THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Pueblis.hed Daily (Sunday., seeepledt during the college vear, at 1 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Dreit(E:Timeet building, It S. AtinleSt. be- tweeLiberty'and NWilliam its. MANAGING IEDITORI J.IF. TeOAS, 97. LS E 3NAGB 0. l.IIIDv 'lt E. L. GmSEtttt, '9y 1.. F.oS.atett , '9t. I B B. IIteETHAN,'li. 11. It. aeteet cc,'015L. C. At. Gaw;v, It. Athletic Edlitor. Ii Among the Colleges. IA l' 'lil-I e tl't liii it l i t 1 I 'tit 'ly ttf I 'itia a i«'111 loI wii Mit it' 'NNailit l atiutbionl t iti'' lit0l'' 'the ici-t i ld ' nd ol v nlil 111 It'il ol. 'it) tilt IIt 'rIt) it:;i I 9ttt :. C ft) I Va} witta tie jury of elitebitters ted i's tilers iby '1heatvy tmajarity. bFootwteat liebitnda. 'Youi tt ilt feeldtile shtp j pries, hut they vsallmae yotatifeel pileasedl.'Thert' ire'lit tconirt "r"' llike bad shte a. Ciii' t ii aid l t eamti thbaati ttican trarytourself' citil ofth le astihoewearinag citefot. ' ter. iI'