Oijc Ut. or Alt. waup.
Vol,. VII. No. 7.
W lj..,1: o OPENING PROGRAM 'TONIGHT the latter. collateral reading aaIeaaa WRITES IT UP IN GERMAN.
set suabjects atvIticht will tte aagn 0.ie
rr i Of the Fifth Series of School of 00111 fotrm011impor~ttttataU of tihe Student Life at the U niversity of
aff r l adi g u1Cwork. T111(00 ~ts ~Oare to 1it. writ-
L a i g MscFaculty Concerts fen Uitptt inte farotoftessoasati Milchigan.
.AND I1 T R 'itotettt ttora1 atIit if !nded In.at 11theandof thalto rstor. 'ta lorNtttc aalooli
a of t'ttt0tconcrsO vg ent by tIottat me - t lee ttrrtatr. eratitatto- Ilota roettt tie,
it tt SSIS PCAT.h1of 0 t'efactlty of theo Sctool of tcontaints a. Voryilltoretnoti accouatt of
_____________e__.Ba AN--il eh e tldltottit t F rieze' ot.j l o tlttiit 10 ltt t satd ti'lift' in th' I to1ilolStitos.
-O2E'WAS1IONU ST' NEAR MAIN. ptta'ttot ril b i. venot-othtt' on- (o t tttthemebrsof tttIhe t-latos. l i tt tt tti-taoil.o
1 4s+ s d h llataofatsries «will betegiven ol f Daily Board Moats. Ifoat ie'. paaa-eaa .Ottlenttotandaot
S O - I Tatl.19 ttttl Feb. v --i ftilo"0t111i 11111I~ir -lo d rottaatea.01, eertre o, tht 'Iw' it E l'
W ill hoe pure -ad Itreshlt II a e. a aiaa's o Itra-alti a storl- for tteatear tot a haloli1(0o1m0 ()1 yes- sest' o .0tt tateent a at('1rlof oat
and thae paices will Itoe oo: tcad 'A - ttott~ta. It is-Iofota i ti 611cI tta eita. I'tree t ttiatgso attn to
S right at our store. We ,
wo lSie t lo o tt'ie tttr Pitato tli Vitao t~' ltoliit (('a' tha altai't' ar- E dtt'ply' itttlt'p t t d 1ia attiad. ot'-
our stock of Coambs, (altatl-oltrdaolSo-1itatt. ' iru:Eufnsfnteo;;nztolo l-t h uoez otot fhm
B olth s, Snaps, et.'t. i.It lf-t't110 'tlotlttal-tlitt itaTo.it-,ttfit',-aa-oit'aa ltttta f t.t
Youar aaoaey hark if I leallt A. No-tatztitt 1 o.:-tl ao b loot m of tte lasitla at-if or ite trienatto 1 «ham-htott ritea-v.
yo're not satisfiod. a . . S-tta-- t--'lltl ' I 100. -a alot ttuc~t 13114Y oti - t-ot-Otl na i t eti c>,io- riaatt
46 5. STATE ST. "11 seo.17. ..R ;hun n ,i
fi' 11 .aaite t ' o t':. 9 u .I l. lit vih agotoo- o itto sy - r ol.iat-
t ' Ito'mate a-i-t-ntatae Loaei.o iin
Not hecauase yttaa are afraid o oft'lt't Ntait IIo'I-attitt talo'tttl01aoot -I' -ol ttt'U ittis«btata. o o'ooa
that'Buall Dotg, tut siamply to OtrIindt I tt a olyyti..... aa. oa.811 ' .. lt at Ott '00 1 talI;Ic-oat-- - hs e p r et h tsh
gott a joair of thaoseo(It ot(';ttor t 00 l'cl0 0t l, To'e Da ily. 4a1 l tat1o-ol at itt. ot 1(01 llatoa lat laotI=it-oooo a tyN
Bull Dog Toe Shoes CirsIt.... o- - -'Oil.asd!dR.C.t,1-atol.'7llooothre at a eotlzl-il-
t-an a 10 1 t illtlo0 .- tto' 1(10 fool' icus at \ottl al a a 1tattlo too' Ollplo l t Io laat-
JA O S&ALLMANWS1 No Arrangeaaaent Made. u al ftl pffid'ly1ldtente t o at.O
_______tt 110 00 tl al i -ll'-'O tt a 1 ao' I
Ia_11 al alt he?1( (11' 0(011 00-tao t ll it I to-I o ooaa tatoat a-otale h'dito 'olltl (t I b til.t,"lo'ean tiat
Thteaast haiglo repultationa of thaas ttd11<n- Enau p g
_____________ - Eaaaflahdxaaghbutte die V erpfirchtaaa
house maeans good goods at 10011ea t1111s1.on-ttlottotiot tt!. On His Way to Attn Arhor.
0010 prices.
3zrowns Drug Store.
It costs yeauanothingl. Itonoat toglect at.
toraner of MlaintanaadIluronoato.
OASoft Co alItnel tCoal
K anad Coke. Ortho of
Office: 11 WY.\Washaingtoaaat. 'Phaone Na. 5-
Yardalt tM. C. R. I.'Phtone 97t.
Special attetion .1(11 tatbetaaiaaeco. Foo
particalars cal at
27 Thompson Street.
We invite every studeant to visit
our stores. We have a large saapply
of second hand Utiversity Text
Books for all thae departments.
Law aand Medical Books. German
and lFrenachaClassics.
We sell thae host student Note
Books 20 cents each.
The host Lineaa Paper 20 ceants per
We huy and exchaange second
hand hooks.
Agents for tlhe Waterman Foun-
tain Pen.
Mathematical Instruments and
Drafting Supplies a specialty.
The hest prices to everyhody.
Give us a trial
Up Town Doawn Town
2S.State at. Opposite Cort liause
Ann Arboar. Mainat s.
1111i aaaa--a at ttol'l of 1111ttt lt) otlat'
(tt' Ifota teaaiaaaaa' ofthe ; itt' i;
at-ioo 1001fool toall -I1anaaaioiaaipathaoist11.
Six oa'titO oft 1alto I 0 i latool Aatta
to bteoo tat- aaaaola-a ala-th aalstoataoitot
Ilboat. Attot ten la-al oolsoat-'- '-oralto-
lblola- latl1a daariang t1 101 oaaaaaa-a-bt
it at-ta o ftaaaaaliattltosoilel' tt tat tao
alltia' tboAvera fomta 1111ltlt At.(It-lalli.
tea o,''roal healit- t-ata aoao Ill lilt'
fall. Boret'over,. aa'l-a.itt .Oo-oaalto-a-.r
tiaa'oo'ot-latlo thdi ooset'hat-a' lttal-
k"''0 aat.and -were aa-ly lao balk laaaai-
atl tt' sltrillohaf1111(1 b-hal "(.hodl alto
alre~ady-a Ia'tllg(-a, tliniati-itiaaoa*laia-
tatle o10Io1germ1a00-toit dtlt't-l ll-'atinia
foolmatll ilri~tataa'alalttas atno t'eentcar
ria'tl inalta'ttfet.
Work in Politioal Philosophy.
1Iool. I'itotaatla--o JB. DIolta taatas0tot
data tope h .l.'A.ia lit' ta a' I 1.' ta ,1
ittal , flttit"t t tt' a'o'la'loait t i lilt'
il oatota Id 11-l; 11" at ol Itro tatalill.to A 11att
'tilt-o-. . e lt-aloa--.hel. atole toll(-a
alap 'at-ill lao ii aI[ athee aio oat hthlel
tIt aga'I I l (('a ill Ditt I. 'i, no
tta'lt'tlg llt h 'ulI", ItI I.,ltan0t i tt'l F it
Ito' t1eAill larat-Mll rllo rlaroftt(n
lot Oll(titatl atit1a1 oiCta-("Illt ltoalof
He froailgl.-al'iia-10lai~ l t Ar-osal'oI
toato 'o g't'il ta (('1 toattp Ir,It- . 'ltrat
t~i'tt tittt atila- atattt tti tt1oln t of t
'(al-aaattry' aea Lst-atolotors . D I It
k .0 Ittltl l (m-ollha m11 (1 11:tt ttia 'nattaf
Y'l(l(1 '0 Isaat a t s - alltala ti lot (11 lhio
oorlttuiata oftat111 11 11111
New Editor for '99 Oraclo.
(tll~iatg 'aitaa t wlit''9h~ tas ee la' 111(
einalah l ieider ansztfiilareaa."
Butaill(-o' ittaithe tt'ketsito 1etxpret'aahii
whatnihe('1-0a ~st heaoiiona-thtat tahle
favoredtt'OM 0( 11111t w t-ao t-1eltoattoboi--
Iawrln (tt.'.jt~ialatdestha tat'l e so t
say.aal l oilt he 'tataia t to atotilet'
.lidbarht'altjo'u andtt(tao-a-. a
iasat a wtala-tll'-'d ll olaatttld 11
it'all10( (101 altn e Wlt- la a 110ta taiithera
Itao a-aa liaaaol tia'tcondtmaotion. Ot f it
cou1rse.tl (tilol-:ina.tohtathel-e" - 01 (-t
datat amltl- 'la. oSI -i tt'ofa'atht
vl ofta rata-li a titoilasta. tn y sti
Ifis beoaig Itouseatlite a' t,atl llr--
('1111y-1 alea-tsalt oia(,.Ills atatataral
(t:1, ittortosal a ottll itlt..' lmg-hlt.l
1(0 itntaplaleo f 'talstlolti). tloaI
attm t a tebrala-aootae tite lit-a-,s of italtt
otheors. tiara'is a ot O11 of la;livl
Irielalleloly, to stintg by one of thteso'
saddenod sobl:
(Continued on second Page.),
Praofesora-Lloyt' lo asstaitin oli-dal taill Ittttniti~atlt taket'111 itttotkI
plilosoll III(,ttyeat''ll'tterlyafkll'~ott talteroit ta''.left: twhtnat r. Sitat re-
1011( ill tlcnoraln't thlithe'lla' ttltltl- a0tt 1. cT-nottite ts re' (til'rt-l for
1(00110 tisht, tltn 1(1'tim as is llntga'l 1 to tttiltttiont.out' ott$0)fora teiab'st
Itoantiays andtdn'(esdttatys atio itckrolltega'stat-y- be'twen't1,200 t andti1.x11(1
;atsteatd of W'(Vt'dttays anti triday-s. wttrdt; In lettb; teothetr'of $--tao
C'onseqauently tile first leotoare'will tnt to' tbest ihumttaoosl tltig illatirtal-
occur util nettMondlay. Thte work lugto llege lift'. iThta' otribautions
atts -eahi'Nov'entber 1.
awill fake tte faomatflactuatesand101 11- ustbin y
russians, wvitht spocial eautdasis upota Delivery Free Today.