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October 09, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-09

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. f f P Prizes for College Students.
Aoic y Iii.iiiiiiione ii irelEltokro lit(
t iiervaa Iuale;iti t, iaesthPublished Daily (Sundays excepted) dnig
the College rear, at fle'll 11allllilee 0110111f0 piz ies
THE UNVERITY,(OF UMICHIGAN. ll ll lliX'rtOyil Oiliii'ili'
UNIVERSIYi'M'ere i wIloiil ill .Xuiii I' 'i "l (i
OFrICE-Times building, 79 S. Main 4St, be-Il 'iu "xlii li'
tween Liberty isOWilii St
MA1NAGING EDITOR'boiii ii l"The lullo'gi'mill'liix'rli
E. It. beSNERLAND, '97 on.ot l,, iior.
BiUSbIESS MQA (xk~d liie1' lliloxix'loes .'iX dilits ha xltoiit
J F. THOoxiteli, Axixtnt t sii i Ildogs' xiii.itoiii li)rit l
-l~liiliix Of' Old, . nnly, "1 '" ~~llis
F. L. Ceixoir, 'lxL. it. C. Cederwood,'ix dntI I xii l ixixea or i l-IIpLioeis '.x1
F. U. Looois,'li8. F'. S. Simonsa "9x. 01 a "1 ll iiiles io protect liihe iltf'~wio''io
C. -. C reen, 19. C. 11. mo iilso, s ' iii iii iii maiia li
XW. V iloglie', 8li S. XW. Oio 2 9( t .,11,~otO, ielb rii),ila
B. B. 'leio y, 'li9. Louise Coile't''9iii9.i1,1 1' li'i
Wl)i..1 olii, ' .1. C .ow ii'n ' i9. :' huh xi id'elxxii ro li
A.Ci. SCUlATi,'75 0" b~ , tosidfbliti" Froix m'i'i 'xi
Boiler Lambiii W.X, Whglitcoub. xli ll sso i'i lu ti he world Xxiii l i''
Hlouirs a.t ally Oll i iiiie(fo :3)ti iio 8 iii p.2iil. iii ii ii'i'iiiii' i i n
for~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ttholge1.iili' iiiii ueia' i 'elii l e~ulxotil w A il li-
hsan ieiuubscript ii otii i, iii, i i 0 iull ri..iiei ii' ii "l~lt',
for hc te. ii., 0 earililiila i t e ardlvr
tin., of epthedo pieii'oa to tti4t on'illethu
is an ti l t ltti i i . er i; it n- t iin '00in 1 i'otherotllixliwrc l tii il-
ii iuul''i x i il iiiiii' l li iilii il l(I iii o l'" ti~~

1. qCU
'I I 1 it

If not give no a coil.
Beal's Shoe Store,

M, Y 1. 1111; 1111 1'V1 uc-1N -iIG 1 .,~
the nlas IIlcc till " «-ill lii i:u ;IIl;
with Illost tore,: to thi> ol l trl-
deiits who ltav e lm their ItIIle Iie
tilltl +la^+I11 di dlll C(1 by 1?atii' soa-cOll-s.

Pros. Canfield on Athletics.
Dr.i1,11io"ii.'ii infixIi l. ~iiix'liof

'Thliirt' are'piu'iiy iif studntslxto 1in11 loti~s
11o1h1 xiit't'i'fii.if theuy xxiwio ~ll 'I way to 11p1ut: lil i it'011
nit. Al lotii laeotlwrnix Xl ill blit I>1c)l'ot'inlg aix 111,iou' il" bax
greailti dealii'tl if st idi' noii oneli i li"
be dsap~iilcd f h fia°5 o (+t11r. o 111Xi'fotalll,11oi l lly it «will. inii
English College Women.
__________ X Nii' X o.ii oti forii.liii' 110(..I. Andii
year i tt'~''t 'iii.ereech'll00ioio~ n x slpilllliti li'iii'
E~illiul~li 11111) b Coool liilllllii il"lig fii and ii 1,1li'iu'i ii leu ,1114ia 1111
11110 , 0)11 iil'Illiliull'lt he 7s:1111 11of ),lt'ii'i'l Oiiii en'iii 11)ill c i' 11111' o Fl~) yIoyl('iini-tl~niinsm drc iothti 1111'tlr
sisn s i oil thllg Xii11111' 1111 ili'i' 1i'xity td liit he o t ar a;
(',,l1egI, LBrixtol, is r'ipri'si'ntedl by' o PIIILOISOPHil: T'[ l i so lokin -
oclix )''lii'ls iii 0 xuli.tF ultiy. 1 " iiiiioh. 'il'tlis sieg (1115
PinI i l~l f hi's)a 'e r') n lyr(. o. il ( the inlilRoomi 2d i~x'1 ell s'itiii'' lli,
ill liianlilt' 'orliinai, illi he 'liii' 111111an notin 1 0111l Caer 'ni'txuei
years liilOubjili00.toiia lato~le'0hXt'Ct . l11eiii, I .toito'las riii;li'uCxourst
lr('hrWiatyeat ofofnrs4 year'')lili an, 01'
501110' anhoitn'i'tiii '' I Xlol~t ii'i1 'hilli P,)wl neti om;,Tp
~~8of XXs'hii)Olia100ndiixirl or collilur- MiillllillyOandl Wetlledayo at lp. ni.
cla vaue.As urter llutraionof rofrssor ELldat Loomni25 'ii'ir-
'ft' olobs~lul 1i iiu XtC'in 'ix'i iuli good s' hul,011, ''ll~l'1110'0 at 4 p. in.,
waryby wmen s beng (.e0dt~dre-1andMi'.iReberoat loom 25, lUliver-
cogniln, we 1101e thalithile 10n01110115 11a11, 011 T'ueistdays at 10 a. in.
Schiool of Eonionmic's andt Policil '[le Aim Arbor Rvaillonicl will ron
Economiylhis re'euntly axx arded Ibhree, speciail theater exctrsioni to Toledli
ot Cf f'e, re'se'archi suolaroltiipsIto Frliday ev'ening, Cct. 9, leainlg ,Ann
woin, of 'whloii one lias bcen fraloid l Arbor at 5 p. i1. Rund trip rate', 72
at Somerville Hll, Oxforxd,1100 twVo cents,.'Tle roturn traina leatves 'Ioli'do
at Gliiton College, Cambridge. at 11:30 p.in, The theatrical attice
T1O RENT-A very desirable suite of ton r Ple o' rwis
aind"A Boy Wanted."
roonms. Stationy boliwith hot aod
coltd waterIRout water hleaing. I'se To Rot-Solte of rooms, furnjace
of bathl. Enquire at 47 S. Division. S heat, light. 23 William st,. El

2 tylistits
'Ott 'The Illustration fshows -yCu CnC
Cf Coi
o ley Tailor MadCe in evei y resjpect
7 '.1"{t./ excelit the pries, which are
111 ,/fi $12.00, $15.00 AND $18.00.
.tobIns'StSar CIothing wouse
35 S. Main Street.
hoes hied F o A11!
39c Shirt Sale ! 9Co
One Week Only, October 5th to 11th, Inclusive.
(Coloredl Bosoins Faitcy anti Plain, warraiited lnot in lade,
$1.25, x$_.5Oon $ i5 HIRT'S --- - ---- --90.
t A tite liiue of Wite 01nd IFancy Bosoii Shirts all Landrietd
were Sh5,,itiis week - -- -- - -- 39
C'orrespondiing Reductioinlloilier White S-hints.
i . . . Gents' Furnishers and Hatters...
r44 South State St., Ann Arbor.
('01110 10 aind get yonr Shoes Shined Free Every Day-?!!
ichauncey M. epw--------------Oct. 10
1jLeland T. Powers-------------------------------- Nov. 30
iBoston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra---------Dec. 11
Charles A. Dn----------------Jan. 21
-Ex-President Harrison--------------------------__ __ _ __ __ _Feb. 1
Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicagoo Allli Nunuiluer)-_______--_Feb. 12
Imperial Qatt---------------March12
Oratorical cnet--------------March 19
,Luiuserr Hils---------------------April 2
. John Kendrick Bangs- .- -- - April 13
Depew' Number $.100
Harrisens°Number 1.00'
Ora~orical Content .25
TICKETS NCW ON SALE-Reserved tiehetsono sale Thiursday, Get. 1th, at 'Palmer's
edreg store, Shtst street, and Wahr's book store, Male street.
JAMES H. PRITT, Corresponding Secretary.



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