Everything ~ AT-TIOIC RN PNN
°s$25.00 Suit for $15.00 OF
0 0
o 0 Hatters, Fine Furnishers and Tailors. Sole Agents, Royal Trail-ia-s..
Bi urih ah hw-0 Youinan's Hats, iRulop Hats and Waterhouse Neckwear. STUDEKTS'° BOOKSTORE, STATE STREET.
rels, Sponges, Soap, Rub-0 No. 9 South Main Street, - - - Ann .Arbor, Miec ---
ber Caps, Flesh Brushes,
d' a - r-ita- . a Gaa _-i Q~oC i aa.0 eaaips
a0 , _ .-- -- -a- fiwi zloa aplainp
of 1a euir . a al
I } p ayaddress. 35; s:l
0 . 0 ~I71f'1.pU Q7P
te p_______40 0t.3
001 tapai il Freeu
0 Sununu2G, 1,5 Fltin-a
0 0 SareetNew York.
________ ®0®®°I~m®S®mo® Cdz2 Rb
We. have- as large stock of !New
and Secondhand Law, Medlical
French," Geriman, Greek tnod Latin
Text Books. which, we will, sell to,
students at lowter price- theneves'.
}Note hook and Leclure ,Paper
by the puind 15c, '20c sod25c.
Ev-erysoewarranted or money
26 South State Street and
Refinement in cli thes-makingi tis op the cost of pro-
ducstioi---- -Clothes i-an be siottens anywhsere «t les
lice-- --If you nree10i iostistiesl to waisve itle clesraisce
Co r. Fourth and Washing-rton Sts (if issasie wichsesi srcs>it s eies (ranee uris shar(l iiiii retuissit(. t,%I1! l-iy
--.-Yon is ougt is asvell Isive tlosswer1pci cd- - -- usenta- iislitrasIving Boards..
Telephone Both Stores. I If not.-g-rtis-e--liey re iisesilafss
Anton TeuelOODSPE ED',
11 r; 31)117A~zr1+II, 15RSOUTH clAIN TRSET. 8 h -h t N"
IkS aisiIti SitCss U. OF H. CALENDAR. 1V i.2 -i a-ia-S iiiisinsitso - 11uts t ie- PROPIE'TORS,
Trns aliisisiiauss)Sit Cases
T.runks ad Vak es Ria paira-i iNeataii -d Iid iriil ,O t. ) . a a 5 as.-I-ilii 1 111. A. II. -ainlilis-ilriotis ins a1 STATE STREET, ANN ARECI.
Chealaiy. Nsa 5 . Sain 5t. ss ss ie iiI55 t iii iii i iiiiii i a
STATE STREET TAILOR, iliiiisa:: d (11 1111(1ti 5 as i iii ia'iii iIa1siii I 'rlii l ieo - . un r c.1) ,ll, tt1 i (1tul lsBuy -'ll sis cais w- d o a
Scotch and English Suitings Frie. fooibii lan-i Wil-'iis is ii luau ii Ii A . iii a iiihiii ii i L.i11 (b
and Trouserings.... tilir( e. Iiiiy a At h1a is41,11ii eli.Lo0w~est r'.i -s 1
-u . ioa-ii-irtu dl . (Is-i. 1),8 p.Il I- ii rs te Ize ii I e I)ol'I ,~ldil
Thu Name the Guarantee iSly a-Ian. L(aiira-ii i- a-iin h .L . 7leri--is i ir oell (tilg,(I'IN We shallbehelare Cur a few
AG.SPALDING3 & BROS. aa - iciisiirgat-iis a ii i--l~iii55ys ni
i-e ia-gestmanufiacturera nd idealsi n O.s1.i)i) aiiiii ii ~1°e, 11(11(.w iii-the reIi-ill VI.I ut;C ll g a n c , 00
the woarldi bi- rIs . ._ B m. - prilill- ofIi iii 1 01 -th -bo srd sil ilihi11,1.i
ri-Ot- \ 1Na-iial Su;ili t ii !-= lx° r r isi sail istliss-i ii iiaii iiiiutr~rl LAW EPUBLISHERS, CHIQAGO
11iii. -iiiji-i-l."Th-r i 1~li litail iii iiof i.liiirii liis hii l--is ill the ki man- At Sehley de's, 50 South.State st.
iiihliii-i.-- lia-sit liiiiii-tiiiiy i-i- ii r iia the________co____________________
iiiIf a r. y . t 1 i. l-ills- ii- ii-iil°. e'l l l-01('( iof si uil t'ti-s a s i~iii- i iii a-ri- -1 aiinu~o
a il Islity(inb b cli siiri-iriia ii rh- - a CLAJCKS
a Sprts 111t1, ii-ioc. "h ile. 5liiatlI-a I. lit ii 0 1 .}ill S ir i-ri-i li }['-il Su(J'ood ozisaOt arue
Con) irte iCataloue Fallian ~nat-Pa-i -iiiiiasaatiriftatf- as u ed.
Miuiad ree. ODileiliFootball Guide di- tited(;n tii IE~T O E . s t ,iarrtiullfIsIl sir;1t 'i ofa-is lif-feO $ .0
by.Wsai-er Camps.105cests.UNV R IYN T S i. ol1C0111 f rie ,trl f
FOOTBALL SUPPLIES ao. i 5 i i1-it1f a r ro0 iiiir111oiis e( i -iiofaiiiW TRolI. o EWEER
Canvsss Mu lickin ince frioit Trouserrs;i, Siiiiles iillii l.Irl- a vieas boonssi trfiuui Vi -saul-.
anldS Jia-iatts,5Shoes, Stockings, Iersesa Siiiaa 'S . Aiiiiiu.Silt- s -iikis t-l( ll sial Is r. C't iiiuis iii-ii
Gurtis, Ahidomen u Sporter, Bads Fraser- sud dn~ poco nI11oFREDERICK.T J... LE1';
tars antiMoil lss ne Stash. suii iuisa si -i- i)iiiai. ii 5ia iii insi o1 t aiisi ,ligiN- hl iai i ssl
IPALItI 'IS Oi f(itLt IENTlHtFl ltt Aii alissIONAlil9.Tia-as rissi a- -isisri-ir siii-i-i sufai. iiiii - ia tii iii i a UNIVERSiTY BOOK BINDERY..
Offiiia ine dotedIby thlan tiercoiiegiit ( te i ii li sit -s to i iti ( spiall s- i-sush--Oida s. s as in 55 santa upwaardis.
Eoons Ball Asnciasinafcr thefith esaisern sT -worik. ii-iaras-ie in t- tia S-lidu old r upee ar i tens ts. a~~i
tive year (5i)"Wa-sal.p assiriot. itl ailth 3lstf inesiina-aVnsai r5,nsi a usiai
_llo lnio,')iE stt ig le a iorosA. G. SPALD ING & BROJS., Mlii ii~a~ .i ra- se ii-l i't, iiiihiiiiii. 50is. ST ATE .S.
NewrYork, Chicagao, Philsadelphia. ilihi-iiii. i ithe 555 llllita~ol l tiiaiiii-a-liussil(l ie oicot 1is- a 5 4t.ol
EEtiN-G OF GSSA ,NID I.Ol)EI & O tI. hElspiriili'.)(i 1.. 5 ii, i sKa-p ii-' 5iri f MUl S. 1.J -9 S 11aU'10~
A. -, ICINT, osto iisltiietiiii >1ie>iasasli115ii'aherti aStu u--siauieia salln- PIANO AODCOMdPOSITION. S C'
OCTOBERi 20-)2. Chicago. aatlii, h i1.(scli ifa t li huadh ta--iiiiii iilill. I?. 1 u
Agenia- of Ohio Central l iu1(sswi-ll si-l
tickets October 19 ansi 20 at one tori-e F-oiisi5ii ihtl inau si~51110s o lrls-dli roamaStuttoart iiu~ose vstoey ,.IiGersssaay.
for roundt ripa fa-si all la-ills in Ohio, ne 5m.sihh-lii a ususa:toadi, 22 S. DIVISION ST.
goo reurssiguntl Oioli-r23. All -untiussates for Ithe 15S footbiall ta 121:: ) iniS-4 to E;I i d riea,.14 p st3;
The Ohio Central Lse are rusnnisig titn -ailsucfIisatatao a :1 itaria() hts 1(55; Stunaui-,)5 to 12:3t0NTH QIMETO
solid aestibuled ti-aloe train-Detroit o h tsl-clcd hn i -id4t i u-uls.0t i oii)STUDENT1'S ROOM,
tnhier of sarancira ito b l dlaa-o.'a-1 -uto (>, A. a-A. N t ESLh :
and Toletin to Cincinn0ati, ihout- -- itis ;nralily i-auradud that a stri aaocd is-
strumenat is almassst an ahsolute necessity. Tus
bhange. 1
_______________ That have perfect combustion and do nat secure she gre-test eantoymnsut fromo the
Eacse srie the beat your mosey eSuila"Bord
StnIetHnion ut-o oissmoke or smells:taeinstrental the fiarst is the aoradI
Four I~~ernt-Handsome suite of rPerfec- Stae"rL n lc rmCmps unc neclt intrment ersucthe -a
oer bokfnsSoap.tnraThe New Rochester, ThesYale, The N5ew :Royal, Thae As uceient u BAYumeTAiTE $!O .
Washintnes.$30. tion Student, The Princess Student, The Empress Studenst, all BANJO.E
nickel plated, withs latest improvemenats. We sell whet we ad- we hara in stock cheaper hanjos than tisa
U. o Al.Dinng Hll, 2 D Librtybat frsa aubstastial, servicable instrument.
II. f H DiingHall 13 B.Librtyvertise and guarantee quality of goode and are never undersold, at s low pricen othser lutrumetmseuiac.
st. We aim to please; if not, please lured can compuare with ha,
tell us why; if we do, please tell your send for illusraitetlogue,
friends. $2.30 per week. 23 44 South Main Street. D A O P N . JH .HYE 453-463 oWa-hington streerIi.Bsoe.