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November 13, 1896 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-13

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MICHIGAN (3NTIA =s ' ae o c - -1
Time Table (Revised) Sept 27 186
MalNand Es -1_347 NY Special 1 735'
N. Y. Special... 4 lb t Mil __----_8 41 . ®
Eastern Ex---10 1 N SLimited q 21
Atlantic Ex -_ 7 :i Pacific E... .2IT Is
ONExpress--_ 540 Western E___1I51
G. R. Express ..11 15 Chi. NI. Es _ f + l
. W. Resoons, H X. HATE,°i
I. P. & T. Agt.. Chicago Agt Aon Arbr
Tins Tabl, Oct. 27, 1896.
7l: "It1a. 5. 113011, . en.
4:0 p. so -5:52 p . :v . '' ++ = : 2 '
lisl e btween Ans, Arb~or san Toledo oly.
All tains di ly 1except Sundhay. The LUCKsY ICSRVEI of the GEO. S. PARKER Funtau e
EW.GILMOeRE, Agent Slpon P- ee ris ote 1 -. 5P en0
W. H. BENNETT H.P A. Tsleds . !
Wat t al e riso are to :le B Ile. A peeled[en ad sarrated by lbe Pssker
TimeTabe, My 1. 196 IIs, Conpasy ,~solos-l J. C. FREUD, 99, 47 S. Univerity Ave.
Leave Ypsilanti from Coness St.. :30 8:011
and 11:00 a. i.; 12:4,12:00, :0,:00, 6:4, :10 ______________________________________
and 1015 p. m
Lease Ann Arbr Jsnction, 7:00, 8:30 ndTrtOu Pef m s
11:30 a. i. 1:1, 2:0, 4:00, 5:0 7:15, 9:00 and Ty 0Perfumes!
SUNDAY TIME, ehv eyfn ln fPrue hc
Leave Ypsilanti frsm Congress st.,l:30, 3:30, W aeavr ieln fPrue hc
5:00,6:30 adi9:00 p. m. wll gl ad t youho
Leave Ann Arbr Junction, 2:00,4;00, 5:0, wilLyou be tso
700 and 9:30 p.m. -j",.0 . 17EWahnon
Cars run on city time Fare: single tripl uml ys D urLS ore, 1Cor, 4th Ave.
cen; round trIp tickets 25 cents. .vI.Ifh~rI1
WM. F. PARKE, Spt _________________________________
THE KINDERGARDEN BLLIARD HALL .VFHLEI'IC ASS'N. FINANCES. surlysterisl' l::o :lludnt:who:, :11:
___________ l::c'sosgi tlo after.:'the: m :en Cvrsily
RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS 1,(ContinuiedfsouiiilFirst ltoe.). arsre) Sl: :il '3101i::::': lsset7.:Int:1 00:111
W holesale Cigars robaccos asd 1:3:1tI t ieir 001111s the sow:y 0they te--ISO:1pinch'l:Ito 0511w i il l ol al .01 l:0ltil::
Cigarettes. ser1e50 he ii:Oil:ote:. if11ou:cannot11 for1 the7::: ii: e sitlfy oill: osli:i: 0we :are
Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. l9ilI10:01:.A101yos ie ta1r0esoilii 1):1113 11 010.
(1111l° 1 'e kno Li:w 00': liac': 1111h:ad 111:2 1 :0 i:::sia civil isui :1a XXway 0:1 l-
P R ,LN I poor i: :s tie yobut I is iio :11:1 Ilsl l:- 01113137 to1thosev interested 1 I f yolie
.4157151 . ll p lay ar illo XX:e 11011 11:1k:and iis(l 1.101. 11tlh v-1Nsiy ofIlirs
TxE1,:lo 1110 :iiiiI to:1111: r h. idill i nr I: 01 ' 90-codiion, Sch oe oGame. ol
Ee rytlug for tlip Plryerverybets Illli 1 111d11 1:1 onttnIl lloadd o- lcolt il1111 o::it(1110 ll-
Shoesertooltings, Jiseysr.isnd it srds, f i' 11111- listiof.end1111e .liltilllI
et. Sads fiilItrol~ o urHntogchr. [ttw et nto tltt upr ortlt
FotDai ofcily lope b heI ter lsnlithatl1:1:lttad111 i, 111 1: i a b}d g th100
coleglse esciston. Clmpet (411 If 'X ton1110w il ' liie o eri te1:1-1:1:1' 0 1:3:1s11iaton 111101xw th
hiaerieOsaate.'ess oils t. admit. 1:113 110 011111 111:1I b tm 1w ihw r 1 opod
4A. G. SPA DI'~~G &IROS., eess ary11 ii. WC ni'. 1101 .1ilhave :111 os111:11o o - a i il 11007 '111 ii:'Pres -
ADDBAL ArboEr bbedto 1111illi heli'm1111111111 iil111lln llllllljl
tc ai dr ossiscaniaIte o llegiater fo hi rie, an :ills
Folgao soitoneraolDieto Cr - Clol iti toiveatemts opsIs e thfods Xm de saleoth inees11Isptrn
rogueid eall ic CakerSotsadfe Gae essbeInIt"trTheAl il shoun~m ld b s tehide sd to b"dE , soa s
Cof. Eb ica cat. S DNG& B O. 7 l a d saen pte nin Thelr pinsinarbe rily1 n e t alan c n
NeFour C iao, F iae alve.lstis2fehol t-i1. T e
p bll1nn e 28srp SO utH STATElSTREET
Advertise n THEnDAIL.:fRoomt1 ndu2..- Aii Abopityh.

A. role of $5 svill bl giveln for tbhe
nllinksgiv'inlg Day3- 711101 5itli ('ii-
'o,-.1 . iveso lhundve'd l lso.'1'0: '1at
ii-lsits 1115'- 11011nOsved .11- lil-iiga
ll1(OeiiO 111:1 soill be'- plce ll 1 0110at
71. 0 1:1:-liill Ain. Ar-bor:s-oo~inuii
next ss'ook. 331:1e0 definite alliillOiI0c-
00111 r':g-rin~ilg -bob. det., swill In
:11:1:d ill 1110Daily early n13t 4--el1ld
WOAIeD 7L't211111', Sl z:.
Wi1t1. 2.3 Thlompsonlso.
Is:e ill the )Dtily.

.ogntp .1
leo ndtisnshss. o
TheO a Sleingo Druwing Rot7 ecCa
Line ewe oes ouban
slds, Cuismhss06 Cresto
(0 0. k t's.ET
PullossSlepersbeteenCelsobs an
THE~ ONY SE nt tesone se 6
The ONLY SlIeeills or Drng Room Car
Lebetween Toledo, owlgbHroinas
The ONLY LINEwish 2om rLne etysasl
beeenoTumbu anddCaraelestoWn,
THE ONLY DIRECwth LINEaisecween dany
Sndayth te egnoedoadClm
THE POPLALINE th5tweens Tehwde a y
TEONLY, ee.IlNE wibe2erfuinlusehewayydanw
TH OULTO LNE Aween oledo. A. o
TOLEDO, 06400
Crand Oper~a Houzel
Seas-on sale Thusday,'Sov' 12a1 U . S
Esxpies, offie for the spec1ial enaa. eet
New York Ga~rrieck Thrater Sleck Co,
presenting the new1 four-octcomed~y hy 11.
sGreenoughb Smith
Castle S o=bras.
Prices-$1.50, $1.25, $1.00 and 75c._
HURRAH!I Ann Arbor' It last has a fine
Riestauralotand ILuntchCount~er,
The Por~tland Cafe
66 S. MatnSItrleet.Anythisgn11 51 'P
aso~l thle ineat P :btiBoaridn c ily, 3S(i
per eeb. Be _slarsmrah~sL. Oree DAY
AD sslT 1eo'. .-DoIln't forget-A upre'-
ialty of Sundaly 1Dinners.121t02:30P.
New Link Cuff,

Students buy the Best Fountain Pen in the market. Every one Guaranteed.
WA'TERMAN 'S IDJEAL at the ---
STUDNTS OOKSORE Crane's fine St ationery for polite correspondence. Best linen papers
STDNT OO SO sold by h on.Clling Cards Engraved.
S HEEHA N 8&tCO..,TT c

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