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October 09, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-09

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gbceII. of tT h. w iI~.

T ., @ AHLTIMAS E'IN. First Faculty Concert,' All Freshmen Team.
'\Af~L.~.KD, ~ ATHLEIC MSSFMETING I-rto Mntorioil IHlll was wrll ffid sooooe eighteen iient lapearedl on the
flo Plans of the Manao ?em7ent Will tost nigttitlh t>he itlsi Into-Cllil eerayfeltninc-
Leadhig tio Be Annotinct d. ple of Ann Arbor who lioteneol to tieaewr -to the roall for randidahtes for the
tirstrerrital of thec fifth serivo of fole- oll-freooa tofobl ea h e
A. D I IP J T R t t -tlo tlito' ttilet iv I11iis 111 et utlvcoo-onf. The fir"' tltumberti3t W tio u op for itotice int rtiniilg
in, 00 IortlIvasOpostpiolledt from N .lcos a olte tfo r viottnanti tlallo. tot was000 00 itilthelbii llsh anditSlhowedi tiltvery
FULL VlhESS SUITS ArSPECIALTYf tood.y00will beheldeti tosevolning at sitirentetee by ho I lrrao eito atnti Clar- (Feli.It is necessa~ry- flat ntore ne
______1 tio it itl Haoll.. Ito- oooooo1oooo-oo 1 oitto lofft Lette.. Tin fotoorth wootve- souldo tt- tun otastottre otteontiotn
NO E zrare S. NERMAN 0 atorrato-vot toolouttoe in- iii- v oiea 111111 Ott vas eeialy ooell rio-i-ved 1il 0 itt oo- 1000too the frvootoi1oait teato
s oo tt o It li t7as iito.- a tot ~rd00 rhototior 1 ton t i0 - t«foilo ao iv (lrtrt a be " eoe
frontloloiero t-ilttooilidoo-ollowoeodo th
" ^ " ' a lasly ~fend i"llswil bz a])I'-S- oto layersof ltbeitooco oah-de toltorv
00101 0000'toi all sotioo t o oil ol ti00 tt 1 objoonotifuy-liir o f 00 ii tfi -00-d0ite-tito sta ep c s
ri g h to ta tthbooin te r e st in i cle 0 :I: :h l0o rh e N~zr s t - th e n t e y too-.b
coil-e ureot re esh oolv os loiohoo. lii toooo it- v 0l Oo o.-ioin : °ssl lt - doot- ttlt iitlt to ie-lh vr
ofhtatou oor. e ott1er is o ss ibloe. oheit o- ino d-o -100 tio irl tio io--iv i~iiiitiiiltyi-t--ish oul 1 -- -itd g-y t e
too-Ito 0 too- 'lot i()l -o-o iiotoiso aol iv oi-osi~il l 't 00000-
00000100 osh w0--Srvsth sp oi o v. it i111i0,1111)01i,10otiipiiatn 11oo hiio doe(irto 0 000 1 toibette-
P ouMr 'sool Rof Cmbs, I llloi o of o foo X- e 0 00iliedo-ovolwtois i-Mr.xI~- I--I ..
lirus00 iiSoato.-etc.,ietc.0,ioiothe stuient:iDoiyt111e ti15a 11si o tit li 0l lay tr'-,oritoi1 te gllh
a1.i000p u d Ni I oio 0 -0
ftiiio0.00 NiEoo-oo;vSou too-ol- olot tot t lii ii 0 7 ( 0000 1 i 0Oooiotio ii, ty tirri i
you'ooti-tisfieo a. to itde ooool (lotu o oh-v. uto- of- iii- ii d-iiiirt- tnature. 0l1-; i tur0ay nliii1if.0 altl1itxo'oootk
Not her 0000 PH icAR A id.of tthei 0100k.-- thei C 10pitoooil of 1-0 i-h-ie000 0 i000100 00- 0 r. ooiooooi 000 ( a ,10 o uo to boo-
Ito Itti lo(bot1OiAtl ft lloiooernderedi--.ootinoti.filetiiio-o.tvibi-o lot 000
46ot .p STEo lo S. Ito-i-ti oto-o 0ill tb 0>011 f lililoot t ortt itohtoo 1010-ofto--i -ii arto t. fh ay- r s
la iyItes.i tit to t. of D 0 . ioo tv
The oCt hig Ieo'ttoooo fdi1i1Annu IS-IC. A e etin . l'' l oot ol ooo ooooooooo o- i fv- (0lot i 0oo rileoo il.01101 o hfli b o n thel
Nob t p e cas ou a ea.ado ti1 lO otiotol -.>"e o'~uc oIil hio Oto otoo -.1ioo1hotitto..i- ol-o-olt-o- l0tot itf toln ,mt11-to toot f t - aor
001'I(' 1;1. i 000 n~ee5100h{-o to tot i-I to t o -Ot-.tt O to b xi-ti
.,h 1311 UDi; Nbt si ply to 100 tros 101 ooooootoi x11 00 -o ot.toOtto 0000001 ils~e1.t1 i-e i o tot-.2ottootoutl ooloh ~hr to it have
-e ail ft -ose arho k. t tttiihitol o t 1 o ootolp o '" tr oCso oto 5001 ro re s f oitcalC ns s
3 r ' r g t r . o tiohi b~io oil o l botofull 'othiteret tootayi lvi Sofofol Ito oonot. ototTou
00000 ot looiooo il oil\voll filliolt th - - 0011 I 0-i- 1t1s)o.0 1 st l 1- o hoo-i to-iit'ooonntiio-t. ot oooe 1
10 Oo oihirO sO illooo ills(of Oho ooo-tl o o th too11 o-ohfi.000lot lltoo th a t -Iofco- ie t h f 0-t arlhir
c(oooi-os tofoti-vl-'Nil oiloios(
Co e 0-AT000houldr-s.toli- i r oo it r(toil ll 0Foti l l rctc . 1w01in i-: ohliprac ftiresandi t o-o-ioo
M ST EB E , itout-a, liiooi--h11-d. ut - sit ht h 1 0 oaottte000nd In ot-go-egat tooTe ni_ t oooth ot lii theoris ot 0101lonl . -
to i o at 10 0.& R 11 L iosN 0. 000- oftS 1r t hiot. P ifis tt- fioo IitlsO 0000 i y iotl o io h or oo . i o-l-i to o~l hoo( t. ooll o it i . hzstoi beet
001 -li -l00t .ih tt. -o--001o 'fho iitit Iil ii s o on1t1 it 1t ° O 111 :ohooo o 12 Oho- ciitpotaoois o li t-hetooo tea t iote~-
Th\eRUs~tYhigh reputtion M~IN of o toltothihinuls i-i-oilRe feptii t to totil010-fttttho-ft tooens ouna e t o Lo(e- bout oohhsiplgiyeqt er0001000k11100-toe
abe rco.h tom o1tto ii-s ooih ioofi 1000 u i to- i t Now H 100.0 b T e iil h0 II oooiD- to 10 lititt itttel ol fliii forte t
OP O IT oiV BOIDOL ltoo i 0oi ototho5001 io-th11 1 :)liii 111 to Ito hotto. nriog hcl - A111- O to f 'lt otl'sand iooaoostead0y0, o tl ie-
Secii ieRY so ott oo e g iotti eto toos~itl lsf ltot il al

paoicuarscal atUnity Chub Lecture.
27y 'i Thoi]? ps01) Street. lii-ooottopeig li-i-h o-of Oheiooit-
-AT--lub(to-h rseotooc oilbtooigioit ,it-ft:ohot,-
dtav000ven1110. Itistobto-Mrtt. 0-Otoitr-
WA HR' S BOO K STORE.i Itnodis tttled "Lonte,"iand will ho
W~e invite everyetuidenit to visit eootivooooh-ox tlt.Sitiotorhottdi 000
otor otores. We have a large supply lng hooI1tno ecn ad UniersiytTxvtsotil itoroot h }t htooot
Books for all thin departments. lihoo ro. 4lltdoturin thlilyboorsh sring
Law acid iMedical Books. Germnsh otto oo he iiohtt roil oil0rto study
and 1-rencho Classics. its mtany- ottontoooeto-s otr 0110 unity.
We sell thin best student Note
Books 20 cents each. Silver Cloth.
The best Linen Paper 20 cents per
pound. Aietn sa -uidt elrl
We boy and exchaonge second ,ntetting Halltoorowtote-
hand books.Nehorohl foltrto-fe-
Agents for the Waterman Foun- nooti at 4 eecloc-k of till otutdettoenter-
tamn Pen. toted ihi t-e nte-of free siver. It
Mathenmatical Instruments and is orated tliot a Free Silv-i-i-Club ho ho
Drafting Supplies a specialty.
The best prices to everybody. be organizedl in ch ic toreo~t. to keep
Give tis a trial uptthle necessatry enthiasohtsdulrinig
WARR'S BOOK STORE- the eampaigni.
Up TowsnlDown Tows 11. R. Everett, t96)Lti is pracicing
20IS. State St. Opposite Cosrt Hlouse
Ass Arbo. Mvaint it. lyaw at his hootte, Ovid, Mirhl.

00 10010iii tsioTo t, iuoTe tootle
hiitolhooi-o ot ltrantmuo foot- tihoitiost tot-
enttire Rh-ugh1tofoutthofitolot.
99 Law Class Meeting.
A mting otiif floe-hot.hs oto
field t-0o10 ot rftoetiooooo iilthor- looo
hco-bin- roomt. (0. 500110 00-000 hootootot
tttoll0001.try t-hirmaniootaftetrowhii-ltIC.
I). Shi!ef 0000ehevhtd eot hiiittotot-t:fhor-
W-oott1. flit- uttittg thieniadjitorned
Avithti tl inn-h furtgefoeloi otooo.tut
oo-ithotflit- o tooo toioit tofta oortito, mio-to
Engineering Society Election.
flu 'e I-tiioiti- Sot-itt-oill lhol
Itfirstol ooutin"tl butt o-iiltg in llo10011
10 of It gthe r-et-eoitg looiliti. l eit-t
ining tt S o'cliork. A ltrtoileit it to
tbo eleced oald ini itiro-osgiveinl tby
Profesort-Denonisoon.No lpergontwosoe
doles rat-toth hoih 10poollbe -allotoeti
t vole in the election.

plicotu(.101110 00-e t . ossboohowooto
10)'100-t 10ithu-litrarvo -ilr.f'hiee 00000
not single-hbuteoe i.lhotttowhereoaIllbt-e
otI~Ot -1inutho hoo. cbru t 1100 de-iedlttto
1)1houti l"ootltltDoss, o rotbo ttooo-eoutdo.
to- ohtltro-ioioooof to sid-l-ut. il the
biillu ioo-tttg iluhiog-S- bto i o-ier-
oity I toull. oeinil Tppan 13,hI 11101l00110
ll Iii tnoilor ho loouoldint.0101otfoto
'ltietoatoot iprooited, andutotuto.luri oto
homt- addresos, htuitbi l oarty, an11
pre.-t~hlttttttl lttefeo-ou-oo
The Reputblican 1t(Io oisxtolls thaot
thbstoo a foll oexprei-on otof the 0sellti-
oettoltof to- slttlo botd00010.an100 oiIloeo
to (assuire 1a11 htoollt tte vote- oill lb-etCoot-
dtild abltely0 itt a.tnon-partti
Illltitel.OTate. fltal reoult ooilllie itoh-
lioshedtint(te-T'. of ot. Dally- 01101 0100-
(G. B. Ilatrion, tex-llnagittg editor
of -Voe Daily., appearedoIyesterdlay-00
thte athletic field itoa, football sttit.

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