f ~ ~college education most ocerally hrt 1)0 F
*!21 f e .forw ard, ond, <after enomleratiog thee 57N$EBC
the Writer goes010 aliiid lC-olil
fabiahedDail Sofayseaceted do ag tiiaer theim. Ttie Crticle will Nii ii ''
the College year, at t: T '' a
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. repaly a101iiiigitflreadily"g.
OFICaE: Times builing, 00 0. Olaia St. be-
tween Libtertyafd Wiliam Sts. Choral Union Course.
aJ.If. Tao), 0. 'Wedoesday cevening, Ithe Kithof IDr
HUSINIEoS NIX ,A(OEhit e1tither, astoe lairof the aecoo1d can it
0. 0 blACc''..tn1to the Ihotral 1lol11 aeri s. Tii
etticlt t i Illi te 1' iLth 1tu t liecl-
EI t..Mrater, ')9s L . IiS. SaaoN, '. -iil ei o i ttlti~ ttktttrll
13 . 3. a'.oHE o, t'9. L . 1. S i NIA, 'L eeStee. Il10 .11" ac h
F. l. Lotoo, '>. II. C. Cotta> N, 99" + itcotr1d1Cit e 10101fe'.a 0111' t lt)'is
1) 99.1tetIt.Athletie Efdittr.
It. A. Fli oi,,'511. Louitt de f>, '9t9 ' ho lt '.~o1 .c'ed it i 1t' titit~tt oif,1hitt
W. P'. til l'r'98It. BIleLatmb, i1t0J.
lit( it' '1; t ~cc t10ici o
RRussia Enamel, Box and Ameri-
can Calf are World Boaters.
Thoot' reuoltar $ 18 Su its, ill te
netooifC 'vrithtitlo otitPlaido-
it ls-rown 1, IBrown antdl'Fnc
Mixtroe:, the Clthes of toddyo
1111110e in It[ti asioti (If the "I"I N
Ntot t, dettail sl ighited ex'eptt the
aring Price--
Thu a.ob- 'athin tpri''of tte Dtil y I t' ))
forthr coieieear,''Ntthtta rgulitr deltivaty
hotr,nthert-t ttr it))edfo>'.. i<a
tio1mst1eaned n Ite Dutily ottli.aelhe-
.Illota ahe d>at-rtin to I t' haton witcta
ptet reilotte ytoratpe',atit
ubtti' tatitli>>may bItleitllit rThe Dily
oriro', or 5111iet , >c1.-atll.or
thteBtinessttiia,,ta rheft' 1,-i c o-
fer atatti bylii' 11o)111 1.) pi~oip 0-- Itthi-
litt' fIt t li 'ti'ta -illtl t) Io t Its wii ""
hed1 111' 1)11'owt il i-Il iill Il ' cIll
Ill all(', tllpiti l hi))'Il ito-tA"' l s
gbe Nvola1 '11(iulit t it~- in o'll 11~
('11e1trtiiinIlotte'ttio 111'1:' oll', 111c1(illi.-
I111 , 11)11' 'httbh t b'iiili t ' l",ait't, 1)0'm
Th hice ( It' lllli'lo 't-il I
tutu hs peia oh'. ttiiitot>'-a
to li' tt i ldit ti ll t 1 ,11 l lite I t'il thei ,
"A '- i i i, 0)ort"t iii l bt'ai ito- i> '
ex iy h loift-ti O n. it't,11'1 iof
''lcr t > i f lto>)alinc Ilk d to l.l ittoll
NOV. 23 'TO DEC. 5
Those Nobby $L. 50 Shirts are now 98 Cents. Don't fail
to look over the patterns.
1-4 Off on atny Hat in
the Store. Popular Brands hii
Te llge 100 - it-gn it' to liigness 1po ti' ilie l Al'tltenot cpitf aothilter oso ade'Sy p oyprheta-------- De.1
Rgelyfin g os1ellge'Illfattll I'lcau )11.t 11111110 e', Iaor of l I lityh111' 0)1l.tr E -rsd n ars n - - - - - - - - - - - - - e
folle-l fit lset o lo-lllf olt t udetnt I t sitt n Il 1111)c oeti ad i ' stainingll a tactl' m e i l u r e ----- -- - - - - - - -- - - M r h 1
ftting itrlglopIer atl 11111 ilof .tt -t- e tiltto pe od11e101(0 0111 itoritie li' rtria o ts- - - -- - - - - - - - -- --h~r~,1
1111nd tititl10ttlckislIteea oinwingeofthinnier, c tn t111-If Oseatiguocaityo ILuiu P rr H lls- - - -- - - - - -- - pi
the f~ta 1 jdmuto itellstet;Il-IItte If lt)) oa'litesrotlitll a lyf ttc~t 10eras, Jh e dik B n s- - - - - - - - - - - - - pi1
Iloolvbgch s art h a ti tlhe11111lt' aileg it hey1 --n~t l t ilolle al deOra-so harll, DanEa_ AtS l)aTn.ET 201
bromin tlfotlllg y, latot 1)11 01-ollef- altilaol E liulle ~ttgeo110be lote115 sO EADr iSSIONFeb
frlontes m tnao raat- b-tIIoe of1110- luitill I l~' n glter fordsIthe Mscrngofso etOramperial March 1.0
forla frng buofesatatg thle college 101)(' i ~llto ll Ann illeybor t odu-iay.Or toICaESl WO S L-eesd lhl n aeToMoy0 oarchatmer
till0 distintd ttOuslesi~t loj lry. cblterin 0 or e o l tlr lOSY b ut-f dragistoePSae r ee ndWhApbrisorla ar2
a Tetrabovetinae ilat thdrac s oftist olestio nTirdmy P a ejh e.)rck a MEH ICorepodig pertary.