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November 14, 1896 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-14

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Black tiell Underwear, Ypsilanti Union Suits for eti
Ours is the best stock of Underwear in Ann Arbor. Call and examine before buying. 28 and 30 South Main St.
Time Table (evised) Spt. 27, 189. 4BENT-POINT COLLARS WEAR B TONEJNIGT iONLY
Alail aid Ex----3 4;NY Special 7s3 : YOU CAN GET"FLEXIBLE FOLD IEOESAY®O.08
N. Y. Speial---- 47a mail 8 43 ( 0sBENT- POINT ONLY FeS ata sale fot daNov tU.t
Easte a En__- AM0 . S.Limid..95+ii : Fpresa olice fo. Ibsece al eeagmeat
Atlatic Ex-__7 3 Pacific E..... 121U NTEA-7 7
O.N.Expess--- S41 Western EFx ._i__ *175
GR. Epris .ii 5 Ci. NbE___10 *®77 9' MR. RICHARD MANSFELD
0. W. Ruioc.S, H . W H 5 es, . 7f 0Ne- ork alick Tete tort (o,
. P. &'. At., Chicago. At A Arbor ®* t.JJ ® rtingtene ouill cmeybyH
I~r- . 0 7 7PATET. ~ Castle $ om1ra5
____________ .. 7 -Prices-$150, $125, $2.00 and 75c.
} -;.. ®' * HRRAsI' AneArbor it lat ht-a ine .
Reslttaurnt andbtiuncbtlootr
Tm'raiLOAD i196 IKNSST;ON TiHE MARK 0- '; i The Portand Oafs
NTHrUTaH 15. :KT 1 AGUA66EE bSMioSretAyti ii ieao
sJontvm 7SOaCn a . U R N EE 11 °~ Ias h fiaerCble Boadit-l y, a:p
*1130a.m. 11,alarnm__ . - prwek c i t lo . al 2 c 04. DAt
4:30 . m 852 m. ANDNGsc Y. Dotfoit iet A set-
p" ialy of vody Ditoerrs. 12:30 to 2:o0 v"M
*Ruti beweenoAm Arbor atd Toledo oly.
All trinls dily eattlpt Snday. iiLCYfCIFO i 1f~D D~ cv
E. S. GILMORE, Agt Siptoo liFiCro. t:oo tirieGEO . X90. S 'IIIFoInIiIuIU'I
W. H. BENNETT . P. A. Toledo 0.O i. 'hI1Tnr,
_____WI ll l7t-wi,: go re to the Bicyle. A pertect c anowatrranotel by the Prbe
Pe opnJnvle i.of o ~ IS.1.Time Tsble, May 1.1896 I. oisjtoilWo J. C. FREUD, '99. 47 S. University Ave. C I O O IT
Leave Ypslat from Cos ggress st., :30, 8:0 fJcsn ihhsoe la fiea
asdi11:00a. m.; 12:4,2:(), ::30,:00, :4, :301) No. 81 S. Main St.. et door to Times.
asd 1011p. m. /I - - esoffice,werhe0prorotoratllct
Leave An Arbor Justion, 7:00,8:0 aid)T ubeshiiee h i sietiicmpepreertor.uratAllaleoo
1:30 a. I.: 1:1, 2:30, 4:00, :30 :1,09:00andT ry . IIiiala saaliit itor l Pera.
10:4 p" m. J eosoetirly panless. Dr. iffod comes
SUNDAY TIME, We have a very fine line of Perfumes which here ily recomendd, by te members
Leave Ypslati from Cogess st., 1:30t,3:3l0,Iwilb glad t h w y u of the medical profession of attsoo,City
5100, 6:30 and 9:00 p. mn. we wilb ostw 3 *oiciloi-tc. Pices resoable. Costlta.
Leave Ass Arbor Jasctio, 2:0, 4:0,5:30, 4Mnadetoo to re.Ofc hus .
7:00 and 9:3p. m.N l toe 1 .Wasington. snisto ie.Cb -hoe,8a
Cars rosesn city time are single trip 1,L.'rL1Q.Sore Cor 4th Ae. ml. to 8 p.m.
cents; roond trip tictets 25 cents MummerIi1Lt7ys f'__________________
WM. F.P Anno, Spi ________________________________
English College Women. Rc::o:::::s lt::: :11boc:-lcuel by :01- n if p, .I h n
THE KINDERGARDEN BLIAHD HALL 0t:::crvilleiH::ll. Oafamnl
, o: 1nt':fomn:: i t llo Hallg. :1OxC San nfoorordceo
II 99w, ,5the: w::llc I of IEnglntd:lrebI:Capital ,00. Srlso 10000.Tnsacta
RALODTIKTBOKR:rde. 1 gneral bakig bsiess.
1'i tol 0c/n llt i plach1:: es ill ::lti:1- I)R.K lE , PicsaC EF Uscooc eVice Ples.
Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos ad ai n l n1:1 ts::. 1Upoll1the 11719 l::l:enldl:: W 1N ED-I rv~l tin nd -01101:8 7ye - j FED, HllinSE 0 Casiri
Cigarettes. 11111::fl _ee:l-g. Iliesi °':l~: 117 :1I]t t. Fifthl :1111111. A f tI TEPO O R H R
Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. 015 a:VcWashington: :t: b- : 1: 2 lo ~lo~lo.Block,
AnnD Arbor.
hte L 4L.A.R h oarsh1 1ip~ts ::13 -le y thI ll: ,0I1-lsi 10he fSDily. U . rooms. All apoioltetef ist cls.
m ported ad domsti: cias inLdies arti-
:1:111 Shoiol of lt:ci i si: and111 Polii l 0 iubscrib foilthe Daily. tic hair desig :nd tbatin prlors, Sil
stairs. .J. R. Trojnowsli, 30. Stt t.
IV 11hIa^.J1 OTeac ers O C 1( y 11!MMAR TIN, FPoeail liecto, Cloth
P R I N T R fy Yl // v ad1Mtollic Casets and ine Grad
pto :datcio it b:: iis o thoso:1 Wide asoil vitot.i itrot Iaof it I ibs Consorthave bligaSeaty No17 .
ii iua l I: i ist, ciis ll tIl s~i te: us1 it::: t aci: in 1:ho c s Iiou_______________________of_______
cdacmct i their pofcs ii aecordiallyivitdlto ll and see us
Roomi 1 and 2. - AnliAbor Mc.b
O'Keefe High Grade Fountain Penu. New Link Cuffs.
SUPPLIES If canoit obtainia t yuir ok aoer to -UNLIKE ALL OTHERS IN
FOOTBALLS PLISi itroiducc Pnin yo-arschlool, o:10 eccipt oc n (
c:ah it oltrd-r. swe::illsi-il by rsistr Construction and I NTO,
Eveytingc for te pliyre Jacktist, ::il one Pencnat '.0) pci trt. discoitt.
Shesctckin esedys, o Sbi~inativro-, it~Clbs f fnits a 3 prccrt. :disont. Combination of Parts PATENT AP'PLIED FOR.
Foot Baill, official ly icopted by thIbitti- Clbso of ea at 30 prcctbi. diouoont.
ollegiat Assoiation. tomplel tQia- EeyPart Nwan ovl
LogucPhloind Witer Spoto fr,. -'Te No. 2 No. 3 No 4'ov l
Namo thecGuarante:vr'~e n ~ ( Y E s
A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Prc---$25,$.0$35 Copeeadrctal THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER,
Newe York, Chicago, Phladerlphia, Call at ofice of your College piier aid see illutrationu of Pen, adJWLR
opiios reatie t Sant.AddessCan furnish yowitt a istclassiontan
Upln~n51Elal reativ tosame AddessPen. Fit. and in.rpaio a specialty
Advertise in THE DAILY. 1 WILLIAM H. O'KEEFE, 60 Main St., Lockport, N. Y.( --GIVE Iimf A CALL,
Students buy the Best Fountain Pen in the market. Every one Guaranteed.
STUDEN S BOOKCrRE noldb fine St liofer for polie coresondenc. Best linen papers
ST D N S BOOKSTOR soldby the polid. Calling Cods Fnraed

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