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November 14, 1896 - Image 4

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-14

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S Hot Coffee Hot Chocolate
SHot Malted Milk
Beef Houllion Beef aod Celery
*Tomato Bouillilon Hot Clam Brotl
H iot Oyster Juice blot Ginger
10 Hot Lemono
VHot Egg Phosphate Hot Lemonad
* Hot Egg Lemooade
V Hot Lime Juice Flip
V Hot Clam Joice Cocktail
*Hot Tea.
Be Sure


opu're Right
'in Footwear.
There'a lots of teicko ie the trode
they're practiced more than you t
but not here.
This store makes you sore you're
Thia store guarastees yea a sale in
mentalf every do]lare you pat ino
weasell. It is agoodi Shoe Storec,f
road Shoes at prices way doswn.
(load Robbers too, if yoa woot thei

W. c. Rein har(
42 S. Main Street.
Chocolates and Bon BC
t~lypiacerin city whlere youoeancellt
-A LsLo .,C.Kuhn's Detroit_
Confectionery anld Rochester
Candy Works.
Chsocolates aii on30F
Anrton Teufel
trunks, Valises, Dress SuitC
F'ra'ks and Valises Rleaired Neatly
Cheaply. No 515,.anst.
"Your Tailor!
HIave you seen tlhiseo nc
omits Milward is tulrninw
1[ILWARD 40 State St.
Itti I eneraily cosceded that a strIngs
utromnet is almost an ahbslutesnecessit
-cure the greatest enjoym eat teas
gsurchase set the het your h+oney willa
Vxpert judgment pronoanesi the
matte" instruments the finest in the
An excelrnt instrument is t
We hare in snoch cheaner b
athou thiobut for a suhstantial. s
able intrument, at a low prc
other iutrument manufactures
1compare with it,
Senas for illustrated catalogue,
453-463 Wasington StresetSBoe

4Ann Arbor's Music Co.'s Program K QALam
aylon Coal Is THE BEST
T O A Y All grades of hard and soft toal.
T OIDA Y.Cameloal adCoe.h
Aina Arbor Mtsie compays pro- Vilinl solo-Op. 3, (hunt d ril- X. STABBLER,
jgrain fr Sturdaiy at 3 p,. m.: temlps..........saret Tlephone N. S. One door East of Amas-
Trovatore ..............Verdi Aler Loo. can House
h ,voal-elected .......r. Sheldon Ripalisllo..............Verdi PTOIEHLE'LVR
Fuea ac .......Choinll Accompnlpiss, Misses Dsis andPARNZ LIV Y
Cornet solo .... Itollinson R al. and get the bet service.
to a Waler C(eo. Free conIcrt es-ry Saturday ait
Ruinianina 'udlenti I 10(le ticeloal c~ce Office and Stable, 32 Forest
_____________________________________ Ave. Telephone 106.
ov~ooooocecccY~o Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy
Wewlsa nrcipt
.f on . ais AIIeM
+ a~yadreotsp . i es; ; THE ANNARBOR SAINGS ANK
eryua, o a. Capital Stock, $000 Surplus, 810,00.
. SURBRUG. 158q" FresOL~ e usilmi Iesources, otpadCtlosuc eore, ,0,W
e!Ssss,eYak. organied underthe Generl Banking Laws
~, ~V Iof thin Stat. Receives deposits, hys and
~fl.Ly IM~~~' dVVISelsecane.onratsahedncpcubsof the
______ L '~ United States. Drafts cashed upon proper
00 - 'identficatin. Safety deposit baes to rent.
0 Oresenn: Cristian lZchPes.; W. D.
® - ~ aca"oomo oo~~",e ma~oo4.. ao IHarriman Vice-Pes.; Chas E. Iiscoc,
Cashier 5M. J. Friz A ssistant Cashier.
apital, 810,000. Surplusa and Prefits, 40,000
TS. Foreign echang ought andaold. Furnish
A TE R SVice Pes.
S iPP R I _S F.'. (ie, the Sate Sreeti Tallr. Lates
an U~Styles. Bie's(ods Inside Prices. We do
e andevery thi'in ioer lia. Cleanig, pressing
tink, -j--S E W nd repGIn at lmes a prices conitet with
god work.tods ciledfar and deliered
rih.G1i 5) 57 ~ jj~ We seek to plass. 20 S. State Street(ie
right. Ius anal
shen s 15 South Main Street. Lowney's Chocolates.
ll of Hot_______________Lunches.___________________________
a. Church Servces. 11:to .1 II 1111 ciii. sill I ii ofHotlLunches
~ apileli lillilli~l Ilit.,5 . 111111 chooll ; ::1 ). 111~1 1II1... T 'U TTL:E ' 5 S tt t
nl semo subject."A:_Rc_______l
Sevuice';11:43. Sunday iseol adCA1. K:7:M1 p. Ill.. weer'cofioclli lC. itof L W BO01
-Biibbi (lasse: 10:130 p. nt.. meetlingp of 'e lililul, '"1h1' Pow c' Iodo LA W BOO
Sealt.tire..All ie lolls 1113O ilitd. Buy all you cana afford for
th) '.P5 SC I;.et "e; .oil p, amIEnsol~ililt. iis .I'iici 1 . ~ ; present and future ese at or
1Presbyterialla urll 1:30 t. Il asor 9]' a ll.,class iel'iii1:3 il ow es~at Prices !
( " e osedlu gariie't"; 12 III_1. i''lli by ilr 5 1" 1p1:111: sW e shall be h re for a few
;hem. versify (lass''Pie Siedy iof Ilimb -" nl, S . s:li,iol: (.: 1 p 11, days oly.. .. ...
'1 diala-or:.;031p. Il. ''lhiist and ~illilili(liil.l'i'' l i ccue I I Ililllh. 1AllinCall aghan & C .
on.At tomorrow',lis siie' of lire; U. OF M. CALENDAR. At Scheede's, 50 South State St.
STS. , u Vonp 3111s Funiv > hny Clbe';;i 'lii Sturday. Nov.11, Atld'; i;' 'iTSl , CHAFING DISH ES,
1.D l' 'i ilP''~lay fior e'laueil l o,--a h ogeainlcnc ir. i. 31l iiau 0's. OIli'li. TABLE KETTLES.
'.Aacse;lihis;.' lv boi~lioe'l Thiellipolst gsiol ll ici lssne'auist Aladomeline and
p ' ~ l N'. . Poel ill inlollWac, !o irtlie'l'5boeo ellnttesleaind rii-;;ii' NLD
ases solo, "'11h'e;SteKiigdomi." blyi ishll wre;'ti;'iei';, se oftiloe;;s W .ANLD Ef NGJWLR
('oipl'1'pi t;lll c ch -;'i 10:501 . .. Ille still vcantt._______________________________
' aind mol~rniig srhip;; ih' pasor swill1111 _(i' FREDERICK J. SORHLEEDE
I~'es'i lini''l1'aeiueo.5;;q( ii BOt 1l11il Fl 1-000D' TABLE',5 1 ; ii. UNIVERSITY OOK BINDERY.
tiide'i111:i:' 1) i S~ili' ii e;I' ., s.. 1 ~,.1, Bitods Pilate frmi25 centsisupwards.
In iiul - I.. .1... 51cho l:,,l Di-nnr a ... ,Lies15an1111, 'll; .i yell Sts Solid old Fuasa ;Pes fr Slat. iand
p. Il. . I. S. ('. 1E.: 7::lI.0ii., Yongp 47 . 1 1iel'i5ilV .1ye. I 111 ite'1i01' ol, 1 haof Lien laler for 50cets.
obby Mii's suidiy ivEeinlub, l sl ailj;'oI: lintiltnl reqti; ste. 29 50 S. STATE ST.
Out.'( lark. ourMin.- 11 re el 'Ike1L1\ PCI TA 'll'Te1 iel'itV S;'-llol;l o(I t1(il IMU SIC' STUIDIIIO.
iiit;;l' l i'il'. lilllhi In'. iwill ie ie seon1111poram palrtISaSt PIANO AND COMPOSITION
Monngpi ce ~rmn ylc. l rdily-eeiinip-Nil. 11. ll il'by t1111
I Tdrlaind oi Lost;e 1'aradises''': 12 111. Ialin.or(ielleello. sinle pI' diisso 1R.H.llP
-. )f tillc'ils tiui'tl h' Ies31 '11 a1cue'u1. l'iFr iSealttgart tlllerntory, (ermany.
('lieset 7:30 ip. Ii.. eing 'l vi ce 11, 25DVSINT
aiddre's'sbll'Prof ul. 1 iiieai. Tiswas (Lot -Diaiionti lusii' sick pinotu.11 IVSIN T
IO ,,1 Plo.Ilulsolale owas unabe1111etrlilil will reel', ivewrd by Navilnpsa e IGroceies, -:1rovisions
tyi- T o i 'uiiit l ul.3 oi~'e.anti all kinds of Sahitriums
a the ChuchlIIIC('itie l, . uivreitiy is; 20 S. Inialls s.-O111'snlpe roii Foods for sale ty
To imsot' Co.,
the T r ' ['+That have perfect combustion and do not 2-b S. STATE ST
.0 LL l r smoke or smel Just Received a Large and legant
The Now Rochester, The Yale, Tha New Royal, The Perfec- LiXLQ of NGew Pipes!I
lies asd Clad Luches at all husr Agent
banjos tion Student, The Prinicess Student, Thle Empress Studelt, all fr Hlyler' and Williams and Wrnes C.'
eerie- nickel plated, with latest improvements. We sell what we ad- CoclE HanLBans.O
d can vertise aiid guarantee quality of goods and are never uidersold. 20 S. State St., Sager Bloc.
it.. 44So nth Main Street. DE N & CO P N Subscribe for the Daily

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