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November 14, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-14

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i'uhllshed Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the College year, at
otrexn E Timexs-building, 79 S. Main St. be-
tween Liberty and William St.
J. F. THOMAS, 97.

Each of these reasotis helps to brinig
ablouit ablick of lihe spir'it 11ha1 i11 1-
stituition. of learinilg iost nieds. Yet
eacih of il1s(57 ralise is in itself a gooil
thinig andilose thati is fulndamientl oI
thie 1-nipcersity's existnce. 1n rico
of su1111forts Awe roil do iiotihiig I
lameiit an1 ait for the timie Whieii
each studenti41,1s1iomleiiepareied only
to got as muchilat.i therexpen se (if the

l~i -
} . '
f , -

wins the jury of shoe buyers and it's
ours hy a heavy niajority. too-twear
should he top qsiality. Thec feet can't
stolidanythiing else. Prices shioulid ho
low', so as to keep the shoe tax withim
hounxds. You won't feel our shoe
prices, hut they will niake you feel
pleased. 'There ace11o corn growers
like hbsd shoes. Cone to us and get
s cad of hshyoe awearg oursfoo.

BUSINESS MANAG.ERniverity anl his fi llo w-stlullanbs asorted f heshe eain yL-fot
O. H. HNs, '98.
-his oIi0ii pecliabr ibilities Ienabtle 1Ilini .L."' ] RYf1NI.RNo :an Sut.,
EDITORS to seizie. I AnAbr
N. L. GEnSMxER, '9x L. F. S. SYMONS, 'is. -___
Fi . Leua'998. H. IH. CS~sIsA,'.' Communication. ./
C. M.CGREN, 99. Athletic Editor. ltio , fOt or
W. W. Ilughex, 'iS. S. W. Smith,'it. D-ily fNv 1,-dsindb
F. A. Fuchs, '98El. Louise Dodge, '99ifNo. 1.$ii),s50'i0b
W.Y orl,'8 utrLm,10.S .Sen p. n A. . Smith. '97. C. Lull, ir., 990M. Otebi ,llManag;er, 'ii)footbiall p-iii. Mlieni'xshole arid Plack IKersey Overcats, sleee
placeslined will SkOinners satin piped facings. Nidges
liaisll'iiafiN'lgt liiiit raic or hemmed, Ciay sr Serge lising
fromii i ii'a(-li'. "tCaitain Si'iter 0115
The subseriptios price of the tDaiiy is 4250oiicilsulll-diespicrilly in reg-alilto nSiiiiwao
for tht coilego year.,iwith a reguiar deliveiry
tifornodoteratdy.ter esdiifrouiiir- 'adsi ha ewudhae
Holly, offioehbe-mtier 'ibesded foriici- rirri'tSlme style as those at 015.10, iiut higher :tradets
tion must be ihanded is at t11Dilyof1ce1e(1o9:Iy' II whiis meansntbettrccloth.
fore S p. m., or mailed to the eiditor before 39hc en etrcoh
p. in., of the day prevsit to that os wichel What I dlid say was, ill effeit, tlall
they are expected to appeile.
Subscriptlosmay br leftlae Thle Daily Ialitulltil'of tliii'footbill 'o-iiiiiitthi'i.0M
Office, Sleye's or Stofiiet's Neostand, or wt uiesMngr ueieswl o. fTeloddo e(eos a ~
fee a furor hy reporting promptly at this
office ana failure of carriers to deliver papler. ci'051i11 ttliy I1I. tlniiw sel(l111ot llly. Bu lc n os fet-l ol eg
'tisi was li1119personal oliioiiiiii 1i4lining, shoolders oatin lisd1. A fInctailor mode
'i~etlnecsoiii tht Il efortis ii'garment is cvery respect.
We -undrstnd tat ll ffor isbe-I N 1 1101thik. clieaily lundiersto'llodx-
lu12.gIladell illthii'class lif1'9 toaviiia
theAnnal all Tat he aststrf I'.IOellially is 1Ilillsill0aidirieitor
1111 injured'i tihe'Iiieirsilv Icall li beiofithe Athultii' ssoot itliii'the oly
dutdbRoneaqaitdIihwhiciriconlsidered It' Ilprotestilries'llt 5 .,5'
ile facts. "l lr Ill liht'knifi' was idi-
by the1'High Sichiold. 11h1oliill know
lil~ellb9 111 lii fa~riliy friiiei 111'e111'sof 111a11 board as well as I
11101 newspaperl's all ovetheii iillcn iiiitry'wslrrlltatli'I i'1
Ihilr rlildelre ll 10 101 ilcc toAol: this "ro jsram. oio
s1h1wnfil'Ah.,10a saeilllt li Ii')1 liiwe llililic''il9 liy111 I'- Sut t te S . A n . ..b r
of theittie11 91adililhlillh liso ad'sritriaDren1t119. 1' 01. Straiandi'Hitter'
thoesr h(ied liree.e-i- --us-aoes SliedrFree
such11a1com' aaiveltl pettirr affair a18stillolil ihillllthehtillvilliciss 1rl 'forilthis
Ahhohlghi a yt:u1 coditin s rlc sIcllllNiii-.shoryiIiii1i. Ma). eI:tu deb1ate, ~TR~q~
taot a Ihi fle shil, x is t 1111 Resl'c' iihi c T'hat whrllhis I.noP. ' s theliilV119.S H IR T
1c aessin tilillilisevloris f etiili'gl'shirt ll lx hill xill itin" tihiel'Ui'hni-I
ellatile hhil'itray ilesiirill he Ilatvhrsityof _____________ Leland. T. Pwers-----------------------------Nov.e3


tis is trull'is siiiitil 'inelacihofli ''HANKSGIVINI' DAY G A-Mh..
s11111ortiof college 01--li/.111100andliii A rati' if $5 will ht' givenl for'thei
Icii "lvIi' lhlllrel'il resill-cel sentl
a-rsity I'l'till ;so it iiler a litei'f chlsill'hilsvelorOilgai
,oratl tc atuean il te lckofsi11leihtslllil sill b lailced il 01sale at
o 111t1'selsttements15is not leelled llixt aveek. MCreiniite alhlloence-
tbiey-srI' ,elf-evidlentitoao dy w-019-uithlI1111111 rI'ginig tickeits, etc., atill he
the eastobseval~on. e b letis mad1e'ill the Daily cearly next aw-eri.
contri~itioni ut laffairs tliilie checto for1A11HG1S,1'gr
cauises: Pirst.thilt'falctha11111the 111i- I'TA LAN ORItHE:SliZA.
versfy i a sate nstilltin; sc 'flu'he1 ixersity 01111001 of Dancing
Vl'si9'is suse iltllltliil i'I0n1.atill giae its secoindl prograum party Sal-
Ille cr1edit syste'ml; third, .the i nelir urday evening, Not'. 14. Ousic iy Ili
of women studnilts; fiiil~tiithe' factt Italians Orcihestm,. Single aidnissioni
thst this is a poor man's college, 50 cents a couple.

Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra ----------------- Dec. 11
Charles A. Dana------------.-------------------_-- Jan. 21
Ex-president Hrio-------------Feb. 1
Luther Laflin Mills, (Claicago Alum-niiNumliber)-- Feb. 12
Imperial Quartet-------------------------------- March 12
Oratorical Contest------------------------------- March 19
Lucius Ferry Hills------------------------------- April 2
John Kendrick Bag-------------April 13
Harriiso Nnmher e$1.50
Oratorical Contest .25
TICKETS NOW ON SALE-Heserved tichets on sale Thursdsy,COct. Sth, at 'Palmer's
deog shore, State street, and Water's Pools store, Main street.
JAMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary.

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