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December 03, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-12-03

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(i)f'i. Z,~ CHICAGO CONFERENCE. the timue limit of m toh lt ot
___I_____D toceosetito ole' yeoi. '. l110 ls otte
Rules Proposed for the Reo-ula- for the reasoni o t he roteroti
1eaPQ1 ail or Iiin~ it) d to sns'ort'aifstsu. '
Lion of Colleoe Athletics. cthti tit(
:(,A'ND IDM PORTER 0.Le )ot~silotittit'tilrt i :liclil''toittite

FULL U HESS SUITS A SPECIALTY. olto i, Illito iadtit ltititnn ti 'ir
NO. 2 E, WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. 11ii etl i'til.ttl tt
0 jc ofornc ,wll re efrrtico0sR b od'fttt to tomt t isin' lii oftist insi in
0 1Ci'''O isoe fVii' oew iifuit Ct. ~n~lt~v o cin
rsorcsEVhit 'tittul. t
wetht veta. eome l oto tin.o 0, ercsn ttv l s fu ihd te
PA 1itt Ni PHtotCYo t I 1 1itl e ii'tiriomtii t t i.ttiunit heul
46 S. STATE ST. jcttuil t le ii'tctu tu littisttd. lit
_____________________________________0t iI i'o itti ttit tl

lgist itt i't'5' l l ofC i ravktt I Ito.
iiitlt'of retlto t l~ lhet
']tt'1o, latt iatr! of llth m, itmiii' to
a li It i . 'Iai' it i itt' to l ti hti rs.
1it oottt ;iiit it (iiiiiitht t he01 elto b
s c of it "W .what' is ttttt't twl' i li
(Irtm la ltingliii t' 'thnsiof
I ~ t'~ o~ iti'It'' tt ii tl

Society Programs.
Tlw .f offil",4ollioll Nwitti ll;i th(1
followill ' llro".1"I 11) .11111ollllc (ed for S<lt-
t l?1c1,I IIly11t: l:cillin-, 0. Huff; ol".1-
tioll, T. II. txc or t ; c trltc°t 1'1.0111
'\I.,I1 11( tll," ,1Ir.:tl>l ot; illlllronllltll (1°s-
c'Ils ioll, '111 ril7tlt iv". Air. Potel"s, nc1-c
tit"(. Mr. Iielllwl": c1(llllw, "1:.1solvitfl,
T11,11 c Ipitil pullishillel)t should bo
'ibolishe(1." ,Iflirtil Itivo, Air. Clu ns;toll
;II1(I If 1'. CIIrk. 11et .lI iv,:. AI r, .1<IC ob oI I
j 11111 Mr. : llllilhlli.
Tho Illee((ll"; of t11e W('Ilii'r - >ocioty
for Fri(Lly Ili-111 i, :,iluoullcod ,i, a
(lilllies lilt (tin 1'L1 pi"o-l"Ill) is n
tcolow"-;: I i.l no 1)lo. Milk: voc,;1
j ,(,lo, :1l iss 1 111.ko: roe l li(l hiss GI rd-
lu'r; llitl llo 5(olo, All'. 'i'11( c Illl(1: vw-Ill
solo. All.. Iit'I1;1("ll: llitlllo scllo, hiss
N1"111te: voc of solo, _ll is I owls; J(05,1tt .
"Ites()Ived, '1'llot socillilll Avotll(1 he
1 c'xl1e(1i(,n1 ,1s I "oVei"Ilillont llolic_ .
rlflil"I11,1Civ llr. A lllriht ;Ill(1 Mr.
8,lulrll. 111 -",ltiv(% Mr, 331 .11 ;Ind MI..
'('l1(, _''tll(h i, Nil Socic"t - Avill plvsent
tll( 1 ollowillo 111o rnlll ,lillr(Itlt ill-lit:
Music: c°ollelt"
llrollllltu. Mr. Cools: 001, All.. I1<wll-
Illeist el ; dell i (, 'l:(1sol e(1, 'I'h It th(1
s(*ho1,Ir should (Alter llolit;c-s," ,lflirnll.
tive. lI(ssrs. C. ~illlous. C. . Uhlill "el
allot 1). Ilolrlx . lle,8,',1ti -e. l( .>"r"s. I:.
Ad,1111-4. N1"clls!,(kr allcl I' ie11 l( i1; cri0o':
i'l Tl(l i"Y

Our entire Stock to be
sold at a

iii' 'it t' of1'111 in i . o t
1. N o e sh lIS 't'tic I 1 in .10
to li tt

It ost yo 'nthing.itiDo noti( t)t . (ttti~d bteitio'. ' It ''titi iii i tetheitte Faculty Concert Tontght.
Ith1[icl(aniofihsot110 le No. 0.d '1('f iio tie i t ( it) F f i Ah
t~t~lasder~tlle dis(1tssi(11. it (.ld I 1,11 it t l tt i i it '.100 ellelll tiell' y c l(( ta ilS h o fM sf
K I~ab it~n('d.1151lII 13+:Si, o t)1t(e it<lit'' ta atli It.l'''i.l
Ran Se Coa STOdCEke ; t i ti t ulu''uuuit ''il)( l(01(i.I' Pt tn t utu'')1 i'e 'i1tto pit, tt'rol on lsO i Sot (r iittui'i' voln S..11
X . STu''uu B LIE''' It' it 2[101iito :1)olIi e oru. iteuQ sil- Ahuttiol . . . i~gu''Wtu'tt
e~rs itoite ever ottuultt t to v sit :>uli'11i)h itiof :t111Vtutut ................ I r; n1o
our sthores.o.We.lOn vedo o E fAnr toslipy 1 1 O' Ot' tiiti iilii' itti't'i lititit ttttcs Ngol
of sroi arit o rt e xt cut i"i e ' thl 1;) 1:;1 I It1 stilt-: 11 1 lillt5 11tll tu''' 1111iio ,IiuttitA
Ilok fr lltle elitrl~los. ' lt't'tl' h' ul tu~ui'st tuuinit o aeight dIt) u ss r11o ii till ii' sstllt
Lo tdM dclR os tet ati nn i n(Ou(' f t1[ l(?cl Hlg o otatsreFll
cUdIVERnct laSIcs t ''itit io ltt'51111 tutit11anotherliilie 0 tutu' -,
We sl te b st stdeo o e team lihl I till. N ii )iuuiu IIeualtouit o' Chuc'. ttui Iitl titfe ll't'/.tuto lueit Il.ls itos
no k 0celse c . it li t til t' hitlii'tt O i i' 1 1[1:'hI ov
)poSite It Luinen I.$ap ee cstser r o ditt ieulir 5. ro (l' lutear oit11st 'it i t 11 v 11 1 uiitt'rt''t''oo'it I' lit' ). r llot o8c1liittiiull, it ttI n (rot' li
' w o lso nexa utee s c ntkt. iliiu tt I' i 1t' . tiutt lultuu li' lOll Itotit-, out. A li t.E'tiude No I n I'isot ulOls . . ..tn'..O . d
rAgety fr th atina o in- o taied I I.)ll; ' 1 :adllll ditri;
2 1aT o mtra sostn'te e so ug' it~ i~ ioc 'itt~ts, tile tOt cult i. illiio tuttuut'3 It1(,tiintleut uottPwt.e tt'ttg rttii tiottle op.
AT- Thi rul- c.1111t beuuflr~tod v111 ~iliwl blufytti'litt. t bl-11o
Gie9 i atiaoutsa It~ l ht Itr ii isuitio o lioltdat outti.(
W &H B 'S O O K S O E t ol p ttl 'ttr ttile' to ~ ttIs tlief r 'of sisiouc ol th len Ni'. I t ole t G ar$7 3. d ier Tttoutks go 'itg da
Up Ton Dos rocut uit it rp grIdile ues dy . Yy he tots tti' Oif l lithetut. t'trshit 501 caitlt wl lrsuhe vit
t. .1Stte at. Op sitfCourtaourea
Annu r or.W Mve a litge3 noicpy ldI1 e 1000l~l the itrttto ge lti. (ttnittde hr ae) ptti ln yte Knstagie

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