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VOL.. VII. No. 56.
Di. Fowler ,'Avwholo1:s heero for it-0 -
ibeadlag 'Iailor A Most Excellent Program to Be (,rssII" ri',hi o ii ioeo otiste sa ubro
Given Tonight. Bitllie liospit. l hs resigned to a-i Clever Drawilngs.
(0 l 11 lel'. I C. IJiti-tzeli. the nenl\- -- - -__
AN D IMPORTER, 'Io17olif he leBtstoii1:Ladle,'. Ioi - lyappo1~itedl ilissioiiovy BIishlop of I21I;1-iluli p1esent: its 'liriolinons 11
!o! q fla I(,danl abs-(b(, tothe 1t~inhleto(ly. Ithinbo thei
"FULL DIHESS SUITS A SPECIALTY.,5mliishaill WIhite, b1niorisl .1 1 01 1 nl~I* ! iON'0 .TIhei' liifor1is toohl'ilerlcl itl l iott roetlili of le li niiioio ei-
______________ onitor,. will oivc' thle Itlird iiiiiilh r in the fosl lug iil- nd d'\eo lnl 01 :1( oii :1 (1 tiiii. "Iliei' cover is by F-. L.. thoter,
A iNt i idcens K Iecetou-e A soe lioi 1o(01011.01 lie IlolsilI lill II 01115000. 1 f (m (id is lon ll pu ble greeui. and
NO, 2 E. WASHINGTON ST, NEAR MA I. t,, tol Q-r fIe lole I'e~~'
el le~e.A giiliI 01(1011 lii' 0ollyllee55041 ll-l( liliie \itll r edl letterjing. 11repre-
f'® O ^1f ^ . +t ls o 1(111a i~n\\t, fIs 'l ~lill~ idi- 1,10etrip ijll, this 11(1- (se1lits 0<t vrykissabtle yoursg- bidytinl-
ild iconisistedi if teal i s e r ss. Ti'h(, Ilil i.fo-stilp illug telIliee-ei' (11(10.11 der1h e, i si tls etoe. 'ir. IOalfetev Who
R Iob R1 oy' (((00 1 lll fth o('0lslti1(1s 1so great n tree'i'limie for ('1\\o earshas it l ls'iii is1yl1.lfu -negrt ablility-for a fi'esb-
Is one of (hoe e efsmes thtiislls tio .t ii188tl'1 n 01.'o-re nt tclt sir- lir>le(. ((ilt1 (5( 1e otvtuiv o i :lote
asiicress. Wn hive it is bulk itecurbtro ~t
s,,Its :t0eesoanone
Wefue s av e b oon Palmerill
of Nen York. 11he' iiiit 1111111 1510, it-iou 111 leIii'- FIlNJoilk' ts tudyI(11? for-:i fel t'\'\e'li o 5( ( Ieve11111 ((l it l l iithis 1iiliiobei'
PALMER'S PHARMACY. 0 shipd -nflo eaiisedy o l o 1111lii this 1110 e1)0so ikiill b'el of 1Johns (-fpiv11 10 laiivi'( l'u . I . l. iii((ils (111( 11.
0dInohe I-vny ha old is hi s. ('( (i nil -ic'l( I o o l A ivi iil )1(0 '1(' 1i l-i oyo tll in''i, 1 ,11
0 Liit~ L~II~~ -11111is. liili ili 0lllii 1111 ChssCib ffces. ('yel i 1,I.' i 00(11' (('I 001(1 vIsI' I_.
Our 6 en TTi E STk t be lne (1111 o h rsnttm. w"11il11(101'.rm hr h opr.ilo"Mr trti : tleo
soo t l oi s 101'it, I -illiharr iP goicv(0vl -t miolt p 1- h et o l.i . M0 :t'i n c-ilcto vtltl(
GREAT REDUTION..... liiilIi liing T:rtte ~~y ; illi in h li l 111(((0 ii((-(invhl-. Cin~ iig-me11drteleilo
u 1' A .B &A1 AND,----------MdI rli'iu lewides'siioo (1ltlil~ll fm 1li'ii so: l-l ut"T1i.e1'1 ikes he Iwel- iiand is
W su int o f dik, W s i o tn S t. J,' oi ls I vi iiiiiy ( len ' ir e. ((lo I 't l: li ijs- il - I - i lS 11I , E on. I. i ' ntof u . I h
con~it. 1' (,ilit-ioii thi'l l- oi s ii '((ev(1111tronl ee.Slihltlili list e:'l-is-us we \- ( '(Jill1ololtver sb
(toire n.'s JoP'istStore.impersillotor is If. M.i lie'vill(5alll(. (((5 duel
O ur ei r Si o ck o Ban sont h 1 ii Ji-e Jle. ds I 'e l'i ri (((I il llll '11i11)( ld Cl (511 (10Al B 1ra 1s . li i iliris iiitiibe
B eosodal t TOE1BEeT.ol low ng-lesiuhi. (1101(1 e i 'oll e -Ithr11 1 1-;. (latl l0 it ticrtityl\ h I<ihu' p 11(1 . 0 11uis.a (1f.i wly o
Allgrehesohlu-ed nd of Col. '.010 slll 'J-oiioso 10 tile''- - - 111 11111il l y '11 lool. ll'hl'lh((lli - 1 1 (1 f lt 11(0 i io holi (11
CanECAl aiiDUC Ole I 1 levi im A M lin. ... ti Sophomc t 1 or riHop IlTon ig t ; itn '01) (1(is the .sam yeodio. 10
M3SEB E.i-i 1(1Jmo -di iI-.ilii
Tele hngo. B., Wa st Aing rt.I J i iuivg i'e si- - - - -(olifldl'ii' ivlla. hell:iiclpesde it t '(ilm" I I Hrvar d-Ya111cunle Contests. It
ensa Gndu-n Mi-. --llii.11Miku-4
Oppoisite Law Buildinsg. $.0011, semester fori
27 Thompson Street.
We invite every student to visit
our stores. We have a Jarge supply
of second hond Uniiversity Text
Books for all this departments.
Low and Medical Books. German
and French Classics.
We sell the host student Note
Books 20 cents each.
The host Linen Paper 20 cents-per
We buy and exchange secoiid
-hand hooks.
Agents for the Waterman Foun-
fain Pen.
Mathematical Instruments and
Drafting Supplies a specialty.
The heat prices to everybody.
Give usa trial
Up Tows Bows Tows
20S. Slate St. Opposite Court House,
Ass Arbor. main at.
-Ol gi i t' 1 t t1t .it1tm 's 1u1<_le X1 .) 1111-)i
S i o e'i t M o u r e -. 'n t - u y . i l f o mil g e '. ' i lt ' i ' r e p ori i t s i fr o m h I v( i l ( ( A I
(1.iel fhuiilig iiiiill ui_'1isle i oi-i i. 'iults.'
J~iii'' lit liiinl1 iibeiuiiihti'i'from .11oygeof1theth
Ou-les iut1,1i. o , B L,1feI li. iy'u'ut- i-I'+(iiuil. hu i 'lu
W'ebsteuo''- - - - -Jiu S now - -- 10r.hea 11 tii' nli uithiuiol ' aur t;it i uee -'
Mi'. AWhile. Run Postponed. Itti itili'511 nhuith'.i
iiihiO li' tf N tloltl Ait .i-i.-lii iii 011 ( is cr(It--l ofh t h etii' y '-u iui-siiti~ni ngI , elive. however i-. 111,1 (1 uougu'
i lsdr1oh n iiSelliruhtlyo r Sn' 111( 1 i ii iiiu iho itill soouuu eii' u'uunuiii'ui.
Neurologicai Society 1M1eets. Xi'll-l ii 11-'ue ouul-uu -u'uI hie'iileisit (1- h
''lie' Aeuuioluug-iu l-il' it f 1rliii u- ut-huli wasit-o u o ts've hullii uru, i ' h . e hei some 511111i' n 00sito
gall. consisting iflemuiuuin tspe'ilis~t hillel liliii u ntil the irlsh 'Sat ihuay uti i'i' li'the Y li' i'ii'ii till 1raw. '[(ii
ini iei't'isiio il~tli0. goill meh el lsre' after' I imish tl1,e tiui u n. (ill 1. (uiiyithi'es 11 N'tw iii itll lare(i oppoe(
Sttnillla'. EIOJII''lhili5 . 1. 111. ltn i''o ii itll Il'tt'toi u'iieu'iug till'f11111 ilhi'Iilil rali' i ll
e'lettri'tui appaatus 5forit'el trat mel~nlnt h'Ii.tiiiui ' fl ii t-l Ii' h Iii 1ulsil. oindl lirv-rvil)}i 'liier dii
twithi thu raysst-illho' per'formed uin1 Iroetheire. If thtis keilis iii'lroll)
Dr. -te'tllltli'o iohoi'eiur-Woi ll has eenl ihligi-dlto vesig;nill -
ttiht- is posilet'if noth Ji rllel, tiii
'hue ont-ull ita-inB Unlierityll 11IiLoomi ),. at r:ltc' h. Ill.. Miionuyii De.-
ionlyle-urieulft' to V11a011 toill in o O?1
ffe' oespers thislafternonl.aieiu to In-4. A.l11 o mpil eted l'lihli in ll' dul t-
aii t Hen'ule'y .tlgaiui. ITrisoit f iftill
Iaul untimely 0enth b'tcause if time fflure i m(het aht'hiii'(igilamst .1ene1' ar'e'eligible' 1iuuililthai llt thi'eosill be anuoter'
1 of electvicel p1ower. 10oii vote. iit'iuimhiiiol loig cnstiiet iexf iv~.