he . f hAY, DECEMBER 11, 1896. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL.. VII. No. 56. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRII @ (D i D, BOSTON LADIES' ORCHESTRA Dr. Fowler e to Africa. CHRISTMAS WRINKLE Di. Fowler ,'Avwholo1:s heero for it-0 - ibeadlag 'Iailor A Most Excellent Program to Be (,rssII" ri',hi o ii ioeo otiste sa ubro Given Tonight. Bitllie liospit. l hs resigned to a-i Clever Drawilngs. (0 l 11 lel'. I C. IJiti-tzeli. the nenl\- -- - -__ AN D IMPORTER, 'Io17olif he leBtstoii1:Ladle,'. Ioi - lyappo1~itedl ilissioiiovy BIishlop of I21I;1-iluli p1esent: its 'liriolinons 11 !o! q fla I(,danl abs-(b(, tothe 1t~inhleto(ly. Ithinbo thei "FULL DIHESS SUITS A SPECIALTY.,5mliishaill WIhite, b1niorisl .1 1 01 1 nl~I* ! iON'0 .TIhei' liifor1is toohl'ilerlcl itl l iott roetlili of le li niiioio ei- ______________ onitor,. will oivc' thle Itlird iiiiiilh r in the fosl lug iil- nd d'\eo lnl 01 :1( oii :1 (1 tiiii. "Iliei' cover is by F-. L.. thoter, A iNt i idcens K Iecetou-e A soe lioi 1o(01011.01 lie IlolsilI lill II 01115000. 1 f (m (id is lon ll pu ble greeui. and NO, 2 E. WASHINGTON ST, NEAR MA I. t,, tol Q-r fIe lole I'e~~' el le~e.A giiliI 01(1011 lii' 0ollyllee55041 ll-l( liliie \itll r edl letterjing. 11repre- f'® O ^1f ^ . +t ls o 1(111a i~n\\t, fIs 'l ~lill~ idi- 1,10etrip ijll, this 11(1- (se1lits 0le(. ((ilt1 (5( 1e otvtuiv o i :lote asiicress. Wn hive it is bulk itecurbtro ~t s,,Its :t0eesoanone Wefue s av e b oon Palmerill of Nen York. 11he' iiiit 1111111 1510, it-iou 111 leIii'- FIlNJoilk' ts tudyI(11? for-:i fel t'\'\e'li o 5( ( Ieve11111 ((l it l l iithis 1iiliiobei' PALMER'S PHARMACY. 0 shipd -nflo eaiisedy o l o 1111lii this 1110 e1)0so ikiill b'el of 1Johns (-fpiv11 10 laiivi'( l'u . I . l. iii((ils (111( 11. 0dInohe I-vny ha old is hi s. ('( (i nil -ic'l( I o o l A ivi iil )1(0 '1(' 1i l-i oyo tll in''i, 1 ,11 0 Liit~ L~II~~ -11111is. liili ili 0lllii 1111 ChssCib ffces. ('yel i 1,I.' i 00(11' (('I 001(1 vIsI' I_. Our 6 en TTi E STk t be lne (1111 o h rsnttm. w"11il11(101'.rm hr h opr.ilo"Mr trti : tleo soo t l oi s 101'it, I -illiharr iP goicv(0vl -t miolt p 1- h et o l.i . M0 :t'i n c-ilcto vtltl( GREAT REDUTION..... liiilIi liing T:rtte ~~y ; illi in h li l 111(((0 ii((-(invhl-. Cin~ iig-me11drteleilo u 1' A .B &A1 AND,----------MdI rli'iu lewides'siioo (1ltlil~ll fm 1li'ii so: l-l ut"T1i.e1'1 ikes he Iwel- iiand is W su int o f dik, W s i o tn S t. J,' oi ls I vi iiiiiy ( len ' ir e. ((lo I 't l: li ijs- il - I - i lS 11I , E on. I. i ' ntof u . I h con~it. 1' (,ilit-ioii thi'l l- oi s ii '((ev(1111tronl ee.Slihltlili list e:'l-is-us we \- ( '(Jill1ololtver sb (toire n.'s JoP'istStore.impersillotor is If. M.i lie'vill(5alll(. (((5 duel O ur ei r Si o ck o Ban sont h 1 ii Ji-e Jle. ds I 'e l'i ri (((I il llll '11i11)( ld Cl (511 (10Al B 1ra 1s . li i iliris iiitiibe B eosodal t TOE1BEeT.ol low ng-lesiuhi. (1101(1 e i 'oll e -Ithr11 1 1-;. (latl l0 it ticrtityl\ h I