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October 09, 1896 - Image 3

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-09

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Finest Lme of Men's Sitsanovras
in this city. 'We are inimensely proud of
OUR OVERCOATS AT $30.009 $25.+009 $22.00, $20.00, $18.00 AND $15.00 AND SUITS AT $20.00, $18.00, $16.00, $15,00 ANU $13.50
Every one of these gyarmlents is especially miale for our Fine Trade in the very boestmanner, trimmings accordling to our own
j instructions and styles after the dei-w-, of the umo fashion ale tailors of New Fork. Jont permit ius to show you throeugh our
stock. We can and will please you.
I I t= N =5 - I T ]-, F111' :E;Lw ,MIAIN S'TIRiEE'P

rome 'Iable (Reisedoi) Sp.27'1iW it
Maiiuand Ex....iM' NY. Special---_7'2
NY. Special---4 s lail -------
Eastern Exo----10 17 N. S.Loimied.-- 5
Atlantic Ex 7 35 Pacifi c E ----1
D. N. Expres 5 4? I o e strn xo
e}. R.Express --1I C(in Nt.E ----90
0.W ~ r(t.S 1 W.V oi I tYES,
G.P. & T. AgtCco.oArt AnAro
TimeooTable, bkept. 6, 18:16.
NORTH 84 a.s.
*:0a. iil.)a.in
'I2.in. a7: 15p.nm.
1u10%,4 p. on. 0 ..0 In.
"satoolcy only lotweoncoo ileidoanod liani-
buigJ aunction.
k0llaiiy seesic be-. otweeuo'Toleoandi
1ailiy eacept Sunday
i.S. e.JOlL1OilE, Agent
W. 1-1. BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo 0.


Sour Looks,



ti ap
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.dFiuogers, . -nE r 1ue
AND SPOTTED CLOTHES!ri ouday, Oct. 1211
Iiintify tl l whou ondoes En 1yin iy d.00
M.I, So hKER i dIRIMN P 00EN) I ioi 510 liiConrd)iionii
10calietheParkeri lea ' p- 10c to any part of the house,
culil, hape fed Im wn s iihngeo f Il iii Nigisly. Sio olo' yooo'
the Ci000li'ui ar Feel'ld ioi setts ear, ,y and i d 01liirash.iOueing;
m ksitiiposli'illl'foric i ti pla Alis4 1th ofCnliflnia. '0c for
ytin the, isp orovnerc eedelioneSa vd ea.c I l0 ~ l(c in lifor lthe
of lhenozzle's ln the peis'i tresai etil 1t0Ile' hou: ..
10i0et iiioro'): 1eAiatiilth)e o i t S .F resofc
fe;lywhn ''kAis(wrt Gotcries, -_Provisions
Don't Yous Think So ? sand all Idiidss if Saiiiarioio
hooods for sale by
The Way in T sty
J. G. FREUD, 99, 47 S. UNIV St irnsoir &
Office o urs n too1 ). iii.
ci - ci SO r ~ ,'il'iOil soel $5sisos. X 15,000.
3 1tc eorcs, 1,155,500i
Or;ricdud2theOGeeal IEanluing awuo hs 1e vsdpstby n
i, r i c o f 2 5 oo t c a ti . 1 . i ib i s ti lo a e t l d s' d i m o x e s , t o r n d.
ionciit Ci csuii~ tk Pres.; AV. I).
farna iePo 00.) OChas E.1 llsoclo,
1'~~s 7 E. Wasingoton. I 50 )' i i I M..iFitz ol's-llsi 0'Casiero-.

Po-cket - Knives -
AE\Ve c at Inocciv(,d a now assortmnt
Scissors whlichiarc sill ino atill opl arllili
'l\/'iirn r'v's S't', o

ITime Tabln, Nay 17. 1896 I~ FIRST NATIONAL BANK o An Arbotr
and 11:50U annm; 12:41, 2:00, 13:+5, 5:00, 0i:45, :310 '.ltly 1Aflhl(llit'tllt'IlS rio. y -~ Isio lili wilii i 1 01 sa 10,1 01 surlui n 1 5 P st , 0N
and 0:15 p. m.____ '' 1.. 0m 11:15 to 12::i() 1:illy, l'(o"s 1'olsitois " co genra baninog booines
Leave Asnn Ar'boro Junctionl,7:005,8::ll1000)d 01'1 1111 s l loo 1 11tt t' to1 11 os I 10Iii A Il eore t:co f nO l).c; bogh an1)ld F rns
1130 a. in.; 1:15, 2:u11, 4:00, 1:.10 7.15,09:00 and1 Lierr Deosareitnt
10:1). m,. (1051 IltI 1(00.on.ENla ~e. ][A I si13lot rCIILE,,
SUNDAY TIME, l.{L~I1i11: sioio'oto i(sni' ill- t(? .\''oOl Fick;no Pries. o lAIEI).o'
Leave Ypsilanti foom C.iogressonl.,l:0,)l:30, lolnii 00ii bo 0:Sci :0:1 oiil i ' lt i:::on52, ' Ii . l'i' ,i: i wil vo .110 10 1R S N 010 1et
Leave Ann Arbor .junction, 2:010, 4:00,51:30, Iill tiiii its li()olli 100 'I. II., :11 11p. 10t., .1t, i 0t)( Sl 1t I'l 0~ tilior. Latent
7:00 and 9:01 p. m. o I t dol o 171o (: studl 'Ils 1110ln10 I ty(. tet I onide lori-rn. We do
C'ars'oun on city lime Fare,: tingle lois 15 tlloii:' , .o(I t Or. n(l i t'oo :;.)n. irooniog
cents; rouond trle ticets 25o conis. (t'i'\'5 X''kb'l0 'I c work'. an 1I0 sico'o'I "'lco onit
Woo I. PooAKER Supt 0 ILioIlO>': ASYRAN lo:'II'. l ii ':1.1 1 7110) «<:Ii=. t i'. boo liii iii :'ond llvorod,
ra_)_l___________e_:_(,__i__t.__I)1(": n.." (;olon oo(oly't 01R~tl or
1 1.II1 Profi',l. 01111i s 1 ooil' dioo . 00 o*'r11:i) 11 o i:110 0000 111. :0'1 0lO1'li 'r:o i)o: l'' )ikk')o 0011 a' )' 0 S. State
THE KINDERGARDEN BILLARD HALL i 'ii o' iwork ill tlw,:':: sl0101) i's wIn il it.'1 oilwlo'nol: I _11 ) In11.. 17:10:, (t. -a rmmz s reszosrmg 'sra .-" i-
Lowey'S Chocolates.
RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS 1110i' ()l07: i ol'. Inds(ooil ilb ill1 0:11 ((1o:,t t'.)irs o 1 oiilio it o 11 -': ot1 )) elles
MONEY TO LOAN ON PI0150NlAI. 7ooii 7, T1. 11., from o) 1?:( 55cl :'lrlo',i( wsill he' 1 Hot Lounlihes. I
111 l 'ii('~il'0' S )110 i'iIloi'0011 0 l l''' g011(1n1,: 'Mr. gnil-
Whlolesale Cigars, Tobaceos anod ii t olnore2i. utcnfrwt x 1)'\I" SI O:T I U S 48 S. State St.
Prgrotf. Ill'.ll w iiobol s ii
Cior. M.Yain and Liberty Sts. (li'. llillIlsoro 50-il ib Ioini ,)100 1 '1 1 "o...tA Lj «t 1
gln unslJust lReceivedoitLarge and lbe I I~ Iloi I llll'0i' «i 0(10 ils t io Nni o. (gl . 1(olb' OANN ARF131R. MoICH.
Lino of ~~~'ew Pipes! :~listory 000 Iln ioiil( o f oir i':ol 1( t' S:oo ooio.5lo.~0:: b0)1 NALTEPOORPE
Ist 0ndO (old Loonche t ll ouris. Agents 10 Toil iii,'
f~o lyto s a1nd S1oloonio oaod Wen C.' lltIn nol llo'joi(')rniii,' t.1 s IlI "Ilbs 'llio 1 'o )00.1. \Xasllioogleol .Illorlo
leooIlyteon [os oleecss t2'5\-I ouo'notui".',iis tll NAnn Arbor.
Ilo os'. oo'''so. 0 oooo o i ill .11 b o ni I 1'0l i tooo ' on iii wi o r0- ___________________________
R. 1B.'Ji.'I..Y" & COU. Iei 0011s aood (is(inin mo-' oil tllo'oo Ost , " o'oe' l b oljoot, lol' a'n1)1n~ 1 ( 1).0 tun
205S State St. Sagero Blioclk tutol of,01 t00 liio mark0, 1:1.)1 lo'''o'ry 00000 1':0- Ol iil 'l S lila,00.1
I 1111I De oo,'' X'ooiii In'- 11lol i'OX ''ll'.1 0 0 ol i n< t~o'iou, l I 'to o n(ooo' O t.o2,o.
IEEUUII iltI, oison. Noon Ooiii. , 1110.loilil) Mano11101 lo Ioilooli0o .0..I bl''io 1,00ol
14tH ( ooodson. N o e. -1lloio'11o ol 1)ll ill00 the sloool''il 1,0-1 of 1110'
yn .ond O. 1. o oi o st ) -i' o11 oy
0'llliio'lt ill 0000l 1:0' io-l I ' 1'"10 0 0i li 1 ,010la i' 1o
1mpoted aono dom estic cigars', Ldies' 'artis- t'.I.oiooooi oo 000-:11 0
tie hoido dressiog and liloo 'poorlors, 'up null of 1110101.00 of lrOll' 11 t('/ 0110 ' o lo 1 i oo.loo ,ooo'iiin
i~lrs. I. R1 roelonowolol, 30S. aStote St. bl'o s 0101tlit of IE'llos Ilculoins' 100r- tfIlII( . ytNM' ,looso
o M. MAETIN, IFuneral ilreetor, Clouth 0s011 ti'sin~g toonsl o'oo,oolo111 0 So' ioo X Iluuioi'1)1 ho' 'onsltedloin 11 booil lb.
ooanMtlulic Caskoets and Fine Grade stuct~or will 111nd oil iln Ifoooonl F, 'a1 , 0i0I1111,osoiyofc'loooot Le o o leS~ XO~lO
CU1nifn. Emboalooing a Speeialty. Ne. 17 S. alpn1,11evr fcron:t Lokutorhe1hanalhi
Foeurth ave. 9) a. 11., Mt~ondys, Wed010nilay 150 1 c101 k excutrsionl via Ann Arbor IR. 15. fist
Fridaoys; - wveek iou October. Tiune of trains,
TO ltdNT-.Ooe paorlur suitte, very Mr. Dixeo w0i11 beil II 111111 F, a1 Otto J. Ko'aloco'i't, ey-'99 I,, is ill lb' round trit rates0 11iit of tickets and
large ftornooce heat, light aond batho, 10 ;a. 01., 010 ;Mondoays, Weosnesday I on ltroocinb; busilness 0A1111 his foeatoor points to Whbielh tbey will be seld swill
at $ 3.50. 20 S, Ingalls 5f. andclI li Naoys, for consotton at oic~ogo. be announced soon.

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