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October 10, 1896 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-10

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' ea~oaatsvaaaasaa w WE WANT TO YOU WANT TO G RAND OPENING
Everything ; KNOW YOU. KNOW U3S. {oF
s ; We were nncertain what you wanted in the
s forthe Gyre vMusical line so bought accordingly.in
reIf yes want tC entccrccbuy a Piace ice have ft LED K
HO ~If youwant t by aGuitarePe we havecit. L
LAiO ' aA Good Mandolin for $3. 75.
A Good Banjo s 3.65. AT T1fE
r A Good Harmonica' .10.
sWithout giving you the earth, SUET'BOSOE TT TET
BiTg Turkish .Bath Tow- What more canewe do ? UET'BOSOE TT TET
els, Sponges, Soap, Rub- : ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO.., ______
ber Caps, Flesh Brushes,2-3E WSIGONS.-AN RO We hare a large stock of New
Wwhisd on receit and. Secondhand Law Medical,
Pi mycdof10 n.& asmleto IFreneb, German, Greek and' Latin I
cpauid, $t.f8ins.sel
Z 5rpound,4O et,. Text Books, wvhiih ewe willll to
low ~SC,4ceo Yn ~t stdns at lower'pice;t-Iever.
CALKINS'-:PHARMACY. ~~~t okadLtf ae
Can face h ycuwith a iSrs? l FutanL J F IN 0A R0
Yec ccc cc«1linlgc 1C91irirtael pscity.1 1 5
--GIV HIM CALL Our $1.00 Gentleman's Kid Glove l~l~~i ot0i011r
PH~OTOGRAPHLS Everycne swirrantetlor(i' C o y
--c irtes o seior,. at EATSTHE V0 Rrefundodt. Dr~.in,ins utro.
Berryrnaini Ssionts and Draiilcg Boards.
6 E. Huron Steet. W .°.,
A nonA ' ' 1,cli MEN'S FURNISHINGS, 21 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ' Sheehati Coe
Trunks Vaises grass Suit CasesOA nS PROPRIETORS.
TulsanIValIses I.Etepaie ety n r. 111 oel1 t)t( STATE STREET, ART! IR
Tu Leecdclfes'aNoi57S. ceIl Natly ceO iicy ((' . :~1)i. n1.ii.. t~i. .ate5~~5~cil i'aIiss'c ii ii
Ciicli. Neotblli l al( is . IiIiIlilsla 11 des So'i cl i et y -- lv ~i-
STATE STREET TAILOR, ,Sturdicaysi'f li. 1I, 1. .,ii.. I'it', ' tsinIsr 1is ht111 'll li to11 at1)1 1 IB Of~ ~
ity'Hal. ~ooure in111 t " 1ceie' Ii ''cc1si,. 1etct 1 L.'aAisI ' Buy all you case afford fcor
A ulln fcou 'ciby C'iitiiici'iy J.31.('Wls., 'iii istitssleiihc Csv-loiiisc i' ro 11E present and future use at cur
Scotch and English S u Ei s i1isia' A0("t. 1 13a11!. i os tlusa i'iaiivit'toiii ll(i' r 1>n
and Trousernoga.... it's Ilr. Ih. IG. o teicscic'. iiilciilal 'hi t ii 1 liti" 11dscii ke1)ol t 'it r L ow esoP ri es
Th1Nmeth(1a iec' latlolial t i'os'cs i' ils'iiofsitdli a'0I1 1 We al bllcc ora e
Thrses t c manufacturecs addclercci tsi oisit'v Ot.l 1'?. )1 tlst ctta' tieso fiytu< ogiloroftcy si's i ~ gt'aii& C O.,
's ityv ('lis) ts s' sc by l t'a. S1tlt ssr I - in 1t (c'fts'css'. ci' list' sI 5
< 'ts1 Issi sljv. 'l 111. 5Iic l 't '~t(' s'~" l' il< uia 15's"-t'ti t s fi'' ts LAW PUBLISHERS5, CHICAGO.
lrilicl, subjeC, "Rollie." Ilti-4r"Ifell.At Schleede'saae1:de <i llitbsl ioti, 50 South s t
r.i.. :~I."' 'se 1, .. .w.fI 5 .0ccilI;,,.l "1 . . _ __ _ _ ___ __ ___ __ ___ _

Ccmpilee CataogueIFasties sscistc posyc
Mledi see.I0ccccOlleat Ioctba1 II. dlleiated
lcy ifaisec Came, If sects.
Canvass and Mleskin lace fronat Tcousecs
anid Jackects. Shos, Stocings, Jeecys,Slim
Guards, Abdomen Suppoctecs, iBead iProtec-
Cccs and Mcrrii's Nose Mask.
Ofliiaty adopted by the Iterccollegiate
Foat Ral Associasione foc the fifth iceases-
tive yeacrs1189i).
New York, Chicago, Piladecflphiia.
A. M., ClIt'INA'TI, OtlO.
Agents of 01sfo Central LiII's will sell
tickets Ociober 1t) snd 21) at one fare
for round frill frcoinsll poins in fiOhio,
good returning until October 23.
The Ohio Central Lines arc runnling
selid svestibuled traine from Detroit
and Toledo to Cincinnati, withicut
change. 17
For lenf-Handsome suite of reams
one block from Camnpus. Furnace
heat, niantel, gas. $3.50. 90 E.
WVashington st.
TV. of 11. Dining [tail, 62 E. Liberty
at. We aim to please; if not, please
tell uu why; if we do, please tell your
friends. $2.50 per week. 25

_______ lFo'ot'ball' 'sitrospects.is ts us J ALAKRM m LflPV
.: csstsc ni l 'o 08 11etttti ttt'it'i otlfol.'t21'1711" (l Sttilt' ait''. ix. lis'iattttt ', a?-ULUU SU
fooiltil11ptuli'' 'ii'tlstr y aitlii l «55 st's 5titlcit'si t'svi''iessnit se ssc's' _Gfi d ossesfleet arc
lust tilt's ictttttttr scliis belit' ls~ in'itv i- i*!sIs wo ' iil5-555. I f. 11 . I 1t''v sc warranlted.
l'''lITh 'loiiitit Lt5sh t'n',tts'tt'it QItore 1111liss'sssis-aiss 511.1)lts. "s'si" .$100 $1.00
sitbyli h l otsas ofi'st't'c't'fi t he bests' lu l issist til h t (1 G li's's' su's'e' ssaf ~~ ~l EA IN
isisi i ll's' sie t Ill's s'i 111sll ink stl s4cu 'ssssstiii'tte l suaul 55ssi an)Ilt t 'Nl.RI-rU U, EWELER.
s ithlthte \War sitis s ilt he s ciii I 'sin . .l'it tt t h si tl <lt'slsi' fsthsi t ss''"s
'Phius Iil5elittniiiit'lltis s'sies'sbseiali t11''to t .".~ltit 55' i'5c5's s' ''s 1lFR DERCK J'. SCHLfIEP2IrX
is ccii atit t'lst.(sit t' ill''tc tl iei-lsuhciCtc' UNIVERSITY BO INDERY.
'sad 's s-'s' siisils tsi''s I c'' ss tl'd ri lss 't Ii 515cc 1115 i''si t i(, uccicos fro m 2:3cener'.upw st.
a titlist ss'cis'tc ssillt stsl lst' ressist hl~Xt ist It'tlsthe s ha c 1 ills li S ellts Scuid Gld Foctain yams fcc $1.00, and
madett' ly 'la ds y'osr andsthue jItlissboundtiiiad l is lttfitt. 'li'e seisty s'hcof-LicenPertaccfcc 50 cects.
sissil ill tulrnlstlou itt dh l isllst. dtlelt) estxts'sssltic s' cli i;sistis- no . .S1'tA"'ES S'.
Thle AnnssArboIstil' stlsstwsill runs 'taditi~ l st sill(igsr'sc sss'-vh
it'eissctll)(J. M .U SIC STIJIOI.
sesil thetretis xulrsionstois 'Tlo
Frisday eieisig. (vict. tleds-tug,"AnnsiIC'I 'srs' th cisCoolof Deac ilt'sil PIANO AND COMPOSITION.
Arbsir at p. 13. set. ltss i llsrutie. 35 IVi' its ilk't Sliiii' elt' '5tlilg 1 tte'
cens. 'rheieturnsciiis''il leavsis'Toledo itith stis l.'l's'iits -) ,L3acs-c'1lt's'. U'X. . - XS M'1V1i U"
cit 11:301p. i. The thtcsineal "tilss'- 'ift's'c'lise irllevl'''lilc. lFccecSttfgict Ccsiertry. Cermancy.
Oin's as-c "t'uslosr Cosx's Broalese" i 22 5. DIVISION ST.
and111 tA lcWanted."ACielto'sld'isict.5 sll'
'Pr' his Csc iltisy lisss'ralitil' 111 taslissa.also thece ei'isats'slIN THE EQUIPMENT OF A
l'ci'ls~(atCae fromi 12.30CttiI 2:C30It. 11 llle's 17iFt-nitire Stsor'. SUET OM
ItI eeal ocddta tigdi-struetC is alt 'sas absolute neessity. 'ic
T That have perfect combustion and do not scece sthe'gceate'sto onysfes m tiesi
puclace ecet thebeot youic money sill slioed.
li.v ..i~ isoeor smell: Exertcsjudgenct prococnesethe"Rudy
State" instcruets the teset ianlice seccld.
The N\ew Rochester, Thec Yale, The New Royal, The Pencee- Ancecellent ins rAYt s tTe $00
lM ion Studuent, The Princeos Student, 'rie Enmpress Student, all A - BANJO.
nickel plated, with latest improvements. We sell whlat wve ad- Welhavelin scklceaper banjcs ltlac this,
hut fIceasusatialci.eccicahi instrcument,
vertise and guarantee quality of goods and are never undersold, ata lcwcpcice, lootcec inslcrument macufac-
Cared can comparce with it,
Seca fccrilaustccited catologe,
44 South Main Street. 463-463 Wasiingtcec Stcet, 'st.a.



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