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October 08, 1896 - Image 2

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-08

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P ublished Daily (Sundays excepted)i daring
the College year, at
OFFICE: Times building, 79 S. 11ain St. be-
tween Liberty aed William Ste.
E CStNIsels IIO '(0.
J F.TRlit '97 sisat
E. L. Oiamee 'is L. R. C'Underwood, 'O.
F.,M. Loomis,'913. 1F. S.Siosb'9.
Ci. l. Dreen,9. G.B ariseon, Sp'l L.
W. W. ltie,'9. S.1. it, 'Si7.
Bi. B. Jetlte ny,59 1 oiselDodie, '99i.
Lola. J Dickiioou ') .ii.I 'lllotao, '9,SL
W. 1?.:Morri,'9. I.C r i ' .
A. Al. Siitt "Ii'
Butler Lomb. W. IF. Whitcomb.
3 . S. Thoyerese.
Hlouro at Dily offitc> enino15550 o 8:3t p.m.

(Continued frome First Poge.)
Wendr, o wene, 'gil deinen Flo,,
Gieb frische Griile- ginnwl gene.
Verwiinseht sri dos firiset, so wile Sotileder
Kug'wsn, bold v'erseiuert, bald vulkanisebs,
o anelt.
Ausern, diesclloesim Watserblo,
Dtter sosatrtkswie Goliat woo Datit.
Will ightstgltr ezalien, waithlessens nicht
Duttagercitte lee, B13e'senerannt.
Kebr swieder, Zell, stiesle, ssotitle let woed
ietbstir Drichteelnt ossmttO5",Art.
Biringe wig Milebt, die sieltI ableeeisstt esae.
ietbstir in StiieL olimediscees"pie'
Danntbin islee it-ound die 'Iuelel
hliitlt, I'le' lttlil'o s' "no,'l' it :11"
is i fte tll Iaoleelelisili 1 il.s~litt1i t
prolitO)e itsac tt. \ile1 so lilt'
sertit oerlictii i inll 0-1y t1ttltistit'
f.1 n
Higher IRequiremet IW'anted.
'list' 1itt'lcil ficttlt' in.ts sttill (in


, ' I
-- -
, +, ,
I ' 4 " Aa
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wiles tie juiry' of shoe bueyers ansi itos
oturs.Obysoait'e'vy majitys. Foottveasi
sotuld be loll sellily. 'Tbs'fet canDt
bitandi lalyllicg else. Priees souildl be
low, so as eo he'll She thoe lox 0111150
bousgil. Youi 590111feel our shoe
priceslbui lhey sthimakce you feel
psleased. Theee e oriigrowers
like bosad lsts.w (elite 1 to s eiiel (t
assliyething tatoii ecanes weryoureself,
isleadtiof itie shoe hearitig ytur1foot.
L. GRUNER o Se~. -Alai Sit,

a "ty-lis "iuts

Tibe Illustration snows yDu Dne
of our

Thesusebsc'riptioenprice'ofthce i! iY is .2.5s0 l s"se ecseees ct"t'es t js /~
for ties etlleeyeeee'. stt 'se1 i t~n lteedelivery ill's or lest '1111itt i n th I'e 'egttseeellsil
befr eonease et lsiL.scy . s t's e'es..es itit-
fon.asrtite ttt' itetlt t''iotls~ ' tlttis si. It i" e isole t"l ~ es it ' le ailot Made I in eve'y resi ect
tiosssustlbe liaecltd i it eDic t to teleebe- 's/see
,r ore 6p.et111 omoilet teedtorefre . t eqieelei di" nes' e 5le l/Gie h prc s
., s ofteel li'dayiy il s teestseetsi nteess ees tei''li 1ltiil 'tetiti le ' jehe~ except t ep ie ,w ih r
they are es~~itetio vk1t eis'. (lptit'ti ltil of ess'sis'ie'l ee less''' lst'e
$12.0,e$5.00AND $18.00
'I iei' s ot ul 5(1 ' i'Tl c" l''t el A . I. < sesI(tel' ''ile ie
yt'le'it tidy 1. cll,t-e1ell heglit etit1b ol-hretiitte''' du lIsl e's. ito flewlclit ("-le
155111 lii' clts'it iit'~ile'ts 511lee ro 'iole willt ssikeos . 'it ' sill teer 01
las he pes-lt ea st0it e , '1 y heI1( lt. oble's Star Clothing House,
son1 ferte irie1111)1il .t'llit'i. 'ft'e Football at Princeton. 3PRSNCETONStSACK
eslil ci':1s tits 11599'alpp ciipoll he PRI3NS.ETONan. Sreet
list of ediltrso-will1w len'tiiiitld steIt' 1".is olisl that feesill1 ptesesa It
-we'k ait, tihe eid tcifttli'l t(1111 ts'eiirinto'ei''lullt sebreilelit'sty Shoes ISh+ifle4 F To 'a"0 A ll
99115' iisi1s il e11,de er wo - st''ols. 1111111 of lst i 9c ((' (-
ieosetili ttswl i' tttt. e ls r"'.letiil esiu s S i cis ste 39c0 Sir.t Sal.e!t c .
At th his' tilgosf theIs'RciY Booed li),H45f thihst ltes'. till111nst y' One 'Week Only, October 5th to 11th., Inclusive.
lessit'et'elc 1 00 stiti Ith sts (1(05 cit. fit' isi~se~sl c titll .Colored lBosomis Fancy anditlasin, warranted Dot to fade,
leallD e~(it or s ush' lilstcecll ts11 t11~ iiO't" 11.1 Well th i iliee, st'In te (w1'is
115t111 of st'e fiel (11at two0piserillls stolin.i e's'sofestroiee'isi'tiit, w-iilt'$1.25, $X1.50 anti 51.75 tSIHITS--------------- M
ieussonis the ilti ti sre cictli,111isellleilIt'Wite sev.iloblforfit (till'eey' few.. A fine line of 'While at.d Fancy Bosom Shris all Launtdried
- - ~~weroe,eilils week -'''' -- - 99
ste silsl~eelsteili tltil. ~' i~lsi (.11'. Har to ecue Oues, ~ ,aorrespollding Redution iii~olher 'White Shirits.
ares Ithost' of et'11t'liie sse di n leg '. -
1lii edtos ' foe i ch 'i e ot 5f o e stil' elb lts lec)l,iliti'el or II .lVI's
Isis (int l si'trl l i'i'cllilly ci s' lsf1
os'e of st' e ci< les l' ' i "i ih. It is (te"i ' wf~
ltso 's- s tilltltt'se i'i' isc tithe s sel l ________
isle 'c sties'hlieheseistilig (isle itilets . . .Gents' Furnishers and. Hatters.
dons wetwiterit'euy' le' cletitay iisJ- haeo AA rl~ll""t StsnuA bo .
tirtle editoron el t'e tiardIll' not~I ere'for e Lttol eor lire' e'7_ 44 oath S1 tate St., zA nnA rbor.,
...«"s.t ;hi.r' o l,., fn, 'flier iisiii: lt uchsiss' n1 '.i 1f Cw~in ansd get yotur Shoes Slined Free Every Day- I

pricltSes will 5soelidth lse i euam's, seilli
sedtule sof hours iniths' liesisly,
to the edtorie of die Daidy, lte'ewill lie
asidged't worh in itetcmtlitils.
lienecesseliies Asill le'tilled ssithin si
seeit seeoiew,.sotil licit eariy itllici-
icveealeady littliitelin thirie les
asw caiiisla~hs for thee ib Ioardt, if lilly
deseire tsohbe' conswiered'iias nelidates
forIle' eeefricular tposilitis, seill
iplease' notify litheitor to thaet effeet;
Iohesrewise they ssill be regeirdletd is
seiplieints fete imerely gcm'let ajllSS-
elete edtsorwship.
Masonic students are requested to
meet the cominmttee of the U. of Me.
Masonic Clsib on Friday evening, Oct.
9, at 7:30, in the Masonic' Teinpfle.
The Masonic Club itself ivIll hold a
umeeting on Saturday, Oct. 10, at the
same hour and place.
Subscribe for the Daily.

i'e's's' eet(y shreihless iebeigo te'e slid re-
ftst lee nlisomot o ulll .Aressi. 'This
li_?e't55t it a ediffic'ult maer to ii e's'si's
te l .1r llt'tls nly lllto f oletw55 glllie'.
'Ile ese'ew l'l'ceg'ee'lst ri'ect'lill0
credit fell'thle' ivese siseri'e'shats
gvense'toe 1w50 iiciirllosislt'rtde
lag's Stha see gleeve e feliesieg list-
tices Ass anenouncedsteenheousedsit
will bet gis'en for She couseewh'lic'h
continuetos wthe spring va.sction. Stu-
5111195 ectilig this cousei'this stees-
te cluetakesihe l l nube'r f oures
fsor the ssendl sellster, tlee tsw' housts
given for the vesper course not being
counted. It is desirable diat a wecl
balanced ehsir may be fornied in or-
der that the vesper services may le
continued and neade mIore interesting
and instructive, The class will meed
in RtoonmC, old chapel, Thursday nt 3
p. in, Sopranos and tenors are needed
to balance the chsrus,
To Rent-Suite of rooms, furnace
heat, light. 23 'Williamn st. I

Chauncey M. Dpw--------------Oct. 10
LelandT.Pwr----------------Nov. 3G
Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra--------Dec. 11
Charles A. Dana----------------------------------- Jan. 21
Ex-President Hrio-------------Feb. 1,
Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicagyo Ainmeli Nuniber)-----Feb. 12
Imperial Quartet-------------------------------- March 12,
Oratorical Cnet--------------March19'
Lucus~rryhils---------------------April 2
John Kendrick Bangs---.------------------------ April 13"
DepewrNumber :$1.00
Harrison Numsber 1.00
Oratorical Contezst u25
TICKETS NOW ON SALE-Reserved ticeess us sale Thursday, Oct. th, at lmrr'e-
dreg store, Stats street, and WI~ahr's bosh store, Min~u street.
JAMES H. PRIUITT, Corresponding Seeretary.

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