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October 08, 1896 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-08

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Finest Line of en's Suits and vercoats
in this city. We are imimensely proud of .
OUR OVERCOATS AT $3000, $25.00, $22.00, $2.00, $18.00 AND $15.00 AND SUITS AT $20,00 $1800, $16,00 $1500 AND3 $13.50
Every one of these garmlents is especially nmade for our Fine Trade in the very bestnannr, timmings accoring to our owns
instructions anil styles after the lleinsll- of the uost fasionable tailors of Nwv York. Jut 1lrmit uts to show you through our
stock. We can and will please yon.
Time Table (tevied t . ",it 8l8.t
Mail ad Exs.-.1d47 N. Y. Speial 7,5 -
N. Y. Speial--41s Maile-------84
Easters Ex- is 10 11, . S. Lieitdl q 5~
Atlantic Fe a 0Pacific E 1 elThere is loitini 11more imlpotnt 1 inly ig illl)lie than Ia(oo 1 011n1an Pn. The (co. S. Par-
D.N Expe _5 10 westenEx----r-s heriFoutain Penl ihe pef et iofwi-sling insnents They tl(e1warranted y tie Pal-ler Pet Co.,
0. 0 FeeeGeii55Cli. M Fe esiif'lXWi .ldoins111150tructl th1111 tiiillag ienteogiaraltee theintto give efct satisfation, os
. . & I Ag, ela. Act.AceA ef.unid money. Dont liiyxaIPon unet1i you setlistnews Prkehoota upper11n(1 lowesr feed. We cant
G.___._&_T.__________hcago_____t._____________ fit your h1and1( 71111 poket ook a1s wel.
~~~~~ ~~~OFFICE HOURS: 7 TO 9 P. M. ,4 .U io ty ve
_K 3 ~ Pocket - Knives - and - Scissors ! Groceries,-: Provisions
anti sallits of Saitariuml
RAILROAD. We have just received as nuwtsso15rtmlent of Pocket Kstvsoasitihoods for satti by ^
Tiu atebl1,,ae. rt, Ihs. Scissors wiich ar eiligat til pl'ailtr price of 25 cests earl. St imiiior & Co.,
rr15OUT, 5011vrs.- 1-.. 7 . Washington. I 5](S. Stc'T I H.
at 11111ein it e, in .-* 7 -5-'--'l.i ~ Co. t A e
'5 t utuy ily etieci Tottedoo atd CHtie- Ijctlty Annoliict1Ce11iiilS. i ttt'eiP itapita st , 5,000 S c pta g,150,000
________11.-ttt h1all t L ttlsddy tic lt pceieeeti1,0000
_ialyslepers tetwecent Tedeail O tsezeudciethe~eea la kig Lawa
uierryD patm n, t1_2I1it.wi R o(tif aTthis State Rtcicteccdposis, bys ad
U.:tty ecetp Scdaiy Ite vOS i-eitti lOrl nt dIl at.et t. I e i -tic ei the let sipet etie f tha
F:.So5, )ll Eli, Agent SAN SKRI5T: lsr. SWai t5 lit t iIei (i u ot iliIii Iccilned 51 ieee Drafteced upon prper
W. 11 liisaeTT 0G. PA.'Tetoleo0. lrlT1.1:15 - heii'ici i-it < <Onr - ia lt iioSite e tey deostit buxes t entl.
RooW_______________________ llitihe, att. 10 slid 1 a. I_.on c tO. Ocuii'ci Cuec- ti icite ti e is.; W. .
5, , a d 8fo Ict -isut 0oi p rlti Inlstall rilslt fee tt or li-te t t rutor iii ce-Pr-es.l titte E. lisccl5
AN7RB R& P IAN ISTtYtLA i S I i ttci dcr g t , larrnI'i itti.te r i.InteCshlie. -tinter 5'-cstaeliiCaciiel.
Tme Tbleay 1718e96 i-Dti.stlixIntiwilclit Ii n st-i t tt M-tiit-i n ootsFIRST NATIONAL BAK Def Aizi etiti
LeaveYpsilnti ro~onressst~ 830, 800 flld hnt i I~ooit 70 TCI.pits'1 ),100, 000pitaeptIe.0a. duPlus laPr $40,0000
ad 1100a. cm.; 245,2t':00 :5, :dt, dilyof Dttt DlIt l ' 1t o itlstils Stilt Ttacnscetir generatl baking bsiea.
Leave Ac Abe Junction,7:(l, 80 ad ttIII liKW A.: Y N A-, ls) ni\, A l_ ' M tllet\siC,1- lt eLette f ce(Wt.
11:30 aem.; 1:15, 235, l:00,5:J0 7.15, 9:00 ad (0101-X: ilrit. Crag', i ol elti to litt~si ll' St gi ili."t I i s li i i ,IINS Pes, AI StOCF SOLE,
SUONDAY TalE. lilstIltit otlo 5 iin 551c15.jeci -(s 1t i i ils I I li Ih Ur~ruti11 C1AAlStN,Casite.
Leave 4 ti freat Ceseeai.1t50, (let. 20. Stutldielts i1i s li oaei ll y Ito tr i g a d o
p.0 :0 n : ,m. lier '-'islro e tt-tel Tio.-.Laet
LesaeAnn Aeltre Jacle, :0, 4W50, :5, I tiSOll W 1ro. I tc et ~eiI"" i it c:u '; Ii iii;:tic asid l i. 5-e d
700ad 9:30 p n
Crserunconecity tiente Pare:sigleeeript5 Ro titte, '. If., tromit12 to 12-l : le t ie eaiclhiti- Nto i, I -ic i nd ue i i;i ticwete. i-stulessf
cents; eoand tip tistkets2at s.1 cx rcceett-ec l IP14 " erwt
M. F. PAReKE, 5pt ily, tior llilislltill lilt Sttlc tii t sssit iit i 1-its' ti itell t. i, ' i tc iile u t e ys a td orelieeed.
ing to leltourst 27; titlst ito l t tt tii tl lii~'ith c -i -x l u rri t li-i- ur: s Cy iii saca. t stt O.SStat
THE KIHDERGARBEH BU TLARD HALL leaf. Oflteto. ttteonofthelnaii' ti ,oti1 a tt-i ti t ;- I: ,
I1IL~gi liii YTICtT BROKES s L Dxot \i-It betituii-ituI. atLovY"i, s Chcocolates.
RAIRADTCETBOKR 10 .tsi, oil 5t(l::dlil: tcdetsditc s l li tiilille.itl-s -i01
MONEY TO LA N5ESNL ti -utss it-taitil-i sa t ~ttlt ~i tt: Hot LuncheS.
PROPEatTY, Proif. 15-ti Liu llt vst- i Ii, c lee,57 c1:1 2 enti-ti rti t uit-i-ti Ioneit
Wheoleeale Cigars, Tobaccos aned '2it.fa.ti -2tot:5)itr.fte(ile'2 st ltsT.L'S4
t'tlsullltiiirtltti vi'to stor niiAmier- s iloofI h]PlttĀ°ii lilt, f S~ate St.s
Cigarettes. dl itif suitt[ of istoris f y 1Irc: i oR -N 'C L ,I
Cor. Main aid Liberty Sts . nIatr.AS'11,0x0;11lY: Prtotessr Lull iwill Ci stleent oif OI nls iseIyI erP Z'OC AF1X.pH T
lst IReceicved a age oacnd leat Ib in ttootsi_2, U. i, ti-si 2 t;o i . usit i titeh i t- t c it~sl i scot!et i,
Li~neof0.. Pipes tii! s-il,5 , lt. rtoeelas. Ieriiicsil l acituR ANDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHERhus.Aet Fias
for Ilcylee's autO 5ilt~ri anud lorncit s 'e Oltl\1 N: 'P hsitt' Courlt s'0111'12,5 ii, Wasb1ingtOet Bock,
Cocclate HoBn leteGeremsaisniiIto ltisi ineis'l-l Slitlilt OICAll~L ECO~NOMY.I Y:lieftsor Ante Arbor.
R. E. w.1.Y & CO,.atO Wi'ednet-os cat 4-t Illt,15-te ' Ici s oliis ll' ltlicsultdiii Itoloitt9.
20S State St,lageeBlock. All etilr te:~ 111-ii lrtlot df r . Vss eltllt altCtry- ltlO-rlilel11 i 2 I
I I ltit Se-ten. Ellis Opee. ex erLit ('tee :r 1 i-ttlu ts lit'' 11otclok. I
eeug'eoac d sat. le~polt -ill bli e n by0ii M11 Dick- i,lnct ii't tlittor llIt ie-siroy lu iel
l ppe.eetmen tefleetr. iao. suil
Mpyn adddSt1ce.L-de' hufc f e. e eeIoole24lewirit ll b e 4h0ld71ea sli' owIs: t2 -211ct"Id
te e li e eF e ecM.S H A N d A t L ORing dse c e , a t il( iu r s 1 l e 1st i l o l l i C ic a i c e l te i r o e ll 4 t I (I A .t 1 l o r ciA- I 9 N I , ; 7 fE
staisesJ0.1 feTrjaaewci, 30 5. State t. lrwtul. Te le ~kel orr-____ ____
0 MMIITN, asenl leeece ticS20 rteaieebtseeiSinehdANNUAL. CON N TION BI O'tHI- __________________
Cioffis. Embaming a Specialty. N. 17 Pbs. aotlWednilelre sdeilioyi4.Tal- URGOi S. NDA., ,PiA5-I oo oltfo1te 1tia.ea).ll
Futh ave, panltMull, oe ani aftr Wdesly ~~s t. OT 4ti excursion i Ann Arbor R.I. irt
Oct. 74l. Hereafter stedrets dir- Agent f Ohio Cetal Linesawsill week in October. Time of trans,
TO RENT-One parlor suite, very ing cosltationb siill fid Profeseor secl ticiketa at ne fare for rotnd trip round trip rates, limit of tickets ad
large furnace heat, light cod bath, Weley at Ro0:11 4 Tappanl Iall, on October 12, 13 and 14, good returening poits to which they will be sold wil
at $3.50. 20 S. Ingalls st. Mondys and Wednedays lt 3 p. mn.. until October 20. 101 be announced oon. 9

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