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November 14, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-14

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(D IL D OBERLIN PLAYS TODAY. senators. she has the greatest nmer 98 Wins from High School.
atT4, 9o college graduiates in the House of Niet-eiglt defeatedl the High
1.edig Tal rBest Home Game of the Season-- lteisesentattes. seliol at the fae gronidostra
ingree and Duffy Pay. ddt ons to the Museum. afterooni by a sore of ait to nothing.
AND IMPORTER.- Sea-sial uldliitions loie beei masis- uua cr t ls gms
At three o'clock this afternoon the toris ro tIhe gane has '9is inttr-
to_____________ i the sniseilsi later.iss C b, rsit- phirs Oerlini on te Alest<i- erence. the gane was not as close
pp p p p y DaeI 5khas lolitth asml lcto
FULL ULS SUITSA SPECIALTY. Lil.Oelnwl tdutlypoeo ok rn atr 'ni}rua h cr niaefrtebl
___________________ a very wsorthysloppoenti, teamsas Is tsif lRussetlihisise*sued a1 lls itwas eit ifn cos prximiy to the
NO. 2 E WASHINGTON ST. .NEAR MAIN. sisaleseral of te sroig tste555i ess tou uesiest VssHs-osIighs School's goal string oth halres.
__________________________________ -csll(-es andsi l oislioiteal#rsad.sly .11d 1. s. iiiiser Sill to Coies-. ss I lre ]attr team Iipst a slenaid de-
ts-^si1t0. 1 + te exerience gainiesinii these gmess. gia l
Isit us largs- Iscitardssissll usdt la sislss is-giietssg
THT flIIPU G ,i--l} isa te ss-asnsuObeliit sas dt s-his irW!oo. tiislsssitisl If the 'fhs- oiclidoina-isadisse in the se-
# ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n TH ThUI eieiiytscg):0isI.sus s is alt tsr et~ihnsosi. and Osan isk-h
will disappear- if you try Ilinois 26to6is but issit i pr lat i-i- as-t e ssned gia o1 sal. Thss-riamisislined nip as fol-
our Syr. of Tar sod Wild his-sdays afte s eliisgulasr Chica-sgos.lws:
S Cherry. It comes in 2c Theliii-" pis-a-icisss sss-uscrossaess
b ottles and tastes good. : .-issicolene stthiso 0.liosul sefsti-sl Striggowheal1 raess-s a-siire . tI tssisis c i ' 1t bunn... tt... H. iS.
haosieovieii r1 si-is-s- s ii-si isi isRss . . . ogsi
PAMEISPHARMACY. oar micsstaronig-s-s'tisssan-hfis-pia}'si iunstii's-in ssie. This rsstea ss...t111. g..... Neal
0 46 S. STATE ST!isi liiicgosadIsi lliinsis. Ii uet ssii- c -o Sd b r. MogItc alN wonh ...- ic.isi... i.Bu s
Oberin udoubedly has no 'ith isld ry 1-hgli a dy elii l y'iiiisit the- isis - - - -... -r.g - tt. eielang
s iio et fill-liiack s in h ahss-as - h t .is.i- - . ..- - rtain
I .Anfed r~ uelr fi l bINcOTH1EIFCIWEEK I(ii avisisositheilssiniissiiisiiu iiniisfst - isialdr.ee..s..-- - -..sBci
u o sse l et (i i s-s-s-s is i ll the liii ilis liisi - t s - sn ses si
The ha-e rat herl i~-aginst ns is 55 isis-itis- Atsprsui-iisisisili'-Cit- tisslisis sosf .isis. is.....iss.Sch-ode
lou sas- out a-cdii iistgatslis-othse si-sussis. everyonesho u ldi el l e-sli5~ lstiisis I i Slsdq
is iiiic-l iioniey s 5w0 desires neil i s e ssl liiie- Itli-ilinii ll itodaisy s"a e.D n f5.555. .is.si. Tc-iir o iiiiiss ~ i ...i - uirners
ae wsill soitinoe our tgeest ieduclsstion sils tis'Varsity ssslsi le gives-ss ni.siei ir is lssiof51 ichs . w lss i slsi iiiis. lse-
sale' ainothiei weeck ito coise slonig a vry sassiosecpios ni siat tis sinic ootreo, 1"ca r
till the eveniiig of Nove res 16t-u hh sssand i iialii d iis- iisii i s-cig as-is It--s of is st s a n d siil 1 ipis 5 -Wright siidl Norris.
siipply yoursel saiths reliable foot isis-its i ci siigii. ashis-I, was-s- i n-is lsss Siis sss shse-
areas. i~~~~~~go.I-A.istosig tsamisiill hpt ili isssia-lslssiii-si-si Iisigsil
wear.ili ssl iithss-ieissfieadteer a - e ldepen-leb) illutae sevr-i iooiclThe Gun Club.
JACOBS & ALLMj.!Ai.I facts - s* 1 aithe-ill ii tli iiiiiioinsofflolori
Xeashut onhs t pt upsi--i- a-il ol iss ii game siss- iisi ls ii s everii al io -f isesis eri f heta
Waslingtono 111k. asington s. Dfy n.ige si ohply t !tls h aefn ftrapesh ~otig
is i tli ehisd-tsissi sihsill b i s - Mastsiyeariformed aed Is(,sa-t). At first
E'Ei' sIt Eetr -lls-si pot sjiiuiity his sit'-theii- tisesthis-isi-uship in the lub l stssslisisis
SHOULD" REGISTER 'isis- s i hushositree-.
-AT- i-ing oabiliy. 5 edIss siitoii - otholiI ssioi tei-acly-, uti si le-
3z'o~" .'e Dru.~ St re. tis' sifisisis ia-il liiI'd s.ilureslb. s t 5lt ois-hi 1fs pae hei s t i-is ll -s-s-b ltsiis-ii-i iic is li
'iii isisi Ie offiiaswilrlush (. lrillouus osi el s reXiib u ~t eeas susi-isisscse'' s'rse-siuusugs l. s-
It costs yossuotting..Do sot neglect it T'lictushsksort as isis-heii'fors''e 0 iss w
Cornie of 5uMa in uonus ts s ib bi is ii . hsOttiicoutof te li Icisis- is55h5t ofirelabeingad l'rit on.T eini esus's ii s ii hs-
isIlst i ilshihii
- 4 ,, -lisug sit hiss-Nihisislassgamsi twi. :tavisdsut- preh s enssisstiso 4o peisons. Thes
Co E Tandem at s sssisisi-ilhi'stboa's ss ilsiss 50inithe irdlii tcoilii'st5 i. b-os lit' oiir fli Iusu r-iut
isis ii susisut-ul dsti'ius'ssiv--'
Fowler Combination. Lady Sts ticeti.i i li suiitsiiis i iiu utI Majori Sionle ; stitr-iyirlus tesisrarer'
Behsint. For Rent IBy C '-itisuis Sisise sunniuuuiu thes proiiChiai Ssies1thus, -aptass iiinPrfssr' Sur-
TUCKER 8&, CO., FiTH1AVE. chh-tus-sl stslsso ~ ilasds iuiiii' s-siis's
teener____________________________ --ss; Bailer anus s iet i s'ii.gisiris - - ibirg sun t -aick ,hsos's'e Iee-ei. IDoi,
U13 IVERSITY SCHOOL ''itisi uit IIissnisgr siks ; Iusus-i- asMeeting Sunday. Iosri-s-assi-Ientsis iis-free i(,
1. rd 13iiiihisit.llan G eelef, 'ns:; i-ilacir iioat s inigfitaudut wils al i'heIB iey
O F DANCING isis Iis-s ree'ssgsi-ulust I iii.hlustss: hiel, ito I iassslcHIlshSudasy moiirn- At present tel bsigtotssssusstui
Oppsiste Law aildisus his5.0 ascter or Dtty ousl5 bitlg u us i esss u-illli- ois'-as-i siil (iiS. Suiate s .beoiinitthus
us-alessens a seekigat)1, dl se w lbe M eI
27 TIhomapson Street. Th'hi-'1 au1it- iuulgeds Iin s bisiktsI,%-'Presieti'ii5 Xisau d suher5iii' _-Athssi is-gundssis, u-h isru-this-h-has'
--AT- 5Duffyh us stngftusr' goaslo es bs ' ou I t sssu-l i'li ilutAish siIi-i's- sib of his ss m e s. Ilrtapbs 01
~~ BOOK ~IuKL shill isis huts hiuhus Itua illb'. I ssident(us's'iii-I isusis. 5i'ssiiiotis il1
'uehiieae- tsln o vst Muihigan in Congress I crinsiiui. thussusi. ('suhisr. Coileii-Is. St ss sari hs-li t sySstudays exsp- 't'i
otis stores. XWe have a lage sapply Shialing.Adubs, s s daleIissa husi 'fisi ursi hsin-theidsestason.ssi This ista n
of second landl University 'ret I hsusghsthis Chliicaosi'ot'iss-lls-rassl -.t uusluss.Ilsbeuss.si inlg onatpresnt, ioshosts iill bi-
Books for all thin departments atuslihe isrsit- sCitchi-igsn bablisl nilatrJa.1t
Lawseaid Mledical Books. Germant (tler'mes ssss ofs' st hiss-cult. bsltssIsfsslsst
and French Classics. noislui i n uiiithei IiuissilStutes'sesnat'e ci i-ii shhieissi a-'sht BuoSeid a o e
Books 20 cents each. [ta oemmes(f h aut
The best Linen Paper 20 ents!per hI{ aitsissensslutofrot ASliussiuua iitsan-i' b relss any ione 5015e.lAusessotsistlbthus'adehuu'tlosslaurt
hie by and exchange second tucss se s issi hisuss 'sli l'imeiis'nhtg is s-slts-it ghiss'Sudentss' i thibs-'fhonrsisOr~cestra for a ca-
hand books.IBiscesi(Tf ihio, suit Artluhurown,-ofs Chit n AsissAsouesisutions anst slthosuguui ssi hssc ii l'of'5 tsues. hs
Agents for thin Waterman Foun- lttcert- heresdui' in-ui theusthirnfear tsu futureas'.iihelsble sh-
tin Pen. Lttei acnowlegas-hissan autiew stuudihasbeetmad tilerp tetue
lhatbematical Instruments and slmass maste.'Jhn P. uF suatuts us-Beetis-ct -iit 'san his'stastsi-ihlsomsissuss' hoha tuie-ndr h
Drafting Supplies a specialty. isrueta h asn f ud olaigmseso h l oli
The best prices to evryody tls.I fi gssusuercIulesraindebteinesi bescnsifund. by a thgra~tiestof'Iceloayewrd i
Give us a trial miajoritiygof 24 3;735a-tes iiithe First! j the luitesh Statis ust has s-ry few
W AR'S BOOK STORE Cogsssi-.onal tDistit of ('oloadoihs, the This fruseruutiss will gie the pat- equitals, if ayau-els this sculer to
Uap TowsDoswn Tows lugest majority eser given a cougess- i sa at thus-Th'ankuosgiring tlay guuue u-sitse arangs-ueos hi' uesmade lcal
$q59. tate st Opposite Curt House'C iaotln ile it
Ass Aror Matns t tI nal candidate Besides these four,-CiaoItsea al sit

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