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December 03, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-12-03

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Pueblis.hed Daily (Sunday., seeepledt during
the college vear, at 1
Dreit(E:Timeet building, It S. AtinleSt. be-
tweeLiberty'and NWilliam its.
0. l.IIIDv 'lt
E. L. GmSEtttt, '9y 1.. F.oS.atett , '9t. I
B B. IIteETHAN,'li. 11. It. aeteet cc,'015L.
C. At. Gaw;v, It. Athletic Edlitor. Ii

Among the Colleges.
IA l' 'lil-I e tl't liii it l i t 1
I 'tit 'ly ttf I 'itia a i«'111 loI wii
Mit it' 'NNailit l atiutbionl t iti''
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witta tie jury of elitebitters ted i's
tilers iby '1heatvy tmajarity. bFootwteat
liebitnda. 'Youi tt ilt feeldtile shtp
j pries, hut they vsallmae yotatifeel
pileasedl.'Thert' ire'lit tconirt "r"'
llike bad shte a. Ciii' t ii aid l t
eamti thbaati ttican trarytourself'
citil ofth le astihoewearinag citefot.
' ter.

iI'<l, i))I Ititt t III, Ilt irt t" It t'llI ')'n t 'l 'toi
A. W it. xSet ,lti
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t.1 "M r illiti B tei L mi40i(et 7o i 1 .A A .S it t) 17 chu. cLul il l' 4 .1 iil lt ' t''
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lei itio m s: Il indeitnllat lIie ') I thu ittitt)ie) " w t ll11w (Il;I
for b0). In.tot i "ty led I'))tot e iter li uu Itfore.' ttitti ,. i)ii iii

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faine Kersey in 111111k tIldB1iI(,

Dttlec a leelc i Ltiile itI et ti t'/c ' fi hl i are 111111 l llc C ii 1s,11
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Otffici,' ll l't')' ot' ii l''lIil, tt'witufint
fe ao yr o ta cl pIoi(t, t itH I and !.a.vi '''N OX '. 2 r D E . 5
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Iicli). I Itii 't 11'tl fIr t'lo k verth av'tterns. utj~s Is4h-ip
'l~ ili )it ,,(,i t stt) be ]I ui( retitttlt1a'iliiti)) I thu I1(,lit
l'itia 1t1li ei"liht' coi)lit io of lH 'i ht i pttallliii t tii0)] 11th li' jj,[ jj0 ,jsj l\ t ito -Is....4.1 ll
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loe lii't 11)11or i tier l's sl~l o iId il ca triii 0)lii' Iil '''tlt e I lt
te 1e htil at hTi I .]t hiitiiti'i illlt ]t ccliii) 11)o 1 tir tl( t tat' alt it " osonLadeskSy ip ony Orhesra - - -Dec 1
1th111Iiln I' r~ lll)' th t( il Io lrl 101 it' 111 II ti( lei .. ii't.- J n.2
lit'e lot'l tt l rui't) . il lt IN e It)c(. itu 1 ' lii zli .:l . t - rei de N tO Hariso -----------------.. - F b
frm('alai1te-aelll 1I l t.Cl1ll~a Aolt a1.v t i ll~. I p ra u rtt-------------- ac 1
,bl)S'Atoci'I; i'tuiew tlt'tlherhI'7lll I. N.(OratorecallContest------------v--I-,-) ilt MarchI19
Yui ctle Wentt wo 'dkoi'lht' ttahetaillltt ttotalat rioicucus ery Hll------------------------- prl
vpeshs oilohs lldrt.i l ul't iti'uilltoi ca utthlitlt' Itolut J la I e dik B n s--------------- A rl1
hu th ttttt ih itcI It Ilo l ri it \- 'tollSwt\'Eyt <I.1'7' T1t{E't
- -itll lf li' ii --h t it Il Iiui' llIrtiiit'r It i I ll (-til niiliei.1fNulE Aalook overthepa ternl
Tillel u il 'l, 'hirtug il' P 'it' t' -'" ish ( ' lu h ,a ,10 ,(,)1) ,11(1 wil'h
Knowton he ~iliy i iL1Ic o ; It ' 2i+ f t~eya~il l Ittoh II oe o Il t Te!(cirai ot1)l 11011 1,h,1.-(ula t ill "Il' a ttig,natu orceNuute ,1
fortts tofi111tti't'ttl.l 'I' ~ll llt 1 iui'utti 11.i' (ilo tut'..1. willi rolu~om A
( t to eu'airhst ty ill'' hi' S lou ilt Ii, lte i'lu'lcludw ihutIo r . 'tie Iul-kl {
Mr. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~il wtil'rl7ttliitllII Yluo epo-I TIIFI NlEtI SLI-loured(ieel e eui Tuucduy0e!10t,0uel'imt'
eu'ttli-i Io tul li tl ti i tli a r. $200ges he Dl f 10 C dtomr, ShtereuudilueeetteIem tee,
vutrti. ~~~~~~~~~~~~It e end thecleeya. IJMSH tU.',repnigSceay

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