt.riC ii iii -ii i-i.l

ciii Iii -ihin if lii- Ih:1 1d tt ?1'' (illl iI
s'itl ' lic''(11(i1,i- in tbi1 tii ' still 1'1 1)1
(3u t lt 11il i lii hl-it xiii 1
Freshm-an Footbiali Practice.
is lii ii .1 -1 " i 11 l i l t (21'11I 1(1,.k
I t1(?'ilil-t- i--'1,2ti I:C:Cf't ti'1
Pitt-t 17t 1titlit 1 -ii ~cIsllr
-ti'(c tt- h. I'i('-It. 12( l l-SI2tin; 1i ,

L 1 -- - -,lt
YfJ.Sa-+am3,^'A3.R4ia+'P DMT.Si'lW.VY.iii3YStZ N..''R

j'h 11lslhtlatiolt shjows you 01ue
of our
Tailor Made in every ret cot
except the prices, whilch are
$12.00, $15.00 AND $18.00.

li ililttii ii cii t iilt i lt;ilt. -1il ic. l t ii it-ti tint-t-il
Inl Tllx s-itoii t-c s 1'u-, : uts i 1 T ontay, FoconlGn o oho o
leglt~l lin ;iII'itit
i(, nh tt-l, .tittirl Iit' litii t U e II E,11at tlftibiisilie.nitt l-i 5 . Mci St e t
ii t itti'li-iitlut~t'i. iti-i bt- PRINCETON SACK.
ii iiielit il ttc-,11 -o itt t ii'tis i - S 1a 1tnt t--
1-li(t Zlt 1) til Ellt 11nti itt i-lit ii - 'lttul'i I ntit
lit for ici i Iitttt 1 Itlts i titiiigiins - ,,ii ttiit is lilt, 1tim i ii- n1 ~e l Ol , O t b r5 h to 1 tI c u i e
ot iitttc ii-iest lii itiii ttutt hih iii iii ts 11li11f (tnesnloil . T Astn tie illPanstinln itIsId
ii IS i-i tiii11t:lly1fiti t ititi1it' 'isene 75g. ilils 'is-ec
Ild ltitll ii-ae' tit-idtn i>,2°ti ii tltleI t, ii - oal E aslettern Ic'lltett,'nplilii Ied elni i nlirNVtit liias
'i-ilo i p in ti tiliy iinsiitt-t 1a1no A. i lt ti n- I~1;,i- i a;ltl vittti--iione-i liii-.O e W eek n ts', Furnisers anh t1trs n l si e
'is-i plstlloifii ils t i s U I itlti iii1t ci-t1'1t-iigitltil t t otu1 lit It-i- lit-n (tloedin osoms get y ndSoes lSindw rrtn edCvery o a de,
coliliii' tbritiitiist('sipeciallitt'liii- ti 55-

rc>c}t him totiio;ht.

Thei its-n-i ily nlbi-ittli havestt uyin
5tisticiii but t-tnrtitnireneit fit-c
litvoneebi-itnittie Ititti-n. As, toilii
tota chinlif r o tit etis fiti eti redsi tn.
bthe lb osesilt, snllterelts willI-e
titetatlithe s ifn-renttstryepaiic itt-
di-frelic- Tey nt-tteif(o Ilit lti-r is
rof course i-lentheWlteauryltept-n
is-t leglltet-i i 'isaspet-fe tyan
deifnid 'battsuffere t bery lge d-
losos for flhe first fe'ivyeats. Itiwsso
not a large tteltttrtttelt, 1bu1 t aitigi
tibbodatO that w-ts desiretd. Wlten the
lotte'diale effect of te cliatge 'isears
-off, fte formenr tntibnra uillunt-

Iightin tot (1ilt- i-tisll fiti-. thei~iiwil
isi si-il ct-I it ii'ilittilt . sk'its
disk. 'llbymakTIN IIlnliuia. l~'.
g1Eu- Iskint urtlit t -tiige lbytiri
is es-eniti. T'liris I$5 r~tii itilr.
Fil -ell citregclls-etfo-ytitN-
Rtsuttetuiia u Ihtiti ildelor soteinti (.ei-
torghl.is-hen ponate'thantotgel titylhtii
C'leor y n hohe,.li'
FiT eRENT-A s-eioly desirti n -ilo
reotat eo lliotnary boi 'i5 ls- lIl hot ot.
codFifycs-alec lnt 'islchttti. s
ofilt. weneqyueatn47 . i tinin
Subscribe for Ite Daily.

ThiLtt__Am 0Fz 1
Chauncey M. Depew------------------------------- Oct. 10
Leland T. Powers-------------------------------- Nov. 30
Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra--------Dec. 11
Charles A. Dana---------- ------------------------ Jan. 21
Ex-Fresident Hrio-------------Feb. 1
Luther Laflin Mills,_(Chic~tgo Ainui iillher)-- Feb. 12
Imperial Quartet----------------March 12
Oratorical Contest----------------------_---_-- March 19
Lucius Perry Hills------------------------------- April 2
John Kendrick Bangs---------------------------- April13
Depesw Numuber $1.00
HlarrisonNumbher 1too
Oratoricah Contest .025
reCKErS NOW ON SALE-enerved thicketn no sale Thuriday, Oct. stb at ,Pl'amnr'
drthore, State street, sod Wiaters bnnk stoe, iBlain ret
JAMES H. PRITT, Corresponding Secretary.

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